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The American entrepreneurial spirit is unmatched.
Thirdies could never.
No he won’t lmao
He’ll get robbed blind and local politicos aren’t his friends, he’s got no chance
I'll tie him up in a dark room and make him repeat these words in front of a camera, after that I'll behead him and upload the video using his Twitter account.
Yeah the only advantages he would have would just be ones he got from a stable upbringing. (like not being too mentally ill or malnourished) Also moving from a high trust to a low trust society full of corruption would negate any benefits.
kill these people
who will show him that famous experiment where an influencer tried something similar in a first world cunt?
High LinkedIn energy
In America there are a million reasons why you CAN do something
In Europe there are a million reasons why you CANT do something

Understand this difference
Is this capitalist calvinism?
Well, /int/?
>$10 million or insights and advice that will lead you to earn $100 million
I remember some multi millionaire made himself poor and homeless on purpose to prove he could do it all again

he could not do it all again LMAO
omg a table full of sigmas
>Also moving from a high trust to a low trust society full of corruption
High trust societies still have corruption lmao
10 mill is more than i need easy choice
uhmm I hope by billionaire you're including guys like Lebron James, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods.
>10M USD to get the fuck away from that table
Yes, please
Realistically the waiters would work for free and not get tips, just ‘advice’
They have hordes of ‘impoverished millionaires’ that’d wipe their asses if they asked
the thing is, if you don't have the skills to utilize those insights it's not going to be very valuable. You're not going to get the wealth of knowledge of Andrew Tate's marketing masterclass just from a few minutes of interaction with him. You need to spend money to earn money.
>traits, skills, characteristics
Historically this has just meant people who are willing to forgo basic comforts that make life worth living. And they must keep these barren living conditions throughout their career because by making a successful idea or company you're going to eventually create apprentices who will expand it, you have to be more disciplined and live a monk lifestyle to mitigate the disadvantages of aging.
why are burgers so fucking cringe? jesus christ
if he's american he'd still be mentally ill THOUGH
Who are the two guys standing on the right?
no you just need money to start with, especially in that precarious situation.
the black one is david goggins, a retired navy seal famous for doing extreme athletic feats and exercises.
>high trust to a low trust society
That's a meme anon. That's just rich and poor societies and both are corrupt
the one above rogan is tristan tate
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>Goggins just does push ups on the floor, occasionally he shouts STAY HARD to which everyone nod in agreement, after a while no one pays attention to him and the manager asks him to leave.
>Shapiro proudly tells about that time he owned with facts and logic a clueless college girl
>tate 1 shills about his latest subscription course to become a millionaire, every now and then tate 2 emerges from under the table where he's fellating tate 1 to insert himself in the conversation but he's cut off everytime by tate 1
>Musk he's so high on ketamine that he's speaking to an imaginary person next to him about how he's the world's leading expert on engineering and manufactoring and AI and how the globalist woke elite is after him
>Peterson is on the verge of yet another mental breakdown, hold back the tears he mumbles w-what happened to men? then starts bawling uncontrollably.
>Rogan just goes woow to anyone's statement, every now and then asks who else eats elk meat or does ice baths
>Lincoln asks himself why are jews and negros allowed into that fine enstablishment and deeply regrets starting the civil war
I'm starting to think this is true...
I'll take the money, those assholes are not teaching anyone shit lol
Capitalism was a mistake
why not do this on repeat, just for $5 you get millions, sounds like free money
Anglo culture is all about "belonging". Belonging to the aristocracy, belonging to the old money, belonging to the white race, belonging to the popular kids, belonging to the jocks, belonging to a fraternity, belonging to a university, belonging to the military, belonging to a church, belonging to the LGBT "community", belonging to a party or ideology, etc. They gain their identity from belonging to someone else. Terminally online incels can't belong to anything so they gain their identity by sucking up to online scammers, thinking that way they can belong on the same group as them.
Can I bring a bomb?
>>Peterson is on the verge of yet another mental breakdown, hold back the tears he mumbles w-what happened to men? then starts bawling uncontrollably.
audibly kek'd
(((nate fisher))))
They really do be like this. This community and that group
>Anglo culture is all about "belonging"
Name me one culture that isn't like that and explain why.
>oh you are gay you are part of the lgbt community
Wtf he's just a fag not part of any community. No one talks like that beside anglos you wouldnt know since youre monolingual
You've brought up an instance specific to Americans, but I've yet to see how your general assertion doesn't apply to all cultures. The existence of non-Anglo nationalism alone disproves that.
Has he ever air dropped into a third world country with $5 in his pocket and refused to leave until he was rich?
Now tell us about the culture that led to Argentina's success.
>they know how to play any hand dealt.
has anyone who ever said that been dealt a crap hand and not his fathers inheritance?
Literally every other culture? Except for jews, perhaps.
>explain why
I gave you a list of examples of anglos obsessing over belonging to a group. That shit doesn't happen in other countries. There are no cliques in schools, people don't identify with their university, people don't think their race or sexual orientation is a community, families don't break apart over partisan identity and so on. You might get one or two of those, like people strongly identifying with their religion or their race, but that's it. It doesn't extend to EVERYTHING in society like it does in anglo countries.
Of course it'll be hard for you to see this because you've grown accustomed to this, but I assure you it's not normal.
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We are God's chosen people
>just become an entrepreneur bro just hustle and open a business bro

