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Do they like being called Balkan?
no but it's still better than being called eastern European.

At least the term "Balkan", despite having also negative stereotypes attached, has some positive connotations as well (food, music, lifestyle, weather), while eastern Europe has none. So you see them using "Balkan" more often than "eastern European"
No, same with EE label. At best call us Central Europe and at worst south-eastern Europe but NEVER balkans/EE
I don't understand why Greece isn't considered Balkan

So much of the culture we think about when we think of the balkans literally comes from Greece or is heavily influenced by. The food, the music, the clothes, the religion even
Bro if i was crippled i would spend my time learning some skill or hobby instead of getting mind broken about what western europeans think
slovenia is missing
Nope patuljko
I'd rather be EE than Balkan as I'm sick and tired of orientalism and muslim influence in the things you mentioned
do Romanians even have "Balkan" identity?

desu I see Serbs calling themselves "Balkaners" and their region "Balkans" without any problem. I only see Croats and Slovenes getting really mad when someone implies that they're Balkan, it always looked to me other nations from the region were more chill about it but due to lack of language connection I cannot speak for Romanians because I cannot read their media
do Romanians actually think of themselves as central european or is that a meme?
You're precisely the country at the crossroads between centre, east and southeast
i don't engage in normie stuff
something something cold war aristotle
saar slovenia is basically german and they are huwhite
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We are Slavx though.
Greece is middle east
Slovenia is less balkan than Hungary, only reason they are grouped with Balkans is because they were in Yugoslavia and have a million Albanians and Serbs who came during that time.
ugly gray commieblocks, uranium-polluted rivers, neverending cold dark winter
amazing food, music, eternal sun
>muslim influence
such as?
glass romania and all balkan/ee countries ,glass france and uk and america,glass china but the most glass russia
fucking goats.
You can't lie to me, I've been to Southern Poland and Czechia. Although Prague is kinda shit and overrated imo rural Czechia is amazing. Krakow is clean and orderly while Zagreb in comparison is filled with trash, overgrown weeds, collapsing old buildings and exploding water pipes which shitters will still blame on the 2020 earthquake and will keep blaming it on for years to come.
Basically every Balkan food you can think of, huge chunks of local langauges vocabulary is arab turk or persian, turbofolk and related music like cajke idk what they call it now, towards the south there's blood-feuds, littering like it's Cairo etc
i don't think anybody thinks about that shit unless you are autistic. but if you do and don't acknowledge that romania is a mix of a multitude of european regions you are deranged.
Romania is not Balkan and neither is Slovenia. Croatia and Greece are somewhat Balkans. It really is just us, albos, serbs and fyromians in the end.
I meant stereotypes, not necessarily truth. The point is that the label "Eastern Europe" is essentially associated negatively, without any redeeming features, hence no one wants to use it. That's why Poles or Czechs call themselves Central Europeans and all cleanliness and order we have here is attributed to our alleged Mitteleuropeanness.
we are TIGANI
bro your culture is serving foreigners drinks while they fuck your women while living like sardines in commieblocks
very little islamic about it lol
Balkan stereotypes are constant warmongering, genocide and thinking we hate some other ethnicities
I live in a region that saw no fighting since WW2 and is filled with Serbs
>serving forefingers
nope, it's you and visaflips doing that here now
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Balkane balkane balkane moj
budi mi silan i dobro mi stoj
nope, like you said, romania is at the cossroads, we have influence for all 3 parts of europe
of course the one from the balkans/south east europe being the dominant one
>Balkan stereotypes are constant warmongering, genocide and thinking we hate some other ethnicities
this is just one part of the stereotype, the other one is that positive
meanwhile there is NOTHING positive about eastern Europe. Not a single positive trait you can think of when you say "eastern Europe"
why would they not
despite the wars, the balkans are extremely comfy with beautiful culture, lots of history, great food, amazing mountains and weather
He is a muslim shqiptar don't pay him attention.
yes, they do
at least those in the south/Wallachia
all ALBANIAN clay
>no but it's still better than being called eastern European.
>At least the term "Balkan", despite having also negative stereotypes attached, has some positive connotations as well (
Gets labelled as Turkish food, as in something "foreign" that we "took" from others, so not something we are genuinely praised for
Manele, turbo-folk and others are mocked and rightfully laughed at for being low quality garbage.
nothing special
again, nothing special

