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Why do Indians depict themselves with White skin?
they're aryan, stfu
Its really weird, even the hindutva india superior accounts depict themselves as some Italian man.
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gee I wonder why
Rahul Gandhi has an Italian mother
Raghead monkeyasean, GRIMM

Even indians are more human than you
I had to google and that's wrong?
Sonia Gandhi is 100% Italian by blood
You are googling wrongly then champ
I double checked, you're right my bad.
Italian still is not white tho
is right a kholkhol?
tbf I have met some pale Indians but most are brown.
Muslim Brown, Hindu White
Brahmins have gotten buckbroken by Modi. In the name of winning Hindu vote, he has increased affirmative action for lower caste Hindus and started pushing Brahmins out for votemaxxing. It's basically what will happen in the West if some based TradCath came in on hating Muslims and started providing affirmative action to non whites.
I understand why Brahmins hate Muslims, i just dont understand why they depict themselves as Whites when they are brown
It's hilarious seeing an upper caste have a mental breakdown when the lowliest of peasent of Europe shits on him for being Indian.
I thought Brahmins were the priest caste so they'd approve of the Hindu vote?
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I will never not be shocked at indians lack of self-awareness
well considering they were literally bootlicking the british when they were here it makes sense that they try to pretend to be them when they've left

pretty common here actually, some bramhins irl i know genuinely think they're the aryans hitler talked about
Brahmins want privilege against the masses of low caste hindus, thats his point
such is the life of a Hindutvacel
they genuinely think they are the top alongside europeans because they fucked over the lower castes here, in reality everyone south of asia is a pajeet for everyone who's not a part of this subcontinent, but a bramhin will never accept this
Until the government pushes out a decree that "privileged groups" are entitled to lesser positions in government jobs, colleges and so on.

Indian government runs a massive affirmative action program for lower caste Hindus. And Modi's party is at the centre of the push because they want more lower caste Hindu vote against the Leftists.
Dark skin is usually seen as ugly in most cultures, it even has in europe back when everyone painted their face vantawhite.
So whether pakistanis or indians are lighter skinned doesnt really matter to them, they potray them with negative traits and themselves with positive traits by default.
If they wanted to be accurate they'd potray themselves as barely distinguishable tones of brown, not as white guys playing dress-up.
unironically a dalit here
I thought hindutva were agressively third worldist and anti-white?
Is it just a case of "hate us cuz aint us"?
Is the reason that whites are swarmed whenever they go to india because they're considered to be ultra-high caste?
I've seen videos of average to ugly white guys who were hassled nonstop.
in Thrace*
Ah I see
What do you do for work?
That is like saying that Latinos and arabs are white
>Is the reason that whites are swarmed whenever they go to india because they're considered to be ultra-high caste?
it's because seeing a white person for them is super rare
you need to realize that 90% of indians are still in poverty and have never seen or heard of a white person for most of their lives

it's like seeing a yeti irl thats why they get swarmed, if you saw a person with pink skin you would do the same right? it's just like that here

my own grandmother took photos with a random white karen few months ago near goa because that was the first time in her 80 years she saw a white person irl with her own eyes, she used her shit english to tell them "good morning, how are you doing" lol, but they were french
codemonkey of course
not java thoughever
>he didn't go to the Durgasoft academy
Both are anti-europeans but Hindutva Brahmins and Hindutva low classes have different interests
White skin nigger, stop being autistic
Right, I just don't think an african would evoke the same reaction from the locals.
Indians fetishise light skin.
you wouldnt believe me but i've actually met him irl
he's a celeb of sorts in the state where he is from

lol no
the "wok in poland" song got famous for a reason
it's like your great grandmother seeing an african irl for the first time
everyone acts that way when they see something strange
>the "wok in poland" song got famous for a reason
It isn't famous.
>it's like your great grandmother seeing an african irl for the first time
I saw a subcontinental at the store today and my city isn't even in the top ten biggest ones.
>everyone acts that way when they see something strange
Do I HAVE TO post the clip of the blonde french tourist being literally surrounded by a huge crowd of indians in the middle of the night? You could have a black guy here in 1990 and barely anyone would find it captivating
>Indians fetishise light skin
also true, but again, it's ONE of the reasons why they get swarmed by people who aren't well off
come and roam around my city and no one will bat an eye, but we DO bat an eye for african, woman especially for some reason. dozens of white, korean, japanese women but no one gives a shit, but a black woman got so much attention the last time i saw one, pretty based of my city
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Rich and lightskin Indians look handsome it's not Brahmins you idiots most Brahmins got poo poo skin
Rich Indians marry white women while Brahmins marry their sisters
>Do I HAVE TO post the clip of the blonde french tourist being literally surrounded by a huge crowd of indians in the middle of the night? You could have a black guy here in 1990 and barely anyone would find it captivating
yes my retarded sir, shes in a t*urist spot where millions of poor indians from around india themselves come to visit, of course she will get swarmed.
you seem really pressed my paki bro, im tryna be interesting here. We're not perfect but these are my people, we will be better over time. there's hope
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embarrassing as fuck, hope we change, won't happen anytime soon, probably will be when im dead but it is what it is

