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do you actually want to marry and have kids in your country?

explain your reasoning
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I'm afraid of dying alone or ending up like this http://franzkafkastories.com/shortStories.php?story_id=kafka_bachelors_ill_luck
>police academy theme starts playing
I'm not clicking that virus link
>do you actually want to marry and have kids in your country?
>explain your reasoning
Im an incel
I'd like too but i'm too ugly
That's not really nearly as applicable to modern times given that we have so many bachelors. Something like 20% of women are childless by age 45 I bet back in Kafkas time it was rare to not have a family at that age
No. I like cute white boys. But I'm still a white nationalist because we need to secure a future where cute white boys continue to exist.
>i'm a genetic dead end and am looking for other genetic dead ends to make sure white boys cease to exist
I have a gf and we'll have kids. But cute white boys are still the most gorgeous. She's cool with my sucking some dick on the side. She does lesbo shit sometimes too
>I'm a closeted homosexual pedophile in a sham marriage and are responsible for kids
>given that we have so many bachelors.
Losers and virgins are overrepresented on 4chan. Irl it is still seen as weird. Almost every guy in my family that is late 20s or early 30s has a significant other
Jealous I get to have my cake and eat it too I see
>not even denying being a pedophile
Yes, I'm entering an early mid-life crisis.
yes. It's an innate human desire.
If I call you a Muslim terrorist that's gonna explode a vest downtown Amsterdam do you feel you should have to say "no I'm not!"? I don't need to respond to petty name calling
>admits to wanting little boys (not men)
>doesn't deny being a pedo
>changes the subject
I used to be 50/50 on it, but after spending a lot of time with my niece and nephew, I don't think I have the mental fortitude to do that grind for several years. They're cool, but then they're also a massive handful for years and years until they start getting into the school age. I spent five days with them recently and I was absolutely spent mentally by the end
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>gets to love and worship cute white boys
>also gets to reproduce and bring more cute white boys into the world
You're my hero.
Pls tell me the 4 person on the left is a male.
I believe that the pension system is a scam that will collapse before I get old.
Children are my only chance not to die in poverty
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>Children are my only chance not to die in poverty
>been talking to a girl the past couple of weeks
>she’s 6/10 kinda cute blonde, and doesn’t seem like a whore, but also lives about 40 minute drive away
>tried to set up a date 4 times:
1. First on that day says she actually wasn’t available and we rescheduled for the next day, a couple hours before date would’ve happened says she actually was available but I hadn’t showered yet and was just playing vidya so said I couldn’t
2. On the next day she cancels it due to weather even though I was the one driving to a bar in her town, we rescheduled for the next day
3. On the next day she says she has a headache, so we rescheduled for the following weekend
>over the course of the following week she only talks to me to complain about here inane problems with her family and job
>gets pissy at me if I don’t reply quickly
>whenever I ask her something she either doesn’t reply or gives a non reply
>yesterday the day we rescheduled she doesn’t message me at all, I didn’t either to be fair, but it came up to the point where I would’ve driven over and I just couldn’t be bothered, ended up blowing it off and playing Victoria 2
>this morning she sends me a long message basically saying to never to contact her again

