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Do you have religious classes in your country?
what happened to the seperation of state
what you mean the separation from the state and the people were pretty successful
Fortunately no

I have a cousin that studies in a religious school and he's being brainwashed by retarded protties
yes, we are copying from you
This idea was created by godless people. If you're christian it makes zero sense for you to tolerate anyone that disagree with your god
>teacher license
Do US teachers even have bachelors degrees or any knowledge of didactics?
Or do you just become a teacher in the same way you take a driving test and get a license?
>american madrassa
I watched an interview with the Superintendent about this, and like usual, headlines are wrong. The curriculum adds explanations of biblical texts when necessary to provide clearer teaching of history. He argued that many American historical figures were Christian, and in their writings reference Christian stories and concepts, so they are going to explain them more when that occurs. If they overstep on teaching the Bible as fact, then the Supreme Court will in fact shut this down.
Separation of Church and State is critically misunderstood. It is not about protecting the state from religious influence, but to protect religions from state influence, like the Anglican Church during the time of the revolution. As to this, you do not have this, because government agencies strongly influences many religions with psyops and propaganda. For example, every knows about the federal government infiltration of muslims group to provoke terrorism threats. Other less know state intervention in religions is how the governments provides funding to Israel, so that Israel bribes protestant clergy to send protestants to Israel for indoctrination, or how the FBI has infiltrated some catholic church that use the Latin rite, or how the CIA is trying to make a unified Orthodox Church of America, to separate their followers from the Russian Orthodox Church, or how the CIA/NATO is seeding a conspiracy theory that says that the russian monks of Mount Athos are building a naval base for Putin, so that they can have a Mediterranean Fleet (Which is something so absurd, Tom Clancy would had called it ridiculous) .
In my state (California), you need to get a Bachelors degree in the subject you'll teach, and then go get a Masters in Education to become a teacher.
They should teach more about hellenistic mysticism then, considering that judeo christians stole everything from that tradition (including rabbi yeshua ben pantera)
One the earliest american documents is "A Model of Christian Charity" by John Winthrop and was highly influential to the idea of American exceptionalism. The idea of America being "a city upon a hill" that the world would look to is taken directly from the sermon on the mount.
Yes, but not only christianity. We learned about christianity, hinduism, buddhism, etc. But in detail? not really, but we did focus more on christianity
>It is not about protecting the state from religious influence
Read the Establishment Clause, the Supremacy Clause and the English version of the Treaty of Tripoli ratified by Congress.
crazy leftists started to push gender shit and it opened a windows for crazy right wingers to get to power.
Now you got gender neutral bathrooms in a religious school payed by tax.
Yes, separated in Catholicism, Protestantism and an additional class for thoese who didn't fall into either of the aforementioned two.
It varies a bit though.
You're retarded.
Turn off the whatsapp
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I feel like I should be mad about this but basically every midwestern christian I've met has been extremely nice while every city I've ever been to was full of complete cunts.
Damn, at this rate we're basically going to become Muslim.
yes but these days its way more like "lets teach kids what christianity is" rather than "yes lets teach them and practice it". In the first and second grade in my school we used to sing hymns and all kinds of stuff but that ended after and we just learned who was Moses, who was Josef who was Jesus where did Moses go etc.
it's a very curious phenomenon
protestants protested that the vatican had too much political and religious power yet in the end they did the same, instead of the vatican their governments concentrated all the power and somehow that was just better in the eyes of God.

It's still bizarre to see how in my cunt it's considered taboo for a priest to talk about politics while in his job as a priest but in the USA their president and a lot of other public servants and authorities have to make a vow before The Bible.
>have to make a voew before The Bible
this is the same here in most things. Ministers make a cow by promising by God and hand to the Bible or they make a "assurance" to swear by their "conscience" and holding their hand on Finnish criminal code book

