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do I have to like either game to hate niggers?
My clients think that i'm a 100% britisher. If i told them that i was from Lithuania i would lose most of my british clients
Yeah, Lithuanians should just say they are Eesti
And based Australia
DiasporaGODS > lithuaniancels >>> eesti twinks
we speak pure American English, East coast dialect
lost my job
job market looking grim
wow how could you guys let the thread die in the middle of the day
Sorry, I was wanking
I'm an American visiting Tallinn, thinking about attending pic related. What am I in for?

>captcha: XGOD
for 1 hour?
1 hour's nothing
Middle Ages Hanseatic everywhere
how long do you go for
I've edged till 5 am before
Thanks, I guess that's what I expected.
Did you fuck up or did they not need you?
On the bright side at least you can sleep in. Stay positive and hit up winz.
Made a printer part last night and everything fit on first try. I'm gonna ride this highfor the next week.
they're out of money
Like Fallout 1-2 and New Vegas and I hate niggers. All factions employ niggers expect for Mr. house and the Enclave, make me think.
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update: stopped playing warband like 2 weeks ago, thought I'd let y'all know
what will you do now?
any game recs?
head aches might kill myself
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rimworld, obviously
project zomboid is fun, but they've been stuck on an update fir like three years now and it's not worth starting now, thay build 42 is about to be realeased Any Day Now(tm)
i saw the jobs on seek and there where only 1500 in the second biggest city
What was your job?
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Arma 3 if you have friends
Paradox slop if you enjoy midwit games
Starsector is like warband but I'm sure you know about it already
Rimworld is good obviously
Don't trust that other fag, PZ is garbage and it will never be good. If you truly want to play a great zombie game just take the cdda pill. It's only confusing for the first hour while you learn the controls. Devs are trannies but there are plenty of non jew forks which are just as good. And it gets updated daily unlike PiZė
>Starsector is like warband but I'm sure you know about it already
I'm not much a gaymer so I actually didn't know about it. Thanks for the rec.
I work at a warehouse
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It's definitely fun and you can lose yourself for weeks. Don't play with mods for the first time, keep them for when you get bored.
Sseth's video has the activation code so you can get the legit copy from their site kek
pz > cdda I shit in your throat
I wish i had a girlfriend :(
I-I can be your girlfriend
to shit in your throat?
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Tell me about her anon
You're lying!
that's unhygienic....
she doesn't exist :(
it's only smellz
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>pz > cdda
Stop pretending to be me for (you)s, faggot.
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>you will never make a living by selling your body to old me-
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Estonia? More like poorstonia, right?
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>Immanuel Kant was a very boring man. He never married, and probably died a virgin. The townsfolk were said to set their watches by his daily walks, as they were taken at such precise times. He basically never left his home town.
What a faggot
Why are you so bitter and mean?
Shut up cunt
This guy isn't me.
Shut up cunt
You're literally me
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Proper role model.
A man everyone should aspire to be.
That's an insult.
You need to learn to love yourself (me).
>He basically never left his home town
literally me
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>The story of how Kant demanded to be tucked in tight at night is often heard of as his way of staving off the urge to masturbate. What is not told is just how awkward Kant would make this for his servants.

Being virtually perpetually horny, and actually monstrously hung, Kant would get into get into his jammies and get under the covers and call on of his servants.
"Oh Jaaaaamers" Kant might say (assuming the servants name is James in this case)
"a-ah yes Mr. Kant"
"Call me Emmanuel! I've told you a hundred times"
Kant could tell his servants to call him Kant one time, then Emmanuel the next, and he did this for well over 2 decades that some of them worked for him and he laughed every time.

"a-ah yes sir, Emmanuel"
"oh and tuck me in, i don't want to visit the circus if it comes to town!"
"y-yes sir"
"you know what i mean by circus right?"
"yes sir"
Kant would joke about the "circus" coming to town; and this was in reference to a powerful erection that he would get under the covers, which could lift the fabric and "pitch a tent" as its said.

