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rabbit rabbit
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You were saying...?
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David Bowie sudedish
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>post early thread
>janny deletes it
>op's face
Reckon I’ll just stay an incel
Had a call with a woman yesterday that lasted an hour and it was genuinely exhausting speaking to her. She seemed really into me though.
posting a /brit/ thread when there's an active /brit/ thread with fewer than 310 posts needs to be a permaban
unless it was made within seconds of another new thread, that's just unlucky timing
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gf just sent me this
Women are VERY boring
feeling some shock and confusion rn
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wanky poop wank tits arse
just want the 310 rule enforced consistently desu
and the rest
it's been hell on here these last 2 or 3 months. mods and janberg basically non-existent
we call them hares
that's ok
The only way to get janny's attention and restore normalcy is to spam /brit/ threads until the rest of the board demand action. Seen it happen before, and then /brit/ was strictly moderated for a week or two. After which it devolved back to what we've got now.
>page 3
i shall restore this thread to it's rightful glory
odds: cigarillo and buttermint tea
evens: pizza and a poo
dubs: project zomboid
Just no good at Sekiro. Just NO GOOD. Quite frankly I'm great at video games so I'm very disappointment in myself.
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>buttermint tea
I want this
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Me too but I rolled evens. What can you do.
cunnyculture thread
alright if you're not going to drink the tea give it here
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I would if I could, but I can't so I shan't.
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feel awful
What's the problem? I'm here for you.
had a stealth bender at the weekend

>gf out during the day
>get drunk and ketty while she was out
>went and got drunk in the car before she got home
>got home after she went to bed and kept drinking and doing ket in the spare room
>woke up late the next day, took a break for a bit
>got back on it when she went to bed
and then I said to him "as long as the balls don't touch it's all fair game"
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Going to cleverly trick the people of the trash thread (>>199214731). When it comes time for them to migrate, I shall link two decoy threads (>>199214815 and >>199214728).
Whilst they are fighting over which one of those to use, this thread, our safe haven, will be spared.
have a word with yourself m8
fucking CUNT
right well i guess this thread will be filled with tranny and "BBC" spam now
thanks a lot
might as well go to the other forum i go to that isn't /brit/ and will never be shared with you twats because you're such twats
why are there so many threads, what's jammy not getting paid for?!
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I'll be voting Tory because I don't want them completely wiped out, just humbled.
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He was deleting early news. Did three in a row. Then people made 4 more threads and I think janny just gave in and went back to Redit or wherever jannies come from.
that's some weak pussy shit
wouldn't have happened on my watch
BBC News has so far published 116 stories about Pride 2024 on its website
Absolutely bloody freezing out
Get in you beauty

>diagnosing you with a cold just by you telling them the symptoms rather than any physical proof
more bullshite 'science'
I give off Rockstar Vibes
Nonce vibes?
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buzzing in my right headphone
My selvedge jeans are too tight
been out for a walk and come back to find you haven't even managed more than 20 posts
This week's goal: sub-79 kilos
isn't that just being paid to be a NEET at that point
how hard is it to just set up a script that automatically bans someone and deletes his thread if he makes another one with /brit/ in the title when there already is one above page 8?
*pinches you belly*
Are you an idiot?
early new spammers don't even get a ban if janny catches them red handed
this site is a joke
how much is your monthly onlyfans expenditure
where are france going to send all th ewogs when marine le peng wins
So horny for muscle.
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sick of living in this neoliberal hellhole
>implying anything will happen other than MORE wogs
you're an idiot
say why it's a bad idea or shut up
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Look at this absolute thrill seeker
for the last time, janny does not have the power to ban people

he can only recommend it and it can be hours before that's reviewed
this article is sad
so many people I thought were quite smart have endorsed Labour

we used to hit these with our skateboards when we'd see them
good times
germany probably
refugees into Britain, Sir Keir will welcome them as they will be fleeing persecution

even Farage can't complain, his ancestors fled France in the same way
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big fan of lolita chakrabarti
i never said he did
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disturbing shit
England must take 20 million refugees from darkest Africa by 2030 to uphole its values
Don't care. Still voting Reform.
Mine works like the US's
Which obviously makes more sense
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I'm a cougher

