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does anyone here want to learn icelandic?
I WANT to but I'm not going to waste a single second on it
maybe when I'm 120 years old
sure. Won't mean anything on a resume but would be pretty cool for small talk
Not really, sounds like a right pain in the arse xx
yes, except no
show some ambition greekanon
only one with the grindset
I AM showing ambition by eschewing the urge to study things that won't benefit me in any tangible/material way
you are not prepared for the icelandic age, you are so cooked
will you personally teach me
it's in the list, but not that high....
If I had something going on I wouldn't have taken you up on your offer. :/
How do you say "I want a fat vantablack negress with a large ass" in Icelandic?
that was the implication
you are a c*nadiod THOUGH...
ég hef gaman af því að kenna fólki
lazy br*Zoid
"Ég vil feita negrakonu með stóran rass"
i dont know what vantablack means so i tók it out
Post more clothed sir.
Why, you all speak English.
Vet inte om det är en bra grej att bli världskänd
you speak english cause that's all you know
i speak english cause that's all you know
Language learning means nothing to me if there's no places to output
I also know Spanish and I'm learning Vietnamese.
This is another problem, there would've been one occasion in my life where I met someone from Iceland to speak Icelandic.
i'm not lazy, i just have a lot of other languages i want to learn
right now it's russian, блять
I would actually have a reason to learn it as I considered going there to work (eu citizen) once with my friend who lives there lol
I have no reason to do so. It's unironically a cool language though.
mér finnst harla ólíklegt að ég muni vinna mér inn mikla frægð með því að bjóða fólki íslenskukennslu
I studied german years ago, wish i had kept going at it
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I think you forgot something like "kolsvartur". It's kolsvart in Swedish. Feita sounds like "feta" in Swedish, which is plural for "fet". It sounds like you're saying "I want fat negresses", but I have no idea how Icelandic works.
will you add me and teach me (please no video chat NO) from scratch all the words and sayings and pronunciation and grammar?
Icelanders NEED me to stop them from getting too inbred.
not really, no
Give me a qt icelandic gf and I'll learn it
>>199204444 (checked)
>icelandic age

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