"y-yes sir, Emmanuel sir" the servant would say, his eyes already dropping to the floor because he knew what came next
"oh-oh noo tuck me in! The circus is coming! QUICK!"
James would be made to tuck Kant into bed while a massive erection formed (supposedly 10inches plus) And Kand would stare at James the entire time and breath really heavy muttering inaudible sometimes punctuated by "circus" with a big pleasant smile on his face.
The tuck in duties were supposedly rotated weekly by Kant's staff, but all of them have given similar accounts
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U-i-i-is this a a c-confession?
God I wish I had been his servant
ngl, I wish I had some non-judging pleasant old man as my servant
are you Batman?
are you the autist who spams kant threads in /lit/?
anyways he paved the way for hegel and marx, for that he is based
t. read like 100 pages of kant
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Not only did I fuck up my leg I now how to deal with pic related. It is so fucking over, it was nice shitposting with you guys, I am kill.
What is this?
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Who the fuck is (you)? ?
All I got from HRT was looking like a teenager and an attractive twink (male)
Have you bitten by any ticks recently
Erythema migrans, first sign of borreliosis (Lymes disease). Caught early so doxycycline will do the trick in a few weeks, what a bitch I won’t be able to drink for 20+ days, might get no symptoms at this stage but who knows. The bugger I didn’t seen or feel at all might have carried tick borne encephalitis too but I think I would have been in the ICU already due to slacking off on getting that vaccine, fuck knows when I was bitten.
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You should watch Akira next.
Now watch: The greatest story never told
I haven't watched the first anime you suggested, I don't really like anime in general
Please don't die, hairy anon.
it should be fine dude. I got a 3 years long tick vaxxx
Where is everyone? Usually there's a ton of activity around this time.
banging ur mom lmao
I'm just mindlessly staring at the screen until I finish my tea and hit the bed.
Are you happy like this?
I know you're not happy.
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All in all, it's alright.
That's good then. Labanakt, teanon
You too, qt.
Just being an alcoholic.
oh no you don't
Only a very sad person would perform intercourse with my mother.
hey that's not a nice thing to say about your mom
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me, except I'm skellymode
Good night incels
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Never forget, it's a diasporaCHAD world, you're just living in it. I could kill any of you incel losers with one punch.

GN, cunts
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To me it's FO1-2 and NV only. The rest of series is practically fanfiction.
No, you can be racist regardless whether you like Fallout or not, but liking FO1-2 is bonus.
I've only played fallout 4
>I'm an American visiting Tallinn
yeah we know, WE KNOW, I see your kind everywhere
>tick status:bitten
>vax stattus not taken
>anaylsis, not made
>biotics not taken
lyme status?
What was the warning message? I clicked ok too fast becausr these niggers sent it at 4am to kill old people.
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lyg santechnikas iš ukmergės, galvoju negrįžt ten kur niekad nebuvau
my ancestor?
Labas rytas /balt/
Linkiu geros dienos visiems!
good morning, looks like someone has doxed my location
labas rytas, liurbiai
Why do you think so?
Labas, durneli
kaip tu drįsti
O ką tu man padarysi? :P
supakuosiu ir išsiųsiu į indiją
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gerai šį kartą tavęs pasigailėsiu, bet ateičiai žinok...
wtf? vpn?
Israel is not just a state, it is a state of mind
Well then I Isnorael
Ar tu tranis?
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jaučiu atėjo brisiaus galas man
ne, aš moku 6 skirtingas kalbas
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Fuck guys. I follow US politics on the regular, because of largest army in nato n shit. Trump getting the presidecy back is basicaly a nightmare scenario imo.

After what the republican controlled supreme court did the past few weeks and especialy lest night, making trump immune from criminal liabitily and making the president a fckng LITERAL KING/DICTATOR, i am filled with dread for the future.

What du? How do I deal with the existential dread and doomerism?
Isn't it the same for presidents in our countries? They can't be tried for things they did while being elected
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I have a question for the Downundies.

Are you a a nation of closeted communists?