lock me up
i work from home, so bring back the coof
how am I supposed to refer to someone very similar genetically to me, if irish and more regional names refers to people born/or that live in ireland or the region, or have irish nationality ?
same for in britain, how do ye refer to people around the world that are very similar genetically to ye? (like some in america, in canada, and so on) (but its still distinguished from ones that aren't that similar genetically even if some of their ancestors were)
our tolerance for undesirables that are wrecking our community must soon reach it's limit, resulting in a swift and merciless purge
i'm talking about /brit/ of course
I grew up in a house where the loo and bathroom doors opened outwards.
Not sure if ive had a stoke or my liver is failing or ive just got a summer cold i dont feel too sweet
Just realised buffalo sauce is simply Frank's hot sauce mixed with melted butter in a 1:1 ratio
wanted a wank earlier but cbf now
low point in the life of the modern man
They were saying corona was going around again so probably that
got a self-defeating combination of pride and sloth
*does a 50-50 grind on some faggots spoiler*
Stoke's alright actually
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could it be dehydration?
mad how often it turns out to be dehydration
Had a sore throat and sniffles for a few days and people keep telling me I've got the 'rona.
snorting lines of milo
went to the US for a few months and now obsessed with bbc
these people can vote
I've already told you. I give off:

Cocklover vibes
i wonder if its mostly decrepit old fucks or other people. 20% is really terrifying though
One of my pet peeves about life is that everybody lies to you, or covers the truth if it's advantageous to them

Humans are horrible
Decent trade
Made back the gas I spent buying this + would spend selling this.
Not true.
what's the worst thing you ever did
would have answered that for a lark if polled
didn't realise there 20% of us jokesters out there
doctor who was always trash you just thought it was good because you were a kid
nope been drinking plenty of water going to tesco during lunch for a covid test
you havent made anything until you cash out
Yeah. Learned this hard way on Twitter
Why can't you all just wait for the thread to hit 310, are you all children?
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this is your Rockstar vibe
Just failed killing myself. I'm a loser.
Got a horrible ingrown pube
Full of puss, bordered by inflammation
Bought a fly zapper and it just stuns them. Fucking EU ruining everything.
Leftypol unsure whether to be furious after hearing an Italian say "tranne il fattorino"
Don't do that lad. Let it all out here instead.
doesn't even have to be advantageous for me to lie

why would you limit yourself to saying things that are true?
Had a cyst on my ballsack once that swolled up as big as a golf ball then leaked foul smelling pus all into my underwear while I was driving.
Cashing out at $1 them I'll rotate to something else
Everybody lies not doing it is a petty control thing you do
Lets get a few more news made
we can use them later on
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this >>199218018 but let it all out here >>>/int/bra
popped a zit and pus sprayed all over my mirror
Did you take any pictures or perhaos videos?
any fat neeks in¿
need them all rounded up and shot
You are supposed to ask how I tried. I'm trying to make a joke 'ere.
How many of you lads would say you have anxiety?
>need them all rounded up and shot
Mathematician hitler finally having enough of the fractions
Me! Ooh ooh me me me!
I'm too anxious to figure that out.
shut up you smarmy cunt
scranxiety for me
only ever worried about my next meal
in what circumstance does anyone want to read about dicks in the first sentence of a profile on an app dedicated to finding a relationship
Sick and tired of the woke mob holding the world back
drinkin a monster
first caffeine intake for 2 years and about 4 months
also quit nicotine a few months ago and they say that caffeine has like triple the effect when you aren't a nicotine addict
we'll see how this treats me eh lads
might feel like i'm on proper drugs aha
From now on we will all know what a "Bellingham moment" is :)
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whenever i get anxious i just masturbate
apartheid was a good idea, we're due a round 2 and it'll be bigger and better than ever
Cheating to beat Slovakia?
haven't checked the work e-mail since last monday and have the sound turned off because the e-mail arriving notification sound gives me panic attacks
bloody too right!
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Bloody woke mod
Well, would quite like trannards to be upfront about it
Wouldn't want a trannard without one
lad drank some coffee he is going insane.
Hey cregg I've got the jitters
minecraft bloody woke mod 1.7.10
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I'm a single issue voter. The issue? gay porn
my work day mostly consists of being worried about messages and emails, finally plucking up the courage to open my laptop to check, finding nothing, and the going away for 20 minutes to recover only to repeat the whole process for 8 hours
Love it
Need it
Can't live without it
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How'd they cheat?
Mental how I'd be literally put to death for saying trans women are not real women
gay freak you are
Mad how retarded anxiety is. Like how is the brain so spastic that even seeing directly conflicting information that proves the anxiety wrong still not enough for the brain to stop flipping that anxiety switch?
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trannies are pornsick freaks
The buzz you get from caffeine is like the one you get from alcohol, in that it's in a very small sweet spot between not enough and too much. Nicotine is much easier to enjoy because it's more of a relief than a buzz. You have to go mad on it for it to make you feel sick. Until it gives you cancer or emphysema anyway.
what was /brit/'s bellingham moment?
chuckled irl
Thank you sirs
UEFA uses refs to manipulate the game where they can. In this case it was >+6 and calling every soft touch a foul to relieve pressure off England in extra time.
You should go meet him so the one room can have the UK's biggest penis and biggest dick
I am a mercurial and inventive son of Celtic Albion, intimately engaged with the subtler bodies that inhabit this tremendous island. I do not resent the practical ways of the Saxon, but I do regret his hostility to alternate visions.
the thing that Angus didn't want to happen happened, therefore it's cheating.
Serious question: Why are 30 year old big bunda bimbos from Brazil employed as prison guards in the first place?
What the fuck is going on in this country?
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the media are under no legal or moral obligation to refer to these filthy cunts as women, yet they go out of their way to in hundreds and thousands of articles
why is that?
>calling every soft touch a foul
That's literally just football these days
really cringey seeing Farage constantly mention that one muslim bloke at his Reform conference
the other applicants were male, what can you do
rorke we've been over this, women are allowed to have jobs now
Mental how servile and brainwashed tens of millions in this country were during the lockdowns
Ah yes, this is to reduce people from catching a cold.
same but it's immigration control

