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matjaz kek edishhhhhhhh
dogstein gets right up in my face and stares at me with pure love after I feed him. Love this guy
might try hitting on the woman who started playing the church organ at our parish recently

very cute in a frumpy and jittery sort of way
pointless having kids at this point i reckon

demographic collapse is done

plus it's only been retards that have been breeding since the start of the 1900s anyway
cyka blyatberg
/sp/ webm wank soon
Your wife will lose her fucking mind if she doesn't have a baby, guaranteed.
kek might spend my next paycheck on a flight to japan, see what the fuss is about and finish off by jumping into a volcano, ending my wretched and miserable life
you wont
we'll just adopt a kitten and she can have a "fur baby"
need this poured down a funnel lodged in my throat
would that be an instant death do you reckon, or a bit like burning to death in a fire?
The future of Britain is going to be like this:
All mid-sized towns are going to be completely dead. No high street whatsoever. It'll all be either boarded up or converted to housing. People will be forced to commute to larger cities for work. If you want to buy something you either get it online or go to a massive retail park near a larger city.
always a point in having kids and a family if you can
sounds well nice x
to be honest no woman would want to do any of that with me either
oh yeah like what
how is that any different from now
be a lot quicker than fire but not instant. not an ideal way to go by any means
I commute to a village because there's a research centre I work at there.

Would love to live at the village itself but it's prohibitively expensive.
Got the Morrissey blasting out
some mid sized towns are still doing okay
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saw a video about gollum's death in lord of the rings explaining that you probably wouldn't sink like he did, you'd just sit on the surface slowly burning up like a sausage
could you live in london on 27k?
still, would be an interesting one for people who knew you to tell people about
could go viral if you got someone to film it
in a just society, nothing sexual would be on telly
strangle and dismember the people that post things from twitter
name 5 of them
he would've also died from the impact
why do we fall master wayne
you're hot when you're authoritative like that
niggering a poo
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nah lad the future is bright

2010 will be lovely
can still get a house in half the towns in this country for around 100k
How was Church lads?
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good lad
sucked on the snus too long and i feel sick now
yep, plenty do
would go to church is there was a catholic one near me
i actually think you could but its miserable to say the least
yeah but you would have to live in a houseshare with a bunch of other losers
chucked the chicken kievs in the oven x
yeah saw Diego there
got bummed
We suffer more in our imagination than in reality
dont think i've met a single person who actually likes family guy
Been out of work for years and don't even feel ready to re-enter it. Know that the moment I get a job I will crumble and sack it off in 2 weeks, if I last that long.
everyone should be free to enjoy festivals how they please, but also i refuse to believe anyone who goes to joe wicks session at glastonbury will be getting anywhere near as much out of the festival experience as, eg, me, a man who loves a sesh + thus i should go in their place
How do those nignogs and indians afford to live in london as deliveroo drivers and halal meat market vendors then they cant all be selling drugs
as a southerner living up north, i love it here. i grew up in and around a bunch of grey, ugly, post-war new build towns. places up here have so much more character, and the national parks, too.
survived 3 years in london on 16k tax free when i was doing my phd
it was fine
I am so horny for a thicc cunt, post some thicc slags bros.
Chuck yourself in too
so fucking tired feel like a zombie feel like shit hate my life fuck it all to death sick of this shit
they live 8 to a room

What's she waffling about
At glasto lads x
they pay 300 for a bed and live with 10 other undesirables
do you wanna trade places
it's a communal experience, that's what people are there for, so if that's not your thing then festivals aren't for you
you gotta have some exclusivity, basic rules that everybody abides. If you don't then the festival gets shut down, like comedy shows for being controversial when that's the whole fucking point
post a pic for us lad
Tour de france is refreshing not a wog or paki in sight
autistic third worlder typing cadence
Or they live in social housing so are heavily subsidised to be there
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when i see an anti china news article i google the context and the usa is the aggressor every time
for me its norf or nothin
literal filler television while everyone's on vacation
local pub has changed their food menu from traditional pies and mash and fish and chips over to some smashburgers and buffalo wings YANK MUCK
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My mate is only 27 and his hair was thinned so badly that he's pretty much forced to shave it all and keep it bald.

