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If you ever wondered why Meds and Latinx have dysfunctional, unhealthily close relationships with their mothers.
All med women are boy moms for some reason
There's literally nothing wrong with that video
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Anatolian earth mother expression.
why dont anglo women love their children?
my dad used to do the same with me when I was a kid
All anglos are eternally assmad that normal mothers love their children. Just because their mothers feed them hormones and baby formula and neglect them past the age of 3
All meds and latrinos are eternally ass mad because they were molested as children.
>perfectly normal interaction between son and mother
>"oh my science! She's RAPING him! He wants to have SEX with his own mamacita!!!"
Why are Anglos like this?
i want to be held by a woman
there is nothing sexual about this. Anglos and especially Murricans need to stop making everything weird
I unironically was in elementary school I got hit in the stomach when playing soccer and this female teacher came in told me to go somewhere else and touched my penis quite a bit even though I kept telling her it was my stomach that hurt. Not complaining though my first erections happened whilst thinking about her she was hot and in her early 30s
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this is what you think about at 6.30am
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same i dont even care about sex anymore i just want to be cuddled
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>Just because their mothers feed them hormones and baby formula and neglect them past the age of 3
Very very true. Refer to the post at the bottom of pic related.
I can't and won't believe that any sane normal person posts on this board
Damn,wait till that incest obsessed finnish poster sees this one
You don't have any kind of sexual interest before puberty. Nothing wrong with that video (the mouth kiss is unhygienic, but meh)
>You don't have any kind of sexual interest before puberty
how braindead is you
>mother is affectionate
What is wrong with firsties?
i once saw a muslim father beat his newborn to a potato because he was crying i will never forget that webm
Nice cope here. Now let's see what kind of people find hot when a woman calls them "daddy" in sex...
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Wtf is that?
you mean papi ?
I've seen this thread reposted at least over a dozen times.
is this true that when brazilians go to whores, they tell people that they're gonna see their cousins ?
here comes the pedophile.
did your papi brust in your room?
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I don't know, I think the first time I jacked off was when I was like 8
anglos think that the human body is innately sexual
they're unwell
Kek now I also remembered, one time my sister's TV was all smudged up with lip marks. We asked the 3yo nephew if he had been trying to kiss some girls on the TV and he goes like yeah
muslim tranny saw "what is a woman" lol
every mom incest threads I've ever seen on gif is made by a white american tho
I wish my mother had been like this, I really want to rape her and cut her in pieces sometimes (I won't do it, of course)
How bad is she?
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moms love their teenage and adult sons like they are still children here
I love my mom so much, she's the best
also not my screencap but shared it with her yesterday because it reminded me of us.
she's a good woman, she's just very manipulative and probably a compulsive liar
but it's not out of spite, really, I just sort of feel like it would be nice to rape her and kill her
Breakfast cereal. Just wholegrain wheat and some added supplement micronutrients (supplements are useless and unhealthy btw). The only good thing about breakfast cereal is the milk you eat it with.

