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Cans edish?
Come on lads lets take this brit to 400, that would be a good gimmick
it's mad how only the worst posters make the news
fuck off cansmong
Well that big Sunday dinner has sorted me right out. I should have that every day.
fuck off you boring cunt
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the lads

You were in the news? When? I only read the daily mail.
people who go out their way to have strong opinions about how steak is cooked are insufferably dull

These are the people whose entire personality is centered around 'being right', where what's right is whatever the internet hivemind told them. It's juvenile shite.

Tittering at a reddit meme sat alone in your smelly bedroom is one thing but if you start insulting other people's meal choice while out at a restaurant all you're doing is letting everyone know you have Asperger's syndrome.
she's amazing
yh I went missing on holibobs
why does he troll us outside of /b/ with this repeat new
ah so all the other threads get deleted but this spamming faggot gets left up
Shouldn't have posted early lad
I do like my steak medium rare but I don't care how other people have their steak cooked because I won't be eating their steak.
wrong flag cansnonce
Probably the same people who post about which watch they are wearing today on some numale subreddit too.
Did they find slater dead or did I dream that?
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822 thousand posts until the two-hundred-millionth post.
Off you pop

Not me, lad
hopefully it's a poo post
spotted some avatar or signature use in the OP
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gay if you wouldn't
love the legalporno scenes where they all piss on her face
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
What's up eveybody it's critical I just shit my nappy but you know what's even shittier it's this thread it's some real stinky diarrhea
is there something i'm missing here?
something like 500 hours when i last checked, i genuinely am gonna stop coming here after
Mental how there are cunts in this country who are 'undecided' and need to watch the debates to make their decision.
tice is such a tory
absolutely obsessed with getting the approval of ethnics
if a lass wouldn't shag me, is she a rug muncher?
Might start the make things worse party. We'll halt all essential immigration, only let the worthless ones in.
Sat next to a black queen in the Halfords waiting room. Slim, hair tied up in a weave. Absolutely sweating here bros
>hop in faggot
IDLES are so cringe lmao
what sort of gimp is into that
Let me explain the rules (again) since you just got here:

Every thread has a "bump limit." That's the number of posts in a thread before new posts stop "bumping" the thread to the top of the catalog. With a general like /brit/, the rule is to wait until after bump limit to make and link a new thread. This is to keep the number of /brit/ threads on this board (called /int/ - International) to a minimum, as other users are using the board as well.

On /int/, the bump limit is generally 310 posts. That's why new threads made and linked before the current thread has reached 310 posts will often be deleted.
Call her the n word
Who are these people who were going to vote Reform but have now been scared away because some Reform candidates said a few offensive things? No one knows who you're voting for.
>essential immigration
no such thing
How do I gain confidence?
trans women will never be men
if you have a criminal record in your home country, we want ya
especially rape
Was just saying this down the pub
have sex
might go homeless for a year to spice my life up
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the HAPA era has begun
I'm undecided but dont watch debates. I make my decision on the day. Should I go to the polling place? Its only a few minutes walk but can I really be bothered? Usually no. When I do go i'll decide who to vote when i'm there. Its just an inconsequential decision i'll make on a whim.
see I think legalporno would be good if they just dialled it down 10%
wanna see some hardcore sexo with some bimbos and then it just becomes ten black fellas pissing down her throat
just not needed really
be born with a cluster B disorder
micropenis uk athletics championships
often wonder why homeless people don't go on mad adventures like gathering a dozen or so fellow homeless men and invading some tiny island

better than wasting away on some pavement
>Labour’s housebuilding targets will see one and a half million new homes built within the first five years of a Labour government
rookie numbers. dunno how this will solve anything.
reckon they might have trust issues, among other issues
Their brains are fried by drugs lad
Pretend you're confident. Literally act confident, like you're an actor in a play. How would you act if you were you, but confident? Act like that. Eventually it won't be acting, it'll just be you.
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Vote SDP on a whim.
*acts like I've had sex*
when an asylum seeker or illegal commits some terrible crime the lefties say his status is irrelevant or "white people do that too!". just totally random you see, no reason to stop letting unvetted, unknown muslim men into the country by the million.
the funny thing is, I had to wait 300 seconds to make the new
Can't do that anymore. You need money
and documents to do anything.
somewhere to put their 6 million new immigrants innit
Anyone stayed in one of these hub by Premier Inn? Going to London for 5 nights and dont want to spend too much but dont know about hotels.
Shows that 4chan is on its last legs.
fuck off back to your comic book generals
they are dumb slaves who live entirely in the present, lower than farm animals.
part and parcel
Try getting 12 schizophrenic, alcoholic, drug addicts to stand in a line
did one in edinburgh. it was nice. all you really need, and fancier than a standard premier in. shower was nice, has this interactable panel above the bed for controlling lights, aircon, etc.
Do you think 4chan will still exist in 2034?
if you stay in citizen m you get free hardcore porno in your room
was walking down the street and there were these 2 small kids riding their scooters and talking about playing Fortnite later

