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In my opinion, Asian people will never find happiness in America. We are treated like second class citizens. No one acknowledges our problems because the media spreads the false idea of the model minority. My only hope for happiness in life is escaping to Japan.
What problems do you have?
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I am tired of trying to explain my problems. People here don't want to believe that Asian people in America experience a ton of racism..
Why are there 3 different asian bocchi the cock posters?
bocchi the cock
I would have more sympathy for you guys if only you lot weren't a part of the antiwhite coalition.

Careful with the blaqs.
>higher median income than whites
>higher homeownership rates than whites
>better representation in high status jobs than whites
>entire month dedicated to celebrating your culture
>”b-b-but someone said my lunch smelled funny in elementary school so we’re oppressed!!!”
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One would think that, with them winning so hard, and also facing the same discrimination in higher education that Whites face, that they wouldn't be siding with the people who are discriminating against them and Whites.
>I will escape being treated a second class outsider by moving to... NIPPON
absolutely delusional kek
Lmao have you been oppressed?
things will get better over time, zoomers adore asians unlike the older cowd, my own sister is obsessed with korean dudes
in japan you'll get left alone which can be good or bad
If you returned to your parents country would you deal with being treated like an outsider.
Asian Americans are like high functioning manchildren. They'll work an engineering job 16 hours a day to go home and spend $1000 on valorant skins and sleep in a bed with 30 stuffed animals.
I treat my Asian gf better than anyone because she has sex with me.
Why would they be like this. It's so pathetic
At least you aren't Indian in Canada. The locals want to exterminate us.
overall, americans are too obsessed with racial things.
it's unreal.
If you are born in America you are incredibly lucky no matter what race. I'm from a poor country originally, but I worked hard to get documents and a visa to get here, I work and support myself and have supported several other people in the past. Any fucking whining American should be deported and replaced with someone from India or Africa who will genuinely appreciate the opportunity and contribute to society being a better place. Meanwhile all you do is complain about everything, incite unrest and disorder and try to tear down the actual things that are there in place to help you.
As an Asian in America, I come from a rather small White town, in which I straight up grew up being enamored by my peers for being different. Never been called a chink or a gook once in my entire life, if anything being from a Korean family actually made more people interested in making friends with me. You are full of crap, and looking for a reason to claim victimization lol. God Bless the U.S, I love its people and it loves me. :)
good thing my cousin hangs out with blacks and mexicans, he does not do this manchildren shit
My sister's friend is Asian. Got married and had twin girls. Now citizen ship too. That's what I call a happy story
asians are wildly successful in burgerland so what ever kind of "suffering" you're experiencing is invalid.
No way. No one pulled their eyes at you ?

>Zainichi Korean
everyone suffers. you’re just a little Taiwanese mentally ill pussy living in Irvine
No one acknowledges anybodies problems besides blacks, gay people and women but in recent times not even them just the gays
anyway get over it chud
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this is true, you guys are pathetic
this, i've seen american families living off food stamps and still being able to afford cars, computers and phones easily, not to mention their kids having a lot more opportunities in education and their career
Only ricecels are suffering. Noodlewhores are so happy that they always can get biggu whitu cockus and say "I don't date with asian guys because they look like my brother tee hee"
Yes yes send your sisters to poland kim. Pretty please
What could we get for compensation?

Could you please let us build every Nuclear power stations instead of Amerimutts?
You are the most well educated and richest group in America, even more than White people. Just because White women don't want to fuck you doesn't mean that you are oppressed.
The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
Funnily enough Asians reportedly hate Whites more than Blacks do in America, while Asian women live with White men more than they do Asian men.
How about go back and build your ancestral country?
Chinks always act like you wanna rob them or do something to them, so fucking bothersome.
It all boils down to lack of white pussy for them huh
They are right. A huge chunk of Americans are too unsavory to interact or be around, because they are basketball hoodrats or on drugs (go outside anywhere in a big city. half the people you see are antisocial)
>My only hope for happiness in life is escaping to Japan.

Japan is not a beautiful place like in the Anime. The working environment, educational environment, and housing environment are the worst. Young Japanese are fleeing to Australia and other countries one after another.
No. Just no. I'm aware of that and I understand, but they also do it to normal ass people minding their business. I lived in an Asian neighborhood before and more than once people went out of their way to act unwelcoming.
What if his ancestral country is the Philippines?
Please send women to New York
You will be here forever :)
So trve... white pussy would fix all ricecels problems
You have the highest wage earnings among all ethnicities besides Indians, stop complaining
Stop larping as a Japanese person. 80% of the Japanese population do not own passports. Out of all Asian countries, Japanese people are the least desperate for green cards to a foreign country.
Elderly Japanese move back to Japan in order to enjoy Japanese healthcare and then finally die. This is 100% fact. I know so many Japanese Canadians who move back to Japan once they start getting old and sick because Canadian healthcare is very expensive and slow compared to Japan where you can get a MRI scan in one day.
A millionaire like Ryuichi Sakamoto lived in New York for 30 years from 1990 to 2020 but at the end of his life, he chose to die in Japan. This is because cancer treatment in America would have wiped out his family wealth.


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