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How did they fall off so hard? 100 years ago they ruled a quarter of the world and now they are starting to seriously lag behind even eastern european countries like poland
Colonial era ended, same reason you and Spain ain’t shit anymore either
we are doing much better than you are in every regard.

>Colonial era ended
why did you let it end?
Norway puts it's oil money in an investment fund valued over a trillion. I wonder what the UK would be like in standard of living had it done the same during the colonial era? What happened to all the that wealth extracted from a quarter of the planet?
No you really aren’t, you’re irrelevant. Only European countries that matter are France and the UK
Colonial era ended for us because of two back to back world wars
>why did you let it end?
America bullied us into releasing our colonies as part of their foreign policy.
You lost your colonies because you lost the Raj.
Without the Indian cannon fodder there was no way UK could control the colonies.
don't try to reason with them

Polish strawberry pickers and plumbers are leaving the UK. Soon there will be UK strawberry pickers and UK plumbers in poland. Just to illustrate how bad it has gotten.
holy fuck you fucking idiot get out of my thread you disgusting fucking shit muncher poo golem
You seem to have made this thread to make a point rather than have an open discussion.
>i got out-debated
>let's question the other persons motive instead of replying

you're one of them saars innit? saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
I didn't get out-debated.
It's shit but people always act like it's much worse than it is and the empire is a stupid point
Plumbers and jannies aren’t the same thing, plumbers make a good wage here.
Losing a few poles isn’t the end times, someone else will do those jobs
>in the UK a plumber is rich

hilarious insight into your clown economy. thanks for sharing
London is still a global city that surpasses the entirety of europe
it is impossible to afford housing there and you will get stabbed or robbed multiple times a month
I didn’t say rich I said they make a good wage
Deano shagged the clogs off this cunt's mother.
who makes more, a rich UK plumber or a succesful roadman? do women grow up thinking "I wish a rich plumber wants to marry me"
Just another ‘I get all my information on a country from article headlines’ mong aren’t you
‘Roadman’ isn’t an occupation you stupid cunt
how much is your rent and how often do you run into roadmen
they make money from the drug trade. A billion pound industry due to rave culture in the UK. Many UK people visit a drug dealer
It's the truth. Most Britons in colonies like Africa, India and Malaysia were a small administrative caste that were always outnumbered by the natives, and since Britain could never leave Europe for long, they couldn't rely solely on native Britons to act as a global military force without overextension.

India was relied upon to provide food, materials and soldiers to make the empire possible. It was the lynchpin of the colonial system, and when it went, so did most of the other colonies.
don't care didn't read. I just don't want these paki fucks shitting up my threads
That’s a drug dealer. Roadman is a persona or attitude
Netherlands absolutely MOGS Britain
>Only European countries that matter are France and the UK
*France and Germany
Fixed that for you. In 2024 nobody outside of UK thinks that the Islamic Republic of Bongistan matters at all.
>inb4 we wuz kangz
how does it feel to a polack to have surpassed the UK despite being peasants a generation or so ago
>only UK and France matter
>not Germany
Okay Nigel.
the good ending.
most roadmen are involved in some way.
Germany is irrelevant outside of the EU. No one gives a shit about Germans no one listens when they speak, France is the only EU country which is taken seriously on the global stage, has a permanent security council seat, power projection, nukes etc. Germany has a nice economy, but that means fuck all. The glorification of Germany by EU sissies is entirely based on them domineering the European economy, a racket of which they set up themselves within the EU apparatus. They rigged the system against all other EU states and you think they’re some sort of grand economists because of it lol. Delusional idiots

France and the UK are the only European nations that matter.
>Losing a few poles isn’t the end times, someone else will do those jobs
Whites out, saars in, that's been your primary strategy since brexit
>Germany has a nice economy, but that means fuck all