This is a bit of a serious curiosity. Based on from what I've seen.
As far as I know, our president's are not allowed to assassinate all their political rivals, everyone who would then impeach them, call it an official presidential act and not be arrested immediately for it. Plus our president's are more like figurehead and diplomats then anything else.
Eh whatever
If Russians come here and shoot me then I'm ready for death, not like I enjoy living either way
He's saying "I HATE NIGHTKIN" you racist piece of shit
Ar tu turi maža korėjišką dešrelę?
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Just stop caring. Modern politician(read:celebrities) live by getting attention doing retarded shit, that includes sowing panic and fear in their own population.
Always keep in mind that nothing ever happens and [current political, ecological, economic or other crisis] will fizzle out before it does any meaningful damage, just like it always has in the past (ever since ww2 when the world became de facto united)
Or don't and play right into the fearmongering hands of jews. Your choice.
>assassinate all their political rivals
Uhh did he do any of that
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How I feel about to go to work
>play right into the fearmongering hands of jews
How does litvak keep getting away with this?
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Usa is turning in to what russia is today. Unlimited power for the dear leader leads to shit like the 3 day smo in Ukraine. Shit like that has consequences for millions of people. It is not just celeb bs. Shit like this matters to our (baltic) security a lot!

Biden is too much of a pussy to clean house. Trump has said that he would be a vengeful prick on day one. He would kill dems and Republicans that don't fall in line, have no doubt about that.

I fear for the future of the world guys and my day is ruined
I watched the debate, they were arguing about who golfs better
Please reffer to the
>[current political, ecological, economic or other crisis]
Part tyvm.
Chill dude, you've just been scared because of your family being idiots.
Nothing has ever happened, nothing is happening and nothing will EVER happen.
The sooner you grow up out of your fantasies of global collapse, the better
Litvak died btw
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I doubt that sticking my head in the ground, plugging my ears and going "TRAĻI VAĻI, ZAJIBAĻI, NEKO NEDZIRDU, NEKO NEREDZU (dont see shit, cant hearts shit)" would be a constructive solution to this problem.
dubs decide what I'm jerking off to
look into a mirror and maintain eye contact
blacked sissy hypno
It sure as hell is better than whining about
> le world ending
Every chance you get. You'll see, things will be exactly the same 5 years from now and you'll feel real silly for being scared of some inbred retard.
tranis feet pics
uh oh
I wish I could get normal fucking drugs in this piece of shit country. People just do the retarded cathinones, speed and coke like imbecils. In NL I could LEGALLY buy weak opiods and dissos, I was managing my mental illness, working, paying taxes and it was LEGAL. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Drink booze again? Fuck this stupid fucking shit I can't fucking handle it anymore. The ONLY reason I'm not buying a fifth of vodka RIGHT NOW is because it would be bad for gains and I'm crushing it at the gym after my cut
btw, I saw that in Polish pharmacies they sell straight dxm syrup, I think it would be possible to buy some there and bring it back, it's not even illegal
>jis vartoja narkotikus
>skaitau knygą
>"draugas Stalinas"
wtf sesės galvojau jie taip nerašys????
make what? what does making it imply you retarded nigger cattle? nobody gets out of this ride alive, nobody makes it, it's all a shitshow for a sadistic demiurge to enjoy, it's literally a prison planet, I just hope death is an actual escape and not more of this retardation
>some lefty in latvia is losing his shit because trump got elected
this has to be bait.
>Usa is turning in to what russia is today.
its been that, always, the only difference is that your veil of ignorance is slipping and you are starting to notice USA doing the same shit it criticizes in opponents.
>but america is le good guys
HA! good one
>but this is different
nothings different, nothings changed. The talk show puppet of the week is changed but the guys behind the scene pulling the strings are the same.
the "problem" is in your head, you think things changed, they didn't.
You though america is le good, they aren't.
>Shit like this matters to our (baltic) security a lot!
it really fucking doesn't. it doesn't matter what puppet gets elected they will all bown down to the jews and do their bidding. And if they don't they get offed, either physically through assassination, or reputation assassination.

