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What happens here?
impossible to suffer
god I wish I lived on an insanely remote island with just a few dozen of other people and near zero outside contact
>tourist brochures are real life
Delusional. T.actually lived there for a while
where and why?
>tfw no mermaid gf
Right in the middle because of my family and later work
Daily dog attacks, everything is extremely expensive, you arent really allowed to own anything unless you know someone, no jobs etc
>drowns due to rising sea levels
>>rising sea levels
Anyday now!
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they're gone by 2050
Are you that anon from French polynesia?
Spent the better part of a year on campbell island, people take for granted just how fucking boring an island can be without internet
Go surf, poof. Unless it has dangerous tides, fauna or dangerous topography like outcrops whirlpools etc.
>Go swim in antarctic waters
>Daily dog attacks

damn I would've thought the water was warmer. I guess you're right as rain about being bored to death if you can't even surf.
Necause there are 3 times more dogs than people
every island that a person has been to has a dog and rat infestation
your fault btw as usual
Paradise on thousands of remote islands.
why they can't just cull the dogs? And are people they really that fat?
>Daily dog attacks, everything is extremely expensive, you arent really allowed to own anything unless you know someone, no jobs etc
Sounds like England
What are the gun laws like in France? Could you get a shotgun for hunting and just shoot them?
You cant a expect a population of 100 third worlders to look after an island, and yes they are very fat
Damn I always unironically thought French Polynesia was a tropical paradise. Is it really that bad?
cook islands mog tahiti
blub blub
I am sure its very easy to clean up 500k dogs on thousands of extremely remote islands
No you cant unless you know someone. I just usually had a machete and some stuff for pig hunting
It is
They have the same issues we do to a lesser degree. All of the pacific does
because its not full of filthy tahitians/frogs
Is it a good place to live?
If youre extremely lazy and content sure why not
kek, ia orana brother.
If you have connections and can make enough money to live there because there are no jobs
fishy stuff
You just pick fruit for one season in new zealand and then live off that for the next 3 years back on your island, its what the natives do
There are some tiny islands with hundred people living there that get supplies shipped every couple months. I have no idea what they do there or how they make their living.
You couldn't find 2 better adjectives to desrcibe me

Thanks for the strat boss, gotta look into this
Thanks for the strat bro gotta look into this

t. responded to the wrong post
That works because they own houses over there and frends who can sell them stuff at discounted price. I did the same there. The finnish anon isnt allowed to own real estate over there.
That was back home. One ship every month. No airport.
Fishing and subsistence agriculture maybe? That would be my best guess
I dont know if your finnish skin will be up to the task, you might die of melanoma in 5 years
>not allowed to own real estate
You mean the cook islands or french polynesia? And don't I have the right to buy and own real estate in french polynesia as an eu citizen? I understand that many of the local patriarchs might not want to sell though
I stayed at a hostel in raro so theres always that option, it smells like piss and I nearly got stabbed there though
You have no idea how much I hate the cold weather man. I've been fantasizing about moving to a tropical island for several years of my short life by now. I'll have to put my trust in the sunblock
>I am sure its very easy to clean up 500k dogs on thousands of extremely remote islands

The problem is that the authorities always opt for sterilization, which is expensive and totally inefficient, you operate one while ten more are popping up in the bush. Whereas it would be easy to kill 100% of the dogs and 80% of the cats in no time for a fraction of the budget.
French nuclear tests
Yeah sorry for having spawned Godzilla.
In fp thats for sure. Foreigners here cant buy land.
>don't I have the right to buy and own real estate in french polynesia as an eu citizen
You arent
Noone goves a shit whether they are eu citizens or not. In cook thats the same i think.
Itsva tourist trap so cant say I am surprised
dolphins and whales sex
That's odd. When I looked it up it seems as if EU citizens can in fact buy land. Btw, do you think France will actually give them independence at some point?
No supermarkets here, that's suffering.
i was just in fiji. it was alri. won't go back
It is but depends of island and community, tahiti is indeed a paradise.
Cthulhu and Captain Nemo hang out here.
I looked it up again and it seems as though in the cook islands all foreigners need to seek permission from the local authority in order to settle there, so pretty unlikely probably. But for FP:

>European citizens can purchase properties in French Polynesia just like any Polynesian or French national.

International (non-European) buyers must have government authorization for all foreign investment to ensure the money is ‘clear’.

