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objectively shit list
Language charsets not in latin == ugly, simple as.
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Don't know about the sound but the orthography of Hungarian is the ugliest I've ever seen
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How does Persian(not with Afghan accent)sounds to foreigners?
>Don't know about the sound
so why did you feature it in your languages based on their sound tierlist?
without joking, arab is really the most disgusting language by sound, but the writing is incredibly beautiful.
>most disgusting
spanish and southeast asian languages on their way to take the title
Hebrew and Arabic at least have some beautiful words, Chinese however is just the most disgusting thing in existence
not really, but i guess for everyone its different.
Worst sounding languages
arabic, chinese, danish, dutch, german, hebrew, norwegian, polish, portugese, swedish
As an aside Chinese girls have cuter accents than Japanese girls when speaking English imo
arabic is the ugliest written language, it looks like a schizophrenic writing nonsense
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trust me, it's your turkjeet culture that makes your brain think Greek is uglier than turkish
Semitic languages are an acquired taste mein germ
Somewhat like arabic without the throat sounds and more sibilants, bretty good overall and easy to learn apparently, it's on my bucket list
Turkish is absolutely vile yeah
Kurdish and Persian without the Arabic influence sound like typical Indo-European languages to me. Kinda like Romanian, Croatian, Armenian etc.
really? i love my language but didn't know that anyone else found it beautiful
>Greek is uglier than turkish
I'm probably more engaged with Greek language then you Europoid. We lived with them for 1000 years here, you didn't.
Also we are talking about our own feelings here, so it is not surprising that a Turk and a German have different ideas about the sound of the Turkish language.
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Additionally I would add farsi and bengali in A.
Not rating the dialects, but the accents when speaking "standard" Italian:
Italian from northern italy: disgusting and painful to hear, wrong vowels and various abominations
Italian from Lazio/Rome/central Italy: perfection. Listen to Gigi Proietti
Italian from southern Italy: monkey sounds/arabic
Italian with Sicilian accent: kinda hot
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feel free to seethe
like is there even a single thing that northern italians don't get shit for? Why is that part so despised by other italians lmao.
You caring about someone liking how an old language sounds like is infinitely more soy.
Especially the western dialects, yes. I still prefer Swedish over east urban Norwegian though
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>arab is really the most disgusting language by sound
I think it can vary a lot according to dialect
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turkish and urdu at the bottom is a retarded take. German at B is understandable, italian at gigachad? I get it. spanish? I can buy that, BUT JAPANESE? why are you weebs like this? that dogshit language is C MAX
and anyone not putting danish in F tier is either deaf or got to fuck a danish baddie
He is Norwegian, he is the definition of soy
Im absolutely sure Georgian sounds awful for most people.
I can't listen to someone talking arabic without laughing. All I get Is funny noises and my brain refuses to think it's actually a language. Inshallah alhamdulillah mashalla tabarikallah
I love it :)
I even thought of learning it but probably never gonna considering there are languages that I wanna learn before it
>why are you weebs like this?
not a weeb, I like how it sounds
The few sentences I’ve heard sounded like a typical unintelligible euro language to me. Not great not terrible, much better than exotic languages like Arabic and Chinese
Portuguese is fucking ugly and brazilian is even uglier
Maybe the economy but rents becane insane and you pay for a box in Milan the same for a full house somewhere else. I like the Alps, but South Tyrol Is more Germanic than Italian
Anime Japanese is C tier but the fast speaking normal one is A tier.
ara ara guud fuuur yu
So the consensus is that Brazilian Portugese sounds better than Portugese?

Vietnamese is cute though
It's remarkable how mad Chinese is. I feel sick after listening to it.
Much better and definitely the best-sounding Romance lang
Bad not mad*
>Persian without the Arabic influence

Yeah the thing with Japanese is that the different ways of speaking (politeness levels/dialects/gender discrepancies)allows it to range from okay to great.
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Hohol language should be 200 tiers below all others.

Normal Japanese people don't speak differently from "anime characters". Here's a "normal real life" Japanese song from the famous singer Daoko.