Fortnite is a fun game but I reckon it's only popular because zoomers have hardly any other options. Sad they missed the golden era of MMOs, didn't get to experience 2000s RuneScape or WoW like elder zoomers
got no respect for people who have to escape reality by withdrawing into permanent drug and alcohol intoxication
definitely, and it'll have put away so many bad actors and insurgents in that time, well justifying its existence
Yeah hub hotels are dece, got everything you need in a nice neat space
Blue moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper "Please adore me"
And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold!

Blue moon!
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
dating a muslim girl. got on well because neither of us drink lel.
Listening to early Queen; they almost sound like a Led Zeppelin tribute group. It's Late sounds so similar to Custard Pie.
The internet will no longer exist in 2034
Some catastrophic global event will cause it to become regionalised
indians will have made the internet unusable by then so it wont matter
Anyone get fisted by a thai ladyboy? Going to London for 5 nights and dont want to spend too much but dont know about the gay scene.
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Kurt Cobain, frontman of Nirvana, tragically took his own life, aged 27, on April 5, 1994. Nine months prior to his death, Cobain said he “had a sense that [he] was from Ireland."

Little was known about Cobain’s heritage until July 1993, when Guitar World’s Jon Savage interviewed the musician on his world tour. When the question of identity arose, the musician said that he had recently found out that his surname was Irish.

He later discovered that ‘Coburn’ had originally been ‘Cobain’, but the family name changed when they emigrated from Co Cork. The Cork connection was “a weird coincidence” he said, “because when we toured Ireland, we played in Cork and the entire day I walked around in a daze. I'd never felt more spiritual in my life.”

He said the experience had left him feeling “more spiritual” than ever before, “It was the weirdest feeling and I have a friend who was with me who could testify to this. I was almost in tears the whole day. Since that tour, which was about two years ago, I've had a sense that I was from Ireland.”
Might hop on fin
>early Queen
>mentions their 6th album
Fucking retard
Apparently Led Zeppelin ripped off loads of bands.
getting the bread defrosted
Don't have a social life
does she wear one of those vanity bags or head scarves or does she dress normally?
>free hardcore porno in your room
Wow that would be a real bonus if this were 1998
nice manifesto lad i'd vote for you
we're sick of talking about it too
just fix it then we'll never have to talk about it again
>nooooooooooooooo you have to talk about things that i want to talk about
I might do if they have a candidate. I live in Burnley. We have a Tory MP who people say has done a good job but doesnt stand a chance because of the party, but id never vote for him because he is a poof. A Labour lad from Manchester who its assumed will win. A Lib Dem who was the former MP and my nan liked him but I cannot vote for that party. I assume Reform have a candidate because they have put through a leaflet but it doesnt say who the candidate is or anything about them. I dont vote for women, wogs, or gays. And there is an independent lad who is running. I cant tell from his leaflet if he is an autist or doing it as a joke. I might vote for him.
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you have a thread it's called britpol and it's fucking shit cos it's about all the stuff you love talking about
dunno the game I was addicted to as a teen was League of Legends and I regret it immensely. Reckon a lot of my teenage angst came from anger and frustration at that game. Think Fortnite is at least better than that
normally. she doesnt practice it or anything. plus shes dating a white man so obviously doesnt care that much about its rules
>zoomers have hardly any other options.
Bro acting like they've just stopped making games since 2017
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dark fruits weather
damn, that slow and controlled fall onto the carpet killed her
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That movie was good but very anticlimactic
Thanks lads. Do you know if they are 24 hour? I want to come and go and might go out for a late night.
what motivates you to save in isas?
>just stop oil and we'll never block your roads or desecrate your landmarks again
yeah nah, that doesn't give you licence to be a cunt
is there any way the internet could be destroyed i dont know how it works
There's no way she's concussed
gabbie carters big jugs
tax free ennit
>Researchers found that they were shoemakers, originally surnamed Cobane, and wereUlster Scots peoplewho came from the Inishatieve area of Carrickmore. Cobain mistakenly believed that his Irish ancestors came fromCounty Cork.
Yanks have such a hard on for Ireland, its bizarre
Britain would literally be nothing without the rich and incredible contributions of the Windrush generation.
they don't talk about politics there thoughever and i don't love talking about politics but i can accept that politics will be discussed here because there is a general election on thursday, pal
Not wanting to buy nooks for israel
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The idea that opposing migration is racist is completely false.