I ate our equivalent as a kid too, though otherwise mostly real food. It's no worse than wholegrain bread or other grain foods. The image sums up the issue with processed food, but another aspect is that processed food means you eat primarily cheap grain.
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this picture always get me hahaha
That's just exposure to sexual material which you blindly imitate and learn even without the capacity. That said, the capacity predates puberty.
what does it say
> mommy can you make me eggs
> ok son I love you
(written in a cutesy way impossible to translate into English)
>how did it go
>hi ma
>I'm on my way (almost arriving)
>I'll tell you when I'm there
>ok my little son (used as a term of endearing, akin to my baby boy or something)
>sticker saying "mom can you make me a fried egg" with a typo to make it look cuter I guess.
>ok my baby boy I love you
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See health marketing surrounding it same as other breakfast cereals
You have to understand that firstoids view all forms of non-relationship closeness with confusion & incredulity.
>Ay papi
Emotionally neglecting your children builds empires but eventually backfires
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Y'all didn't hide under your mom's skirt when y'all were little?
no idea what you're yapping about
if i politely ask your mother to call me her hijito will she do it
emotionally neglecting daughters has dire consequences
sons are usually fine
take your meds schizo
>Anglos and especially Murricans need to stop making everything weird
Didn't cp used to be legal in Germany. I wouldn't say we're the weird ones
Is she hot?
My first time was like 17
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You're asking the wrong question. Why is it the so many med/latin women are pedophiles?
Only happens in America
>Mario McNeill
Mother was italian or something?
which is a continent that also contains brazil
I'll stab you
arabs are literal animals
Why do you say that? I feel like my puberty was just delayed
How tall were you at the time?
old ladies call young men hijito here sometimes like old ladies call everyone dear in anglo countries, but it's been decaying in use
"can you please help me carry these bags to my car hijito" etc
Sorry if this is a complicated question, but that be pronounced "hihito" because j is pronounced like an /h/ in Spanish
it's pronounced "eeheetoh" for you guys, h is silent in spanish except when joined by c (ch) and in foreighn words (show, etc)
Thank you! I like orthography
Idk man, I remember being 6 and seeing boobies on tv and having a funny feeling in my special area
I wonder how many latinx bros get to experience /ss/ momcest.
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Virtually inexistent in most places. When it comes to sisters and cousins, though, that's when shit actually goes down.
Technically most boys have their first kiss with their moms or close female relatives. I notice women like to kiss babies on the face a lot and sometimes the lips touch. Thus technically making that their first kiss.
momcest: gross
cousinsest: not exciting
siblingcest: kinky
I just need a fren to hug me
I started jerking off when I was 10 and had a tummy fetish since I was 6
That's why I get herpes on my lip. I was just to cute as a baby.
Tell me more anon.....
wtf is that nigga doing
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I remember when there was an American Football athlete that kissed his son in mouth, and Americans were horrified at a simple sign of affection. I thought it was a protestant thingy, but I think it is just an anglosphere phenomenon.
You're Puerto Rican so you wouldn't get it, but down here in Latin America that would be considered weird too because its in the mouth and between males.
Maybe, I kiss both my parents, and a few other family members.
Why are you like this just enjoy the video
>but I think it is just an anglosphere phenomenon.
You don't think, stop making things up. Parents may kiss their children in the Anglosphere
not without a license in your country
You're better than this.
>unhealthily close relationships
angloids be like
>you actually love your family? you fucking freak!!!
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the mother factor in the first world is really something to behold.
no firsty loves their childs, this is why you can change your son sex there.
the fucking freud was right.
... i got hard
no, i hate my mom
No it isnt Quechuanigger
latin america really dont suffer, do they?
When I was three or four I didn't know about masturbation but was messing with my peepee under the sofa sheet(idk why but back then every object needed a sheet) while imagining the Banjo Kazoie witches doing experiments on me to turn me into a witch, and then the baby sitter turned over the sheet and called me a little pervert. The embarrassing memories never go away.
I feel sorry for you that your mother wasn't this tender and loving to you. True nature's school and course of life, in a thing as simple as a playful hug with your kid.
catholic moment
I think they mean prepackaged burgers, not burgers made in your chippy where they knead the meat into patties.
Hey, viva los bolivianos
What does the chipmunk say?
he's still just a baby you freak that's normal
My mom and aunt used to bite my limbs playfully (but it did hurt) until I was 5
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>yoghurts, ice cream, breakfast cereal and sweets are all ultra processed
Is there fucking anything that isn't according to these people?

And what does it even matter if you're eating a freshly-made spaghetti bolognaise vs one that comes out of a tin? It's the same food, one just has a little more salt in it (and is much easier to cook).
It doesn't say yoghurt though, it says fruit yoghurt.

And yes, there is a difference in the chemicals used to conserve the premade food inside their packaging versus freshly ground meat and freshly cooked pasta.
Opening a pack of crisps and pour sauce on it is even easier, you fat fuck.

>uh so what just a little more salt
No, also colorants, conservatives, and byproducts of the industrial process.
americans are so weird
>ywn be shota in a Latino country
I never realized how much I suffer until today.
No one mentions the husbands face. He looks pained, almost embarrassed, or maybe jealous it's unclear.
Maybe Freud had a point...
>t. molested and hyper sexualized as a child
Latrinos are so weird
What's wrong with zoomers
This shit is fucking weird?
>yoghurts, ice cream, breakfast cereal and sweets are all ultra processed
Dairy oft packed with sugar, vegetable fat with added sugar, grain-based product with more sugar and pure sugar are processed are unhealthy, yes.
I know I want kids just be the way how my mom looks at me. I want to look the same way at my kids
wait - I give my baby weetabix in the morning (I am med but my wife is English)

is that bad?

I give him pureed veg/meat/fruit on normal meals
t. foreskinless
No, my mother told me not to hide and face my fears
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I don't love my mother, or my father
The only person in the world I love is my brother
this is the worst part about becoming a man.
I discovered it felt kinda good to rub my dick when I was 6, but I only started doing that two years later.
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Oh yeah and I humped my bed.
anglos will get hugged by a girl and say they just had sex because how could anyone have non-sexual intentions with gestures of love?
>the city of the Eternal Anglo

Don't be jelly, just because your mother just tossed you in front of a TV so she wouldn't have to deal with you it doesn't mean that kids getting affection from their mothers at all means they are "unhealthily close".

Matter of fact, the opposite is true judged by the insanity on how cuck and incest porn are at an all time high in demand among your demographics.
The trvke that eternally buttblasted the Latinxs
Hey, I'm not the one who got circumcized against my will when I was a baby
It's true. All latinos and very dark meds (as in south italians or south spaniards) bang their cousins, aunties, sometimes moms...
Your flag is faggy as fuck.
>moms love their teenage and adult sons like they are still children here
That's a understatement. They do that even when their children are well in their 50s.
THE Freud?
Just wanted to say my dad is an asshole. I wish he would treat my mom better.
there is nothing wrong with that though? next thing you're gonna tell me is that you never showered with your mom
anglos throw their toddlers into the bathtub and tell them they either drown or they learn to clean themselves
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They do, they just don't give them handjobs like meds and latinx
Feed him raw liver and egg yolks and butter
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It's not any different here...

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