It's literally the same language,both in anime and real life Japan. In fact, I'd say that in real life Japan they probably use even more honourifix and polite verb conjugations than in anime
makes sense since 50% of indonesian vocabs are dutchs lol
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portuguese and russian sounds the same
Spanish > the rest
Definitely no weird and unpronounceable sounds
depends a lot on who is speaking it, I understand why americans don't like Spanish (they only listen to mexicans), mexican spanish is like D-tier while Castillian spanish is A-tier and argentinian is B-tier, I might be biased lol
I thought that indoeuropean speakers would find finnish weird and shit tier language, nice to see not everyone think that way
it's mostly same
10% difference I would say
Finnish is realy beautiful desu
Colombian paisa girl Spanish is S tier
>only 1 sex is good
coomer opinion
I don't like when it's spoken really fast. Kind of ruins it for me.
>not divine
Idk how most of these languages sound like
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Languages I haven't heard are in indifferent category.
why do so many people like Brazilian Portuguese?
Actually, Finnish might be S tier too.
why not
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>hinga dinga durgen
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rate my taste
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>Sweden beautiful
>Norwegian devine
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finally, someone admits norwegian sounds better than swedish

ahahaha, nope.
>all of these portuguese
>not in f tier
it's so ugly
Euro Portuguese yes
norwegian sounds better in general use, but swedish is way more beautiful in song

Some languages are beautiful but don't work in music. German sounds forced, the syllables don't fit etc. Brazilian Portuguese and English on the other hand are perfectly accessible even if you don't understand them.
What the fuck is the difference between Brazilian and Portuguese?
mainly the R and T sounds
Portuguese (cultured portuguese, not the diarrhea spoken by the masses) is one of the most expressive languages of mankind.
this can be applied to 99% of the languages of the world.
brazilians are so retarded that they think the most beautiful language of the world, when in fact they live in shit in their little provincial world.
The exact opposite is true for russian.
>this can be applied to 99% of the languages of the world.
And yet you cite none.

>brazilians are so retarded that they think the most beautiful language of the world, when in fact they live in shit in their little provincial world.
Sorry if I'm not a insufferable self-hating faggot like you.
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My humble opinion
people in Europe seldom know about Brazilian Portuguese, but the ones who do find it beautiful
almost all languages, when well spoken, are beautiful (except for some obscure languages such hmong, or other ones i listened to).

again, certainly you never left this accursed place and lived overseas, but i did. you don't speak the most beautiful language of the world, retard. the world doesn't revolve around you.
in fact, no one cares about shitzil, even if they knew where they coffee came from.
Our language is indeed beautiful and sexy. I still think languages such as Italian is better overall, but our accent is quite nice.
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ignore those fags they're just brazil haters
probably a moortuguese in ireland and that "saudi" is a known vpnjeet here
I think he means the way certain things are expressed. Like if someone asks you ‘hey, may I have a piece of cake?’, the common response is ‘help yourself’, but in Arabic it’s ‘whatever your eye desires is yours’.
When did I say portuguese was the MOST beautiful language in the world, you absolute mutt? Learn how to read before replying posts on the internet. I recognize the beauty on many languages: french, russian, japanese, italian, english, etc.
is there anybody that actually finds german or dutch pleasant
I find German pleasing. I think German is probably the best Germanic language.
Anyone who puts Japanese up top is a disgusting, brainwashed weeb
Yes, I've never understood the meme about it being an ugly language.
No, I doubt you could find a single person who likes the sound of this language unironically. Even their accents when speaking English are goofy as fuck.
ze blututh divays iz ridy to pail

Why do people think Filipino(Tagalog) sound bad?
I love dutch
I like languages with elongated vowels, basically Germanic languages, Baltic-Finnic languages (proto-Germanic pronunciation), and Catalan, Spanish, etc.
This. That is why Chinese dramas are not that popular in Asia compared to Korean and Japanese dramas and movies
it sounds good, obrigado
The amount of times that I've been told (what I already know) that the English language sounds like Barbarians trying and failing to learn Latin from Greeks in Breizhe...