Most hard working uk people are debating relocating or suicide but the economy means nothing?
You need to put the articles down and touch grass
>Germany has a nice economy, but that means fuck all.
China too knows how irrelevant economic supremacy is, right?
>"Germany just dominated entire Europe and made it their bitch, so they don't matter"
I guess when Chinese big business or politicians want to talk with real decision makers in Europe they shouldn't visit Paris and Berlin but Paris and London? Someone should tell them that.
I know due to the cost of living crisis and suicide epidemic, most UK people know at least one person who has killed themselves. talk to your coworkers, you will find many parents who are just holding out to give their kids a chance or people who really don't know any more what to do
why do continentals always attack England like a pack of dogs, just leave them alone
t. UK plumber in Łódź
They're a small irrelevant island but they think they rule the place because 100 years ago dey wuz kangz.
no I am sympathetic to the english they're good people and don't deserve to be kicked by the likes of u
Continentals seethe at the fact that the UK won by proxy ( America )
>UK: we numba 1
>NL anon: no you're not
China has nukes, a military, permanent security council seat, hard and soft power projection across the globe
Germany has none of those things
the uk is objectively better than the niggerlands
That's not what's being argued here.
>jeets inherited the Anglo Faustian Spirit and are now on their way.
>while Niggerlands get flooded with Moroccans ( which they never even colonized )
That's not really the L you think it is.
then why did polack plumbers and strawberry pickers stop going to the UK and they all went here?
Yes, China is dominating continents and half of the planet because of their nukes and the feared chinese military. Also security council seats.
Ergo, Germany is not dominating Europe because it has no nukes. It's just an illusion that they are.
because ur whore of a mother charges less for a fuck i guess
attempted banter? you know most girls in the red light district are also eastern european?
Again, the point being argued is overall relevancy. Germany might as well not exist outside of the EU and EU related business dealings. No one is calling Scholz up and asking for his opinion on things because he has no say in any of them. Be that the UN, NATO or anything else, outside of the EU Germany is irrelevant
look at this site https://www.kinky.nl/
it's mostly eastern european girls. Maybe if you look hard you will find your sister back
He's probably an underage schoolkid.
Getting bullied by Nafris must've got to him.
you literally eat feces
>trusting what whores say in whore ads
>knowing websites where whores publish said ads
you sound like you found your sister
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>London is still a global city that surpasses the entirety of europe
What does this even mean saaar
The London stock exchange alone is more relevant than the entire EU
bodied that freak
How's that going for the UK?
the uk is in a wonderful shape mind ur own business pal
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Being a poorfag pleb, I lack any relevant information necessary to discuss topics of hierarchy in backroom dealmaking and global projections of power.
we're talking about street whores, not onlyfans girls

>A 2009 study released by TAMPEP in 2009 put the number of migrant sex workers in 2008 at 60% (a decrease from 70% in 2006), originating from Central Europe (EU) 40%, Latin America 20%, Western Europe 12%, Eastern Europe (non-EU) 8%, Africa 8%, the Balkans 4%, Asia 4%, and the Baltic states 3%.[31]


Central europe here apparently refers to germany and the EU parts of eastern europe, but in practice that's mostly just eastern europeans. No german prostitutes here. So if you take central europe + eastern europe (non-EU) + balkans + baltic states you have about 55% of whores being eastern european.
Great to be honest, paired with its sister city of New York it ensures London is one of the most important cities on earth and is irrevocably tied to the existence of the USA too. It’s why I always laugh when Russians talk about nukes, half their fucking assets are over here lmao

They sure as shit won’t be moving to Warsaw anytime soon
>London is one of the most important cities on earth
Thanks to its 70% migrant rate. Chuds WILL seethe at this.
watch this video in its entirety:


the UK has been subjected to the most brutal humiliation ritual in earth's history. no other country has fallen from such heights to such depths.
lol that guy just comitted suicide
londonoids are such an embarrassment
I live north of Manchester myself just stating a fact
>I live north of Manchester
Personchester. It's 2024, for crying out loud
london is hell to actually live in, it's an unaffordable paki shithole and its "importance" means fuck all
So what? We're a shithole, it wasn't previously, but now it is. Do you think there were many smarmy faggot barbarians in the 7th century asking how the Romans 'fell off'? History is just a litany of decline, why would the UK, or Europe be any different? And it is Europe, by the way. Some might be doing marginally better than others, but all our nations are shadows of their former selves.
Well yeah if you’re a poorfag in the blocks london is gonna suck same with most things in the UK.
If you grow half a brain and learn how to bang a few rocks together and make a decent wage this country is great to live in
Even if you make a "decent" wage you'll be spending half of it on rent if you live in London in any kind of style.
mate life literally anywhere is better if you're rich. that's not an argument
Both countries that are much better than yours, even we are at this point.
Not even rich or even middle class just not on minimum wage crying about how shit everything is because the sum of my life’s achievements amounted to stacking shelves or some shit
Spain is a holiday destination not a country, don’t make me laugh fella
Deindustrialisation, neoliberalism and an endless seevile culture of monarchism and landlordism, coupled with being a vassal of the USA.
bet you're voting tory on thursday
Nah reform
oh okay. you're alright then
poles out pakis in
>It’s why I always laugh when Russians talk about nukes, half their fucking assets are over here lmao
>They sure as shit won’t be moving to Warsaw anytime soon
X to doubt.
That's a double edged sword. UK won't be committing suicide just to save Warsaw dude lmao. Especially given how Poles for years were a political and media scapegoat for everything wrong that happens in the UK.
Why is norway and france in there?
There has been a concerted effort since 2016 (or possibly 2014, when UKIP won our EU elections) to portray Britain negatively internationally as a behavioural nudge away from voting Brexit, as this displeases the international establishment.

When Keir Starmer takes Britain back into the EU, despite nothing else changing, there will be a swarm of international articles saying that Britain is back on track and is now ready to resume its seat at the table of nations, blah blah blah. Nothing will be fixed, but magically the opinion of billions of seething foreigners will be flipped without them even noticing. Instead we are going to see a gorillion threads about France "falling off hard" after they have they gall to vote for the RN, which the international establishment also does not favour, and the cycle will begin again.

tl;dr you fucks are so gullible it's untrue.
UK culture is based around worship of transsexuals, supporting the rape of underage girls by Pakis, and turning them into kebabs.

Most of the British posters here on /int/ support unlimited migration into the UK and the grooming gangs of Rotherham, Rochdale, and Telford. Many of them even defended Jimmy Savile. Britroaches have sold their country for a chicken tikka masala. The Prime Minister is a pajeet
Hi! Just coming by because I noticed that you are using one term very incorrectly and potentially in harmful way to certain affected communities. Poland is located in the centre of Europe as you pay attention closely to the map and that means it's in Central Europe! That's right! The next time you see somebody still enslaved by an obsolete model of division of Europe in two parts based on 44 year long circumstances that ceased to be existing 35 years ago don't hesitate to try and strike up a friendly conversation like this!:
>Dear Person on the Gender Spectrum. I noticed that you called Poland an Eastern European country. However the factual state is that Poland is a Central European country! Hope that helps!

If you want to specifically refer to countries that used to be in the Soviet sphere of influence you can call them:
>ex-communist countries
>former Eastern bloc
>Central-Eastern Europe (as it encompasses both parts of Central and Eastern Europe)

I hope you're greatly educated by now. Be a CEAH (Central Europe Awareness Hero) of the day!
how is calling poland eastern europe harmful or obsolute?
eastern Europe is the n-word here
I say that too. I am not a woke snowflake.
faggot he is right,a ton of eastern european girls work on those,pimped by they easter european husbands that spend all they hardworked cash on slots/casino.
because you cannot immigrate to the UK after Brexit if you're not a high skilled person, their immigration laws for EU citizens are quite harsh now

obviously if the UK was open for us, we'd prefer it there than in NL even if NL has some advantages too, but cost of living there is insane + dutchies have no chill and are extremely rigid when it comes to everyday life, people in the UK are more tolerant
but poles are niggas so what does it matter mykola?Stop watching bbc
Brits left India because of ww2, retard. Not because of muh gandhi marching against salt tax
They are just dumb. They never vote smart.
perfect given than poles are white niggers of europe

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