need the visa limits Sunak instituted in January removed ASAP or my uni course won't survive, we got 60% of the students and an even larger share of tuition income from overseas. recruitment fell by half for the next academic year, UK higher education is an international brand currently being dismantled while small boats keep coming.
respect, or fear?
there's nothing to respect, so what do they fear
>during the lockdowns
are you acting like they aren't still servile and brainwashed now?
that Zia Yusuf bloke
I'm a single tissue stroker
That's the bit that they put in quotation marks
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>Prime Minister Nigel Farage week
Next contestant Sybil Fawlty from Torquay, special subject the bleedin' obvious
earth to rorke come in rorke
Always weird when you meet someone's Dad and they're some little neek. My Dad isn't perfect, but he's a proper bloke.
I'm not voting for garage anymorw
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andrew tate more like absolute state
hardly any cress in my co-op egg n cress sarn today. wasn't as nice
skibidi biden
dirty bastards need their fucking heads caved in
why'd you click on it
because it's ridiculous nonsense and it made you emotional?
think we have a winner
me in an RPG when equipping the highest stat gear regardless of looks
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>hardly any cress in my co-op egg n cress sarn today. wasn't as nice
Weird how elbows werent even fouls in Copa America then.
Heaven is white women

Bantz season is officially open LAS GO
Yeah but the money you spend has gone to good causes, that's the Co Op way.
my dad is an anarchist biker and hasn't had a proper job since 1998 when he sold off the carpeting business his dad founded to become an anarchist biker

absolute waste of a human being my dad
the transvestites from little britain lol
Always do gay wanks when hangover but straight wanks otherwise
You're still a brainwashed servile creature. Say the no-no slur for the blacks. Go on. Bet you won't.
how good is mcdelivery?
don't want some somalian messing with my food, does that happen a lot?
why would you wank while hungover
mad how the coop is directly affiliated with the labour party and when you shop there you are funding them
Never got a Somalian with McDs delivery. Usually an eastern euro or a native.
i just want a fair amount of cress, bollocks to their good causes. a good cause is giving customers enough cress
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yes I'm here :D
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mental how typist used to be a job
well then explain
hangovers are for recovering with rest and food
Data entry is still a thing tbf
wanks have healing powers you should know this
What is the difference between an anarchist biker and a biker?
typist is still a job
wank to comfort yourself
my female friend is downstairs right now typing for zoom court cases
Is he at least somewhat cool?
any of you livestreaming rn? need something to watch
if race isn't based on anything biological then why can't I draw a random anime girl with pale skin and brown hair and say she's a native ethiopian
typical men gatekeeping sewage maintenance and construction for themselves
keeping women indoors is practically shariah law
No she isn't.
hangover wanks have mysterious and curative properties
mad how the coop is directly affiliated with chickens and when you buy an egg n cress sarn you are funding them
>zoom court
is that where they hear speeding cases? haha
parents evening must have been cool
Anarchist bikers take the stabilisers off.
i don't know how i'm supposed to prove that she is, but yeah, she is

what? that some type of japanese cartoon porn?

there's lolipop ladies
in fact the reason they're women is so drivers feel less inclined to run them over. Mad eh?