what business can you open today? All the good ideas have been taken and you can't compete with big conglomerates.
Do you not feel any belonging to your nation or culture either?
>Name me one culture that isn't like that and explain why.
4chan, we are a bunch of contrarians. I disagree with your post.
unironically this, that's why they call everything a "community", for example, if you're autistic you're automatically in the autistic community kek
lol, did you expect me to defend this shithole?
They dont seem to understand how stupid that sounds
>tate: so anyway blud israel shouldn’t exist
He's argentino what do you think
That dude probably zerks it to the thought of his own 5 year old daughter getting raped by brazilian working class bbc
reads like a linkedin post
That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about how you subdivide yourselves into groups in order to have a sense of identity in your society. You took it to an extreme level.
>you subdivide yourselves into groups in order to have a sense of identity in your society.
Name one non-arbitrary reason why the same logic cannot be applied to national and cultural identity.
brazilians are not nonces you fag, the ones dating argentinian qts are medical students with a good head on their shoulders
Wasn't there a millionaire who tried doing this and he died from stress or something?
angloids buckled a long time ago to slavery to the town clock
Denouncing your family over a difference in politics is very much a ypipo thing.
10M USD.
It is more than enough for me and my family, and I can also buy a Jollibee franchise and be set for life. I can also make other small businesses

my country has literal family fights in election season, but after election, makes up and becomes family again
nigga go to sleep
why are you up at quarter past four
>Denouncing your family over a difference in politics is very much a ypipo thing.
It's not.
Holy cope
Financially successful people do have many traits that work to their advantage, but the difference in work/traits between a millionaire and a billionaire is probably mostly boiled down to the luck of being in the right place at the right time and making the right choices out of luck.
Sure timmy.
High trust societies still have corruption and ahitty leaders.
Very good post
Considering the shit that went on in the past globally it's not far fetched. If people have gotten into rifts and fights over politics or political affiliation, imagine all the stupider shit people split/argued/killed over lol.
It's shitty. Literally every society has shit like that. The onky reason people fixate on Anglos is because everyone hyper-fixates on them and are ignorant of the going on in their own backyard. As seen in people who know US politics inside out yet cant even list their own local rep.
Show me a single millionaire/billionaire in the US who isn't where he is as a direct result of either nepotism, illegality or both.
Nobody can make that kind of money and keep their hands clean, meaning any claim that they're just "better" is utterly idiotic personality cult faggotry. It only comes down to the fact that they're more willing to break the law and ignore any consequences than the average cunt, nothing else.
I'm so glad I'm not a money hungry person. I inherited 2 acres from my dad, work just enough to get by, grow a garden and chill. I like dressing up for weddings or church or something but wearing a tie and button up all day, sitting down at a computer and listening to women bitch... I literally couldn't imagine it.
Do you have no personal interests, habits or passions of your own?
Blessed post
Oh yes the hiking community, the drawing community, the table top RPG community, the origami community
In other socieities you don't derive your identity as a person from belonging to a group. If you ask someone from the US to explain who they are they are most likely going to list groups they belong to. If you ask people in other societies they will at first struggle and then try to describe their day to day life or personality traits.

Imagine trying to apply some examples the Argie anon threw but to a Latin American, European or Asian.
Their church, their race, their social class, these are treated just like given facts of life. The sky is blue, the grass is green, I'm catholic. People were born into them, never really gave a thought about it because it's the "normal" in their lifes, it's also the normal in their family, probably the normal in their local community. You don't really think about the others that are different because they are living their own lives, it doesn't affect you, you aren't going to experience what's like to be in their church, race, or class. Their way of life most likely isn't going to cause disruption in your way of life and if that does happen, you are just going to hate those "freaks." They are the ones different, you are not the one who is different and part of something, you are just normal. You don't get [group] consciousness unless it's a prolonged and repeated process and you feel like a minority.

The smaller examples of communities like school cliques, they don't really happen, people have friend groups but they don't mean something beyond that. Your university is just an institution you happened to get in. Your sexual preferences are just what turns you on or not. In summary, it feels like Anglos divide themselves into those small communities and give a lot of significance about the big communities (nation, religion, race, class, family) when other peoples just treat them as facts of life
The only exception for what I wrote that I can see are football teams. And only that
some millionaire youtuber tried doing this and failed completely
I am not waiting a table full of CIA jewish nigger cuck grifters. Give me the $10M and fuck off.
Why do Americas worship millionaires? The vast majority are already born into wealth and those who aren't usually have a history of cheating or lying in one way or another.
Very very few people get so rich in their lifetime and without abusing others and tricks

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