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Share your favorite boy math.
Having a girlfriend for 7 years and then getting married a year after you break up with her
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>6 times more likely to abandon their wives with chronic illness
oddly specific, I'm guessing her dad abandoned her mother
I want kids but I have condoms on hand

I must be retarded
Men are really weird creatures
Stalin killed communists too, so?
I will not hate women no matter how many retarded twitter bitches you post
He didn't. That's Kruschev's lie
All math is boy math.
he killed everyone to be fair
Boy math is having 0 bitches and therefore 0 problems.
frfr no cap
I hope you win the eurocup
Stalin killed nobody, that's a lie by khrushchev
its based on a single study of about 200 cancer patients which was later retracted by the paper for unscientific methodology
dont believe female lies
incel thread
In that statistic the one who asks for the divorce is the female, so it is not the male "leaving" her
Just give her papaya or punch her very hard
This. I will not be demoralised
Why would men be more likely to abandon a partner with a terminal illness? it makes no sense
The Noble kartvelian speaks truth when others are too scared
see >>199199197
No schreb I'm not going to take care of your far chronically ill ass
Boy math is being able to do math, unlike women who can do fuck all except make Instagram posts all day long.
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>get cancer because of your garbage "lifestyle"
>expect a man to ruin his life because you're a stupid fat bitch that just HAD to have an extra sugar in her coffee
yeah no, kys whore
You are demoralized if you like women
So true
whatever that means
Why do incels try so hard to get others to hate women?

Radical feminists who hate men are a tiny minority of women, they're just terminally online. Vast majority of women don't give a shit about stuff like this and the extent of their feminism is posting statement on their instagram story every once in a while.
honestly astonishing how common gender conflict is online despite being non-existent IRL.
The majority of women are braindead and will think whatever twitter and Instagram tells them to think.
And yet we let them vote on how social should be managed.
1944 = giving women right to vote
The abandonment stat is such bullshit I really don’t believe it at all. A guy would literally date a chick who was a blob of a creature if she gave him an ounce of attention
>Vast majority of women don't give a shit about stuff like this
they're all resentful about something to do with men
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white boy math
>gender conflict is non-existent IRL
how old are you
Boy math is working 80+ hours a week for your fatshit stay at home wife who later leaves you making you pay half your earnings in alimony and child care for a kid that isn’t yours and then you commit murder suicide after finding out
>twitter screencap thread of a TERF
kill yourself OP
Looks like boyim are bad at math.
>bitch on the right
>6 times more likely to abandon their wives with terminal or chronic illness

This study was deboonked. Unfortunately a lie gets half way around the world before the truth even has its shoes on.
lmao nice one
terfs are based TMD
I thought terfs were the ones who didn't kill themselves
Ah yes, the communist nations of Poland, France, and the UK. Do nazicucks even read Hitler's writings?
TERFs and radfems in general are mostly mentally ill so it’s actually quite likely they either grow out of it or kill themselves.

Probably majority grow out of it
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Something something based&tradpilled, doe.
No man would abandon pussy, even if it has cancer. Men are too loyal.
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>6 times more likely to abandon their wives woth terminal
here's a boy math
having 0 girlfriends
Girl math is choosing the kind of man that would drop the wife as soon as she has a problem but never picking the actually lonely man cause he's too short or whatever other crap
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French girl + accent = CUTE
Women lying.
Girl math is being a whore and not wanting to carry a condom.
Girl math is chosing "chad" and then dying alone.
>the communist nations of Poland, France
You started cold war because of "MUH FRENCH COMMIES"
>Do nazicucks even read Hitler's writings?
is this sarcasm
because he mentioned bolshevism a lot in mein kampf
>is actually alsatian/alemannic/german
I will hate women twice as much to compensate for your failure.
why does he move his head back and forth? is he trying to justify making this a video? he looks like a faggot. i'm so sick of tiktoks that could've just been tweets

the DEEP STATE refuses to let people know that STALIN could BRING BACK THE DEAD! Russias population actually became 10 TIMES LARGER during his rule!
Damn, I wish I hadn't abandoned my cancer wives so I wouldn't be an incel
That "men abandon their wives more" study was retracted because the data was false as I understand it.
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She's right, you know
I hate journalists and women so much it's unreal
Girls "icks" are very interesting to read
thats so dumb that I'm genuinely impressed
yeah, I lurk reddit to see it and it's genuinely amazing
Some posts are also nice reminders to hate women in case I ever feel I may be deranged
girls math is not understanding statistics
women are somehow capable of producing the most obvious truism imaginable. Might have something to do with their lack of objective thought.
she also adds
>then crying about male loneliness
without evidence that these groups have significant overlap
Is that a male or a female?
100% of women are whores
The "6 times more likely to abandon your wife" was debunked. The people who conducted the study counted the men who abandoned the study as abandoning their wives. The results of the test could not be replicated.
These takes seem weird. I doubt the comparing examples have that much overlap.
Why can we not just look at each other as individuals instead of trying to hate on others in broad strokes?
That right pic, why do women think incels have wives.
The majority of this site are not women and they also believe whatever twitter screenshotes they are seeing. What i am saying - people living in glass houses should not throw stones.
>boy math
Fuck off with this gay shit. Twitter/Insta/Reddit posters should be permabanned.
Easy for you when you can beat the shit out of them scot free
The second one just means that men who are likely to abandon their wives are more deseriable and sought out by women.
Those guys aren't the ones dealing with male loneliness
That's just nonsense. The real reason for the disparity is that the women are only staying so they get the inheritance. Men have nothing to gain by staying with a dying woman.
Holy based
I don't believe the sick/ill abandonment stat at all, only cases I've ever heard of were women leaving a sickly man
That looks like my sister's apartment.

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