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>French people voted for an Italian

thread for Italian-French friendship, we love the french culture :3
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Italy was at its best when ruled by a French
France was at its best when ruled by an Italian
don't compare a third world country like Shitaly to France
Napoleon was Italian
until you the thread was all Italian flags, you ruined it, but this is really telling on the Italian-France relationship, it's very one sided, they don't even consider us while we love talking about them and us one way or the other.
This is definite proof they aren't part of the med family, Spanish or Portuguese flags would've posted here for sure if the thread was about them
il polentone furente
kek irl most French people like Italians while Italians have a weird sort of revanchist hate for them
>a weird sort of revanchist hate for them
this happens only on internet among retarded
I think it's understandable, European powers ruled all over Italy and did as they pleased one way or the other for the last 1000 years or so, for them it's all good now but we probably collectively feel a lingering sense of inferiority and the need to prove something to them.
It's kinda like a school reunion were the bully barely remembers you but you're still seething about them.
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French people are cool. Those are the guys you shouldn't trust
We really should have given back Nice.
It's bant
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Before or after ruining it?
why? You bought it
No refunds
The only current border dispute between France and Italy is Mont Blanc/ Bianca
Nizza non la comprarono, venne data in cambio dell'aiuto militare contro l'Austria nella Seconda Guerra d'Indipendenza
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We should merge already
Only after a reconquista 2.0
Yeah with spain and portugal too but as only after >>199215575
hai ragione però la differenza e minimale nei fatti, gliela abbiamo comunque data di spontanea volontà in cambio di qualcosa, non l'hanno conquistata o rubata, e stata una transazione
France should annex shitaly and fix it
Lo so infatti l'unico motivo valido per rivolere Nizza è per inglobare Monaco così abbiamo un terzo microstato nei nostri confini
>così abbiamo un terzo microstato nei nostri confini

That's reasonable
We can trade for Aosta valley
Don't make any move for Andorra though
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Thirdies jealous as usual baka
i think we sort of already tried that
>sneakily going for Monte Bianco
I see what you're doing
why do you keep trying to move the border there? Why can't we just share the peak half way? Why do you need to be greedy?
try again thanks
it would probably be the most SOVLFVL thing to ever happen in history but i'm afraid we would discovere unforseen issues.
das me
Oops ahah x
Don't worry fratello mio we're coming into the third world club fast.

We're not meds we're euro mutts. Celto-latino-germanics with some scandi blood in the north. This is one of the best thing in France for me, we have beer and wine, oil and butter, blondes and brunettes, la belle vie with a soupçon of germanic autism.
It was nice to be "Western Europe: The country" now we are "West Africa: The country"
you can keep it
I am jealous. If I ever become rich I will live in the italian part of switzerland, the best of both worlds.
Yeah well, civil war or muslim brazil are our two options now.
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>never worked a day in his life
>becomes a leader for the french
enculè le rital and all of that
Kek to be fair most polticians are like that and even for the ones who did work it was mostly bs jobs.
>le 9% face
if he changes his name from Bardella to Bardel it would skyrocket to 99%,French genes do be working like that
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The best French are always Italians
I wish I could fuck prime monica Bellucci in the ass

Meh, white enough
Jourdain Baredelle

Cite another one.
Its a far right thing, Meloni and Salvini too never held a job in their life
L’assimilation est fantastique!
more dangerous than a fat boy or whatever ork weapon the russians have
Most French people are just Italians/Spanish
Ok now that explains it.
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>Murcia is footgang land
i might move
is there some automotive stuff over there
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>Éric Ciotti[3] was born into a family originally from Saint-Martin-Vésubie[4] and is of French descent on his mother's side, Annie Airaudi[5], and Italian on his father's side, Bernard Ciotti[5]. His father had ancestors from the Italian city of Treviso[6] who had settled in the county of Nice before it was annexed to France in 1860.
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>Zemmour was born on 31 August 1958 in the Seine department, now part of Seine-Saint-Denis. His parents were Arabic-speaking[16] Berber Jews from Algeria, which was part of France at that time, and so they had French citizenship.[d][18][19]
Biggest Chud in this legislative elections btw.
Oh yes the famous hard working greens and leftists lmao.

No we're not, retard.

Yes...italian-occupied, those pesky (((italians))) infiltrated in our government.
i meant jobwise but ok
Yeah, they have cars over there.
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Jean Reno is 100% spanish if i recall right
Yes, his birth name is "Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jiménez".
>we wuz Franks and shieet
>buthurt leftie
Yeah amongst other things.
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Frenchbros how can we stop the Italians bulls to steal our women ?
At least she dind't mate with an arab
I look like that and my wife is a 175cm blonde, blue eyed with big milkers and no ass, we're both 100% french blooded.
France is the perfect mix between north europe and south europe this is why it's so great.
It's not really common, we are nigger lovers like the americans but nobody like the nafris.
Italy was always powerful one way or another, for most of its history at least. Renaissance states were quite strong for their size. But it's true, some Italians are massivelky ashamed of their country, we have the same phenomenon here sometimes

I will steal all the ragazze
>more nafri than french
>ITT anons are finally realizing that nobody in France is french
What do you think "universalism" was about? I think the only truly french people that remain are in Bretagne or something. Shitalians have replaced the natives and nobody questionned it.

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