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my grandpa who built his house on his own in 1950s surpassed everything subsaharan africans ever managed to build
why are they like this?
tropical climate and civilization don't mix
explain Australia, Singapore and Mali Empire then
Same. Makes 0 sense
Australia isn't tropical
When you live in a really warm climate you don't need more than a grass hut to sleep in
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Super recent

>Mali Empire
That's in Africa you retarded Pole. Also in the Sahel
the guys who built those "palaces" also had a practice, aside from slavery and human sacrifice, where the king made a decree and his soldiers just went around killing random peasants for several days
pajeets built that, not your ISIS cunts
There's no way the king of Dahomey lived in such a shithole given the wealth and power he had.
i can't even begin to imagine how bad everything else was if this is the best you can get as one of the most important slave traders
Its nuts
africa during the slave trade was pure dystopian kino
nigga thats nuts
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is it that hard to preserve some muddy house complex?
How is Australia an example?
Before Europeans brouth European civilization there this continent was literally the lowest of the low, lower than Africa. The natives lived in a literal stone age, they never even domesticated a single animal, they never settled anywhere. It's a miracle how they even ended up there considering that you had to cross at least like 100km of open ocean even if you traveled from island to island.
hidunism is cool, that dude aint wrong, minus the dumb shit performed by retarded pajeets
Which part of Africa anon.
Most nigger worshippers who complain about Britain role during the scramble for africa without realize that their entire culture, economy and even religion was based in slavery.
Crazy how poorly educated people are on pre-colonial africa.
tbf these were the palaces of oppressive conquerors with social and political powers that would make louis XIV blush
I don't think people had much will let alone time or money to care about these abandoned ruins.
>soldiers just went around killing random peasants for several days
And then a time of famine ravaged the country...
Can't say bad things about black people. They dindu nuffin.
>their entire culture, economy and even religion was based in slavery.
Not really anon. Why do you assume every state was the same?
Australia was settled by whites, before they got there it was literally prehistoric
Both Australia and Singapore are unironically artificial creations rather than natural ones.
Nah, most African leaders were literally warlords and one of the complains of early european records was that it was pointless to make treaties because the life expectancy of a african warlord was months.
This is what they took from us.
We could have this today if it weren't for the screeching goody two shoes petit bourgeoisie moralizers
the king of dahomey was a real king
it had a specific name too, I'm trying to remember what it was. i might be confusing it with another african kingdom, like benin
my man green japan
Calling it a state is really hard.
But let's use the best example possible. The Benin kingdom that americans claim was some sort of wakanda.
It did not even had agriculture. Their entire wealth (including those "precious" bronze masks that they can't stop chimping about) came from slavery.
Most negroes in Brazil were brought from those "civilizations" around and inside modern Nigeria, despite the portuguese having a massive amount of land in Africa.
How much building can you realistically do without bronze saws, not that they didnt have bronze. Just as a thought experiment
This looks identical to some frontier fort or newly established Catholic mission in the Southwest. Really rustic barebones living. Only I think adobe forts and missions were actually a bit more advanced than this lmao.
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built by pajeets unironically
Jeets also live in tropical climate retard
I didn't know Poland went through all that suffering sorry
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>Calling it a state is really hard
They had a ruling structure, an economy, military, taxation structure, political hierarchies and dynamics, political succession. How is that not a state? No one here is saying they had a galactic empire.

>The Benin kingdom that americans claim was some sort of wakanda.
Why erect a strawman anon?

>It did not even had agriculture. Their entire wealth (including those "precious" bronze masks that they can't stop chimping about) came from slavery.
Lmao how do you even say they had no agriculture?

>Most negroes in Brazil were brought from those "civilizations" around and inside modern Nigeria, despite the portuguese having a massive amount of land in Africa.
A ton cam from Kongo lol.
Yet a lot of the Dahomey monarchs had 10+ year terms.
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>ib4 build on top of hindu temple
nope, it was built from the ground up
you just need to split the right rock with nails and fed the workers
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cool, so ISIS can now copy how to patch rocks together and top it with a metal roof?
great progress there. Good for you guys.
nails made from what?
>what were Mesoamerican civilzations
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I am Subsaharan-American and let me tell you that my ancestors built this.
I refuse to be baited
So it's not Indonesian solely because of a change in religion. Even if local styles still remain and still influence Islamic Indonesian architecture?
Seriously why are Apefricans can't into civilization it can't be just genetics cause we see certain countries able to not turn full planet of apes and some kangdoms were able to manufacture firearms during the colonization and their other similar climates that was able to build unique two story buildings is it cause they ugly as sin that dictate their primitive nature?

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