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Syllable-information density edition

>Which dead language are you learning now?
>Share your dead language learning experience!
>Ask questions about your target dead languages!
>Help people who want to learn a new dead language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make friends!

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents
Does this picture mean some kind of density of language per time?
What difference is picrel showing practically speaking
It's density of syllables VS density of information, if I recall.
SR is speech/syllable rate, how fast people speak. IR is information rate, how much information is conveyed per second in speech. I don't really know exactly how they arrived at IR, but it's measured in bits per second and it's probably somewhere in the paper, don't feel like reading it through again.
But according to the paper, generally languages seem to all cluster around the same information rate, some a bit higher or lower, but generally the same ballpark. French and English on average get the most information across per second, whereas Vietnamese actually gets across similar amounts of info per second while being spoken slower.
Those graphs represent the language speed, being the first one the rate of syllables spoken per second and the second one the rate of information conveyed per second
My question is is why are all of the linguists jacking off about stupid theoretical shit like universal grammar or whatever while meanwhile we don't have the average information rate or at least syllable rate of all major languages measured and published. You'd think that'd be a priority.
What language do I learn to make frens :c
Oh shit. Will he actually do it though? (Start)
I don't know and that makes it so exciting.
The tension is unreal. So much suspense.
This is a classic Man vs Self situation and the writing is about to peak for real this time.
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The German Word of the Day//Das deutsche Wort des Tages

temporary, temporarily; transitory

>In Dortmund ist das Achtelfinale der DFB-Elf wegen Gewitter mit Starkregen vorübergehend unterbrochen worden.
The German National-team's round of 16 game in Dortmund was temporarily interrupted because of thunderstorms with heavy rain.
My emotions are in a state of disarray. Not just the fate of /lang/, but of language learning itself hangs in the balance.
Day 8 of learning Mongolian
Last few days have been getting the hang of how the language is and what sounds to expect. Some patterns still fuck me up and get the words mixed up. Worked first shift yesterday so my anki was unproductive and I'm behind now.
Actually drowning in anki cards lmao
Starting to lose motivation but luckily I'm NEET so I won't give up so easy

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>worked first shift
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Is it true that only Argentinians from Buenos Aires speak like this? Or is it all Argentinians?

Separate question, is it true that there are no black people in Argentina because they killed them all a long time ago? Sounds like a rumor but I could be wrong.
Temp jobs
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I am once again considering dropping french for spanish. Must resist...
You are from the USA. French is near completely useless. Learn Spanish. French has no place in the USA. If you were Canadiain, then yeah sure. But you are USA.
French is better than spanish
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Chinese, the language with the most frens statistically.
No it's not
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I got a grammar workbook and I feel like I learned more in 3 days than I have in a year and a half on Duolingo...gamers how could fall for the Duolingo meme
it's ok for learning early vocab for languages with non latin script
>inpoot rentry is full of dubs
do you guys really?
French literature and culture is much better than Spanish(Europe), not even mentioning cretino america.
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My TL is better than your TL.
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What langs do you guys like to learn in ur cunt

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Based British accent hater
Chicago locating?
If you're in the Northern USA or Louisiana, continue learning French and consider picking up Spanish after you get B1/2 French
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tomorrow ill finish my last exam
Tem uma regra geral para o gênero das palavras que terminam em -ão? Eu sempre erro
im gonna do it. ive had enough. im gonna read in english instead of my target language today. i hope ill be back on the grind in july
based horde appreciator

There was a debate among Koreans on Instagram about this person's poor English pronunciation. Why are they doing this? Does she deserve the hate comments?
um /lang/sisters? what is this?
Does anyone learn languages from this general anymore?
Keep the links please
Learn? I don't think so. Around these parts, we're smart enough not to waste our time learning when we could acquire instead.
I refuse to learn shitskin languages
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I only have at most 5 more years to live, should I try to learn Chinese in that time?
Japan has a much higher quality of life
I don’t wanna live there or anywhere else, I love my country.
depends on the person
I got to B2 in French but couldn't find any motivation to continue because they're all either pretentious posh pricks or 70 iq football hooligan ahmeds/ngubus/kévins. I don't give a shit about literature, gastronomie, their obsession with self image, or their shitty disco/pop music. If I'm a bit odd by Irish standards I'm a giga fucking freak autist by French standards.
I just wanna grill, watch sportsball or adult swim, listen to punk or rock or whatever, and learn random useless shit online. Guess Spanish would be more my style then
>open Polish radio stream online to inpoot while playing ETS2
How do I stop talking/writing like a shitty AI predictive text? For instance, a native of TC said that he hates TC and that a foreign country (FC) is superior. I wanted to say that he may easily move to FC, but because I'm so used to saying that (I will) move to TC, I wrote TC in place of FC.
what the fuck is TC and FC schizo
Target country (country which speaks TL)
FC is just a placeholder for foreign/other country not relevant
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Very weird selection of languages here. Like a dozen random slavic languages but no arabic (morocco could also be interpreted as berber), african, or celtic languages
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What is the correct way in Spanish to say you also like something? Example,

