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> the Persians called him father
> the Babylonians called him liberator
> the Jews called him messiah
And I call him based.
Indians said
and he listened
I know that's not him, but he literally looks like my oldest brother, with the exact same nose and eyes and lips
What did the nogs call him?
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it's not that editorialized, tbqh. the mena-oid eyebrows and beard give it away, though.
>the mena-oid eyebrows and beard give it away, though.
Indians weren't civilized yet
It was before Chandragupta
There wasn't anything worthwhile to conquer
Is it true that Cyrus isn't mentioned in the Shahnameh?
Was this nigga mythological all along?
some people believe that keykhosro is actually Cyrus
I look exactly like that dude
Are we related?
why is there a indian on twitter wreaking havoc with this guy's a his pfp?
Imagine being this mentally retarded
vedic age India was peak india
For me, it's the Pratiharas
Persians are unjustly underrated just because they were the big bad of the greeks, why isn't zoroastrian philosophy discussed more when it greatly influenced all of the abrahamic religions?
The vedas were a bunch of myths and exaggerated stories
hey kamran is that you?
How much of Avestic can you understand?
Was Zoroaster before or after Cyrus
Does the Shahnameh mention him, I thought it was supposed to be semi historic
Because the jews (and muzzies)
It threatens their power
parthiharas unintentionally are responsible for the muslim invasion of India
whole Rajput code of conduct which based on their ideals of war
prithvi raj chauhan defeated mahmood but in the very first battle but showed him mercy and let him live and we all know now how that was a disastrous mistake
same goes jayapala and raja dahri
all these people believed ina code of conduct which muslims didn't
>vedic india didn't exist
newest takkiya has dropped
even british anthropologists and historians agree that vedic age existed and it's the first time indic culture was harmonized
>ahyâ ýâsâ nemanghâ ustânazastô rafedhrahyâ manyêush mazdâ pourvîm speñtahyâ ashâ vîspêñg shyaothanâ vanghêush xratûm mananghô ýâ xshnevîshâ gêushcâ urvânem
I can recognize some words
but I can't understand the whole thing
>, I thought it was supposed to be semi historic
it is
but it's mostly focused on sassanid empire
> even british anthropologists and historians agree with the Aryan invasion theory
>vedic India doesn't exist saaaaaaaar
>muh AoT
nigger keep goal posting
also don't forget bitch even IVC had friendly relationship with Assyria and Mesopotamia
you're going to cope that the IVC were aryans shiiiiet too nigger ?
Do Kurds have their own Shahnameh
Why do they claim Zahak was Assyrian
yo nigga chill wtf
no but they believe ferdowsi was kurdish
I'm not a nigger, I'm probably lighter than you but I don't care
The indus valley civilization disappeared before the aryans entered the region. How long did it take for writing to appear again in india
you bitch you
bitch lasagna
>IVC disappeared long before aryans entered the region
supergiga nigga
a truly powerful and venerable title
Anti yakub

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