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Look a bunne
hi bun
Never had my testosterone checked but have a lot of hair on my chest so I think I'm good
Yeah desu I think gayboy misunderstood the picture I posted desu.
I'm not from here but justlol at flying the aids flag beneath your state flag.
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i was only outside for 30 minutes and i am drenched in sweat. we must enact climate change to make the entire world have perfect weather.
Canadians be like we have a unique accent We pronounce one word differently
scientists are saying its too late and literally over
I hope no one says the n word itt
once again became attached to something transitory and am now feeling the pain of separation. fucked up thing is i will do it again in the future
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instead of global warming, we must find a way to enact global cooling.
then they be like
did you know famous person is actually canadian because they were born there and moved 3 weeks later????
Russia is winning
Americans always joke about my accent the first time they hear me talk
oh won’t you
do you sound like a saar?
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got my dog new toys while i was out and she really likes them. a shame they'll be destroyed in a month.
There are lots of regional accents like in the US, retard.
name 3 (three) anglo canadian accents
Not him but BC, Ontario, Anglo-Montrealers, and Maritimers are all distinct.
Also I forgot Newfies.
how could they not win? The "plan" as far as I can tell looked to be

Bait Russia into an invasion and the combo of

1. A highly armed and violent ideological force (Azov) would hold the line at the Eastern front

2. NATO gizmos would allow Ukraine to hold the military edge despite lower numbers

3. Sanctions would cripple the Russian economy and force deep internal pressure on Putin from opportunist in Russian politics and from the Russian people

4. The western narrative device would convince the Russian people to rise and up politically depose of Putin

These combined would open up Russia for a pro western leader who would piece meal off the bounty of Russian resources to the West who could use them to then box in China and keep global hegemony
my dog tears up toys quickly too, i gave up on picking up stuffing on the floor and got him rope toys to play with instead a long time ago. way more durable and he likes to play tug of war anyway. he's getting old so i let him win nowadays
China and Russia are together as allies against the collective west
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>BC and Ontario
Ayo dog you might wanna wake up, they say this bitch boutta land in the water
The only Canadian region from which I can’t really hear a distinct accent is the Prairies, and that’s probably because it was the last to be settled, so a distinct accent didn’t have time to develop before accent-smoothing technologies like radio and television made Prairiepipo sound generic.
county (prince edward)
jobey whatchu DAAAAAAWG
3 and 4 have yet to materialize. Also, Azov got fucked.
none of them have materialized
Would I be right in assuming you’re from BC, and if you travelled to rural Ontario, people would be able to hear you’re not from there?
retarded niggas be like “wdym? I don’t have an accent”
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very organic political discussion ITT
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/cum/cel till i die
I would get off this plane asap
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canadian niggas be like

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CUMMYPPIESSSSSSS, im drinking covfefe
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there's definitey a 'berta accent though it sounds kind of similar to rural ontarians
i said i love you to this man 500,000 times and then went on dates with him and then had a three year relationship and then we got married how do i tell him it was just an accident?
>get Canada Day cupcakes at Sobeys for work tomorrow
>bring 3 containers (18 cupcakes) to the self-checkout
>they are $10 each ($30)
>what the fuck
>well I'm already at the self-checkout I shouldn't just... leave them right? that would be embarrassing
>I can't bring these to fucking work tomorrow
>people might know how fucking expensive the cupcakes were and it's really embarrassing to spend that much on food for coworkers
what the fuck
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>Azov got fucked
Azov still exists... and 3rd Assault Brigade... and Kraken... and Azov-Dnipro...
the black jobs in question, finally i know what he meant by that
>These combined would open up Russia for a pro western leader who would piece meal off the bounty of Russian resources to the West who could use them to then box in China and keep global hegemony
Holy mother of based
hitting a moose will actually kill you tho
/cum/ will not be observing Canada day
did you not check the price beforehand? $10 for 6 cupcakes is extortion tho
thats why you shoot the moose first, stupid
>shopping at sobey’s
listen here fancy pants, you have too much money
you know the debate was an absolute disaster for libshits when they're trying to pretend "black jobs" is some sorta gotcha when everyone knows what it means.
hey guys, would you shag a big tits asian girl who wants mixed kids?
>shoot moose
>it falls on car and kills you
moose wins every time
it’s an apex predator
>buying shit in bulk for work
Should have gone to Costco
I will only mix races
shoot it before it gets close to your car, OBVIOUSLY
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how long should i leave a soda in the freezer to get it cold without causing the can to explode?
My cousin was driving at the outskirts of town when he hit a cow that wandered into the roadway. Both him and the cow died.
Trudeau‘s instagram account is something else
and when the world needed him most...Terry vanished
30 minutes will be fine
Do you bring a .50cal with you?
the actual statement he's making is correct, but there is no such thing as black jobs
all men are brothers
my brothers tears are my tears
why do you care so much? you should just not care or pretend not to
Reminder that Sikhs are responsible for the largest terrorist attack in Canadian history, and they continue to operate terrorist training camps in our territory
ayo this nigga CRYIN
>shoot moose from a distance
>the herd hears your shot
>triangulates your location
>calls in a moose artillery strike on your AO
only winning move is not to play
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it is done
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freedom aint free
Bro tier
how are meese gonna call in an artillery strike without opposable THUMBS, stupidass
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hiding in my room while my family has a party outside
im sorry anon
meeses are so scary
i wish i had been born an ant
t. Sanjeet
about a third of them have unicorn horns and can use telekinesis and other magics, another third have wings, and the remainder have no special powers but are hard working salt-of-the-earth types
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>chicanos call their teacher "tshirt"
> are hard working salt-of-the-earth types
ayo he a good moose, dindu nuffn. Just eatin wheat and studying for his accounting degree

