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>What do you normally do in your weekends?
browse /int/
And what do you do on your work days?
browse /int/
go to store
buy groceries
go on incel jog
contemplate suicide
go on /int/
>incel jog
What now? When did jogging become an incel activity?
try to catch good deals on used shit on ebay, this time I got tired and just purchased the cheapest 3050 on amazon, maybe in the future I will get a 3080 when the prices are reasonable maybe a 4090 even, and then I will just do the laundry, I am also getting drunk on scotch and redbull, hopefully mom wont notice, later today will put some breaking bad on the TV, we are watching with my mom season 3 episode 6 I believe
adding -incel to every activity was trendy at one point
maybe im out of touch
weed and vg
I Hate my life
Drink with my gf.
Don't you get lynched for smoking weed in the middle east?
shut the fuck up faggot
I'm sorry I didn't mean that
It was a legit question anon
edge and goon
no we don't
weed is illegal here but you can find it everywhere
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>get drunk friday night and watch anime until the morning
>wake up around 4-6pm on saturday hungover and mostly just browse 4chan and watch youtube for the rest of the day before going to sleep around 5-7am
>wake up 2-3pm sunday and eat lunch with my mom and dread having to work on monday (luckily it's a long weekend this week)
Isn't it somewhat common to smoke weed in Iran though? Hashish and all that.
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writing fiction with local language models autism
Are sufis common in Iran?
During my 20’s i partied every weekend with friends and lived life, now at 35 i sit alone at home and worry about all the aches i feel internally as i down another beer and listen to music that used to bring me joy but now i just feel sad listening to it
Fun fact
The word assassin originated in the middle east and it literally means "hashish-eater"
weed (and lean) are zoomer/millennia things
boomers smoke that shit but it's not common
My ancestors :)
I sleep, eat, drink, piss, shit, jerk off, shitpost, watch youtube and groom myself
it's a simple life
Do fundie boomers have moral panics about it? They do here
Nothing, too expensive to go out and do anything so just read a bit I guess
ask turks if you have any questions about sufism
>addicted people
Hash is (or was) very common here. I stopped smoking 7~ish years ago. Just always connected it with the middle-east for some reason.
Where do you live in Sweden? If in a big city, then why are you alone now?
70% of it comes from Afghanistan if I'm not wrong
Browse /int/, do college homework, and watch Copa America with my dad.
i drink, alone
Makes even more sense now. When going to pusher street it was always referred to as either morrocan or afghan hash. I always preferred morrocan.
You never smoked hash? You've always smoked weed?
>You've always smoked weed?
yeah always
shit is hurting me bad
I'm sorry about that. How so, if you don't mind me asking?
I can't focus like I used to. I've been having trouble sleeping and sometimes I get a bit nervous
That shit sucks. I typed a minor essay about my experiences with weed and why I stopped, but honestly what I have to say doesn't matter, and who am I to tell you anything. I hope you make it friend.
Be dead inside while remembering life 10 years ago
Flying to Brazil to fuck OP's mom
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i shitpost on 4chan, when i'm not online i drink alone or with other people at weekends.
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Hang out with the gf.
We went to the local yearly town fair and listened to a funk fusion band.
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top kek, amigo
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>not flag, just neeting it here
I drink but I switched from alcohol to tea few years ago. Tea is great for productivity, it also makes you detached from caring about other people or your own loneliness which is great. I have my autistic hobbies I do while tea drunk.
>tea drunk
No such thing

The same as the rest of the week. Sit in my apartment, browse the internet, and drink alone, possibly with a bit of book-reading.