Im thinking of the shitshow this is going to create if it is allowed to stay. It basically opens up to have all the religions that have been brought by immigrants throughout this country's history to be taught in schools, including the cult tier shit.
wouldn't it be easier to just gather enough seal pelts to prove of their ability to lead and provide for their local finnish tribe?
>in the USA their president and a lot of other public servants and authorities have to make a vow before The Bible.
i thought it was like that everywhere (but with their own holy books)
>the supreme court will in fact shut it down
Do you evangelical faggots really need to keep pretending at this point when you functionally rule the country at this point
Seethe atheist cuck
Why do you think they'll shut it down?
Stalin had the right idea for religion
Because it's in the constituion.
i took religion classes from a toddler till i was 18
never once did any of those people get a lick of any religiosity into me in any meaningful capacity
I think the trad cath official term for this is "retarded Souls" not joking
And that's been ignored before
>And that's been ignored before
Not lately.
By using it? Stalin restored the Russian Orthodox Church.
He had 85000 priests shot in 1937
And he restored it during WW2.
That's why he was almost included in the murals of that new military cathedral
Why has the American Taliban been getting so uppity lately? Is it because millennials and zoomers are less and less religious?
>For example, every knows about the federal government infiltration of muslims group to provoke terrorism threats
Nigga you never lived with Muslims.... They've been doing that shit before usa even existed. It's inherent to that religion. Anyone who lives with them knows this. At least they don't pretend to be goodies like Christians and are very open about destroying local cultures
In India we typically sing
>National Anthem
>National Song
>Hindu prayer
>Christian prayer
>some song about secularism/Buddhist prayer/Jain prayer
Islam involvement results in chimpouts, Sikhism is too niche.
jew pushing faggotry in schools happened
good luck
>american taliban
We sung songs about Jesus and were told that we should pray to God
Firstly you needed to put your palms together
Next you said Dear God
Then you said your wish, in my case things like 'please help me make friends', 'please help my grandfather get better' and the classic 'please make me wake up as a girl tomorrow'
Finally you said Amen
It wasn't a proper prayer unless you ended with Amen
Also God wouldn't be able to hear your thoughts unless you said a prayer and if you forgot to say Amen God would continue to hear your thoughts
Btw I grew up in a non Christian family
I came home and asked my parents what worship was and my parents got angry and complained to the school
It used to happen.
Schools used to teach religion, moral and civics back when I was a kid.
As far as I know that doesnt happen anymore.
He means the founding stock of the country.
>the classic 'please make me wake up as a girl tomorrow'
this one doesn’t work for some reason
according to my friend
>or Turkish
kek Arabs btfo
If you don't want atheism, secularism, or state Christianity, there's always the pluralist option.
lying is a sin, and so is being this willfully retarded
>what happened to the seperation of state
This isn't islam, the church is already separated from the state, what you want is to destroy it.
Yes but it was optional. I can't remember anyone opting out though, mostly we just watched veggie tales every other friday.
That was primary school, at high school we didn't do classes but once a year we'd have to go to some Christian assembly and at the end of it we'd be given a free bible (a little navy blue one, I think it might have just had the new testament in it)
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>American Taliban
My money is on them, especially when they have no rules or war crime charges to worry about.
Yeah, from elementary to high school
They're not taken that seriously but they're there
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Leftists are just SEETHING that America is experiencing a Christian Revival right now.
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>recite one verse in the bible
I love all of them. The whole thing. Every verse is my favorite. That's my answer. I love the Bible.
>trusting public school teachers to teach the bible in-between trying to molest one of your sons and turning the other one gay
Based Oklahoma
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Yeah, but they call it "science",

The state religion is naturalism with the creation myth of evolutionism, hence why the country's turning into a socialist shit hole full of violence and lies.
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Your religion is already in the schools and you don't mind, hypocrite. You atheist zealots distort the concept to censor any competing ideas. So sick of their hypocrisy, all these "atheist watchdog groups" and they just use the communist lawyers like the ACLU to preserve their indoctrination in the schools and ban anyone from telling kids about God or the Lord Jesus Christ and letting them make up their own minds.

Atheism/evolutionism dies without censorship and indoctrination.

It was a Catholic supreme court that forced faggotry on the nation.

Catholicism is why separation of church and state became a thing, not to protect atheist schizos from any religious influence or even barring the bible from being in schools, it was to protect men's freedom to worship God according to their conscience. It was so you could obey God rather than being killed by the popes.

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
>It is not about protecting the state from religious influence, but to protect religions from state influence
No it's not you dumb fuck, go read Hobbes
>It was a Catholic supreme court that forced faggotry on the nation
I'm not quite sure who did more damage to our country, Catholics or Jews.
zionist republicans say otherwise
you worship jews and israel
>Israel bribes protestant clergy to send protestants to Israel for indoctrination
Protestant here, we hate Israel and I personally believe we should be in charge of the holy land.
Our problem is that we're extremely apolitical by nature and bottle it up, until we explode.
Theres nothing jewish about Christianity
he means the Republicans and MAGA

We're actually sane.
Bible literally says don't bother arguing with unbelievers
That would be retarded.
Yes, you hit them in the head with a hammer.

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