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firsties genuinely debate about things like
>copyrights and piracy bad
>women and men equality
>gay and trans people
while we thirdies struggle to put food on our tables and our politics is mostly about corruption and religious values
you niggas don't suffer, no amount of cope and dumb excuses is going to make me believe that you suffer
>we thirdies
You're a firstoid, kys
>we thirdies
Poland is part of the firstie club now, Kowalski. Enjoy the LGBT parades and the irreverent tranny debates.
You don't know true suffering until you've lived in a secondie country like Southern Italy where both things happen
poland is considered to be a developing country by the IMF
also the median wage is like 1000 euro and it's impossible to get anything done without knowing the right people or bribes
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I don't care about any of that. I just chill and watch birds.
>considered to be a developing country by the IMF
so is china
shut the fuck up firstoid
most poles don't even know that being trans is a thing
gays are called faggots "pedaƂy" , theoritically it is legal to be one but in practice people will hate you and you might get arrested for disturbing peace if you kiss with another man in public or do other gay shit
there were some lgbt parades here but people went out and started to beat them up so the westerners stopped organizing them, also we have lgbt free zones where anything slightly gay is strictly prohibited
nigga china is even worse than poland
We halve all of that in br tho
>Pole larping as a rugged thirdie thread #1614574741789
>you might get arrested for disturbing peace if you kiss with another man in public or do other gay shit
>there were some lgbt parades here but people went out and started to beat them up so the westerners stopped organizing them, also we have lgbt free zones where anything slightly gay is strictly prohibited
I too miss the 90s
we were robbed of a proper healthy society
>t. slightly edited copy paste of poland
Not really, even if there are some similarities
romania is wealthier than poland
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I want to pirate but i'm scared of downloading a cryptominer
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>poland is considered to be a developing country
I don't think that it had ever happened to anyone
anon, ac is considered to be a luxury here
poland is so poor an american can't comprehend it
we are so behind western europe in terms of pretty much everything I think that we should be kicked out of the eu, they have been showering us with money for the last 20 years and it all went to the private bank accounts of politicians and their families
I wish I only had simple problems like putting food on the table. Life would be so easy.
no, fuck you, you don't get to this.
Poles will brag about being super advanced firsties and the next second ask for sympathy for being poor thirdies, fuck off.
You guys are too rich to complain now and growing, you cannot have it both ways
>Poles will brag about being super advanced firsties
these are either 80iq pajeet tier delusional nationalists or payed government trolls
All of that for just faggots? Sounds pretty gay.
Extremely based
what do you mean by all of that?
there is no legislation around faggotry here except the lgbt free zones, it all came to be organically
and what are your problems?
rolling a 5* character in your gacha game every week?
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Anyone below the US lives in a third world shithole.
>usa is not a shithole
You will get it soon don't worry.
>The famously shit country of Iceland
I completely agree my burger friend, please paypal tip me some humanitarian aid
poles are hypocrites and liars, why do you think we hate these slavshit animals so much?
>these are either 80iq pajeet tier delusional nationalists or payed government trolls
they seem to make up 80% of polish posters
> we thirdies
> poland


for a while I thought you were Indonesia before I double-checked
I farted
Seriously stop cosplaying as a thirdie and go visit an actual third-world country sometimes

like Detroit, USA
>they seem to make up 80% of polish posters
and that's one of the problems in this country
Don't care one way or another . If it is egregiously cruel, I oppose but otherwise not my problem
>>copyrights and piracy bad
Never wrong,will always pirate everything. If I was rich maybe I wouldn't torrent
>>women and men equality
Equality is idealism. It doesn't exist in reality because there are natural differences
Not my problem
>>gay and trans people
As long as they aren't publically talking about anus sex I don't care
Telling someone to go to Detroit is kind of mean anon.

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