>Oh you like Pizza?! So do I!
>Yo tambien!
>A mi tambien!
better tierlist
as a chinese learner myself, id say its not worth it. im 2 years in and still not really satisfied after 1000 hours. do something closer to english and itll get you farther.
Pick one. German or French?
Which one's better for pharmaceuticals?
Which country's better, France or Germany?
Which have a more high IQ non fiction literature, French or German?
German obviously
is it hard? i have no excuses left and if i make a decision to learn some lang i'll do it
thanks, you spared me the toil of learning mandarin
my new strategy is this:
>ditch classical Arabic
>maximize my English
>learn the second best language after English that's high IQ/STEM related that would probably help me read scientific papers in my uni major and get really good at it.
German it is?
what level are you after 1k hours?
was doing the math and I probably need an additional 200-300 hours just to get to B1 in Tagalog, it's taken me like 150 to get to A2.
Even if I'm disciplined and stick to my 30-60 minutes a day, it'll take like 3 years to get to B2. Probably more like 5 if I get burnt out/bored.
i can read native level novels and understand about 30-40%. i can have conversations about everyday life and get by, still finding how to comfortably explain complex concepts. i can watch chinese dubbed anime and understand 80-90%. when i watch cdramas, i understand about 60%. all of this is anecdotal and only estimations. just my experience.
Adding and replaying audio on AnkiDroid help
omelette du fromage
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Cheese burger
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Lmao I thought it was a scam comment and I was glad to not be proven wrong
My first TL scam comment
Why are Dominican women so retarded on language exchange apps?
Are there any conlangs which uses cases through a particle system and a free word order?
>Unit Nineteen
Ah, the aorist tense. I've heard this scary term before, but turns out it basically means Past Simple.
Still, the number of forms of every verb is getting comically large and I'm not even halfway through.
russian women on hellotalk are kind of based. they have the personality of western male incels but have high ranking jobs in a factory somewhere in Siberia.
donnity done da exams
what language to learn now?
why not German?
>German obviously
If my post end on an even number you learn French.
If it ends on an odd number you learn German.
Heil Jordanon
actually guys ill be honest
i finished my summer break and i have three ideas and i must pick one:
>actually learn a foreign language
>get the biggest pharmacology textbook and Ankify the shit out of it (autism, ehm)
>buy a sports watch and walk 1 hour everyday
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>retarded lolcow pretending he wants to learn a language (again)
>In parallel, from independently available written corpora in these languages, we estimated each language’s information density (ID) as the syllable conditional entropy to take word-internal syllable-bigram dependencies into account. We then computed the average IR by multiplying the ID by the SR for each text read by each speaker in our dataset
Basically information here is related to how much a syllable predicts the syllable that follows it. It is not defined semantically, which is what I would have expected. I would have used different translations of the same base text, compared their lengths in syllables and then multipled for SR.
why do i feel like going bosniaesque on your ass serbfag?
well that was rude of me but you stepped on my nerves i am not pretending to be anything
You're gonna get genocided by him?
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>everything will be decided today
>/lang/, inpooters, grammarchuds, language learning as a whole
>it all hangs in the balance
My anticipation has reached it's limit
which lang tho
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>Jordie is speaking
Can any German or high level learner tell me if this chick is a native German speaker? She doesn't look German to me
Easier to make friends with Spanish speakers
toki pona
She speaks normal German. Considering she says "Servus" she probably has Roman ancestry (like I do) and is thus black..
TV:n katsominen ei oo tarpeeks mulle mun täytyy puhua suomalaisten kanssa
Jordie you asked about what language would be best for moving to Europe and working in STEM. The answer is German. There's a few countries in Europe that speak it, a bunch of good universities, lots of jobs, and they pay a lot higher than romance countries.