>So you see them using "Balkan" more often than "eastern European"

The real difference is this
Eastern Europe = bad stuff
Balkan = bad stuff + Gypsies
So EE wins
Hungary, Slovakia and Czechia all have way more gypsies than Croatia
The difference is that in the balkans (Croatia), locals act more like gypsies themselves
thank you françoise ser for routing nu-austrians away from slovenia
Balkans=manliness, life enjoyment
EE=depressing alcoholism
>Gets labelled as Turkish food
no, it's completely different things. When you mean Balkan food you think of burek, shopska, cevap, pljeskavica and so on. Turkey has similar dishes but not the same and they're called differently.

>Manele, turbo-folk and others are mocked and rightfully laughed at for being low quality garbage.
yet everyone outside the Balkans loves Balkan/Gypsy music festivals and Balkan rock has high esteem in Europe
>nothing special
way better than in regular "eastern Europe" which is basically gray, cold and depressing
Before the 90s, Romania together with Bulgaria and everybody else were just broadly "East European".
90s came and with the Yugoslav nonsense the "Balkans" got reinvented as the "bad place"
Then you also had the V4 club that reinvented themselves as "Central Europe" (which is older, I know Mitlleuropa, but this was a new interpretation..), as the "regions that is superior to both Balkan and EE" so many now wanted to also be CE.

TLDR these labels are meaningless and change due to current politics
I have seen a lot of depressing alcoholism in Romania, South included
normies who have sex do
>South included
Oltenia is still above Moldova at pure alcohol consumed per capita :)
What about Bakas?
croatians hated it because they wanted to be "western european" back when being western european was associated with being cool. now that being western european is associated with being a cuck who easily just sells your country to blacks and god knows who else, croatians are now more apt to describe themselves as balkan.

its what ive noticed. moreover croatians are funny fuckers. the austrian authorities pummelled them and dictatored them worse than serbs did by a 1000 to 1 margin yet they hate serbs more (look up magnate conspiracy, austrian suspension of croatian parliament etc)
> littering like it's Cairo etc
hahaha my family is from near zadar and i was walking with my cousins in zadar outskirts and i had a wrapper in my hand and was waiting until i found a garbage can to throw it in my cousin told me to throw it on the griound i said "but the planet" she looked so frustrated as if i said the faggiest thing in the world snatched it from my hand and threw it on the ground told me "fuck the planet, never do that again"

also when i put my seatbelt on my cousins always took it off and told me only faggots put thheir seatbelt on in croatia. idk if it was based or retarded.
no one gives a shit
Patuljko reci nam kako da sredimo drzavu. Znas vise o tome nego 90% spaljenih mozgova na /ex-yu/
I know you're that schizo from your posts but honestly I can believe that kind of behavior from certain Dalmatians. Constantly hear about some killings and violent crimes from Split area, pretty sure 90% of all the bad shit happens there itc Zagreb included. Are they doing some sort of competition there to see who can be the biggest subhuman nigger monkey? It feels like a completely different planet comapred to Istria and the people and their mentality couldn't be more different. Like people magically get feral nigger rabies once they cross south-east of Velebit mountains.
Geographically Italy and Ukraine are also Balkan.
This very balkan style song comes from a Slovakian-Hungarian-Romanian or something.
Honorary balkaniggers.
ya i am "that schizo" aka the truthful one aka the one who hates his croatianness. and idk ive never been to anywhere else in croatia besides my familys origin region in dalmatia so i have no clue how shit is outside of there.

the people i encountered there poisioned eachothers pets, threw rocks at one anothers head, tricked children into drinking pee, brought the selo retard into the home to scare children, kinda raped chicks, etc the list goes on.
no one really cares. There are no domestic news that talk about the Balkan and include us into it. We refer to ourselves as Bulgarian and never as Balkan. There is a bigger dividing line between Serbia and Bulgaria than there is between Poland and Germany. Whatever happens in Serbia has no affect on me whatsoever so there's no need to lump us into a common identity as if we have a shared destiny. The only people who do that are westerners who see this region as some sort of a failed federation that needs to be recreated under France or America's guidance, but doing that is about equivalent to Korea and Japan forming a federation. They're just not made for each other and the only union would be a conquest of one side, and in the same way I see few things in common with everyone else around us.
Doesn’t really make me feel anything
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