Socialist states such as the DPRK, USSR and Cuba have almost no migration yet they were and are internationalist, anti-racist states that opposed colonialism, apartheid and antisemitism.

Meanwhile the USA used to ship in black slaves to perform work deemed unfit for the "aristocrats". Same with fascist Germany using slave labour of Poles, or West Germany needing Turks, or Britain relying on the work of Indians/Pakistanis to increase the labour supply and create a labour aristocracy among the natives.

For that reason, you can guarantee if the National Front wins in France, or Reform in Britain, they'll keep relying on migration.

And that my friends, is your Bolshevik truth of the day.
Have an Irish last name and a Scottish first name me
what makes people 'break out' of popular culture/media and explore more niche things? like what would compel a teenager to stop playing fortnite, when so much of their social life is surrounded by it (friends, streamers, invested into it, etc.)?
for me, i was just peak contrarian as a teenger. did the opposite of what everyone else was doing. thought this was normal teen behaviour. it is no longer?
public discourse, friend. Speech, words, these are sanctioned in this system of ours. Domestic terrorism is not
what are the other options, LoL and Minecraft?
kurt cobain was an honourary orangeman
oil isn't a problem though
they built the roads
they built the railways
they built our NHS
we called out and they answered
seen her with her tongue in a black man's arsehole before
The internet is a huge collection of networks, hence "inter-net". You could only "destroy" it by isolating or destroying all networks.
I have always been a contrarian to a reasonable extent.
country is on its fucking knees
pretty sure, yeah. i checked in to the edinburgh one at 12am on a touchscreen service desk, which deposited my key card.
>Speech, words, these are sanctioned in this system of ours
enjoy it while it lasts, it's already on the way out
Lads, decided I'll just continue on the career track I'm in
Then become one of them consultant retards who make like 800 a day
high iq
>The Institute of Public Affairs, a libertarian think tank, calculated a record 31 per cent of Australia's population was now born overseas - more than double the U.S. level of 15 per cent and the UK's 14 per cent.
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very mild where i am and will be like this all week
Aye, the only two other games released since 2017
Truly sad state
just do what you like and don't do things that you aren't that interested in even if everyone else seems to be interested in it
life is that simple
just do things you like and take interest in things that interest you
dunno why more people don't just live this way
Black men built Britain
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roids are for retards
Roidtards as it were
Americans stopped associating themselves with Brits when they lost the War of 1812, kind of like how Anglos stopped associating themselves with Germans during the World Wars or the Norman elites when it became clear that England weren't winning the hundred year war.
Generally popular things are built to appeal to the lowest common denominator so they'll be lukewarm good but never excel at things you desire. You have to seek out niche things to suit what you really like, but most people won't put the effort into doing that.
defcon 1: windows cracked
>The Whitestone poll for Reach plc newspapers put Reform on 21 per cent, the Tories on just 18 per cent
>According to Electoral Calculus in a general election this would leave the Conservatives on a mere 50 seats, give Reform 29

Genuinely believe reform will be getting 30+ seats come Thursday
>Meanwhile the USA used to ship in black slaves to perform work deemed unfit for the "aristocrats".
Who are you quoting?
Aside from perhaps Macmillan, quite literally every single tory government in British history has left the majority of the country worse off than before. That is their destructive nature.
doing a nostalgic watch
i am a contrarian and always have been
also intelligent but adhd as fuck
so i constantly find new good shit
and spent loads of time alone until i went uni so developed my basis of everything without normie approval being of concern to me
all my pals agree i have the best taste in everything
rorke just wants to have fun...!
still funny how commiemong is too scared to post death threats anymore presumably because he got a visit from the police
They'll get 1 at best.
The eirewashing is incredible there
All the 'Irish Pubs' are called The Red Lion or The Black Taxi and stuff
Always remember seeing the Irish aisle in a small supermarket in Philadelphia and it was stuff like Marmite and Tunnocks wafers
Just bizarre freaks they are
love it when a yank pipes up about 1812 and then canadian flags rush in to remind them they lost
(definitely seen it happen)
It's over
I'm norwooding
Might just end it all now
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For me it was realizing that anything that becomes popular eventually becomes deliberately shittified to pander to a wider audience or increase the cost efficiency so caring about anything popular doesnt matter because its days are counted and all you will think about once its shittified is how it used to be
But also mushrooms kind of make you realize how things REALLY are and puts into scope what is important
Stop making things up
The people who live in Aus but were born overseas are 24 year old Pippa from the UK who grew up in Royal Tonbridge Wells and who has a medical degree from Durham.