I'm assuming that by European they mean EU
Have you been there?
It means always EEA so eu + norway and iceland
Imagine living on the pitcairn islands
The place is rife with pedophilia and suicide
>>European citizens can purchase properties in French Polynesia just like any Polynesian or French national.
Even in some parts of mainland France it's impossible if you don't know the right people...
have the sirs taken over yet?
Didn't like a third of their male population get found guilty of noncing?
But thats just because people aren't willing to sell, right?
They aren't willing to sell to you, yes.
I was in charge of the bureau that regulates the purchase of real estate and you cant purchase real estate unless you can justify that it will benefit the local economy (ie youll create a certain amount of jobs for us).
Eu law does not apply to us and eu citizen are treated the same as other foreigners.
Thats established local case law.

There seems to be a decent amount of property available, even with 0 connections. And connections can be made too (of course many will simply refuse). So it looks like I will be able to buy if I simply get the money part sorted out
>EU citizens can in fact buy land
They cant lmao. You need government authorization thats in local law
Not a chance.
Azerbaijana and china might finance guerillas theres and in cook though
El culo del mundo
Those are properties advertized for french national by local agencies

Weird if thats the case since all of the info online seems to suggest otherwise.

Well, I guess I'll find out the answer definitively when I start actively looking to buy property
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Wind blows without anybody opening their mouths. Must be heaven.
Weird actual case law (hames v french states) says even luxembourgish nationals arent allowed to buy real estate. Maybe you should trust those instead of twitter screenshots
-I'm not on twitter
-link pls
>https://lexpol.cloud.pf › do...DOC
DELIBERATION n°96-141APF du 21 novembre 1996 portant réglementation
Not allowed unless you got authorization. Try else where maybe other islands in mauritius authorize it
Nah still gonna try fp. If it truly is not possible I will find out very quickly when I get serious about it. Appreciate it though
Kek you wont be able to live/buy a house there. Our houses prices are ×10 if we sell them to nonresidents ie foreigners
Try somewhere else unless you really want to lose money. Ask fijian anons instead.
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I lived in east timor last year. It was expensive but i had a short term contract and my own houses so it was okay. Id really like to go back but getting a job there is neigh impossible.
...but enough about japan
Can confirm, my request to buy land over there was refused, they charged me a lot more than what was originally advertised and in the end the government said i couldnt.
I went to timor instead
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Keep in mind our regulation is the most lax. Cook and samoa only allow natives to buy.
I was stationed on Yap Island while in the Air Force. It was comfy af and we had to go to Guam for supply runs. Guam has these enormous frogs that get flattened by cars and trucks. when they dried out we used them for frisbees.
you get tired of being on an island for awhile but if you're there long enough you never want to leave.
New Zealand is a prime example of that unironically.
Timor been good?
Very. Its really poor and quite expensive compared to sea or western indonesia (eastern is quite pricy). Theres also more crime supposedly but i never had any issues, i lived on a coast and in the highlands and i liked both. People are Nice, scenery is amazing and its really quaint. Maybe ill go back there and create my company. Ill try going to africa as well first to scout for islands.
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i want to visit new zealand and possibly move there but everything is so fucking far from there
We'll take your money but please dont move here, the place is getting crowded
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Do not believe the oceanians, they just want to keep the beaches and islands for themselves
Sounds good. I'll have to look more into timor, but I have some others in mind too like mauritius in africa for example. Although I have no idea about their laws and will need to research
I'll still test the waters but yeah doesn't look very promising especially after the Dutch anon's testimony.
Mauritius is probably safer but more touristy. Timor was basically like papua but without the gangs.
Holy fuck I only now read the article. I guess I'll have to be gigaloaded in order to buy in FP
why is a place where you will die of starvation considered a paradise?
>dies of thirst in three days
The calling of nature. Clear skies, crystal blue waters, lush environment


Plus the warmth and the light
Thats a black person, not an islander
Out of curiosity, are the literally any afro people on the smaller pacific islands like Tahiti size or smaller?
i know and that's probably somewhere in the caribbean, but i want to fuck voluptuous black women on tropical islands.
fucked if I know, ive only been to like 2 of them
Interesting thread.
How bad are the insects? This is my number 1 concern when it comes to "tropical pradises"
>i base my worldview on tourism ads: the posts
Thats the point. To only let government approved richfags buy and keep the market affordable for us
In melanesia yes outside no. Foreigners are beaten up here and so are muslims
Read that as fucked like 2 of them :DDD
>>i base my worldview on tourism ads: the posts