future engineer
well I assumed that cupcakes would be like $1 each at most
too far to cycle there + no membership
some people's only options are sobeys and dollaram....
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would you a catholic japanese girl from the 17th century???
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I wish I was Leon bros..
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why is /a/ like this
No bitch looks Mongolian, giant fucking head and jaw, looks like she eats horse jerky just mewing all day
you watch the x files because you're a paranoid schizophrenic who needs to take their meds
i watch the x files because i'm an enlightened skeptic in awe at the wonders of our universe
we are not the same
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where are her shoes?
>too far to cycle there + no membership
wow imagine if you had a car and a costco membership
i feel like a lot of canadians overplay their accent. like... no fucking way you unintionally say sorry like that
Leon stole them for a sniff
Hamas is getting destroyed in Rafah
is that the oh husbant girl?
You think it’s normal to go your whole life without attacking someone in the street?
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then you might prefer a Fuji consort
How many kirkland products do you have at your home?
you ever do something and think damn i wish i hadn't done that
toilet paper. i dont remember anything else desu
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Khalistani Kangs will NEVER back down
if I had that sort of money I wouldn't need to shop at Costco LMAO
Do you think someone from Texas or Louisiana is faking their accent for attention or something
Wish I was her dog bros....
water bottles. hundreds of them
Should I visit North Carolina?
I guess you are mad because we say sorry more properly while you pronounce it like sawry with no o sound
Costco has some of the highest quality shit on the market
Chocolate chip cookies
no because their entire way of speaking and slang is different. canada just sounds like basic american english but sorry is different.
zero, there's no costco in my area
umm no. america is exceptional. checkmate chuddy.
There are obvious regional accents that exist in both our countries. Have you ever left you state in your entire life?
Seen Sonic commercials all my life, never been to or even seen a Sonic restaurant
well man I'm not sure it's worth the drive and I don't like driving
Anglo Canadians hold their Anglo heritage much closer. Only old stock Yankees are comparable.
Many are
>Canada Day tomorrow
Jill fucks dogs, Ada is only for Leon and Claire is for Mr. X only
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cars aren't that expensive
yes you dumbass. the only notable regional accents are from major cities or the south. any other accent is more of a cultural thing than anything
>valley girl
redpill me on pittsburgh pennsylvania
>any other accent is more of a cultural thing
what does that even mean
Should I visit to South Carolina, go to a bar and drink a beer?
i am not banned anymore
over half the country pronounces "bought" and "bot" the same
and they're not cheap enough to justify buying sorry
one of my favorite videos on the internet
how poor are you damn
sure. then visit some civil/revolutionary war battlegrounds or go to myrtle beach
quite a few
The one that gets me is "pin" and "pen"
If you don't say "car" like "kerr" you're not Canadian
I'm saving money so I can get the fuck out of this country. idk a car isn't really worth it for what it does. it's not worth over a thousand dollars plus additional regular payments (fuel and insurance and tickets). just isn't. one of the biggest scams in our culture
Didn’t realize scatfags had their own accent
if you haven't hit a meese with yer kerr, are you really a canuck, eh?
nad ageenst ma fackin kerr
I wonder what canadians sound during sex
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am makin' bagon :DDD
I miss when the valley girls accent used to be regional, now it's default
But actually being from Ventura county and having traveled the country, out of staters don't do it justice, it can be endearing in a way when done right.
Cape Breton-pilled
they sound cute.

