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Define 'white people' and 'white race'.

European and white is just a geographical term. It's funny how people shill this shit over and over - muh "white people". As If Croatians have something to do with Moroccans, LOL.

Whiteness is and always has been a poorly defined, incredibly vague and frankly nonsensical classification.
fucking whomst
>As if Croatians have something to do with Moroccans
very good bait, try it on reddit
Here. You can see a European genetic cluster on this map. You can use automated clustering and genetic distance clusters found through machine learning will correlate one-to-one with self-identification and common notion of race.
Spain and Italy represent whitheness
Is Messi white?
Is Joe Rogan white?
Is Mbappé white?
R1b and R1a haplogroups
White people have blonde hair and blue eyes. The rest are mutts.
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Any true white can identify another true white person. It is about facial features first and foremost. Then pigmentation (inside a certain range).

Despite his darker than average pigmentation this is a 100% European face, aka a white face.
>As If Croatians have something to do with Moroccans
I´m not sure if this is supposed to be a joke or what but 1)Moroccans are not white and 2)to be white you just need to be indigenous to the European continent, since we all came from the Cro-magnon, the first Homo sapiens to inhabit Europe.
Basically this. Races can be easily identified and form a separate genetic cluster in PCA maps, whites aka Europeans are all closer genetically to each other than to non Europeans, except for Southern Italians and some Greeks.
I'm not a nerd what does this mean
Also, “white” is just any population which
their dna is (overwhelmingly) a mix of ANE, EEF and WHG (ancient populations).
Whiteness means being christian larper on 4chin
I guarantee I look whiter than 90% of this board yet I get called a shitskin because I have a muslim name
Only 100% Anglo-Saxons are White. The English are the greatest thing to come out of Europe in the past 400 years and no one is remotely close to us. Compared to us, you're not even a human, you're an animal that is barely above the nigger ape. Germans, Swedes, and other parts of central Europe are not considered White. Everyone else is considered Swarthy. Black hair, olive skin, and brown eyes weren't white. Imagine calling yourself white if you have brown eyes. Benjamin Franklin stated that.

>Spaniards, Italians, French, Portuguese
Romans. Not white.
Swarthy. Finns and Swedes are Asiatic
Not white
>Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia)
Balkan mystery meat and claims they're all Slavs anyway
Not white
"Mongol hordes", the "Asiatic flood" and the "Red beast"
Anglo's greatest ally

England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were giant, ethnically homogeneous, homeland for Anglo people with access to vast resources and agricultural land originally built by Anglos, for Anglos. John Curtin said, that Australia is an outpost of Britishness in the Pacific. America is literally an Anglo colony that got so powerful it decided to do its own thing. Anyone in america who isn't of anglo heritage or associated stock (dutch, huguenot, welsh) is not an american. simple as. Germans, Irish, Italians, Poles and Slav have always been undesirables
Tom Jones. English white.
Whiteness is a social construct, built during western colonial-imperialist phase, to justify slavery and genocide of non european peoples.

Racism also is a modern invention that came alongside the creation of the nation state.

During feudalism peole would swore alliance to his feudal lord, rather than some abstract notion of a nation
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Im a second generation immigrant, am blond, light eyed and pale skinned with freckles, but since the Brazil flag on 4chin is like a kike armband in Nazi Germany, I don’t even bother
>western colonial-imperialist phase
But not russia or ottoman?
There is no such a thing as "white" people. There are Caucasian people. Americans created that term because they were different than Africans but since they were mutt have no one nationality, they called themselves white and called Africans blacks to categorize things. so it's a cringe term if you are not an American.
>Definte White people
>People with pale skin and little or no genetic admixture from Africa, the Middle East, Slavic Nations, Asian nations, the Balkans or any of the places bordering the Med (Except France).

There you go.