The worst thing is he and his dad are both really tall at like 6'7 but his dad, now in his 50s or 60s, still has a full head of hair. Really fucking grim
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Here you are lad
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pride month is nearly over so i'm hypnotising and brainwashing lesbians into liking cock
eating some megaplastics
>hate life
>wanna kms
>have a drink
>everything seems ok
they sell better in the summer
yeah if you count those shitholes outside of central London proper area to be "London"
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tomboy summer
my days of turning out lesbians are behind me
oh my hello you sexy lady : - D
mint photo that lad, you got a well good view
they're all on benefits
enjoy your poison mate
isn't there like two or three pride months now
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hello mates
even shag him up the arse (or vice versa)?
12 year old boy looking ass bitch
got groped twice last night. once by a fella and once by a woman. people are feral.
why were whites so good at colonising?
tugging on my little green willy
You're on a good path

Take it easy virgimite
timeless kino
Cheers, yeah we all got up early. It's good here x
i've had the past 3 weeks off and i've done absolute fuck all. i'm so embarrassed actually. i had plans to study and preen and shit but i've done fuck all
he should've hopped on the pills when he first realised he was thinning, he's doomed to slaphead existence now. Sad!
why do the ottomans never get any credit
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need to put some more money on the electric metre key

only have 10 quid left in the thing. Do it next week though, can't be arsed today.
enjoyed "virgimite" can't lie
me but 7 years
uni break?
just watched a video of a fat middle aged muslim woman rejecting a council flat in london because it wasnt big enough really riles me up
Not even been anywhere nice?
should tell him to drop the wig as he looks like a chinese bird
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>electric metre
me but my whole life
look cody that tornadoes coming right towards us wooow
I knew you would, you funko pop
You can't say "meter" even if it's the correct usage ITT or you'll be FOY'd.

I'll even be FOY'd for this post.
me when i get a weekend to myself
might get that on that drug to help your facial hair

I have a bald spot DIRECTLY under the middle of my chin, which obviously looks hideous so I can't grow it out despite actually being able to grow a decent one
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cant park there mate xD
fucking hate the leccy box i have a job ffs i shouldnt be subject to the humility of the fridge turning off whenever i forget to top it up
nah, work forced me to use some of my annual leave and i couldn't be fucked going away

everywhere in australia is nice :)
It's insanity
We literally give prime housing away in the capital to lazy low IQ foreigners so they can shit out five lazy low IQ brown kids
gies a link loon
business idea: do courses that actually help you get more money
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what drug's that then
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Not all women are actually that bad, however ...
>I have a bald spot DIRECTLY under the middle of my chin,
same haha but mine is from a scar. my beard is actually beautiful and full and lush.
sex dreams are nice until you have to get up in th middle of the night to wipe the cum off of yourslef
if it's clear and yella, you've got juice there, fella! If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town
I don't really mind it tbf. Pay for exactly what you use, none of that debit/credit business.

(I don't have a job)
>which obviously looks hideous

Why obviously? You sound like Wolverine.
is that a convenience store or a diner
comfy image
dogshit shitpost from the australian
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Might've eaten mouldy bread. It looks fine but had a slightly offish almost chemical taste.
freaky ahh
they should do a right to buy scheme and let them all buy their flats worth at least half a million that would send me over the edge
ktim fucking hate it when it gets on your fresh clean clothes too
Yennefer is objectively the correct partner for Geralt
i've been known to have a low IQ, yes
ahahahahahahaha DUMB BITCH!!!!!
skinny jeans or slim jeans?
also soulless lighting. get a warm lamp or something.
do you have a big arse as well?
>Noooo, why are people trying to live their lives and don't settle for crummy kips for their kids, ahhhha, I'm going insane, pakistani grooming gangs, you can't even say you're english anymore ahhhhh
yella, fella
brown, town

which one is juice again?
ciri is actually
you're objectively the correct partner for no one
meeting up with rapekun and futaboy in animeville
this but shani
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Reminder to hug and kiss and hold hands with flat girls because they need love too
gonna send this to the girl I'm talking to

hopefully she doesn't get the ick
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catberge gone flippping mental
Nah, it's the other one, from the game.
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>got to go to toil for an hour for a staff meeting

This is awful. Why can't they just do 1-2-1s when we're already on shift? At least it's paid.