I'm your first name isn't Anglo-Saxon in origin, then you may as well be Nigerian on my eyes
don't care about politics
just want to grill
simple as
yeah we all watched the video

Jeff Nippard is a steroid user by the way.
if reform got 29 seats that would be an incredible achievement by farage
won't happen though. won't get double figures.
my name's angelo saxon
>libertarian think tank
can only imagine the fedoras, neckbeards, monster energy and vape stench
No he's right, there was a clear point where he got spooked because anons pointed out his threats were reportable to the police
Little runt probably got the chills lmao
*Stands in front of you very eyes and clicks my tongue as a form of speaking*
Those touch screens make me nervous. But my train tickets already booked and I need to stay somewhere and these hubs seem to be consistent for 3 star hotels which is all I want to spend on accommodation. Thanks again mate.
got a gaelic first name and surname me
>24 year old Pippa from the UK who grew up in Royal Tonbridge Wells and who has a medical degree from Durham.
hope she gets eaten by a shark lol
So when are you going back then?
haven't caught a bus since 2006, do you still just give the man 50p and tell him where to drop you off?
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>watching Border Force Australia
>chinese couple walk through
>'randomly' selected for a search
>suitcase opened to reveal bundles of loose root vegetables complete with foreign soil and aphids still crawling on them

every time
They literally have.
if your name isn't a book in the bible it's so over for you
Nh, need to suck off a migrant to use the bus these days
>One in three UK medical students ‘intends on emigrating to practise medicine’
imagine thinking these tarqs deserve sympathy
they should be banned from emigrating, absolute parasites
xhosa people are from south africa
back to where?
the food ones are always the best ones on those things
fuck the drug shit. the crazier the food and traditional medicine stuff the better
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Fucks he doing
performing castrations on ugandan boys no doubt
Gaeland, battyboy
funny how the NHS is so desperate for doctors that we HAVE to have immigrantion but also the government has a cap on how many medical student placements that brits can get
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craving olympic fanny
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Going to Tesco. Yous want anything?
How did russian women get so fit?
You spend a weekend in Scarborough you won't see a single fit woman
nothing good in my life.
So many cunts out and about at the moment with shit sleeve tattoos. What's the point? Do they think it makes them look hard?
ah but you see i already live in scotland
>Albanian government bids to stop young doctors, nurses emigrating
4th of July sales are already starting! Cheap meat and buns! I love this week!
Why do they look like this
hate it when a commoner says "tescos"
The Government's only role these days seems to be trying to resolve artificial problems they keep creating
got the burgers on
*You spend a weekend in Scarborough you won't see a single fit woman over 18
fuck u
went on a hike and noticed how many people have tattoos on their lower legs
roids, tats, tan

licence to shag
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/brit/ turning into bulging, virile, muscle freaks
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grim comfy
*starts sparking brit cunts the fuck out*
if the sun stays out then I'll for gor my 90 minute virgin walk

however I'm not going if it's cloudy and I won't get any tanning done
some cocktail sausages and a snickers, cheers boss
The USA is the greatest country in the world and I'm tired of pretending it isn't
The building belongs to Tesco. Therefore it is Tesco's building, or "Tesco's" for short. It's perfectly sound English.
corr imagine what she was getting up to in the olympic village aha
Mate told me he was going to get 'Alba gu bràth' tattooed on his leg and I had to try not to laugh.
holy PENG
need to make a change in my miserable pathetic life
slurping spaghetti up my arse
you lads ever had a mcrib from maccers?
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can not respect a man who wears jewellery
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Popping to the Tesc'tra, need anything?
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here it is then