>inb4 something something bitch fit
Hey, you asked, I answered. Simple as.
What about brown eyed anglo saxons? And light eyed non anglos?
Can't any of you faggots recognize this retard?
Just spam Messi pics and he'll have a meltdown
The Census Bureau defines White people as follows: "White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan, or Caucasian.
Whiteness becomes a social construct if wogs or shit eyes and hair are let in. If the Portuguese are white why not Turks?

The real number of white people is really small. In order to be white you need blonde hair, blue eyes, pink nipples, and fair skin (not "olive" or whatever new word wogs are using to cope).

Brown eyes=not white
Brown or coping olive skin=not white
Any nipple color other than bright pink=not white
Brunette=not white
anglos, saxons, dutch
I am ethnically Dutch, I won't use Anglo terms like "White"
We are least neolithic farmer pipo in europe, but sure we are partly Ancient Siberian.
> If the Portuguese are white why not Turks?
They are much more genetically closer to other Europeans than they are to non Europeans. Similarly, Turks are way more distant to the same Europeans.
Not all brown eyed populations are the same, both Bantus and Japanese are brown eyed. Similarly, Portuguese are different from Turks, from their phenotype to their culture. Hence, the former is widely considered “white” while the latter isn’t.
>Brown eyes=not white
How would you explain brown eyed northern europeans? What about blue eyed people whose parents are both brown eyed? If a blue eyed person has a brown eyed grandparent, are they a quadroon?
>The census bureau
Don't care, didn't ask. You asked, and I answered. Take the definition offered or keep bitching in a circle, but don't whine about it because you're not anywhere in the group.
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>Define 'white people' and 'white race'.

Blond haired, blue eyed North Germanic Lutherans.

No one cares about your cherry picked maps. Wops don't look white at all. I've been all over Southern Europe and I've been to Istanbul. They all look identically non-white.

Brown eyed Northern Europeans are mutts. I went over this, go over my checklist.
What about my other questions?
Well it’s suppose to mean European. Causcoid means europe to North india .
People conflate white with being Nordic/Germanic like Ben Franklin did.
Do idiots insist they aren’t white because they are Mediterranean.

Latinos I consider white because of language culture religion and most of their blood being white.
Do indios in latam get called Latino ?
Dark traits go together. A person who has brown eyes is highly likely to have brown or black hair, swarthier skin, and dark eyes. The reverse is also true a blonde haired person is likely to have blue eyes, fair skin and pink nipples. This is because they descend from two distinct originating populations. Blonde hair is recessive so there was an original population which was blonde and blue eyed responsible for its spread.

A brown eyed child coming from blue eyed parents likely has brown hair and darker nipples and skin. That's why I said go over the full checklist.
Nice coal burner
>blue eyes, fair skin and pink nipples

That would look so good on Japanese girls
This is b8 btw
>likely has brown hair and darker nipples and skin.
But what if they don’t?
No argument

I accept your concession
This post is also b8 btw
Then he is going to be hairy or smell bad

Add lack of body hair and good or no smell to the checklist
if you are european you are white simple as
Are you sure? Does Emma Watson or Thorbjorn Harr have any of that other than brown eyes?
I've never seen Emma's nips before. Women are naturally hairless. The other guy you mentioned has dark nipples.
>I've never seen Emma's nips before
You can easily find it online
>The other guy you mentioned has dark nipples.
No he doesn’t, you just saw a pic with a filter on, other pics his nipples are clearly pink.
I unironically agree with this.
See Msfiiire's nipples? It needs to be the same color. Bright pink.

I would get a DNA test on the child to see if he is related to the parents.
To answer your question I would consider such a rare anomaly as a white passing mutt. He is almost white but not fully.
So if Thorbjorn and Emma aren’t white, what race are they? “Mutt” is not a race.
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Shit, I guess not even Dolph Lundgren is white
They are mutts. I saw Emma's nips and they are brown which proves my point about dark traits going together.
Well of course not, he is an asiatic mongol.
not white sorry
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North Atlantids. Every other race is irrelevant and subhuman to me.

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