not as good as french or *certain* australian girls though. french canadian girl might sound hot but haven't met one
Don't burn yourself, wear pants and a shirt and make sure any pets arent in the kitchen
oh shit it was posted already kek
/cum/ - Cape Breton, United States, Mexico
Fuck this gay Earth
gonna go cook it in my undies now
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I heard there are a bunch of sissy femboys from cape breton. that's all I know about it
it's too oicey for /cum/
what happened?
Sometimes I use jokes I heard on 4chan with my normalfag friends like "he's sweet as a sugarplum" and I get a laugh
i'm so despondent and restless i don't know what to do with myself ever so i just downloaded tiktok and i'm going to liquefy my brain watching this shit 10 hours a day. over and out
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Jason tier post
>he's sweet as a sugarplum
Going to Costco right now
Their algorithm is very good
No anon!
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who do i trust
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Stalking women while playing Oblivion, finding out their daily routines and stealing their shoes
me af
You’re nothing but a sussy baka to me
Chris Christie would be a good president
*steps on you, thus squishing you to death*
and he makes good cookies
None. Costco does exist in the UK but there's not that many of them. I've never been to one.
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Confined by a nature that must die
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Would you /cum/?
I'd eat her ass
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Today's fragrance: Club de nuit limited edition parfum
you'd get aids
>eau de toilette
Why don’t anglophones translate this to “toilet water”
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my last pair of shoes to sell, have been sold. may the black gentlemen who bought them appreciate them for at least one day.
Im the definition of a failure
Depends on her personality
these tiktoks actually made me feel much worse than i even thought possible. killing myself shortly
Prefer not to say
Gee I wonder why, maybe it's because "toilet water" has negative connotations
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Classical slapstick rappers need Chapstick
A lot of 'em sound like they in a talent show
So I give 'em something to remember like the Alamo
Tally-ho! A high Joker like Spades game
Came back from five years to laying and stayed the same
Saying, electromagnetic field, it blocks all logic, Spock
And G-Shocks her biological clock
Late lunch today is Chipotle. Yes, I hate myself.
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it's not terrible but it's definitely too much money for the food you get
im tired chat
i want die
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do you think if i tried to dress nicely every day people would treat me better?
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I got brown girl fever
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i'll try it out, but i am not looking forward to getting my clothes dry cleaned all the time.
made a thread but it died with zero replies.
same brothers. i'm beginning to understand how the nafri frog spams about how miserable he is constantly without ever getting bored of it
do you grill burgers with the hood open or closed
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Mm girl feet
closed but idk I'm not toopicky
too weeb + white
Why are blacks like this?

