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Maybe, maybe not.. why does that matter (to you)?
That thing is probably a venezuelan or colombian living in Spain. We have received 10 million inmigrants in the last 20 years, 90% of them mutts. And 2.-3 million of them already born in Spain to their mutt parents.
Cope, a lot of ethnic spaniards are like that.
>He doesn't know
Anon, please
1. you are one of them.
2. not in my area. he looks like he is castizo.
unironically yes. Everyone born in Spain is Spaniards, the browner the more rights you have. I know literal moors who are Spanish in legal terms and have more rights than me. I would say around 40% are white, the other 30% are brownish and the last 30% are gypsies,moors, and latinos ranging from fresh off boat inmigrants to mixed "Spanish"
Everytime I went to spain at least half the guys I see look like that, did you really receive that many sudacas
Why are there so many indians in finland, my gosh
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Stop iberophobia immediately
1 million just in Madrid. And 30% of newborns are sudacas. All of them came illegally and were regularized after 2 years of ilegal residence.

Our government have just regularized another 500.000 ilegals 1 month ago.
Spaniards are arabs and africa begins at the pyrenees
>saaaar he's a zainichi colombian you must understand
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based, no more brother wars although that first one was clearly offside we were robbed, then our key player got injured it should've been 2-1 not 4-1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck fuck fuck I can't go back /sp/ from shame aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Those are pakistanis saar
Fuck this shit thread, brown pride world wide, never apologize for your browness
I don't know how you people can talk like this when they purposefully went into the countries of these immigrants and invaded them and genocided them and at the end of the day the invader doesn't want to pay the bill
you had like half of italy for hundreds of years and you didn't do jack shit with it, holy fuck spanish people are mentally retarded if this is your take
next time don't invade other people's territories and rape their lands and populace if you want even a pinch of moral high ground
Get over it my dzmazer
el cope
Sounds grim, are they problematic? Can’t imagine them being worse then the mena scum we receive by the boatload
Go back to Bolivia.

Anything is better than shitty nafris (just last week 3 nafris killed a Spaniard with a baseball bat for defending a girl from being raped).

And about southamericans... I would prefer old Spain with 99% Spaniards (and tourists) but if I had to chose I would only accept argentinians or those with mostly European background.

Because while there is a good amount of southamericans that can fit well there is a similar amount of them that don´t fit and make a lot of trouble. So all in all we always (natives) lose.
It is what it is unfortunately, most of western europe got fucked in this manner
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Light skin is nothing but a formula of
solar radiation x dietary sources of vitamin d x sexual selection exclusively and always by males for light features in women
The sun in Spain scorches harder than in Georgia
on the other hand there was probably more stigma for dark features in Spain because of Moors and Gypsies so Spics and Georgians ended up both on the light-brown-leaning-on-white category
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quintessential chud thread
And the root of the problem are those things that call themselves "elites" and that exist in our parlaments and that do whatever they want without consulting natives. They are the root of the problem.
>cuban Trikot
Spaniards are dirty rape babies, there is nothing european about them. They are like 70% African, 20% Arab, 8% Turkish and the rest is maybe partially european
Behold, Attila is angry
I just call him hun ;3
Spain probably has more sun exposure so the people get more tan
Arguing about who is the whitest equals to arguing about who is the most trans
Europeans at every level descend from dark-skinned males who had sex with lighter skinned female or in some cases dark skinned males who had sex with dark skinned females
Now before you cucks go into overdrive about it: the dark-skinned males were always more European than the lighter skinned females as it was indigenous West European men with dark brown skin fucking indigenous Anatolian women with brown skin or indigenous Eastern European men with brown skin fucking indigenous Caucasian women with pale skin
They've also had more Moor.
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White men who want to save their race need to defag their minds and stop fixating on feminine colorism
White man+Latina female or White man+Iranian female are the acceptable pairings for not just saving but restoring the Aryan race since both have ANE
saaaar colombians zainichis saaar
Which Iberia do you mean? You are Iberian.
think about the 10 gorillion sudscas....
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>They've infiltrated Tenerife! IT'S SAARMAGEDDON!
>t. Tony Harrison
>Population of 40 millions
>Get a constant influx of panchitos
What's so hard to understand panchito?
Following your retarded take, you're like 50% mongol and 50% Turk then.
Lurk moar, please
So whiteness comes from CHGs? I mean blonde hair and light eyes
In lieu of lurking moar...
The Finns are planning to follow K-Car to Ottawa. They're prepping for our high percentage of fresh-frozen Indian, Bengali, Pakistani, etc. immigrants to give them a hard time.
Ultimately, just don't do fast food, counter any offer in a cab, skip Brampton entirely, and if they're blocking a doorway to stare at each other, just quickly say "Excuse me. Excuse me! MOVE, CUNTS!" and push your way through.
i have been to both. spaniards are whiter.
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Let this stupid thread die already
Those two girls seem pretty white and ready to get impregnated by me thougheveralbeit
western Georgians are slightly whiter than spaniards while east Georgians are a lot browner. so in total Georgia is less white. but if we take into acount immigrants of spain Georgia could be slightly whiter in the future.
Topuria is from western or easter gerogia? His brother is blonde
>while east Georgians are a lot browner
unsolicited swampoid flex
you're beige
he is west. kvaratskhelia, kashia , zivzivadze, lobzhanidze. etc
mamarda is from east Georgia