>Portuguese-flavoured Portuguese
I have a strong feeling that we get regular shipments of their insane, inbred, and incorrigibly criminal, but the Portuguese I hear in Toronto sounds like Russians trying to camouflage as Spanish.
>I have a strong feeling that we get regular shipments of their insane, inbred, and incorrigibly criminal

This is actually a Brazilian immigrant living in Canada:

English sounds cute, Slavs sound like sssššššzzz'ch'ch'sazzhzzhzh all the time.
I did not expect that.
>Brazil nice

Literally sounds like drunken Mexicans speaking but then again you are a kraut.
russian >>> all
cringe thread
hungary + romania finally united against a common enemy
You'd probably like Inuktitut. It's like Finnish and Japanese mixed. It's kinda cute when written in Latin script, a little less-so when spoken.
He's pronouncing his S's properly... ... Is it a Lisbon thing where there's a hard sch sound to the S?
I like the way they speak English... very hard to tell when they're drunk.
He has a Paulista accent, that's why.
The "Sh" sound is indeed originated in Portugal. Rio, the Northeast and some other regions such as Florianópolis retained it, probably because of higher Portuguese ancestry.
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There is just something about the rhythm and combination of phonemes in West Slavic languages that inexplicably tickles my brain
t. Native English speaker
For reference, this is guy a Carioca , you can notice the Sh
>ukrainian s tier
>russian c tier
Its an odd phenomenon but a lot of languages sound way cooler/worse depending on how you speak it. Arabic can sound very wonderful but if you listen to a raging arab youd think hes just saying nonsense
I think so. Ukrainian is more melodic and has some sounds I like better. Maybe I put Ukrainian too high THOUGH. Consider it B, Russian unchanged
Gotta disagree with you on it being more melodic. Maybe I'm biased since I speak Russian, but vowels in Ukrainian sound outright unnatural, and I can't say its just being Western Slavic since Polish doesn't have this problem.
Accent/culture makes a lot of difference... and can change how mood changes the sound.
I'll take an angry Hard Tea British professor over an excited blumpkin from Alabama any day.
Same with singing. Some languages sound nice when sung, and then not when spoken
>Hebrew in same tier as Hindu, below Vietnamese
I hate how Russians overpalatalize everything, sounds like they're speaking backwards, sounds demonic, in a way. They also don't have any rhythm. Their stress in words is I guess at random.
I think Vietnamese gets more hate than it deserves. It can sound cool in certain contexts, but for Hebrew whenever I have heard it even in contexts where it's supposed to sound nice (in songs for example) it made me cringe. Hindi is very ugly, but it's just very, very ugly and apeish. Hebrew and Arabic are freaky and unsettling to my ear.
Absolutely, Having living in the middle east (gulf coast) I can confirm that listening to arabic spoken by men is often akin to listening to angry sandpaper or a cat coughing up a furball, yet I knew an Egyptian girl
who spoke arabic in such a way that it was like being caressed in musical silk. Very jarring.
Why do so many of you rate the scandinavian languages so high? I've never really given them much thought before.
I like the pleasant, singsongy pitch accent in those languages.
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My tier table is the most accurate.
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In Portugal they pronounce S as Sh a lot. In Brazil they also do that in Rio, Amazon region, Florianópolis and Recife
Wrong. In the Northeast it's only pronounced as Sh if it's before T or D (except in Recife, there they sound like cariocas)
Brazilian Portuguese especially in Sao Paulo sounds like an American English speaker trying to pronounce Spanish for the first time
Listen to this and tell me it sounds like it belongs in F tier
Those guttural noises send shivers down my spine. I can't take it. Sorry jewanon.
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literally can't be more objective than this. Other than the Bulgaria part that is.
They DON'T do that in the Northeast. It's only in Recife, the rest of the region only pronounce the S like that if it's before T or D.

