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Why are Germans so fucking lazy and Greeks so fucking hardworking?
I dont want to work anymore…
the lower your IQ, the more you have to work
We work twice as much because half our population has left (I am leaving for Netherlands next week)
Me neither...
I wish I was an amerimutt highschool dropout with my chins than IQ like you who is hardly literate and can barely speak his own language and still make in a month more than I make in a year I'm a university student studying engineering, the moment I get my degree I'm Fucking off to a land where I can't suffer.
Ah, you're Tunisian and Agnostic? Ok, you can come in.
Unironically. I've never made a bad experience with Tunisians. Hell, Turks are the most beta of all the brownoids but somehow they're still worse.
If this gives you any comfort Tunisian education is actually competent, I'll give you an example, bio cel Professor fucked off for a month to teach in Canada, physics prof went France, genetic biology to austria, animal biology to Spain etc etc also a lot of our exams are taken from french universities that are our counterparts.
Also no offense but I don't wanna go to Germany :<
>third biggest GDP in the world
>no actual wealth
>no industry
>should be fucking dead
>people don't work anymore
>no industry to speak of
>working the fewest hrs in europe
>among the richest countries
>certainly the richest largest country which is not the USA
Since when does a shitskin muslim have the audacity to call anyone a mutt?
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Objectively speaking you're 40% Mexican 50% west African 2% native American 0.2% European and 120% mystery meat.
>Insgesamt haben sie einen Anteil von 14,5 Prozent an allen Straftaten, ihr Anteil an der Regensburger Bevölkerung liegt dagegen nur bei 0,14 Prozent.
Objectively speaking you are a subhuman. I cant believe I have to share this board with brown muslim animals
>Also no offense but I don't wanna go to Germany :<
I getchu dude. But where else do you want to go? I only see Switzerland and maybe Denmark or Norway as conceivable alternatives. In every other country people are unironically so racist at this point you will be lumped in with every other foreigner who's not milk cheese colored. Especially in France. Czechia I guess? Finland doesn't have a big anti-migrant party yet.
If you come to Europe (and you better go to the US anyway) you should probably learn the language ASAP and do your best to keep as few foreign friends as possible. I am telling you this from experience. Foreigners in Europe aren't Americanized the same way. Before you know it all you talk about is how shit this place is but how home is worse and you just managed to make your life worse because the people you spend time with exaggerate the shit they get daily for being foreign aka "not speaking the language one bit after living here for three years" and having fewer job chances in non-international firms because of it. ´

Right now neither the US nor Europe is a good place to go. US is dying and Europe has a 50/50 chance of just expatriating you after five years because they'll elect literal Nazis.
Btw I should mention I am right wing and I embrace this change, but this is 4ch and I am looking out for every other retard out there. politics is done in a broad sweep and you don't want to caught up in it, you don't want to become a statistic
>US is dying
Do you have an actual argument for this or is this just a dogshit redd/int/ opinion
dude look at your economy. we're all fucked if we don't deus machina some shit. I am not saying you're the UK or China but geez it's not looking good. It's not looking good for us either but the last thing the US needs is another engineer from a foreign country.
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Whiter than your palms, josé.
That's the thing, I don't wanna go to Europe, I don't think I'll ever be made to feel welcome in any capacity and I'd feel so guilty about it. If I'm immigrating somewhere else it's either the gulf/Australia/America
Long term I don't plan on staying.
Compared to Europe/China/Japan America still has the best economy, but I suppose its true the last GDP growth left some to be desired. In any case this is still the best place to be when there is a global recession or conflict (as long as the conflict is not nuclear)
Its too bad you still have a nafri ape skull and shit colored eyes. Also jfl you posted your hand you were actually insecure kek I didn't know shitskins really want to be white
Australia or New Zealand. Go to New Zealand and again don't get caught up in the doomer other foreigners "friend"circle. get a job there, move there, do your thing, buy a house. australians have too few non-asian immigrants to care about the odd tunisian
in europe or america you'll forever be branded as a muslim terrorist.
dude stop coping. it's fucking over. you're already at the point where foreign labor has replaced local labor, where foreign illegals are accepted without policy to integrate them and that's the reason you're still growing. given that you're the financial capital of the world and the eden of digital tech, given that you have such a head start and such an advantage the growth you're seeing is weak and you're in an objectively terrible situation. your government is done, your economy is done in the long run, your society is totally broken. live in another country and don't tell me America is terminally ill. we have different problems but the significance of European problems and Chinese problems and American problems to our respective societies is just as great. just because jobs are still good doesn't mean that your economy is healthy and can just outlive the tumor that is growing. jobs are great here too. I earn a lot of money but I genuinely do not see how to move forward, how anyone can move forward. I cannot even put out some ideological point on how to move forward. I do not even have the hope to make up something ridiculously optimistic because there is no spark. I spend a month or so every year in the States and my god ot have the comparison between europe and germany and the states is eye opening.
Fair enough. I was looking at it from purely an economic perspective but yeah in terms of social cohesion and American society as a whole everything is so fucked. I'm in Chicago and there are literally Venezuelan migrants all over the street loitering, the border crisis is actually fucked. There is no demographic reversal in terms of the shitskinization of this country, at least in Germany if a Hitler 2 chimps out there might be a chance that you guys can get rid of your shitskin population. Trump seems to be the most radical of candidates that could be elected in the US and even he won't do shit if he gets his second term realistically.

