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A fight between a customer and staff at a McDonald's is going viral in Japan.

The customer tried to order ice cream but was told the machine was broken. The customer complained that the store should have a sign posted which began an argument between him and the staff.

Viewers were shocked by the male staff member's behavior, as he became increasingly aggressive, swore at both the customer and his fellow female staff, and had to be held back from physically confronting the customer.

His wagie mind snapped. But I think old people should be assaulted more, they act like they are not physically frail and throw their weight about, entitled
When asians become poor they revert back to their natural behaviour.
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In the video, the female staff member can be heard repeatedly saying "You promised me, right?" to the male staff member, leading viewers to speculate that he has been aggressive with other customers in the past.

Coupons were handed out to customers in the restaurant as an apology for the incident.
Japan is a failed country. Even their normies are becoming N*****ed.
>old people should be assaulted more
Islamic compassion, everyone!
He's probably pissed about old people and snapped
From what I've seen, it does seem like old people in East Asian act like cunts and don't follow the same rules.
Europeans are nothing but the dogs of Muslims. They have established themselves as the ruling class in Europe, they live there, but are not subject to European laws or values, while native Europeans like yourself exist to serve them and must placate their every whim
>chimpout in mcdonalds :/
>chimpout in mcdonalds, Japan :O
Low wage and unhappy life = easier to snap
samurai spirit
Imagine if Japan got normal immigrants instead of weebs.
They’re literally be conquered in a week. All of “their” women would be dating immigrants
The chick who scrubs the toilets at my office building wears a hijab. Thank you for your service.
You fundamentally do not understand the asiatic mind.
You would think you're progressively conquering their country as they do nothing, but they would be quietly accumulating autism energy. When the communal autism meter fills they unleash it in a grand genocide.

Chinks and Japs both have done this repeatedly throughout history and, especially when Japs do it, everyone shits their pants and cries "woe is me, how could we have predicted this onslaught of screaming midgets??"



he looks korean

Nippon has fallen.
Henceforth it will be known as Niggon.

Both of them are Koreans however.

it's not even fight.
it seem a wage slave buttmad at rude oldfag.
Why don’t McDonald branches have two machines so that they can use one while the other is being broken?
isnt that the norm for old japanese people, to be rude as fuck?
>if only he had a gun
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Definitely a Korean
not norm.
Japanese are averse to confrontation.
I mean you are a 70 year old fart, what does it matter if you are rude to a person by this point?
What makes the white male so infatuated with Asian pussy?
If Asian women new the power they have over white men they would be rulling the world by now.
lol, not even you believe it.
What are you trying to say?
Are you trying to say that old people in Japan are allowed to be arrogant by default?
no, im saying that there is a possibility that some old people in japan no longer give a fuck about not being rude to someone.
>Asian pussy
*korean pussy
watch this video them you might start grabing the whole image.

basically american whites/conservatives have been using koreans as their tools after ww2.
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>you might start grabing the whole image
the other poster hasn't even grabed the whole image yet!!!!!!
What in Satan's butthole is going on in that pic?
No no no Takeshi-san, white men love Japanese as well, actually probably even more than Koreans.
And they don't "use" them in a sexpat way. They actually try to marry and have children with them.

The average white man would throw 10 white woman over a cliff to be able to marry a random Japanese girl.
That customer look like homeless though.
Maybe there is more behind the outburst.
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>What in Satan's butthole is going on in that pic?
he doesn't even know what's going on in that pic!!!!
basically white american conservatives who own/owned cia have been using south koreans.
the pic was actually from cia korean christian church in the us which was established by a south korean who is a son of the leader of moonies which was legitimately established by cia.
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>come into this thread
>a jap starts seething about Korea

Like clockwork.
>No no no Takeshi-san, white men love Japanese as well
you dont know when white boomers imagine asians, the asians are koreans. south koreans became lap-squids after ww2 and they have been working for white american christians.
in la, jap girls used to be called yellow cabs decades ago thanks for south koreans contribution to the us society: picrel.
south koreans go to vietnam war and korean war to fight commie along with white boomers. thats why when white american boomers imagine asians, they image koreans.
you know kpop right? most of them are made for white people, thats why most of the lyrics are english.
I agree.
Old people think they're entitled to everything
He's right. Old people ruin everyone's lives
>getting overpowered by a woman
>, it does seem like old people in East Asian act like cunts
Isn't like that everywhere?
>When people become poor they revert back to their natural behaviour.
teaching you low iq cattles what world wide western/american medias never report to is seething lol
i know that idots like you wont understand more than 2 lines :)
I used to date s female bodybuilder that was 3 times stronger than me and I'm pretty strong
>meanwhile in burgerland

Westerners should be nuked
Para de mentir maninho, mulher bodybuilder só namora homem bodybuilder.
Nunca vi uma com um natureba.
Como vc dava conta de dar no couro dela sem veneno?
Not natty myself but not on athlete levels of roids.

Once I thought about becoming a Open athlete but my body reacts badly to steroids. Deca base works well for me but it would never be enough to reach Olympia levels

I'm a genetic failure
Japs aren't human. That's why I felt nothing when I heard their women kept getting raped by American soldiers. They come into this thread, see it's about Japan, and starts seething about Koreans.
>Como vc dava conta de dar no couro dela sem veneno?
Não dava. Ela me comia com um pinto de borracha
Koreans are to japs what muslims are to euros
Nah. Pakistanis to Indians

>saar it's Pakis
>saan it's Koreans
Old people get dementia which makes them think they are always right. Which is why college educated seniors with tons of experience eventually get scammed because a deteriorating brain lacks inhibition. It's even worse when they get into manic episode. They'll start wasting their retirement fund and start building restaurants just because they watched Kitchen Nightmares.
No, it's not.
Japanese people in real life and Japanese people on the Internet have 180-degree different opinions about Korea.
For the Internet right wing, Korea is a scapegoat on the Internet. They try to use Korea as a cover for their bad opinions about the LDP and the US.

Think of them like China's Wu Mao.
What a slow and stupid "fight" 笑.
Getting held back by a 4'11 japette.
This is definitely Japanese.
McDonald's clerks these days are full of foreigners.
But I know a Japanese when I see one.

why bong using this?
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We like you guys too but your women love us more tho. Funny how time changes things.
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Unification Church cult. Same one that controls Japans government including Abe who got murked over it.
More civil than 90% of American restaurant disputes
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Zainichi McDonalds and Zainichi customer. Real Japanese customer never rude and real Japanese McSlave would seppuku for dissapointing. I would know, I'm 12.5% Japanese.
I don't think you should specify, "fellow female staff" because that would imply he was also female. You should use either, "fellow staff" or "female coworkers". And maybe not the latter since their sex is inconsequential.
>But I think old people should be assaulted more
Kek Malaysia truly Nigga
Damn zainichi staging public outrage to ruin Japan's reputation
mcdonalds fight japan
>one guy yelling, being held back by a tiny woman, video ends
mcdonalds fight USA
>wagie jumps counter attempting to dropkick customer, customer pulls out submachine gun and shoots him execution style as sixteen sheboons yell, throw chairs and steal
That mindset led your subhuman grandpas rape native Americans?
>he was held back by a single woman

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