And everyone who moves there and tries to get an "English speaking" job wind up regretting not learning German as it holds back their career and they can't socialize much. They're also more autistic than romance speakers
I think I've realised that Old Norse is my Japanese
they should create a language that combines informational density with high speaking speed and make it easy to learn
The last thing we need is another conlang
the concept is retarded already
it can't be easy to learn
why not
>easy to learn
i'm not learning fifty thousand unique noun inflections
It's not that hard.
if natives speak really fast they're going to be hard to understand.
not if the language is compact and simple
Is doddery related to tottering?
>She doesn't look German to me

Deutschland ist ein Einwanderungsland, chud. Es gibt kein deutsches Aussehen oder sowas. Das Aussehen von einem Mensch verrät ganz und gar nicht bezüglich seiner Herkunft. Versuch weniger chudisch beim nächsten Mal zu sein.
Lernu Esperanton.
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Language being "compact" implies most words being one syllable. Which means lots of homophones. Which means tones. Which make things more complex.
Not necessarily, it could also just mean complex syllable structure (like in Russian) or lots of phonemes
Pure inpoot gets boring sometimes
Does anyone have any Spanish workbook recommendations?
What does simple mean here? What if we make a language that's easy to learn, wouldn't that language be easy to learn? Wow 200 IQ reasoning skills on display.
Because no benefits of any conlang are worth the combined effort for multiple people to learn it. You can only choose to learn it yourself, which is pointless if no one else learns it.
You can try to convince other people to learn it, but that effort isn't worth it for conveying more bits of information per tongueflap
I have to learn Italian or German by the end of next year. By saying learning I mean b1. Which one would you choose? Why? By the way, I already know English and French.
I imagine Italian would be easier if you know french. Probably better/more useful to learn German if this is economically motivated. I've heard it is hard to find a job in Italy.
I am studying linguistics and I will learn one of these two languages and study the linguistics of this language. Otherwise, unfortunately, I cannot graduate.
Russian syllable structure is really simple though, it has only been a few centuries since we lost the open syllable rule, and you can still easily notice it. Actually, the other way to remove ambiguity between similar-sounding words would be what French is going through right now with shit like mois d'août. Which makes a language way less compact as a result. So you can't really make a language that is compact and simple at the same time. There's too many reasons why that wouldn't work.
Portuguese is even easier
What's the best language to learn if I wanna be a sex pest in a country that's even worse than mine?
What language to learn?
What language to learn?
What language to learn?
I am ready. My dick's hard.
The fucked part is that aorist is not only a tense but also an aspect. You can have aorist infinitives for example. Also, if you haven’t gotten to middle/passive forms or athematic verbs, just wait. You can do it, though!
YOU! American. American man. Foreign man. Which is ze langeuge do me lernen?
Bitte, mein freude, Ich need la optionenes, por favor.
Mein Irish Freude-Friendbischen, shall I lernen Deustch?
Bro, just pick one and do it. If you don’t have enough of a concrete reason to learn any specific language, who do you even want to learn one at all? What do you want to do with it? If reading is your goal, do German or French. If travel is your goal, do a language spoken in a place you want to travel to. If it’s work/school related goal, do a lang relevant to your work/field of study.
i got three nominees: French, Italian, and German.
Which one should I start with?
Are Brazilians actually more extroverted than Mexicans and Colombians? What are Brazilians and Brazil like bros....
If you are a girl learn Arabic and marry meeee
Kunta kalb shroog
Appears that he's having another episode; mental illness is so sad.
I would imagine French has the most relevance out of those three in your part of the world. Plus, I know French and it’s awesome. Learn it first.
I think I might either start with French/German and ditch Italian.
Although I love that lishatemi-something-cantare song.
superpower by 2020
your is talks arabic likes this
yeah i am having a ravenous episode of fucking your mom
saving the thread
Du wirst nie im Leben Deutsch sprechen und das Gleiche trifft für Französisch oder irgend andere Sprache zu.
Trying to make a language simple contradicts the nature of language. Language is meant to change. If everyone forgot their language and then learned a common conlang, people from different regions would start misunderstanding each other in less than a century. Just look at jamaicans

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