Are all women like this? I’m not sure I actually want a gf now desu
Basically incels
Think this what screws the right
Even looksmaxxing and money hits it’s limits
Some people just got a better vibe and game then others
Wom*n don’t like us, they just want sex
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This is the way, we must preserve the existence of cute white boys and a future for future cute white boys
Absolutely not, being in a relationship is awful already, adding kids to the mix only multiplies the misery.
>being in a relationship is awful already, adding kids to the mix only multiplies the misery.
based knower
It's red pilling when you see a decent looking successful guy with an mid hambeast looking bitch. Then you realize that most women hit the wall pretty hard and that you will never have the dream girl wife you thought about all your life and you have to "settle" for some post-wall roastie. I'd rather just be alone forever.
no i enjoy my life. wouldn't want to ruin it
She doesn't like you, you're an orbiter she is cultivating
Are all women like this? Yes. They will treat people they like much differently.
Just ignore her.
Id like too but women despise me, like they are biologically and genetically repulsed by me
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I feel actual unironic fatigue at just the thought of having to endure being with a woman
poc men's heaven
No. I'm autistic and love my solidarity and peace.
Sure it gets lonely but when I see the mountain ton of social obligations for normies, I feel relieved that I chose to avoid all that mess.
I would like to marry a man someday. Women are on the table but I don't want kids and I feel like every woman starts going baby crazy once they hit 30. The rest of my siblings are fulfilling the biological obligation just fine and I'm the latest child so I don't feel pressured to have kids at all and my family has half accepted that I'm basically a fag already.
Also this, woman fatigue is real. Why are they so fucking braindead?
autism is no excuse thoughever
plenty of autistic couples, even married and with kids
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I want white children but I only find non white women attractive
I wouldn't wish autism on anyone. I'm doing my hypothetical children a favor by not passing down this mental illness. Doing otherwise is super unethical.
Ask yourself, do you really want to create future 4chan posters?
Yes but I need to find a decent woman first which is close to impossible. It's like saying where want to be a millionaire
I know many autistic people who have their lives together better than the average non-autistic
you're using autism as a crutch and scapegoat for your personal shortcomings and pathetic decisions
change your ways and improve your life
break the horrendous cycle you've made yourself get stuck in
Its the mongolian high and puffy cheek gene that makes them look like that. You can search up albino mongolians and they look basically finnish
I already have. Why? Just felt like it
Black man's dream.
I don't want to marry.
I actually decided not too long ago that I'm not fit to be a parent. So I'll just be living the bachelor's life.
because i want love, it seems really nice
i worked with children and i love my little cousins
unfortunately i've never even been on a date at 23 so im probably going to be a incel for life
Getting married in a few months. Finally ok enough with the 'strength' of my genetics to procreate.

> you actually want to marry and have kids in your country?
don't know yet, i don't feel "ready".

>explain your reasoning
im a schizoid
Sounds like a recipe for molestation
gotta keep them moles somewhere
she's hot though
I am engaged and have a child on the way. I was an incel until I was 30 btw.
My partner is a 9/10 and we're both white.

So yes.
You're a 10/10 gigachad, fakecel
I'd fuck him. You wanna watch?
I'm gay, I can't have children in my country tho
unironically front row far right is cute and I would wife her
I was prob a 3/10 at best in my incel years but 10 years of really hard self improvement work paid off and now I'm about a 7/10 on a good day. It took a lot of fucking work to get here though.
This is what happened when youre being inseminated while your parents drunk and in sauna
>Broken sperm + fas
Jesus Christ what is actually happening in your countries that make you hate women and not want children with them? Filipina women aren't evil here.
but I think I'll love my children regardless of their skin color so I shouldn't try to force something with a chick just because she's white
the Fin trannies here look more feminine lmao
women have never been as attracted to men as men are to women. in the past women didn't have the same rights and they had to get married
now they don't have to get married because on average they earn more money than men, meaning they literally find the average man to be unworthy of a relationship. it makes the dating game difficult because even if you earn good money you still might be short, or you might be balding and it's like 100 guys competing for 1 woman
Ultimately if my wife wants kids I will give them to her, but honestly pregnancy scares the hell out of me and I’d rather my wife not do that. I would fear for her life.
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it seems like your wife is the head of your household
Damn right
My wife genuinely sexually dominates me, I am her teddy to hug, she bites me, clings to me and calls herself an octopus because she's so handy, sometimes she will pin me again the wall while we sleep so can't move and ultimately when she wants sex she is getting it even if it means getting on top of me while I sleep and I would never have it anyway. I love her.
My fiancee tries to dominate me sometimes (the biting and pinching, sure whatever... although tonight I slapped her across the face with a dreg cabbage leaf for it)... and I do enjoy cooking for her - makes me feel good to provide.
When she pulls the "Man of the house" shit... sometimes I have to gently remind her that I'm quite a bit larger, certainly no dumber, and I have 100% of the penis in the relationship... and then we'll get some chores done and shag like stoned test rabbits.
no, just dont care
>do you actually want to marry and have kids in your country?
>explain your reasoning
to give my life purpose, I just waste my money otherwise.
I'm almost 26, its time to grow up.
No becuase im brown and i don't deserve love.
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I do but not because I want to have a wife but I want to be a father
Like a greasy bold Soviet dad with a mustache in tel'njashka who drinks beer after working ten shifts on his matches factory and eating stinky dried fish helping his son with math and all that stuff eating fried soups that the wallpapers come off
> marry
> kids
>white nationalist
>is a degenerate

It would be nice to have a family.

On the other hand, I would be worried all the time. It's a rough world out there.
>all of these are at worst a 7 in this country
it's over for browncels
Yeah and I’m not white.
Degeneracy is white culture thoughever.
You shouldn't speak so unkindly of the hand that feeds you Mahmud

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