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They're now in Poland
>WHY INDIANS SHOULD MOVE ONLY TO WARSAW| Life of Indians in Warsaw Poland| Poland Hindi Vlog
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>those puddles in the pavement
Grim. First world?
yes, poland has rain
I come up with an absolute amazing gimmick: a youtube react channel but you react to indian videos about immigrants to different countries. The idea is very simple - you play mister international and when someone bad gets mentioned you say "huh I didn't know X country has a problem with Y" so people from that country came in to debunk the indian.
yeah, we cannot compete with Moscow in terms of firstworldness

I want to date Indian women
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how does it work? they can barely speak English but somehow they can make 3x more than average wage here
25k is about what you make in IT with some years of experience
how come you can work in IT and speak English like this
IT and other corpo
25k is salary for mid / senior in Warsaw
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can Ukrainian bros confirm that Manish is a regular Ukrainian name?
Bolivians are quite similar, they come here to work in the fabric industry and it's not uncommon seeing them driving brand new SUV's.
when they derail the next train?
It's just their accent is terrible for Poles to understand, their proficiency is quite high. For some of them it's native language. For uni graduates it's even higher on the average.
Maybe you confuse Paki Uber Eats drivers with Indians?
no idea to be honest, but I work in IT and we have one hindu guy in our team. I can't understand for shit anything what he says during our meeting calls, but it's ok because it doesn't matter what he says as long as he gets his job done
i mean the way he wrote that post, that's kindergarten-tier
meant for
every time i walk near warsaw uni i see polish girls hanging out, holding hands and kissing with indian guys

this country is over
>Believing anything that comes from pajeet mouth
>things that never happened
i wish it hadn't but it did

it kinda looks like indians are trendy among girls now since i see them less with italians and spaniards that was a thing 5-10 years ago and now it's mostly indians
People just need to start minecrafting indian immigrants
I live in Warsaw, I studied in Warsaw, I work in Warsaw. I live close to the various faculties. I sometimes see Indians playing cricket.

Never have I seen Indian with Polish girl lol
Are you talking about main campus? Cause it's full of tourists.
>Are you talking about main campus?
yes or Powiśle too
>Cause it's full of tourists.
no, they're clearly students

>Never have I seen Indian with Polish girl lol

you probably don't go there too often, that Indian fever began literally 2-3 years ago, when Indians started coming here en masse
I’m from Russia originally but God damn Slav girls are so cheap and trashy it’s not even funny. White Americans absolutely hate jeets.
>you probably don't go there too often
I go there to party, so like once a week.
Indians are okay, I don't see any problem with them. They don't commit crime, are polite and helpful, smile a lot, speak English and don't compete with Poles for jobs really. Poles do not have their own CEOs anyway so if anything they compete with Anglos or Germans, not our problem.
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>don't compete with Poles for jobs really
Also they don't integrate and don't learn Polish.
no, Indian students aren't obviously guys from slums. They're well fed, many of them are quite tall and handsome and also they're polite, well mannered, speak English + they have that exoticness in them that attracts women.

okay but who does, really, apart from Ukrainians? Poland is not a final destination for anyone, pretty much all immigrants here are only temporarily before they either come back home or find a better job in a western country.
Russian girls fall for arabs and turks tho, я в Mocквe кoгдa yчилcя этo чacтo вcтpeчaлocь. Can’t say much about jeets, jeets were rare in Moscow back in my days.
they will integrate if they date Polish girls and start families with them
every single jeet here works in either food delivery (low caste) or IT (high caste), there are no exceptions
>Polish women must have no standards then
they have one basic standard: no Polish men allowed but everyone else is

>Russian girls fall for arabs and turks tho
Polish women too
Lmao italians are exotic. Indians are just abos
indians seem to be better looking than italians
>Lmao italians are exotic
desu it looks like italians went out of fashion now, probably they kinda became too common, every Polish girl already had 3 italian boyfriends and it's not something you can boast about to your friends anymore
but Indian bf is a different story
tell me one reason why I should oppose Indian immigration
They really do lack self awareness huh бpaтaн
Lol remember that video of the American white nationalist going off at an Indian in Poland?
there's 1.5 billion indians and half of them want to move to Europe
in Warsaw there is one barefoot Indian guy (monk?) who sits all day long in the old town and chants hindu hymns, it's really annoying because he looks out of place in a medieval European old town and these hymns are terrible. Though he seems like a good person because once I've seen when a disabled guy on a wheelchair wanted to give him money and he refused to take that from him
And? Poland struggles with depopulation and ageing society, young Indian immigrants are a solution to this issue
how does importing food delivery workers improve our country in any way?
they offer services there is demand for?
by working illegally

they need to be shot
Soon to be Pooland XD
indians need to be killed
huh? they work legally, what are you on, they applied for a visa and got it
you don't get a visa for food delivery on a bike you stupid nigger
>okay but who does, really, apart from Ukrainians?
Russians, Belarussians, Moldavians, Yugos, Vietnamese do.
Western expats usually learn like A2 Polish, although many don't
of course you do, that's where the demand is and Poland doesn't have any special immigration policies that would exclude low-wage workers, it's not Australia
>Russians, Belarussians, Moldavians, Yugos,
obviously by Ukrainians I meant all other Slavs too, my point was about REAL foreigners
first generation doesn't really learn it and speaks it very poorly, it's just their children who are already raised here and speak Polish natively
>Western expats usually learn like A2 Polish, although many don't
exactly, so it's the same with Indians
what proportion does western europe have?
kek it's funny how Indian immigration agencies advertise Poland for Indian men
>half naked white women and views from Switzerland are waiting for you Rakesh, live your dream in Poland!
>first generation doesn't really learn it and speaks it very poorly
So will every (80-90%) foreigner who's older than 20-25 yo and will try to learn language outside of his original language family.
Vietnamese at least try and work for it, Indians don't give a fuck.
>exactly, so it's the same with Indians
I work in IT, never met Indian who spoke any Polish.
>of course you do, that's where the demand is and Poland doesn't have any special immigration policies that would exclude low-wage workers, it's not Australia
lol you stupid fucking nigger ukro you don't even know law in poland

you can't come to poland on work visa if you don\'t have an employer

deliver app is not legally an employer

kill yourself
>you can't come to poland on work visa if you don\'t have an employer
and they do have an employer, they are employed in firms that offer delivery services

>Vietnamese at least try and work for it, Indians don't give a fuck.
once again, most Indians don't plan to stay in Poland forever so they see no reason to learn a completely odd and hard language

but for example Indians who run restaurants/shops usually know some phrases in Polish

>I work in IT, never met Indian who spoke any Polish.
I've never met a westoid who does.
>>Western expats usually learn like A2 Polish, although many don't
i work with koreans and french people most of them know polish
>and they do have an employer, they are employed in firms that offer delivery services
all of them work illegaly wood delivery firms don't exist
>I've never met a westoid who does.
I know Italian, French and American people that learnt Polish
Indonesia? Bs
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>obviously by Ukrainians I meant all other Slavs too, my point was about REAL foreigners
What kind of argument is that? Why do we even need non-European immigrants? Why take Indian if Belarussian is available?
recently i driven by a mosque thing and there were only indogs in front of it

It's only 10k and maybe 5k in other years.

need more proofs?

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