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I just played it and I'm going through chapter 5, it's fun and immersive for the game's standard of being old, but I don't see how you can obsess about this game like slavs do. Is it nostalgia? Or is Gothic 2 such an amazing game?
>bad controls is ... LE SOUL
it has fun story (from literal 0 to hero), good characters, good atmosphere and perfectly designed small open world
also top tier legendary dubbing in my language
but it gets easy rather quick (maybe first 7-8 levels are hard, then it becomes trivial)

Gothic 2 Night of the Raven is better because it's larger (but still well designed), more diverse, harder (enemies deal like 2,5x more damage compared to Gothic 1). The best part of this game is the first ~5 hours when you struggle to kill literally anything and have to get some levels to be able to do something.
it's the best game ever. it's "Gothic" in the sense of the tribe of Goths rather than later Gothic architecture. it evokes the atmosphere of that drawing which was circulated on /int/ some time ago of Roman ruins where barbarian tribes established their dwellings, huts and stables following the Germanic conquests. you get the same impression when you enter Old Camp for the first time. the story isn't great by literary standards but it's charming and unassuming, it serves to establish a credible world for the player to roam. I much prefer that over games which pretend to convey some deep messages and end up delivering pretentious goyslop. Gothic utilizes the classic gimmick of many classic RPGs - the initial quest that's easy on paper turns out to be much more difficult than previously believed (delivering the letter to the Archmage of Fire, finding the water chip in Fallout 1, delivering the ring in Arcanum) and the story takes off from that point. controls are awkward from the perspective of 2024 but you get used to them. if I could take one game to a desert island Gothic would be it
it's not for fucking zoomers like you
It's the best game ever made
but that's Thief 2
bro i'm enjoying it stfu it just seemed short for what was represented
interesting, do you have an opnion on why this game also depicts a race as orc as something good, only that Warcraft has tried too?
It gives you an authentic immersive experience of being polish, where everyone wants to rob you, beat you up and fuck you over somehow
isn't those games like 99% dialogue?
anyone wanna buy some swamp weed?
Overrated garbage only liked by poorfag kiddies whose PCs could only run this and not proper RPGs. It's not liked outside of Poland for that very reason.
I played it but barely remember anything from it. Gothic on the other hand was engraved in my memory and the sound of scavenger screams alongside the comfy nature soundtrack is played on loop in my mind when I'm idle
man I tried not to savescum and the first 10 levels consisted of me getting the shit beat out of me by everyone and getting my ore stolen, I went back when I was stronger and beat them back for my ore
i'm now lvl 23 in chapter 5 with 7k ore I think I'm settled
agree on the greatness of characters and the open world but hard disagree on Gothic 2 NotR being better. the Nameless Hero is absolutely great as a character, he has the sort of cockiness and confidence that was characteristic of main characters in 80s action flicks (no wonder the creators were inspired by Escape from New York) and it almost makes it seem like games which allow you to create your own player character from scratch and give him the character traits that you want take the easy route because writers aren't creative enough to write likable MCs. as for the open world it's big enough to still be interesting after several playthroughs but not overwhelming enough to get lost in it. I know that people complain about deleted content that they had to remove due to time constraints (primary example being Bandit's Camp in the Troll Canyon) but I've played enough mods to see that vanilla Gothic has the perfect amount of content and all attempts to fill the world with more quests, NPCs and camps fail miserably

I don't like Gothic 2 NotR because it doesn't have that something which Gothic 1 had, it might be better graphically and the world might be bigger but at the end of the day the Island of Khorinis is just a generic fantasy world inspired by Late Middle Ages in Germanic countries with Khorinis being a mixup of Hanseatic cities. the best part of Gothic 2 NotR is definitely the Bandit's Camp in Jarkendar where the game manages to recreate the atmosphere of Gothic 1 and it packs an enormous amount of content in a relatively contained space

People, in general, love the second part more because it was basically morrowind for people who are too stupid to play morrowind
i played this game in 2003 for MONTHS
biggest mindfuck is that i got my first PC in 2002 which was superb at this time and Gothic was already 2 years and my PC could barely catch up with it.

Great game. Great memories. But the keyboard control was worse than AIDS. I remember collect "Erz" from a box to my Inventar and had to press STRG arrow key left like 10000 times. This was awful. Also this game was really hard to play trough, modern games are a joke but those games back in the days you really sweat your ass of and needed to an IQ300 to pass. I remember the ORC camp that was hardcore shit, you had to lure out every Orc 1on1 and every fight was like 30 minutes pure horror and then you lured the next Orc out and next one.

Good memories.

There is a Gothic remake in the making on Steam but i have no idea when it will be releads, might give it a chance

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