>Trump has said that he would be a vengeful prick on day one. He would kill dems and Republicans that don't fall in line, have no doubt about that.
>I fear for the future of the world guys and my day is ruined
literally nothing will change, you will still get your fags and nigs imported into your country, don't worry
but thump le won :( le lativian tranny man is le over! Quick get on your knee to show solidarity for gorge floyd, very important in baltic countries which used to be 100% white
why are druggies in MY thread?! first some american goyslop latvian lefty and now these druggie lithuanians! *scroffs* I swear baltics have fallen!
it's so over for the wellingtoncels, i'm leaving this shithole in 2 months
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T. Chudder chudington
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Hand holder, you're so close to being actually based but you fell for /pol/ tier chudiness. We could be great friends if you just weren't so insufferably stuck up and high off your own cum, since I agree with most of what you say. Maybe in another universe...
Don't bother replying to this, unless you want to make a fool of yourself, as I will be busy for the rest of the day.
yes I'm white
>you're so close to being actually based but you fell for /pol/ tier chudiness.
let me guess you will not elaborate on anything and will remain as vague as possible?
>so insufferably stuck up and high off your own cum
Again, are you going to elaborate or only give the most vague "here is my feelings but I wont explain or even mention why I have them"?
>Don't bother replying to this
I think I will just do as I please
>he replied
>halfheartedly taking the bait
no half measures, always go full retard
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I agree with the estii
lithfag and latvianfag are soiboys
Soy Milk is shit for Coffee. Gets all clumpy and oily.
I prefer full 3,5% fat milk. I know it gives me a far higher risk of heart disease in comparison to low fat skim milk, but it just tastes better.
Poppy seed "milk" is based tho. I forgot to prepare some for christmas dinner last year and had to improvise. Instead of doing the whole soaking thing I briefly scalded it with boiling water and the used a blender to reduce it to a smooth paste. Color was a bit off (slightly redish/brown), but the consistency was like full fat milk/cream. Taste was great too.
WAIT, are you talking about an actual milk substitute or just heroin?
Don't be silly, no one makes heroin from poppy seeds. It's one of our trad christmas dishes, we can't have regular milk. I just accidentally made it taste good.
Never done drugs cus I have no friends and no social life, am I missing out? I'm quite happy with my life but considering trying molly at least
just be a good boy and dont start doing that shit
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Yeah don't do it, lest you become like that whiny bitch crying about the lack of drugs in litauen as if that is a bad thing.
What's the point of being a good boy? This world isn't made for good boys
got this game idea
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>goes on elections
>gets into Riigikogu
>1 year passes
>makes a scandal in his party together with some other guy
>dumps the party, causing mass exodus of people
>In only two weeks manages to create a new party, already almost has required 500 members
>becomes head of new party
>new party now has about five seats in Riigikogu and one seat in EU parliament without ever having participated in any elections
How can one man be so based?
Biggest storyline of June easily
Me too. Wanna fuck?
top or bottom? wya
which one of you is topping?
u forgot the true based thing, his daughter burns coal
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If you're cute, I'll be top
If you're hansome, I'm bot
Otherwise I'll let you choose but you'll need to wear a paper bag on your head
Is that an euphemism for nigger sex?
idc never heard of it
i can suck you off but no more than that
Correct it is
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Kada baigs lyti? Aš noriu eit pasivaikščioti jau
tu taip atrodai?
neturi skėčio are lietpalčio?
Vis tiej pavojinga. Jis/ji yra cukrinis/ė
for me it's fallout new gender
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All I need from life is a woman who is not line this but it seems there aren't any.
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Asuka more like 'a suka' blyat
white or red?
I'll kick her right in the pubes with all my force
do it
kick your screen
What does this mean?
cukrus tirpsta vandenyje
t. jis
Tu tirpsti vandenyje? Nu na kai žiauru
taigi tu cukrinis ne aš. Pirmas tavo blowjob'as tau būtų ir paskutinis tsakant
Nedarau bj, asiloide
o ką darai, debiloide
Tavo mama, pydaroide
och tu močkrušį tau galas!
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Į indiją nebeištremsi, aš tuom pasirūpinau.
nuo manęs nepasislėpsi
Tavo šikna nuo manęs nepasislėps, berniuk.
grynas pydaras taip ir maniau, kad toks būsi
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Aš kaip veidroidis. Gali kaltint tik save.
ar aš kaltas, kad tu toks esi
Kas dar btv dabar žiūri? Rodo Pričiupom!
hello my fellow white men why does dick taste so good in our months?
no you are that fagget lith with vpn
There is nothing to do other than to accept the unfortunate reality. According to projections, Trump will win, unless something significant happens before the election
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Baigėsi :(
That's not me and I'm not a fag
You're retarded and you're beliefs are completely incoherent
unironically thoughts about doing a /lith/uanian
am I lactose intolerant if I fart a lot from drinking lots of milk? I have no other symptoms besides this one
Nothing bad happened last time to HATO when Trump was president. I'm more concerned about JVPITER's downfall in France since Le Pen's party has ties to Russia and gets loans from Russian banks
What did he mean by that? Ąr jū gei?
don't do it, we need more posters here
Norėtumėt, pydariukai.
Eikit vienas kitam pasičiulpkit pelytes ;)
>Ąr jū gei?
>we need more posters here
you have just enough
Yes, but there was no war in Europe neither. Trump has said it very clearly and plainly that he will cease all support to Ukraine and allow Russia to do as they please