Oh wait, that's just the evenings. If I'm not working, on my days off I usually get out of the "house" for two to three hours, and browse a bookstore or library for a few minutes, just for something to do. Do any errands if needed. Get lunch, some sort of fast food. Then I get my beers and come home for the evenings.
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Dumping things into the Sissiboo to obfuscate the fact that the one making those things is my cousin, who has blackmailed me into cleaning up after him or else he'll release my illegal thing to the police, which could get me a couple years.
So that's what I did today at least.
Sunbathe and read while mentally preparing for monday/looking for better jobs
>bang chink gf
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NOT like in the mobies
browse online, play games, go for a walk, visit my parents
almost die of boredom
procrastinate or read books at a park or a cafe and have waitresses and customers bewildered at the sight of an ugly creep coming in alone
why not just read books by yourself at home?
Sit alone at home. Not because I want to. I'd love to go out and have fun. But I only have 3 friends and they're all boring and don't get out. So I usually just stay home too.
Maybe stop being a pussy and take charge of your life for once. Go out and have fun solo, people will eventually start following you and you will make new friends.
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We just watch anime, read manga, play nintendo, and eat sushi.
Like just going to bars alone? I used to do that for a while. I'd talk to a lot of people. Even seemed like I could make some friends. But now I live 20min away from any fun bars and it's a demotivational factor to want to drive so far. But I really need to.
I still hookup a lot but only from dating apps :/
Fuck prostitutes
Order lunch from delivery
I have the same problem. I have one real friend and he's a nerd that doesn't want to do anything at all and doesn't drink alcohol.
I need to start exercising regularly but lack any motivation or accountability. It would be nice if I had someone who wrangled me but it's fine I guess.
The trick is to start doing a (fighting) sport. It will give you a reason to move your ass.
>Groom yourself
What did you mean? You moleat yourself in discord?

Lel jk, at least you remember to take a bath
Yeah but I have boobs and getting punched there hurts
It really feels like I'm missing out. Especially because I'm 28 and my circumstances are so poor at this point and it seems like it'll be hard to even change things. My little brother is 18 and literally has dozens of friends and goes to parties all the time. Just feels completely out of reach for me. Even if I did go to some I'd be a creepy old unc now lol. Fuck me. I wish I could just go back and redo things I would have tried so much harder in hs and college to be really social
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Making a texture pack for terraria
youtube binge (usually gaming or history stuff)
try and fail to start exercise routine
hang out with a friend (maybe once a month)
>eat food
>watch tv
>go to gym
>go to gay sauna and get topped by muscle daddy
>browse 4chan

I love life honestly.
thanks man <3 <3
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I get paid. Pajeets here need to have a sponsor to work, and I sponsor a number pajeets who clean peoples house and gardens. So, in the weekend they all show up at my door step to pay me. Well, not all of them, sometimes one is missing which I send the others to find or I will report all of them as missing to the police and get deported.
Incelbrowse 4chan
get some more sleep, attempt to clean the apartment, go for a run, feel miserable and try to accept that im going to die alone
same :DD
Play videogames, browse social media, watch films/videos and wish I was normal again. Sometimes I drink myself into a stupor, but it’s not worth it, it makes gaming less enjoyable.
Only honest answer ITT
absolutely nothing
I work on weekends. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my days off.
Read The Mountain in the Sea.
/int/xisters it's over... the ai has discovered our true nature...
I drink
>>go to gay sauna and get topped by muscle daddy
There are no saunas near me...
shamefur dispray, every house should have a sauna built into it
Posted this in another thread
I’m sunk, people, I just got banned from a shop I went to everyday
So to answer OP, I just sulk and watch algoslop on YT, I couldn't even sleep last night
>see cute cashier
>chat every other day
>yesterday I left a note asking her out for coffee, respectfully
>say something nice, call her cute and mention that if she doesn’t feel like it, I’ll never refer to the note again
>ff to today
>pulled aside by manager and get politely asked never to return
>closest shop is three blocks further
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Get druk while on computer
Based, what do people in Norway drink? Probably something unconventional like fermented fish juices with ice or something, or maybe that's a Sweden thing
>Hash is (or was) very common here
Because it's easier to smuggle.
Yes, but the majority of product sold in European markets is produced in North Africa.
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I drink many beers because I don't want to bother going to the government alcohol monopoly store.
Enjoy your non-government-regulation druk anon
have any fun with filipino maids?
Depends I usually go the gym
sleep whole day and browse 4chan at night.
vidya, eroge, 4chan, alcohol
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I'm a gay Italian American and I find Filipinos sexy. They're mixed Asian Latinos and as a European Latin from Latin Rome I find them being the furthest extension of my Latin Heritage an attractive collusion of familiar and exotic
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off roading in a rainforest. or go to tourist hotspots to score white gf.

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