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This countries each consist of a single majority ethnic group and a small percentage of various minority ethnic groups.
While these countries have always promote themselves as multiethnic nations, in reality, the majority ethnic group constantly bullies minorities by enforcing the majority group's language and culture to the minorities.
Their claim of being diverse and multiethnic only serves as a façade of forced assimilation and cultural genocide. Even when it is not enforced, the prevalence of the majority group's language in education, jobs, and media constantly diminish the usage and vitality of ethnic minority languages, leading to their death and cultural extinction.
The solution to this problem is to break this large-sized country into multiple countries belonging to each ethnic groups. In the modern times, a nation should not colonize another nation, not anymore.
When I go in a bus there is lets say 20 people of passengers
12 of them are would be brown
There are no brown people in Russia, only Chinamen and Chechens who are by all measure even whiter than Russians (they're the descendants of the ancient Aryans of the Indo-European steppe)
>This countries each consist of a single majority ethnic group and a small percentage of various minority ethnic groups.
10% of China's 1.3 billion+ population are non-Chinese while 30% of Russia's 145 million population are non-Russian. It'd be like comparing the demographics of Japan to the U.S, it's apples to oranges.
>While these countries have always promote themselves as multiethnic nations, in reality, the majority ethnic group constantly bullies minorities by enforcing the majority group's language and culture to the minorities.
Lol when has China ever promoted itself as multiethnic or ethnoplural, Russia I agree
>The solution to this problem is to break this large-sized country into multiple countries belonging to each ethnic groups. In the modern times, a nation should not colonize another nation, not anymore.
All China has to do is to devolve government in Tibetan areas and Southern Xinjiang and they could easily maintain control over all their current territoy. Russia's system meanwhile works well eve if it's running into some long-term issues.
Only 10% of Russia’s population is “non-white”, I.e. Turkic, caucasoid and.mongoloid. The rest of non-Russians are white, i.e, Finno-ugric and Slavic. So our demographics is closer to Sweden rather than USA, which is 50% non-white.
So what, they can choose to accept or extinct
Or you can choose to disengage in ethnic cleansing and let them be real nations of their own.
This is hilariously rich coming from an Indonesian. I can't tell if this is satire or not.
I disagree. There are certanly more of non russians but russian also has become such a term that there definetly different ethnicities these days out here that say they are russians but they all look completely different even if they are white.
I feel like there is a huge range of difference in phenotypes of people who call themselves russian.
What is it?
You criticize other countries for being too imperial or colonial, yet your nation is a colonial empire ethnically cleansing Melanesians and infamously had a failed attempt to ethnically cleanse and colonize Timor. You guys are in the same boat as the Russians or Chinks in that regard.
But that is practically every nation state.

Almost all nation-states were created by extreme violence, joining different and varied peasants groups under one flag and one state.

This was a prerequiste of capitalism, since commodity exchange cant develop in the fragmented subsistence peasant enviroment.
>Only 10% of Russia’s population is “non-white”, I.e. Turkic, caucasoid and.mongoloid
That's only official statistics that don't include millions of Central Asians living in Russia "temporarily" (in fact forever).

Also, given the incoming demographic change, it won't last for long, Muslims have a lot of children, white Russians - very few.
That was just bantz, Asian value you wouldn't get it
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most of the minority ethnic groups in china just look like chinamen, picrel is manchu

here's the dong (kek) minority
bai people
miao people
I wasn't defending my country either.
> it won't last for long, Muslims have a lot of children, white Russians - very few
Nah, tar for Muslims is 1.5, for non-Muslims it’s 1.4. Tatars, the largest Muslim minority, have the same amount of children as Russians and poles.
Tatars are irrelevant, what matters is Caucasians and Central Asians, they all have 3+ children
>there are no brown people in Russia
Russians have very different standards of what constitutes "brown"...
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also, here's inner mongolia in china. more mongolians live there than in mongolia. and ironically the traditional mongolian script is only taught and used in china, while mongolia switched to russian script half a century ago.
it also has a 14k gdp per capita vs 4k gdp per capita in mongolia.
> Caucasians
Chechnya 2.5 (highest), ingushetia 1.8, Dagestan 1.7.

>Central Asians
Migrate workers, can’t afford having children here.

They almost outnumber all Caucasians put together.
Central Asians aren't brown? I dont count peoples like Buryats bcuz we live close to each other since we settled in siberia, but there more central Asians and muslims than buryats
You are so fucking delusional
Yo Russia is barely holding it together with the muslims we already have. The divercity we get is the hickest most illiterate kishlak (village) stock of tochikiston they themselves don't want at home (vahhabit clothing and beards prohibited so they are shipped here). Well, to be fair, most people running from Russia aren't beautiful flowers as well.
incel russians getting replaced
>only Jews have a lower birthrate
At least they can't say the Jews are replacing them...
its first time i hear of half of these ethnicities desu
Russia outside of Moscow is pretty much a dark fantasy setting
There are like 30 in Dagestan alone, some with their own languages. These tiny sub societies never assimilate because it's full nepotism mode clans which fight each other continuosly. It's their way to keep the land from outsiders I suppose (they are not harassing whorish by muslim standards looking tourists though). Right now one or two of these clans are taking them terrorism dollars to stir shit but it's somewhat controlled still.
The other ones are former khaganate golden horde remains syberians and also initial siberian and far east natives and good job if they indeed breed.
>cultural genocide
I doubt smaller peoples suffer in Russia under Russian rule. It was the commies who genocided tens of millions of Russians as well as displaced and killed millions of people of other ethnicities from Pontic Greeks to Estonians.

Also like >>199211039 noted after several centuries the ethnicities are getting more and more mixed and there are plenty of people who self-identify as Russian despite their grangrandpa's origins in some remote village.
Russia for Russians , China for Chinese desu.
And by this i mean we all shall breed other ethnicities out of existance.
Also indonesia itslef rather a mutliethnic country.

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