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>Exploding the myth that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hands of the Romans, Israeli historian Shlomo Sand argues that most modern Jews descend from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Is this true Jews?
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What is it trying to imply? That the Khazarians infiltrated judaism or whatever and that real judaism hasn't been tried yet and that real jews are actually kind and lovable and innocent people who were led astray by white colonialist khazars?

The problem is not whether the practicing jew is "white" or not. Even the sephardic ones on the other side are deranged and evil. The problem is judaism itself.
He's just another ashkenazi commie boomer seething at mizrahis
ultra orthodox can't read english they can't be doctors anyway
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>a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hands of the Romans
It was voluntary migration of the merchant race. They were already a mercantile caste spread across the Mediterranean. They spread across Eurasia after the fall of the Roman empire.
The "exile" thing is yet another Jewish "crying out as they strike you" like with being forced into prosperity by evil non-Jews, oy vey. Goys are dumb enough to just repeat whatever Jews tell them.
ged match says i am half lebanese christan half ukranian
does this imply that palestinians are the real jews because they never left?
more than one hundred thousand of us were caried as slaves to rome
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>Josephus claimed the Jewish messianic prophecies that initiated the First Jewish–Roman War made reference to Vespasian becoming Roman emperor. In response, Vespasian decided to keep him as a slave and presumably interpreter. After Vespasian became emperor in AD 69, he granted Josephus his freedom, at which time Josephus assumed the Emperor's family name of Flavius.[9]
oy vey can you imagine the toil of an interpreter? imagine the carpel tunnel syndrome!
Jewish history starts to make sense when you interpret it as an episode of Seinfeld
Well no shit nigga they enslaved anyone they came across to slavery was common practice
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>remember the 100,000 goyim
>this is annudah sack of Jerusalem
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one hundred thousand two hundred and forty eight north Europeans were captured from fishing villages and brought to the Barbary coast and the Ottoman empire between the jews and the Africans enslavement. History was mostly a bad place to be in.
Cry more
It sort of does but we don't need historians for that when we have the genetic evidence that absolutely proves it
Basically all the kikes that have some sort of political and economical leverage are all german/polish inbred converts, yes. They have absolutely nothing in common with the semitic race, go see israel if you don't believe me: pasty slavic looking sephardites getting tardwrangled by arab looking tawny police officers
the poimt is hostoricly their is bases for a jewish diaspora in europe not made up only of converts and its supported by genetics as well
were geneticly closer to italiams amd greeks than slavs
he is accurate. most of them were Italian converts who believe in the Talmud not the Torah and lived for centuries in shtetls under tyrannical rabbis who told them if they ever tried to leave the Gentiles would kill them. in Talmudic Judaism the rabbi is the real god and YHWH is a simpleton they can easily deceive. it was basically like medieval Scientology.

and yes most of Palis are real descendents of biblical Israelites. after the Roman revolts the majority of those converted to Christianity and later Islam with only a single digit percentage still following the Jewish religion.
the talmud was eritten in iraq what dise it have to do with europe
As proof, the average IQ in Israel is about 90 and Arab Christians are the highest earning demo there.
most israelis are from north africa and arab christains benifit from afirmitive action
Anyway it's very lulz that the Israeli Supreme Court ordered Haredis to register for the draft.
why is it funny
Maimonides argued that the snake from the Garden wasn't a actual snake
Being a Jew is a mindset, not anything else.
That's a undeniable fact
Isn't it funny that your people got butchered by a emperor that liked to fuck twinks?
no its not funny idol worshipers are often sick sexuale perverts
>after the Roman revolts the majority of those converted to Christianity and later Islam with only a single digit percentage still following the Jewish religion.
My grandpa was a palestinian catholic
Will I get a twink if I start praising Jupiter?
good thing your in brazil now we just need to get the rest of you to leave
Go back to poland
no i am home now
Do you think there's a single Ishmael descendant in muslims? It literally doesn't matter
That's not your home
don't mind Brazil, they are kind of.. off..
its certainly not your home
Neither yours
It's true. Israelis are Europeans.
explaine how its not? becuase to me it realy seems like its my home
what have you mixed with in brazil im curiouse one of your grand parents is from here what are the outhers?
There's a clique of far leftist Israelis who make a living off of shitting on Zionism, this is one of them. The book is trash, spouting pseudohistory like Ashkenazis being Khazars and ignores genetic testing.
The Jews were the native inhabitants of Palestine
There was no Egyptian Exodus
Hebrew is a Canaanite language and the Hebrews followed a Canaanite religion
It's all a fucking myth
Jews ARE Canaanites
and so are palestinians, someone post the haplogroup chart
Gaul had a population of 3 million when Vercingetorix was defeated. 1 million were killed and another million were enslaved.

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