made me lauhg but i have a cold so coughed halfway through the laugh and now theres a blob of phlegm on my screen
Corr take a pic lad
Always want to watch proper grotty porn when hungover.
Afternoon de lids

Was hoping to go for a cheeky swim today but weather has been utter shite all day x
So you've said
lmao my accountant was calling me from second floor I didn't pick up because I thought it's some stranger woman offering me a job
now HOW is a nigga meant to take a pic of his phone screen WITH his phone?
watching santa's grotto porn
corrrr go on you elf cunt, take it
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Which party will introduce gay porn visas?
my wife went into a coma
I knock on her head and say "hey when are you coming out, our reservation's for 7!"
haha, women
picking my gay porn nose
has brother never heard of a mirror...
Check out the Angela Winter asshole fever gangbang lad
A personal favourite in the grot genre when I want a really disgusting wank
Remind me what stabilisers are again?
all i see these days on facebook is appeals for silly cunts who've gone missing
Soijacks are the worst thing to happen to memes since rage faces
>Check out the Angela Winter asshole fever gangbang lad
The anarchist biker will be an obnoxious boomer and he will tell you he's an anarchist biker and how all politicians and business owners are evil. Also he will have grown up in a well off family and will have sold a successful business that he inherited to fund his lifestyle and he will have left his family thirty years ago to fuck around as an anarchist biker.

are you working out there spainers or did you take holiday?
my wife was in a coma, the doctor tells me oral sex might wake her up
five minutes later i go "doc, she's choking!"
putting cat biscuits up my arse
it's where they solve crimes committed by people born after 1997
oh dear
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inaugurating the third poo of the week
Working de lid but not back in work until next week. Starting to look for work over here tho
going to do my sciatica stretches while listening to skyrim music now
Been putting gremolata on everything lately, absolutely mad for the stuff so I am.
Then how do you know what he's up to if he left you? Is he sending you monthly bulletin updates through the mail?
was going to make some joke about "that's one way to get pussy up your bum", but that just doesn't make any sense
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pouring my feelings into art
>Italy - 55
So that's why they all have bidets over there
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Although I like soijaks I realize we haven't had any major memes since soyjaks became a thing
That balding toast guy was decent. I helped popularise it under some east Asian proxies
>per week
laughed out loud several times at this thread
/brit/ bringing the #bants
dont get it
I'm a lower-middle class skilled labourer
who the fuck shits more than once a day with it being a large dump in the morning?
back from glasto de lads
zased listen to this is as well
I've just had two coffees and I'm shitting out of my ARSE
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Just tested and don't have covid so ive either drank too much for too long and fucked up my liver so its finally not processing toxins correctly or ive had a stroke during the night or something else has gone awry
Me? Voting Labour :)
What do you do for stretching that part?
Mum managed to track him down to finally get a divorce because she realised she might die soon and she doesn't want him to get anything of hers.

They never did divorce because mum wanted to give him a second / third / fourth / etc. chance. But he never stayed for more than a week.
>they think that guy has britain's biggest penis
Clearly they just aren't aware of me
always stop being funny after someone says i'm funny as it makes me feel pressure to carry on being funny
Oh lel
you're posting
enjoy your colon cancer
suffering succotash
Whenever he's interviewed he has such an odd combination of pride and distress
Did she? I hope she didn't.
raped that maggot
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Same x
bart raped milhouse
Shall be posting some lovely pictures of the young Britney Spears in the next thread. You'll enjoy them.
People who shit multiple times per day usually have an inflamed bowel or they have a build up of bad bacteria in their gi.
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my dad left politics in 1997 and then did some business in 1998 and then moved to a different state in 1999 to start from the bottom as a wagie
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so-called free thinkers when their thread is deleted in 3...2....1....
fuckin DONE EM
le sigh...
ai is beautiful
He’s lost it haha
Janny is ZASED.
they were lovely images tbf, full of youth and life
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i appreciate the dedication and the pictures of are lovely britney
Jesus he’s got a right cob on today lmfao
you cannot make the threads
Air fryer or halogen oven
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the new is baking in the oven but its close to burning
based janny sending the mong with the shit thread to the tomb
Zased. So fucking zased.
go on janny
all the way to page 8
new please
so, this is the last /brit/?
He’s drunk on power
what did we ever do to him anyway
Who put 50p in the cunt janny
Need to bump the other thread lads
its over
New German CEO and his fellow German execs he's appointed are literal slave drivers, might leave desu
190 having the nerve to act like he's not the janny doing all this to begin with
nice we have bully janny today
making a post here just so I don't push the other one over bump limit
Don’t give him what he wants

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