The fall of Macron will indeed be unfortunate
>you have just enough
But I'm responsible for 90% of litauen posting... the general would die without me.
you go on without me... I'll just rest here for a few minutes...
I'll take care of your waifu, broli.
I want to take you to a gay bar
No thanks...
damn this reminded me of this classic
He said many things in 2016 and 2020, but in the USA the real people who are in charge an babysit these demented pensioners are people like Kissinger, Blinken etc.
Dimon is smart for following happenings in USA, but caring a lot about who wins the elections is pointless. It's enough to follow their foreign policy. The only thing "radical" that Trump did just to flex is leave some meme green deal, honeymoon with kim and taliban peace deal (it would have happened even without him)
damn this guy killed the thread
>comes to /balt/
>makes two posts on politics
>disappears with no trace
Why are Latvians like this, wtf is wrong with them, why don't they just post?
Embarrassed myself today at work
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At least darbo partija is saved
You embarrassed yourself on /balt/ too
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Do you all like Rasens?
Yeah, I usually get at least one whenever I go to hesburger.
61 kilos
post booba
it's not just mayo that makes those burgers special
are you about to say something gay again
I was going to say that they are finnish burgers and that's what makes them special, but in hindsight that is pretty gay
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who tried this
I will be.
ok don't forget to review
Harassing some Muslim Bosnian and saying their genocide is fake getting a good laugh
Looks rotten as but what do I know
It was not fake ok
Proof that it is please
>not a single elaboration
>just the conclusion with no markers as to how or why it was reached
>thing is LE BAD, its le bad guys!
Very likely a globohomo plant then. They want people who push their objective in the government.
lamo, true!
>There is nothing to do other than to accept the unfortunate reality. According to projections, Trump will win
literally nothing will change, whats the "unfortunate" reality you speak of? Some dumb retards will cheer they got a red color mascot doing the jews bidding this year instead of a blue one?
>Trump has said it very clearly and plainly that he will cease all support to Ukraine
and I'm sure he will build a wall this time too, because as we all know anything a president says is written in stone and totally not empty promises they peddle before getting elected.

just bait to stir the thread into talking about something anything, so it doesn't die. it wasn't a genuine post.
That's how every single of your posts reads t b desu
>it's le bad
>how is it bad
>its le bad, its bad, bad bad bad bad
>ye, but how, why?
I do believe that even an AI bot would manage something better than this.
Thus you are either sub 60 IQ, which is hard to believe, even for you.
Or you are simply making shitty bait to get (you)s and bumps.
Hello Balts and Antipodeans

I assume the Balts have gone to bed, and maybe the Antipodeans haven't woken up yet because it's early morning there

In which case I will just post a picture of a Baltic woman
Bump although I'm going to bed soon so this thread will probably just die
perhaps letting this die is the proper way of things
just came in my own mouth
beyond disappointing
ejaculate just tastes like salt
That's how mine were the first couple of times.
It's all on your diet.
i don't see the point desu, in any case i think sex is an animalistic and oppressive act (masculine versus feminine is a dialectical relationship)
It's the closest I can get to fucking myself and thus achieving synthesis.
no, synthesis is not a combination of the two as such, read hegel
I only read scifi and fantasy these days.
i only read non-fiction nowadays myself, mostly leftist authors
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Sounds about as meaningless as my own endeavours, which makes you a kindred soul.
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