Where and what do you visit the states for? And how does it compare to Germany

There's something to it. In third world countries people set up little stalls and sit around there for 12-16h hours / day, making only a few sales.

Meanwhile I work so few hours (4h, sometimes 5h a day, while still making an ok income) that I literally have to keep it a secret from everybody. The pressure to "work hard' in PL is dreadful.
>Unironically. I've never made a bad experience with Tunisians.
brown hands typed this post
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Remember Germany was behaving like the ruler of the EU back then? Yikes
Hard work pays in islamic male kebab shavers this century.
>The Netherlands now works more than Germany
It's over..
Germoids keep pretending it's not paradise over there, don't let them fool you. They work less, make more money and food and rent is affordable so you can save up a lot.
Sitting at work for 12 hours a day doing nothing is not hardworking.
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Germanic countries are rich despite having fewer working hours
Germans are efficient at working. Greeks aren't.
I ask myself how they treat tunisians
I know they hate egypsies and treat them bad, they love Levantines and see them as exotic brothers
moccroapes and algayrians are seen as low tier people but I can imagine that Tunisians have a better reputation as you are more educated and behave closer to mashriqis in general
source: a shitskin on 4chan
work smart not hard
>countries with more work hours are usually paid less
He’s the cancer Libyan
based leaver
Work smart, not hard.

Also totally BTFOs the protestant work ethic meme.
the stereotype is about german efficiency. romanians fraud a lot by reporting more hours and i assume that's the case for many countries
balkanoids work 12 hour shifts every day and only report 8 because nobody pays overtime
Working is bad for you
Machines exist to work for us
what work are we talking about? if you're thinking about bartending/waiters i get it, but white-collar jobs are piss easy, especially after you get some experience and promotions
These numbers are an average across the population.
The low hours in Germanic countries are due to women with children only working part time.
It is important to note that part time work counts in this statistics, and it pulls the hours down, while not working at all doesn't count.

At least here in Switzerland, it is common for the mother to stay home with the kids, and to do some minimal part time job if they can.
There are no kindergartens, or they are so expensive it doesn't make sense for the mother to work, it's cheaper to stay home. Same with schools, there is often no lunch on schools, or only on a few days. So the mother cooks and awaits the kids after school at home.
>The low hours in Germanic countries are due to women with children only working part time.
As if that pattern doesn't replicate all over the world. Hell, mothers from Western Europe are probably more likely to be employed than pretty much anywhere else in the world, due to generous parental leave and access to cheap or free childcare services.
>The low hours in Germanic countries are due to women with children only working part time.
Bruh German women don’t have children and Achmed/Ngubu dont wageslave when having 3 children alone nets you as much money as a doctor
Thats because they (greeks) have to pay debts to german, french banks

That can only come through the surplus values skimmed off from workers

This part of the surplus value going to pay interests reduces the surplus value going to the pocket of greek capitalists

So the working day has to be extended to augment the surplus work part of the day, hence absolutely increasing the surplus value
That's exactly what I meant. Generous parental leave means they're not working at all, therefore they don't count in the statistics, so they don't pull the hours down. The same if the parental leave is not generous, but the mother stays home and doesn't work for cultural reasons.
Good and free childcare facilities mean the mother can work full time, so they don't pull the hours down.

The part time work pulling down the average hours is more likely to happen if the mother is needed at home, but still hag4ym2s/wants to do some part time work.
Ah, I see what you mean now. But I don't think it's just part time work pulling down the averages, a normal work week for mostly everyone here in Norway is 37,5 hours, which is obviously quite a bit lower than in for example Greece where they are now opening up for 6 day work weeks.
Illiterate Turkic Balkanoid doesn't understand the concept of productivity.
Sleeping and lollygagging during work hours isn't working. Most white color jobs is just adult daycare

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