hope we improve and be better to the t*urists who come here
>paki out of nowhere
Meds, now.
What makes you so optimistic?
>What makes you so optimistic?
things are genuinely getting better, but it's 1step forward 2 steps back scenario currently. so it'll take a long time but it will definitely get better
tons of reason but as people get access to the internet, learn to live the middle class life and basic etiquette they'll improve
indian are actually blonde bue eyed pipo, but they smear poopoo on themselves to achieve the indian color
More widespread internet in india (or the third world generally) is inversely related to their positive perception.
In the last decade indians became known as the nation of perverts who'll send unsolicited DMs to white girls and try to hit on classical paintings.
Also, a ton of shill accounts are ran from India, which again, does not bode well. Whether it be paid advertising, or cheering on russia.
The extreme hindutva nationalism is also very offputting.
She's from a Germanic micro minority in North Italy called Cimbrian.
>TradCath came in on hating Muslims and started providing affirmative action to non whites
This would happen it would be BBC in sub saharan africa and latam latinxs and chuds being as stupid as they are would scratch their heads over how its possible non whites are catholic.
>More widespread internet in india (or the third world generally) is inversely related to their positive perception.
for now yes, but in the future it's a total net positive for us. you can come back to this comment in a decade and verify yourself how things changed.
>The extreme hindutva nationalism is also very offputting.
true, and for some reason I think it will only get worse, this shithole is REALLY obsessed with some skyturd.
My Guess? having to fight against a billion people, sometimes you just pray things go your way. so you pray hard and you delude yourself about it when things go right for you by sheer luck
Honestly my number one annoyance, and the first interaction I've had with the subcontinent in general, is those awful youtube videos. They'll have an english title, something I may have searched for, but when I open the video - bam complete gibberish.
Had the title been written in their squiggles, I'd know to avoid it, but no, has to be in a different language than the video is in.
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Brahmin bros, brace yourself, the dalits are up against us again!
That's a Haryanvi not a Brahmin, Brahmin phenotypes vary a lot depending on where they are. The only Brahmin group that's unusually fair skinned or Caucasoid shifted for its location are Chitpavan Brahmins.
>Honestly my number one annoyance, and the first interaction I've had with the subcontinent in general, is those awful youtube videos. They'll have an english title, something I may have searched for, but when I open the video - bam complete gibberish.
brother i have the same fucking problem, open an english video to find some fag talking in hindi which even I don't understand

that is a problem that needs to be dealt with, fucking YT faggots dont do shit
Product of being made by Aryans breeding Dravidian rapemeat
lol that's not going to happen, youtube doesn't even filter out obvious scams from their ads, let alone do anything about content that isn't mass flagged / handled by copyright ID
The only hope is india going full ccp and making using foreign sites illegal, which I don't see haplening.
this is a Dalit btw
why are you guys so obssesed with trains? i have seen so many vids where you are dangerously close to trains and getting hurt ita worrisome
I think it's an evolved instinct. The ones who are self aware either off themselves or become too depressed to reproduce.
>in reality everyone south of asia is a pajeet for everyone who's not a part of this subcontinent, but a bramhin will never accept this

It's a bit funny and depressing that Indians are never respected no matter what they accomplish. Indians can become CEOs and prime ministers of entire nations and everyone will still bully them. This does not happen with any other race. When a black, hispanic, or Asian guy becomes famous he gets so much adoration. Indians no matter what they accomplish are treated as a clown race. An Indian man could cure cancer and when it's posted to Twitter all of the comments will be about street shitting.
Saaaar I am yt aryan saaaaaaaaaaar
What india needs right now is some good ol fashioned eugenics, it doesn’t need more people, it needs a better stock of people, does it really matter if you have 2 bil when a lot of them will be as smart as subsaharan africans ? Also your whole country is overpopulated as fuck, you need like 300 mil tops. It might sound harsh but honestly this is the only way india and indians as a race will advance
So if it's not skin color, how do Indians tell who is from what caste without being told? Everyone can just lie about their caste lmao
Yeah you can. Especially since it is not enforced by anyone onto no one. But people identify with their castes and jaatis anyway. Last names are also a giveaway to the caste especially if they are occupation based like Teli (oil makers) for instance. But if you are getting gibs thrown at you, why would you want to larp as anyone else?
You seem like a decent guy. I hope you're having a good day.

>Romanian talking about eugenics
>implying it wasn't what the Indian caste system was doing already

I'm not an expert, so take this with a grain of salt. I've heard that they could tell by someone's last name.
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There's no point in lying about your caste even if you're a Dalit, they do get treated like shit pretty often especially if they're poor or in backwards areas but even then you can't imagine caste the way westerners understand it like a more arbitrary form of racism or something, something individual, almost randomly assigned by birth because birth doesn't matter in the West, and they try to understand it through the legal fiction of "Varn". In India things begin and end at family and society and castes function as extended familial ties, a Dalit will never wrong a Dalit stranger and would treat him like a family member or at least a friend if they're from the same caste, even if they haven't met before, same goes for every other caste. Castes weren't enforced top down by Brahmins onto other Indians like some people think, that was far beyond their mettle, this is just how things unfolded. There's still a lot of genetic variation between castes though, people of different castes living in the same village can be more genetically distant to each other than a Northern European is to a Southern European. Chirag Paswan is an outlier and I was being deliberately misleading when I posted him because his mother is a Punjabi Brahmin while is father is a Bihari Dalit.
There are probably people who lie about their caste though, and far more who tend to obfuscate it by changing their surname to something neutral.

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