You're damn right I do
Thats completely retarded. Might as well say haiti is a paradise because they have shiny tourism pictures.
Not only is it far its also filled to the brim with jeets and muslims
Well actually if were being honest I developed my romanticism towards pacific islands completely separate of tourism ads. And your hatred of outsiders only makes you guys far more appealing
urchins and jellyfish should be your biggest concern
Mosquitos, centipedes, spiders.
But the most dangerous criters, deadly ones, are in the ocean.
you don't really have to settle 1km2 micro island
I see, I had just assumed it would be like the amazon rainforest on land. The unique plantlife is something I think would be really cool to see, almost like going back in time to a previous age of the earth (French Polynesia)
Same with Socotra, but I don't even know if you can get there safely nowadays.
At least the water is so clear that if you pay attention you should be able to avoid most of the dangerous water critters, right?
no you don't
jellyfish are transparent and urchins look like rocks
We have these tiny jellyfish in the baltic but they don't sting or anything.
Are the urchins really that hard to spot? They stand out from what I've seen in nature docs. Stepping on one sounds hellish, I'll admit that.
Personally I'd be grossed out by those huge crabs that hang off of rubbish bins and can snip your toes off (and eat birds)
Stone fishes are invisible. Also some sea shells are venomous.
>Daily dog attacks
Lmao wtf? Are they rabid or something?
So, do you guys just tread in slippers as a precaution?
Worst I've encountered have been jagged rocks and generally cold water
t. Only ever been in the baltic, north sea and mediterrenian
What were you doing there?
>t. Isolation and wilderness appreciator
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Idk, seems like buying property is a thing for Europeans in Tahiti and Tahitians are butthurt about it.
we have lakshadweep. but there are p*ople there
Nigga food literally grows on trees there
Shit is free
>So, do you guys just tread in slippers as a precaution?
Mandatory (at least imo) just because of corals, they can seriously cut your feet.
Too isolated, sardinians too live in paradise but they still kys themselves
I think the conclusion we came to is that it is hard, expensive and not guaranteed to work, but rich foreigners can buy there. Especially EU ones
asbestos removal
Ah, shit. That's a bummer.
Guess I'll stick with Patagonia
Is your guys' food good? Do you have unique cuisine or is it mostly imported?
I only know Tahiti, the local products are great, veggies, fruits, sea food, but most people just cook rice and rice again (which is imported). There are many traditional dishes though, but I rarely saw it in the everyday life.

Future gravesite of the International Space Station, along with other space junk
imported stuff is expensive, you VILL eat the poly food
Can't wait to try them honestly
I meant more in terms of the origins of the recipes than ingredients. I will gladly eat Polynesian food :DDD
This is where my goblin in WoW leveled up
Europeans= french there. Because as seen above other europeans like >>199188839 arent allowed to. In tahitians the world for europeans is mostly used for frenchs even though a separate word exist
Really? It was 2020 before
Keep moving those goalposts
So delusions. /thread. Now i start to be thankful for our restrictions on foreigners.
>you get tired of being on an island for awhile but if you're there long enough you never want to leave.
very interesting anon, care to elaborate further?
Je sais pas ou tu vivais. C'est maa tahiti quasiment tout les dimanche chez nous.
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All of our plants have been important to the terrestrial fauna is really poor like on every isolated island.
You weren't thankful for them beforehand?
What's maa like?
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>What happens here?
no sex, thats for sure
No. Now with the massive influx of rotten retards from paris maybe i am. Anyway the government is kicking foreigner out at a greater pace and the new laws makes them impossible to live there.
How do they kick people out?
Vairao, 6 mois. Au supermaché plus haut (Taravao ?) tout le monde achetait des tonnes de riz et des cochonneries hors de prix.
Send the police then put them in a plane. We kicked like 4 canadians a few italians and a bunch of scandis/israelis when i was working in that bureau
Pour un stage à l'ifremer?
Je vivait a moz, aux australes et aux marquises et en ville quand il y a du boulot ou pour voir la familles et les amis.
Normal, tu achète que le riz et la viande en supermarché. Le reste c'est bord de route ou ton jardin. Generalement on s'arrange avec les copains.
Very nice. So are you able to do it on a whim or do you need a reason?
>Pour un stage à l'ifremer?
Non, jeune et con j'ai suivi ma copine instit. Ça a merdé et je suis rentré au fenua (limousin).
Et non je te jure les gens se mettaient sur la paille pour des yaourts et des chips etc.
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Pas de travail ici les gens qui restent on soit un travail avant d'arriver soit une boite a eux. Sinon c'est quasiment impossible.
C'est des denrées chères et les gens aiment bien tout ça le fast food et tout. C'était pas comme ça du temps des vieux. Les jeunes veulent manger comme les americains les casse croûtes avec mayonnaise et tout. Mais bon au moiks on continue a pêcher
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