The normal S pronunciation is the original way of pronouncing from Colonial Portuguese, all the way back to Latin actually. The Sh in Portugal is a more recent thing. They say it became fashionable in Rio after the Portuguese royal family moved there fleeing Napoleon. In Florianópolis it is because of recent Portuguese immigration. No idea how it started in Recife, probably a natural evolution
explain your gigachad picks
Is this going to be a video from Andy Samberg's Bar Mitzvah?
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Why do people keep adding us as a language? The only languages we have that are unique to us are injun langs, and i guarantee none of you are talking about those.
>all the way back to Latin actually
you mean retracted S, right?
it's plausible that it ended up as unretracted s for some, and sh for others
Is it the shabbas already?
Greek is too low
hahaha, its an 80's woman singer who's known for her deep voice
It's supposed to represent GA English, I don't see a US flag
There's a stereotypical Canadian accent that maybe 50 people actually have somewhere around Thunder Bay.
That... is not selling it, but I'm strangely compelled to know.

Out of curiosity, and since you guys all have rated English quite highly, what do you like about it? As a native speaker I don't really hear the sounds as much as I hear the words and the meaning. What qualities does English have to a non native speaker that compels you guys to rate it so highly?
fucking eurospanish browns saying mexican spanish sounds bad
I mostly have the accent. Not extremely noticeable though
>BCigger born & raised
Actually it's probably pretty noticeable with how I say hoser, around, and how often I say skookum and eh.
Sounds very pleasant
Sounds cool asf
Sounds nice
I like how it sounds
We are simply people
By normal <s> I mean <s> realized as [s] or [z]

In some dialects of Portuguese it becomes [ʃ] or [ʒ] depending of the situation, usually before consonants and never before vowels. This is probably the rule for all dialects in Portugal. In Brazil this occurs only in a couple of cities and the Amazonic region. In the Northeast that happens in <s> before [t] which is pronounced as [ʃ] and before [d] becoming [ʒ]. If I recall correctly this happens in standard german too?
Btw when I talked about Latin I was thinking about s exclusively as [s], I think the vocalization of s in [z] is a novelty from the Portuguese language. In short I was thinking about S as not SH or ZH that you hear so much in Portuguese from Portugal
It takes the raw dominance of a germanic language and combines it with the sophistication of French. But you should know that us not being native speakers doesn't mean much, we all consume English media and are accustomed to the language. Plus if you can't speak English in the current year then you're basically retarded and that awards it points alone.
yes. Stein, Spiel and Schloss all have ʃ
This guy actually thinks the normal S is because or immigrants?
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I'll drop the occasional "Sko for a rip buoys! Onward aboats to Rama for some fuckin darts!"
... but my natural accent's a mess of California and Northeastern vowels, sloppy Toronto d's and t's, Montreal contraction, and this weird southern lilt that feels like a speech impediment.
Wtf is guttural about our accent? Someone from Rio pronouncing R may be I guess? But's only that
I can't even picture that fuckery in my head; nice combos bud!
opinion discarded
uh that's just the UK flag but I meant to put American English. I'm not a big fan of anglo accents. I've just had so much exposure to American English including my own thought process that I cannot not put it up there. For a start it fits the music industry as if it was molded for it. It's also simple enough without the pretentiousness of French, but without taking as much of a negative impact as some other phonetic languages do when they shave off all pretentiousness. For an example depending on what you say in Bulgarian you can either sound aesthetic or like an arab and its a hit or miss with the way that it is phonetically pronounced. That's overkilling the whole anti-pretentiousness and French is overshooting in the other direction and being too tryhard, and English is like the sweet spot. And Italian, which is why I put both there.
People can't understand me unless I speak slowly. It's mildly humourous.
I can't wait to spread this Pontypool Linguistics Virus to northern BC, and watch Ontario burn on the news.
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good thread
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Whilst most people do speak English, I assume that having English as a secondary language rather than the primary might create a difference in outlook.

Interesting, IK that UK accents can be very variable. Any personal reasons why yankee english is preferable to you over british accents? How do the other English accents rank to you (Australian, canadian, New zealand, South african)?
>can be variable
You can travel two towns over and it's like you're in a different country.
Well we were taught anglo English at school and the teachers had perfect anglo accents and it was like a forced program by the EU to make continentals learn the continental variant before the overseas one (you were still a member so the EU pandered to you even though you don't like to admit it), but nevertheless I actually learned it by watching American media and playing American games. The 45 minutes at school once in a while do not compare to the rest of my day being mostly in American English. As for the others' accents that are out of Albion, I'm quite indifferent. Canadians sound like their southern mutt cousins and Australians sound a bit like you but not quite. I don't know anything about South Africa other than it being an anti-white state.
Absolutely, one of the best things about travelling through Britain in my opinion. Not really sure why this isn't the case for other English speaking nations, Colonial nations definitely have had the time and population size required to see such accents form. I bet non English speaking countries also have lots of fluctuating regional accents, just less well known about.