That thing has a penis.
low IQ
dude sounds black lol
Everything's been going wrong lately Im a loser
TikTok is actually full of racebait
You’re a zero lol
There’s a balancing act. Being conspicuously overdressed will just make you seem autistic and unable to read the room.
>go outside
>everybody judges me for being a NEET
>go on the computer
>everybody is a racist virgin freak
ditto mon frere
Im a ho ass nigga
Are you concerned about the rise of the far right?
he'd honestly be happier if he were shipped back to shitland
can't begin to express how over it is
Watching thirst trap tiktoks
I’m honestly not that racist.
you should work on that, gotta pump those numbers up
I'm sober today. Successfully navigated a social situation without drinking
Trump flew on epstein's plane more than 6 times
so bizarre watching chuds slowly troon out
Did a 23andme and discovered I have a half sister in Canada
And they all develop the same troon anime girl avatarfagging personality
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going to the weed store
I'm stoned as fuck
Dont really pay attention to it. If a day of the rope is coming my way then so be it
I remember watching a webm on /pol/ about asian people being found dead frozen on the streets of russia, I guess, and being completely stiff like a statue. Apparentelly they were drunk and passed out outside during winter then froze to death.
it's too oicey foreem
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Need me a ciggy
bum me a duz?
I don't drink, smoke, do any illegal drugs, or gamble.
what's the point of being in the commonwealth if you get no benefits? both canada and the uk want jeet immigrants, we don't want each other. why isn't the process for moving to australia, new zealand or the UK easier as a old stock pureblud anglo canadian?
I bet you drink tea and or coffee though.
What a sin
Is it time to do up a litre of green tea¿?
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go for 4
luv brown girls
slowest weeder
I know I can do better
We must have some new tranny jannies fresh from reddit or something
I just got a warning for minor bants/trolling of Russia, meanwhile threads comparing Indians to turds clog the catalog. Probably Russian collusion, the FBI should investigate.
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Would I get janny'd for posting this?
Hmm definitely sounds like we have a new brown retard janny
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Just saw a video of a Russian tank driver set on fire by his crewmate and then a drone came by to stop him and mercy kill the flaming corpse, it was cool and glad that shit ain't happening to me
>India is the second biggest foreign threat to Canada after China, a damning new report concluded nine months after Justin Trudeau accused Delhi of involvement in the assassination of a Canadian Sikh citizen.
i want off this ride
They've colonized us bro.
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>pot of black tea
>bottle of bourbon
>Lemoyne chapter in RDR2
yeah, I’m thinking based
Video games are mega cringe shit.
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
I do not, although I drink sodas sometimes.
If one fulfills his moral obligations, then even if he fails he has nothing to be ashamed of. One let's himself down if he does not do what he is capable of doing
The fuck does that even mean

I hate this song so much
finna bust a fat nut before beddy
kill yourself
What the sigma
Bust a nut for daddy…?
how bout i bust your nut you fruit fairy
Hey, some of us are pretty fast, man.
i buy my weed from esso
the sweet native girl wasn't at the weed store today
I'd bust a nut for some good ribs rn
The Democrats (establishment) should have allowed rfk into the debate, so that they could pivot into him as their emergency candidate. I don't know how they didn't consider the possibility of corpse Biden brain rotting into his microphone all night
(the implication is that with only 44 seconds between the posts, anon managed to reach the store and get high in less than a minute making him very fast)
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i take my weed anally which gets me high within minutes
haha look at that fuckin cat
Threw out some empty alcohol containers. Not planning on teetotalism but I feel like cutting down would do me good.
I can't cope about being brown. I need to change my race. The racial hierarchy is fucking brutal. Brown skin=inferior.
Smoking it has the same effect
but you get a prostate bump for free while you're at it
It's not cause you're brown. It's the same as when manlets think they're being persecuted or whatever
You just give off small dick energy. Now THAT might be because you're brown or manlet or insecure or whatever. But other people probably aren't judging you for those things as much as you think they are. You gotta be able to own who you are
does that really work? do you stick the plant up there or a pill or what?
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Nta. Anyways, I'm gonna finish my grapes. Cheers anons.
I'm a cute white boy
brown girls flock to me
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i can't procrastinate anymore. time to clean my apartment.
google 'Boofing '
This lameoid isn't going to be around for the new thread so we can call him whatever we want and he would be too late to respond. I'm gonna call him dweebasaurus rex lol.
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war kinda sucks and i don't know who would do it willingly

and it's not even like the old times were you were fighting for something closer to your scale, now it's like the objectives are global geopolitical pieces and the rewards are i dunno it seems like a lot of veterans are on the street or 6 feet under it

but what do i know, i post anime reaction images on anonymous image boards
sane post
Browns are shorter and have smaller dicks. It's like when an Indian says he can't get girls because he's Indian and then pajeet copers say "it's because you are short, ugly, and skinny fat". Zero self awareness the race.
Ukraine is a better ally than Israel
Love from Kazakhstan
Jim norton married a tranny lol
the antivirus guy?
I don't drink, smoke, do any illegal drugs, gamble, or drink tea or coffee.
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You're made of drugs. We're all made out of drugs. We're nothing but drugs.
Sometimes I don't think any of you can make a nice pizza sauce
The first step is to buy an enema kit
same but still drink coffee and tea so I'm still haram to mormons
Sounds like something a druggie activist/evangelist would say
i could cry watching that video of joe biden at the concert
Good pizza sauce starts with canned tomatoes
Make a real new please, someone

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