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he's regurgitating Abkhaz (FSB) narrative, which enabled the ethinc cleansing of Abkhazia from georgians, by repeating ad nauseam that eastoids are aliens.
Meanwhile kakhetians are generically closer to Abkhazians than their linguistic relatives the Circassians
Funny how you didn't mention Mikautadze, which is a westoid.
i am not saying this is 100 percent of course there are brown people is west and whiter dudes in the east but on average it is truth.
No, your whole logic is flawed.
You assume living closer to the West (therefore white people) will make swampoids whiter.
Guess what, this isn't true.
Georgia is fundamentally heterophenotypical country, despite being genetically homogenous from left to right.
Other than georgians and osetians i have never heard of those ethnic groups in my whole life, are those like minorities in georgia or what ?
chechens and armenians too, i'm blind, but the rest i have no idea
Those are subgroups of georgians.
Kinda like Moldavians are a subgroup of Romanians
stealth /pol/tard thread dont reply
Was stalin typical for a georgian ?
okay, how about a weird question, you know those three girls that make videos about folk songs from georgia and other countries ? do you know where they are from ? trio something something can't remember
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Yes, we are niggers.
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Men are typically darker than women
we are all biege brothers. no more brother wars
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The lead vocalist (with the camera) and the instrumentals girl are westoids
The main vocalist is eastoid
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Whitest man in Milano.
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This, so much this.
Only ypipo benefit from beige on beige squabbling
the fact that so many of you don't just respond
>yes we're brown
or don't respond at all and move on either way is sad, it seems that you actually care about this shit
Sorry, but this has been the reason for our ethnic cleansing :(
They aren't brown they're tan.
The representative from Mediterranean Guinea has a valid point.
all these anti spanish bait threads are kinda tiring ngl. why are there so mich of them out of nowhere
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It's all my fault for being so mean to every other flag on /int/, I just can't help myself
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Yeah, we are grey, they are brown

We are not genetically homogeneous, eastern Georgians are low-CHG gypsies with lower CHG than Ossetians, you need to be deported to Azerbaijan.
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>Only thing I hate worse than those Scalebacks, are those filthy Gray Skins.
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>t. Tony Harrison
>I mean blonde hair and light eyes
CHGs had genes for blue eyes. WHGs had genes for blue eyes. EHGs had genes for blue eyes. Blonde hair is polygenic thus hard to know. Earliest blondes were most likely some northern EEFs or some WHG/EHG groups such as Scandi/Baltic HGs.
One struggle
CHG were the blackest haired population in Europe, blond hair is siberian.
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That map you're referring to has a retarded modelling which did not include Yamnaya samples, which would reduce pure CHG components in the North Caucasus.
Swampniggers need to have another malaria outbreak.
>blond hair is siberian.
Your fault for not breeding and for not giving back el loro.
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Brown Georgians are the real Georgians
Sudaca here, I never saw a nigger or a gypsy until I came here
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Holy cope.
სადაური ხარ
Anyone with dark brown eyes is an animal imo
I find this phenomenon amazing since we're not a relevant nation anymore. If Internet existed during the Tercios era I would get this international seethe, but now? remainings of a glorious past I guess.
მე იმერელი ვარ
რა პონტში აჯვავ მტკვარ-არაქსელებს ? ყველაზე სოულ მოსახლეობაა რაც კი გვყავს. ღვინო მათი მოგონილია და მრავალჟამიერი კოსმოსში მათი გაფრინდა
Which migrants do spainiards hate more romanians or nafris?
That's just lighting and cloth colour make it seem whiter
White clothes make you look darker though
Nafris 100%.
სომხური ქრისტიანობა შემოგვიტანეს
Lmao Spaniards are unreal
You dismiss this anon's claim >>199216583 as cope but I believe him, if the guy in the picture was an actual spaniard, he'd be balding
სომხური რანაირადაა ლმაო?
ებრაულია და კაპადოკიელმა ბერძენმა შემოიტანა
ქრისტიანობა არც მე მომწონს, მაგრამ არა იმის გამო, რომ სომხურია ან ებრაული ან ბერძნული.
უბრალოდ მანკიერია და ღმერთი გამოყავს ჯალათად.
you dont have mirrors in South America?
I haven't seen a single white looking georgian on the pitch last night
what's up with those disgusting pube beards?
he's right, the guy on top has indio features
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fun fact, a georgian was the top athlete of 2022 in your historic homeland
sit the fuck down
Saar those are pakistanis

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