It triggers my anxiety being in a room with like 40 people I work with as well.
nowt wrong with flatties really but to obsess over them like this is a bit noncey
Love my catberg
crikey hector
how do they feel about fat ugly men
shut the fuck up you idiot

you know who youare

and you're a mannnnn

But don't neglect posting thicc cunts

I wanna lick one right nowm
Slave morality.
well maybe i will just as soon as they realise that horrid little incel apemen need love too sick of this woke gynocracy
Never got the Sunday scaries myself, lads
At least not since I started being a picky bastard with what jobs I look for

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, a good day of reading books and maybe 30 minutes of toil
wow look, rayne wooney! top one!
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reading the highway code and this peng lady appears
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think this may be the start of a bright new chapter in my life
she's black-only
This picture exudes sovl
one of my mates is a wizard who can levitate rocks and conjure fire out of his hands and shit
how do we get these fuckers out
drown him in the river
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you look just like shakira
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just got out of bed
It's no secret the police are secretly far-right
Ya mum levitates my rocks heheheh
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nuke the lot of them
>both really tall at like 6'7
Should grow out the sides - most people can't see the top so it's fine
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*puts the moon in the way of your bright chapter*
Lads what's your monthly budget for expenses?
I spend about €1000 myself after everything, bills and the cans and the chips
any chonky lads in
what if there was a lad called melvin and everyone called him smellvin
not a big fan of the cans
>21/50 for England to win
>8/1 for Slovakia to win

Put £1 on Slovakia.
nothing much else matters if we can't send the buggers back
Do you not pay rent
create a massive manmade island in the middle of the atlantic
say that we discovered a new island and claimed it for britain
pay people £10,000 each to volunteer to move to the island (brown people only care about short term gains)
sink the island
might have to kill me own self
timmy cope
reckon queen liz should've done an onlyfans
>massive manmade island in the middle of the atlantic
Ya mum off on a swim?
having canopic jar stew
Genuinely mental how things can ALWAYS get worse
timmy james byrne
driven to extinction
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how many today?
Apartment is paid off, lad
might 'av a hilary swank
the irish have used their independence to create a housing crisis even worse than ours so theyre nearly as bad as the italians at living with mummy and daddy until they turn 35
Aryan capitalism is the greatest threat facing the workers today
japanese milfs in nurse uniforms with enormous natural breasts
How old are you?
jay slater commemorative sex arse
what's your poison?
Canslad's age will forever be a mystery, lad
Old enough to have remembered the great recession of 2006 but young enough not to have been alive for the entire celtic tiger
Might vote Reform on Thursday.
feel compelled to visit Sydney
Sunak Resignation Sex Arse
The Welsh are the indigenous Britons, along with the Cornish, the Bretons in France and the now extinct other Brythonic peoples of the British isles.

Then the Romans invaded, led by Claudius, and a mixed Latin-Brythonic population emerged.

Following the Roman withdrawal, Britain was colonised by Anglo-Saxons from continental Europe who brought a Germanic language with them.

The Germanic settlers migrated into the Scottish lowlands whereas the highlands were settled by Gaels from Ireland.

Norse vikings invaded north east Britain, bringing with them the Old Norse language which had a profound effect on Old English. New vocabulary was incorporated and cases and grammatical gender was dropped.

In 1066, the Normans invaded leading to a significant French, and subsequently Latin, influence on the English language.

