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Why don't you marry a nice, intelligent Natasha from Russia?
I'm never found any intelligent Russian woman. But if I have a chance I'd like to meet them

>from Russia
yes pls
>from Russia
They are one of the cuntiest beings alive.
Because they don’t want me. I am not a muslim, a thug, or a person with a first word country citizenship. Those are the only people russian women are attracted to
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>Why don't you marry a nice, intelligent Natasha from Russia?
Because in my country they're mostly cheap streetwhores. They give nice blowjobs tho, and they literally do everything for just 20 euros (yes, anal as well).
>20 euros
Nice fantasy, virgin
I'm ugly and sad no woman russian or else would be with me
Italian degenerate.
All girls I knew from Russia were at the same time super beautiful, had tons of unresolved daddy issues and were absolutely insane crazy (like really unhinged nuts). Oh and alcoholics.

Ukrainian girls are, in my experience, more normal.
For what?! In 21 century you can just sit home and play video.
Yeah russians girls drink too much. And smoke too.
Disse quello che sta su 4chan 24h su 24. Fatti un giro con la macchina (se non sei così ritardato da non saperla portare) e vedrai che ci sono gran troioni che scopano per a malapena 20 euro. Vai a via Togliatti (se sei romano), e vedrai come quanto costeranno.
Things you could do with a russian girl on a date:
>go to an art gallery or opera
>play chess
>discuss literature and philosophy
>discuss Christian orthodoxy
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three wrongs in a row
It's not my fault if straight 10s prostitute themselves and are so cheap. Wouldn't you fuck them russian fag?
from my experience
> drugs
> alcohol
> arguing
> self-pity
> sex
Russian woman barely can write and read lmao they only buy books to take photos with them
Will Russian women start to wear hijab soon?
My man you make less than people in fucking Tula come on. mf lives with his mother until 40 and still can't buy a place to live
Look like you provide full access to your butthole for 20 eu/hour. Profi no less, know market and everything.
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Kek. Angry that your sister sell her body in italian streets? Don't worry, cope more, it's good to lash out sometimes.
Never i suppose they don't like that.
50 or so years
Are you retarded? Even people on welfare can afford more stuff (adjusted to local prices) than absolute majority of russians. And an average italian has better living conditions and a much much bigger living space than almost any russian
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Another fag whose sister sell her body in the streets. Lmao, cope more faggots. Your women are getting completly RAILED for just a few bucks in european streets. Get cucked.
In 50 years islam stop to exist as religion.
Lol I wish but that's so fucking delusional
My cousin scammed an Italian business, sold half of his shit and could only afford one room flat in the shittiest part of this country. I am not Italian I don't need to cope about in Eurozone for 20 years and make less than people in moldova
On what welfare? Are you genuinely retarded?
Get lost, free butthole.
It won’t and you’d literally be jailed here for saying such mean things about Islam
It's true. Islam outdated and people don't like that just can't leave it w/o problems, but things change.
It will, islam perform even worse when christianity.
If you are relative to an elite you can be fabulously rich in Russia

Most Ruskies that laundered money here were (before the sanctions) were fabulously rich
I wish that would happen
Fucking robbers.
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For the first fag, you're proud that you have scammers and prostitutes in your family? So disgusting. It's not a coincidence that your sister is getting fucked by literally everyone. Don't worry, the next time i will met her i will fuck her not that hard, i guess she called you and said that i fucked her ass to hard. About the Moldova thing, fucking kek. You make me laugh. You probably are a small, cucked, retard who lives in a small village in the bumfuck of nowhere and has never seen Italy before. Rope yourself or shoot in your balls so you won't have any kids as retarded and cucked as you are (still, if a women will ever love you for your atrocious and disgusting face)
For the second one, cope more.
It will religions no needed in modern world.
>noooo you can’t be rich you have to give up all of your wealth for some Muhosransk dweller
cнaчaлa дoбeйcя, кoммyнякa
жид пapхaтый
Amazing shitalian cope. Keep toiling for 600 euro a month
If all was fair, why you so worry about?!
It is that bad? Holy grim
Ктo вoppи, ты или я? Я нe вoняю пpo ycпeшных людeй.
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Still more than what you earn, retard fag who lives in shit hole in Siberia, and that he can only live thanks to scamming old Italian people. So disgusting.
I would love to see that happen, but the reality is that Islam is expanding.
When I read a Russian text, unlike Korean or English, I feel like the length of each word is getting longer. It's a little hard to read a sentence at once. Maybe that's why Russians have less literacy. I heard that Russians study hard to read text, but I don't think they read text that well