Nothing makes somebody hate something quite like being forced to learn it against their will, makes sense.
What do you think of Scottish accents?
Scottish accents are like marmite
Completely different, specially the vowels phonetics.
No I don't hate the anglo variant, I just don't like how pretentious it sounds. Almost like it is forced. I'm sure that all of you have a mental switch that you can flip and turn into red blooded Americans on the spot, it's just that you choose to speak like that as a cultural snowflakery. Nothing against that either, it's just not my cup of tea. Americans seem uncaring and authentic.

Worse than anglos but then again they're just like you and are trying to be snowflakes to preserve their uniqueness. Maybe it's better that way and from your point of view resisting the mutt empire is a necessary thing that has to be enforced culturally, like it is for Scots and their southern overlords. There is one such snowflake country next to us that takes the LARP to a whole another level so I get the cultural dynamics in a way.
It's wider swathes here, but the maritimes, the population belt, north/eastern Ontario, the prairies, and BC all sound quite different.
>german rates his own language as beautiful
Honestly, it seems that about 80-90% of people like or are indifferent to Scottish accents but the rest really dislike them.
I think someone's opinion of the accent is affected by the social class of the Scottish speaker.
I am Scottish. I'm interested in why you think our accents are worse than those of England. If it's because some people lay it on thick then I understand. Some people try to show off how Scottish they are online and it gives me second-hand embarrassment.
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Scottish is the best UK accent, RP the worst
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I rated the flags I knew and skipped the rest
deal with it
>If it's because some people lay it on thick then I understand.
Yes in a way. My assumption is that if your language was to be spoken without any regional influence then it would probably sound like your average mutt. Something like Biden or Trump. The further away you are from that the more it sounds like you're trying hard to be unique, which I don't like for not just personal reasons but also geopolitical ones that my country is involved in. There is an entire fictitious state next to us that is essentially Bulgaria but draws its inspiration as not-Bulgaria from how quirky and unique it is. It is a weaponization of language and dialects and I dislike it when others try to deviate from their culture's equilibrium, it just feels inauthentic and forced. Maybe dislike is a big word, I only dislike Macedonia. Don't care much about others. Just rather prefer the mutt variant which I see as authentic and not tryhard. Absolutely nothing personal or negative against you as a Scot. I dislike the southern anglos for other reasons that are not the language, such as their desire to erase my country in two world wars.

>Some people try to show off how Scottish they are online and it gives me second-hand embarrassment.
oh yes I've noticed this with anglos. It seems insecure.
Why isn't there an American flag option?
American English is based
All Yuro English varieties are dogshit
*pats you on the head*
Good boy
That might be so, the most insufferable uk accent in my opinion has definitely got to be the upper middle class Edinburgh Scottish accent. Though, this is probably just because I had to deal with a real smarmy git from that area who was a full on commie and just would not fuck off. Residual hatred is a thing I suppose. I do like the scottish accent around inverness.

I would definitely agree with you on Scottish (UK posters in general) who try to act up on their scottishness, englishness or irishness.

Na, I would say that without regional influence Muttish is still somewhat different from British, the only british accent that's really forced is received pronunciation, and that way of speaking has long been disused following the dismantling of the empire and all that shit. Though, with the internet a lot of the old accents are getting globohomo'd sadly. Your opinions on Macedonia pretty much mirror my opinions on Ireland.
Can you guys adopt Bristol? They don't belong in England.
I dont see rioplatense spanish, shitty list
Honestly, we forgot you were there.
Georgian - Elvish
Welsh - Magical
Basque - Caveman grunts
Gaelic, Irish/Scottish - Angelic
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Uncultured mutt

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