I am a proud Welsh woman.
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rum little creature
wouldn't bother
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nice puss
shove your vote up your arse
see what they do about that
you said all that just to tell us that you're not white
>The Germanic settlers migrated into the Scottish lowlands whereas the highlands were settled by Gaels from Ireland.
this is an oversimplification and not very accurate
gay poo porn
1200 rent and about 5-600 on everything else
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on train
brits of old could be outnumbered 1000 to 1 yet still maintain their culcha. Skill issue
Thoughts on Georgism?
Halfway there
4chan gave me an interracial porn addiction
Ok grandad, aren't you a little old to be posting with the teenagers here
prefer f&f by tesco
Have to be 18 to use this site, lad
he's 47
I noticed that the people most hateful towards immigrants for not working, for being on the dole, etc. etc. are ironically NEETs who spend all day on the internet reading tabloids complaining about immigrants while also being on the dole.
You have to be this gullible to think that's enforced
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>Canslad is 47
been here since i was 11
what the fuck are you on about you idiot
those two things are linked
they obviously don't want immigrants taking their bennies lmao
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Might become a born-again Christian
I make six figures and I want to send them all back
He also roleplays as Judge Dredd lmao
i work 60 hours a week and hate dole bludgers with a passion
Ok NEET calm down
Yeah? Noticed that have you?
Don't think you have actually. You see "noticing" requires observation, but you're just guessing
rattled kek
It's amsuing that when one posts at a certain time, when the mong himself is spamming, the great eye gazes upon you
All rorkes are NEET
Us leftypols are hard working tax payings folks between are pooey arse orgies
the audacity
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playing the simpsons theme on a big marimba
Well, that's one way to prove you're obsessed, lad
You are visibly upset, but yes, it's been researched to death - far-right ideology is correlated with high levels of unemployment. It's all very obvious psychologically. Blaming your inability to work on people who are apparently taking your jobs but also are too lazy to work. Nobody with a brain would come to such an idea, it's one borne out of anger at your own inadequacies.
help me choose an EPL team!
why do you like judge dredd so much?
Playing The Guy Game (PS2, 2004)
st mirren
Being brown is correlated with being a nonce
>send em back
>this country's dying thanks to the left
- boomer who works 2 years out of 10
I make a decent living and I want to enjoy that decent living in a nice country not full of smelly brown poor people
I would move to india if I wanted that
It really is that simple
Sent that Paki flying back to Islamabad
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>You are visibly upset, but yes, it's been researched to death - far-right ideology is correlated with high levels of unemployment. It's all very obvious psychologically. Blaming your inability to work on people who are apparently taking your jobs but also are too lazy to work. Nobody with a brain would come to such an idea, it's one borne out of anger at your own inadequacies.
Discord trannies out in force today
your brain operates on south park levels of political nuance
And this research?
pathetic strawman
I'm opposed to mass immigration because it is an existential threat to our country and people
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How much do you earn?
might honestly toast an entire loaf of bread, butter it and then eat it
Spainnonce arrived about half an hour ago if you didn't notice his usual flood of spam on various VPNs
just went ahead and did the wordle
need need NEED a gf with a big nose
*nuzzles you and makes you feel better*
why do you post here when you're not british? lol
Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit’s filters
we're so back
Dogshit zingers. Calling all dogshit zingers
Ear absolutely bursting with wax. Scraping it out and scranning it as we speak
the rare female soyface.

wish she used soy milk though
Reports coming in they’re being saved for the new
nuked those cunts
NTA but roughly €5500. Might go a bit more if I decide to do shite after 5pm
whiter than you mohammed etc.
why did you reply to him then
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she's my cherry pie
moves so good
make a grown man cry
i love it when the misso cleans my ears
wish i were a yankmerican
yall gon learn today
all me
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Do you guys not have backyards?
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great post friend
come home brother
fucked it
small breasts are eugenic in the long run for the human species
being topless at the beach is unsightly
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>Warwick University's Conservative Association has apologised after being recorded singing a WW2 German marching song
>the great recession of 2006

Then you would've remembered it was in 2008

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