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How is your country going to cope with the consequences of peak oil?
>peak oil
They have been going on about peak oil since the 70's, it's not gonna happen in our lifetimes.
I still follow peak oil pretty obsessively, I have done for the last few years.

The big wildcards with it are

>Actual size of the saudi reserves
>when the peak of the US shale boom is, the medium term outlook for the next five years is looking okay
>whether Fracking will take off on Russia, there's rumors of some absurd amount like a trillion barrels of accessible oil but it sounds like all shit

It's only been US and Iraq supply growth carrying the world for the last 15 years.
Better than ever
You won't understand, resourcells
Oil will be obsolete in 30 years for cars and lorries, and in 60 years for aeroplanes and ships.
The 2000s energy crisis was pretty much only delayed by the recession, Iraq and US fracking. The spike was entirely demand driven, you seen it creeping upwards all through the 2000s and the squeeze was beginning to be felt. The 70s oil shock was by comparison artificial.

So we've come close once, we could come close again.
There isn't enough copper to pad out the grid for an electric fleet. Copper is hitting malthusian limits even faster than oil and people for years have been ringing alarm bells about under-investment in the sector. The absurd copper spike that took place this year befuddled a lot of mainstream economists because such a spike historically correlates with mass economic expansion. which has been surprisingly absent. For years the stopgap has been made up by increased recycling, but that has its limits too.

25% average ore grade decline in ten years is pretty rapid, it means you have to move 25% more soil, pump in 25% more water, and exert 25% more energy to get the same amount. Already places like Chile are having problems, and investing in African shitholes comes with its own risks. There's talk of deep sea mining, which could lead to a glut like with fracking with oil, but we'll have to see.

Thirdie shitholes also have unreliable power grids as it is, I couldn't imagine them turning away from ICE anytime soon.
not me, post Kiwi_pajeet_meltdown.jpg, that one is me.
America, China, as well as even my country are double downing on nuclear energy for once. Even Trudeau, who everyone despises here, is now considering an option because peak oil one of the reasons why. Apparently, we only 45-55 years of oil left before it completely dries out.
> Apparently, we only 45-55 years of oil left before it completely dries out.
They should leave some oil and coal left over so we can reindustrialise if we ever have a devastating world war.
There are oceans of oil yet to be exploited. You really don't have to worry about it one bit.
Aren't they still discovering oil? Like didn't they just find a bunch of oil in Guyana? How do we know there's not more elsewhere?
So what happens when we run out?
Say everyone miscalculated, and turns out ALL world reserves run out in 5 years. What happens?
The problem is, based on other estimates I've seen, is that these calculations don't take into account the fact that rising nations with
a massive increase in population and economic growth will obviously consume more resources and require more energy, which is mostly oil. The 50 years estimation is only based on current consumption levels.

Nations like India, China, and ASEAN are growing rapidly, especially Vietnam, and already their increase in electricity consumption reflects that, and they aren't stopping.

Even if we have discovered new reserves or somehow increased the production and quantity of current ones, the optimistic projections show that growing demand for energy due to the mentioned countries listed above will consume the majority or even all the newly discovered reserves and new production and we're back to only a couple decades left.
ever heard of plastic?
CNG which is what some of our buses are run on.
The minor stuff could be made with seaweed.

Tell me more. And what about gas reserves?
I have seen this graph many times over the decades, and the peak is always today.
Oil is abiogenic and renewable
You're looking from the wrong perspective, peak oil will be consumption-based, not because we run out of oil
As transportation and heating rapidly electrify (especially in China, EU) and electricity shifts from fossil to renewables, eventually demand for oil, gas and coal will peak and production will follow
Also gulf countries like KSA, Kuwait, Iraq, etc will be the last to fall because of extremely low production costs, they will keep pumping oil for decades to come
> Also gulf countries like KSA, Kuwait, Iraq, etc will be the last to fall because of extremely low production costs, they will keep pumping oil for decades to come

Gulf Muslim countries will probably collapse soon after oil becomes obsolete, extracting oil in the Middle East may be cheap but those Middle Eastern countries have high expenses, look at all of the money Saudi Arabia is blowing on useless projects.
>t. pajeet
Even if I were Indian(I’m not), it doesn’t make my claims any less true, your entire country would collapse without demand for oil.
We'll grow oranges in Alaska
I swear I saw tons of electricity making farms with solar panels or windmills

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