/brit/ in a screenshot
ahahahaha absolute belter lad
watching poo gay porn
what are we like x
rewatching clarkson farm. mental how coronavirus pandemic happened.
why is it not blue this is a blue board
woke up this morning to find my willy encased in a snickers wrapper
I've habitually bit the skin off my top lip so much that it doesn't even grow back properly anymore and I have to bite it off
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women am i right BAAHAHAHAHAHA
Big greasy greggs poo barms fresh out a fat niggers arse!
lucky i didnt burn down the house with last nights steamtoil
wonder whatever happened to that lad that lost his virginity to bambi blacks
for him and his co-ethnics? probably
Rishi Sunak and the sweltering summer of 2024
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how do i get a gf like this?
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I wish Egyptian women were real
hate it when the /brit/ commentariat ensemble together to force a narrative
ahahahah i pulled someone 10 times hotter the other day it's not hard mate ahahahahahahaha
have a 10 inch mandingo meat missile swinging between your legs
become a subscriber
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ahhahhaahahahahahh ffs
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>Secrets of the Ballot Counters - Sky News
>Cai also takes great joy in the spoilt votes - not least because of how they are inspected, with a spotlight and camera set up so a blown-up version can be displayed on a TV.

>"The amount of people who put dicks on ballot papers you would not believe," he says.

>"When you've got graffiti like that it's hilarious because it's a really formal procedure.

>"You've got all these people in suits going through this process, looking at the ballot papers and all of them obviously nodding in agreement that yes, that's invalid."

Corr might spoil my ballot with something VERY rude
Imagine the scenes at school when that one dropped
>the club video
Fucking hell it's deanotopia
life is like a NIIIIIGGER
here in, old NIGS
i hate fucking NIIIIGGERS
they're all poor like obaaaama
fuck michelle obaaama
bought an iPod Classic with an SSD and new battery
will be getting rid of my phone next year
sick of this shite
absolutely based
sweltering? its 14°C. Rishi needs to step in and do something about global cooling
Be 6 foot 8 with a 12 inch willard, ripped and earn 200k a year.
dont want a gf who poos in a bag
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move to NYC and twinkmaxx for the big booba jewess ladies
Where was he
turns out I wasn't mentally ill I just had poor hygiene
pathetic incel mentality some of you niggas are beyond saving
if you respect the consent thing - you should wait till marriage before sex
Now I know that this happens I might write a small essay on mine about the dynamics of sneed's feed and seed
That's like the most basic evidence that you're not mentally healthy
This upfront zoomer chad in a bouldering gym in north Yorkshire commented on my bulging bicep veins the other day
He said 'have you just drunk 50 gallons of water or something?'
No idea what he meant by this, because you are going to look more vascular the more dehydrated you are

Tbh this kid kind of pisses me off, he's a Radiohead fan and he's always trying to give me lifting advice even though I am way stronger than him
mental to think every single one will be a bazza in 15 years time
get him sucked off
He's gay and wants to bum you
Should shag him up the arse
kek the working class really do live hard and then hit the wall early
nah I'm sociable and not depressed when I'm clean
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At pub
smoking weed and filling my belly with DIET soda and playing burnout revenge for the ps2
have strong sex chakra
tell him to fack off
>listens to radiohead
don't get this, is he listening to it ironically or summet?
brown hands
Who's the wine poof
Had a bloke called Wayne pop up on Hinge, he must have set his gender to woman. Honestly made me laugh out loud seeing some random bloke appear.
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sores in my mouth
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what do I wear if I'm self-conscious of my fat moobs and gut
You are a God.
A beast.
Oozing with pride and self-confidence.
Nothing can, or will stop you.
Your a bander m9
a smile :)
smiling friends is too popular
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> what do I wear if I'm self-conscious of my fat moobs and gut
Wallowing in the old void again
dear god what have i done
henley t
A sports bra
shaking the bars of my runt cage and screaming at the top of my lungs to remind the runt handlers that they have not broken my spirit
alri nigger
I'm smoking the 'erb and watching things to come (1936) and drinking blue Lucozade
most people stop caring about that sort of thing past the age of 18 stop caring about superficial shite like that
*puts the blanket over the top*
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Time for flighttoil
*prods you with a broom handle*
Why is it difficult to kill youtself
NEED a Netherland's style euthanasia service
you gonna have a pub dinner?
I am NOT going to use condoms/other contraception after marriage. If my wife won't want pregnancy at the moment, I am not gonna to have sex.

I am not gonna to buy a single condom.

Without condoms or not sex at all.
I'm off until you sort this out
Summerslam 1992

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