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I don’t like this, less Koreans less K-pop this is bad for humanity
This became even worse since 2019
it's actually way worse
>less K-pop

Oh no!

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lol sounds like cope
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how do you give birth to 0.92 of a baby
do you leave one hand in the womb
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yeah this is what i thought so too.

i don't know why these 4channers are laughing at us when basically this is the prospect for all first world nations and its just a matter of time on who gets there first. its almost like a destiny that men have created in modern times with the simultaneous boom in technological progress. as if we're just preparing for AI replacing numbers of jobs in the close future. the difference is that ones like us will be able to tackle a single problem, and the ones like france will have to tackle at least one more problem, which is the nigger problem.

just imagine a world where AI replaces all jobs and men have time laying around with nothing else to do and infinite food glitch. now insert niggers. like holy fuck good luck with that.
Sverige educayhun
Immigration from China will fix that.
This is what always happens in countries that give women too many rights.
It's not just Korea.
Islam, which does not give women rights, is in a way the right religion.
In the near term? fat chance, the lower the population sinks the less the amount of competent people capable of making all the technological breakthroughs necessary for such an advanced form of automation to happen in the first place, let alone maintain it.
That's fucking crazy, I just want to see how it ends up in a couple of years
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>less Koreans
No one cared when the US genocided 20% of the Korean population, nothing of value was lost

>"We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea, too. Over a period of three years or so, we killed off, what, 20 percent of the population?” — General Curtis LeMay, in “Strategic Air Warfare”

>“The war in Korea has already almost destroyed that nation of 20 million people. I have never seen such devastation. After I looked at that wreckage and those thousands of women and children … I vomited.” — MacArthur in 1951

>The US dropped a total of 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, on Korea. By comparison, the U.S. dropped 160,000 on Japan during WW2.

>Napalm was used most notably during the battle "Outpost Harry" in South Korea, 1953.

>Winston Churchill, among others, criticized American use of napalm, calling it "very cruel", he said, were "splashing it all over the civilian population", "tortur[ing] great masses of people". American official who took this statement declined to publicize it.

>British journalist Reginald Thompson was shocked by the ignorance and racism of the American military, who referred to Koreans as “gooks” and Chinese soldiers as “chinks” during Korean war.

>J. Howard McGrath, referred to the Koreans as “rodents,” and thus had no regrets about the ongoing slaughter.

>In 1951, war correspondent Tibor Meráy said that there were “no more cities in Korea.” He added, “My impression was that I am traveling on the moon because there was only devastation—every city was only a collection of chimneys.”

>An estimated 2.5 million Koreans died in the bombing, most of them civilians, many of them incinerated by napalm.

Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities

Kill 'em All: American War Crimes in Korea | PBS America
the difference is that the current generation will work longer and are more competent up until their old age due to various health progress.
now we still have decent population having been born up til 2016 (the sharp decline started around 2017). you don't think in the year 2046 when these last batch of sizable population reaches in their 30s we will see technological breakthroughs enough for massive job replacement? 2046 seems like a very long time away with todays speed in progress

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