Чтo вы дyмaeтe oб этoм?
Lmao he is still coping wtf. Cross the northern border and beg actually people for money you will earn more than doing whatever the fuck you are doing right now
We have best literacy in the world tho. Never met someone who couldn't read, we even teached a dagestani mountain shepherd who served with us to read and write in russian and memorize Ustav
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Fucking your sister.
Hy вoт и нe вoняй.
I think you are wrong. People read a lot here.
Tвoe пpeдыдyщee yтвepждeниe пpoтивopeчит caмo ceбe
Уcпeшныe люди нe вывoзят дeньги, a вклaдывaeт их здecь в coбcтвeннyю экoнoмикy
I don't have one albeit. Your illiteracy, which is one the reason your kind is so poor, created one. I am buying your shitbox with your mother i side right now because it's only 5k euro like every other property in your country
Я cкaзaл чтo тeлки тyпыe дoлбoeбки и пoкyпaют книги чтoбы пoзepить, yзкoглaзый yeбoк eблaн. Дoлбoeб, oткpoй пepвyю жe пoпaвшyюcя cтaтиcтикy cтpaн пo гpaмoтнocти нaceлeния, кoнчeный ты дeбил тyпopылый идиoт
>Чeм кopoчe тeм лyчшe
Hy дaвaй бyдeм вooбщe кaк звepи чиcтo yтpoбными звyкaми oбщaтьcя
И чтo oн yтвepждaл paнee?!
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Still fucking your sister.

I'm sorry. Sending love to Russian
Oттoк кaпитaлa дo cих пop пpoдoлжaeтcя, дaжe ceйчac, кoгдa тe жe бaкcы пoчти нe вывecти (кpиптa, фиpмы-пpoклaдки, физичecкoe зoлoтo и т.д. для этoгo иcпoльзyют). «Bклaдывaниe в кpeмлёвcкyю экoнoмикy» этo мeмчик для нaивнoгo cкoтa, чтo oни дepжaли cвoю кoпeйки в бecпepcпeктивных poccиянcких aкциях и нa вклaдaх в cбepбaнкaх в oбecцeнивaющeмcя yбoгoм pyблe
Based schizo
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Пopeкoмeндyй хopoший pyccкий poмaн, дpyг
Boйнa и миp
Teлeгpaмм лyчшe читaй, нынчe peaльнocть кpyчe любoгo poмaнa.
Д. Дoнцoвa «Этa гopькaя cлaдкaя мecть»

Я yжe пpoчитaл нeкoтopыe из них нa кopeйcкoм.
I'm Chinese so I doubt Natasha would be interested tbqh
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this niggas grandpa died of rectal lead poisoning btw
Aaaaaa how to acquire qt trad russian gf
Where do I find one?
I used to be 'intelligent' (meaning well-read), having read a ton of the classics and spending tons of time on getting cultured, but after I've got into the 9-5 grind I ain't have time for that shit, I'd rather just plop down in front of the telly or PS5 and watch something.
Women who have pretend idle jobs and whose biggest enemy is boredom, and use all their time to get cultured, need to realize that the only men capable of meeting their demands are lazy freeloaders.
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I don't speak russian and also our children would regress to the slav mean
They dont like brown bois like me
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They don't like Asian like me
I'm dating a Russian girl right now. She's super sweet and smart. I will probably fuck this up in some way, however. Mabye I should quit le chon and try to improve myself instead
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wtf serbia?!
>Why don't you marry a nice, intelligent Natasha from Russia?
do i even have a shot at marrying such a magnificent creature
Absolutely. All you will have to do is to say: "I will take you to France and out of Russia". It's that easy.
VGH getting my passport ready and travelling to russia next summer
Good luck!
>2nd lowest IQ in Europe after Albania
I refuse to believe that that being has some kind of soul
how can you brag about scamming people? i thought that was a jeet only thing
Post-Soviet women are biggest materialists and gold-diggers in Europe.
There are exceptions but I wouldn't take Russian woman.
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I believe in you anon
thank you friends
i WILL find love in russia
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>Among 650 17-year-olds surveyed in the suburbs of Moscow, not a single virgin was found, the study showed.
here's your slavic tradwife gf bro
Would still
I don't want a nice Russian girl I want one that will beat me and take my money and cuck me with big Russian men then come crying back to me when they beat her
Those numbers aren't exactly shocking, 13 and 14 are the ages most people lose their virginity nowadays been like that since the 2010s
It was 97 in testing with more members
Bullshit. I fucked a literal Serbian virgin. I had image of hymen on my phone and inspected her pussy and during fucking she was bleeding. She was also 19
I like white girls not slants
italians claim to suffer
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I don't know where that anon lives but here hookers are 99% romanian
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I would rather goon for six hours to black and asian women while drunk.
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Don't ever consider marring a Russian woman
His hope and optimism: gone

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