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The Monroe Doctrine and its consequences have been a disaster for the latinx race
True, but gringos will never accept it.
>prevent Europeans from interfering in your affairs for free
>this is le bad actually cia or something
True but we would still fail anyways. It's just that the Monroex doctrinx was the way history choose. Without it, we would have ended in misery regardless and still would find a way to blame the gringoes regardless. The truth is: we have no one to blame but ourselves
What’s the Monroe doctrine
>prevent Europeans from interfering in your affairs
muricans belive this
America protected latinxs from being invaded and colonized by rabid europeans just like they did to africans, arabs, southeast asians etc during the 19th century
latinxs now believe and claim it was imperialism
The CIA did it
decree that allowed usa to interfere, invade and subvert latinx countries under the pretense of preventing Europeans from doing so
hint: Europeans were done in Latin America after the wars of independence anyways
>prevent Europeans from interfering in your affairs
God forbid them accidentally creating a semi-decent country.
Why are Poles such USA bootlickers?
Are you people THAT scared of a weak Russia?
>weak Russia
But Joao, Russia STRONG
What do you know about the western hemisphere? It's obvious you're speaking out of your bootlicking ass.
France wasn't, and Spain kept trying to re-conquer us from Cuba
I thought you hated European colonialism and are proud of your independence? Bipolar retards.
>i thought you hated euros, why is it such a problem when it's us fucking you?
Better than your banana republics
the cold war era totally fucked it up though, we were too supportive of asshole retards which pushed people towards communism

I don’t understand why they couldn’t just support liberal democratic forces instead of propping up gangsters and dictators
Red Scare back in the US made them think that any Soc-Dem elected was actually some spy straight from Moscow. So they decided to support a bunch of incompetent generals and ignored the actual communists.
It's a lot harder than you think. Just look at Afghanistan, even with direct US support for two decades they still collapsed to cave-dwellers 1 nanosecond after we left. Thirdies are really best left off to themselves.
A lot of south american countries are now allies of china and russia, and the ameriniggers cant do shit
Latin American countries were much more developed than Afghanistan. Coca Cola assassinated Union bosses in Columbia. Latin Americans would have been fine if your country left them alone.
Is that quote Chomsky or Galeano?
Latin American countries are much more developed than Afghanistan. Coca Cola assassinated Union bosses in Columbia. Latin Americans would have been fine if your country left them alone.
long after the collapse of the USA they will keep blaming all their problems on the CIA
considering the french instantly tried to buttrape south america the minute we were distracted by the war of 1812, and instantly tried to buttrape mexico the minute we were distracted by the civil war, i think we were actually quite justified to position ourselves as the americas' protector from european powers
The French lost, if anything it showed that Mexico could take care of themselves just fine.

That shtick was exposed as little more than fraudulent bs during the falkland war
>the monroe doctrine means the CIA has a free pass to undermine our democracies
Jose, i have a secret to share with you: the CIA undermines everyone's democracies. we would've overthrown your presidente with or without the monroe doctrine. the monroe doctrine just meant british and soviet glowies didn't also overthrow your presidente.
Britain already owned the Falklands when the Monroe doctrine was in place, it’s why France kept French Guinea.
At the mere cost of a couple short lived banana republics we were able to keep Europe from sticking it's grubby hands on the rest of the Americas.
Except that one time France tried to take over Mexico, but we were in civil war, sorry.
>French start illegally fishing in our waters
>we ask them to go away, they don't
>we sent patrol ships to stop it
>France sends their armada to our shores
>all that happened and US didn't do shit

Nice doctrine, fucking faggot.
Argentina invaded British territory, anon
none of the people on those islands wanted to be argentine
Thank you muricans for trying to keep dirty commie hands out of my country. It does not make up for defending Israel though.
Yes, after a very hard fought battle that could have potentially been outright avoided.
It's not in the continent, and argies are stupid for claiming it to begin with. Why would we help them claim some useless rocks?
did a single french soldier set foot on your land, you crybaby? we're here to monopolize colonialism, not police fishing rights.
what the fuck is france's problem??
>claims the doctrine is to protect the americas from foreign(read: european) threats
>european power threatens the americas

>uhh chud, that doesn't hecking count, okay?

Don't complain when the entire continent shifts to China completely.
Yea, it's a defensive war against a world power, the fight would've been dificult even with the home advantage.
if i wasn't on my phone I'd draw a soyjak right now of you pissing and crying about a couple french ships in international waters making you share your fish
think about that next time you post, kiddo
I'm unfamiliar with this, but I agree that we should have stepped in.
Your president is literally an Israelboo
What do you think about that?
No they did not.
>1806 and 1807 british invasions.
>American shelling of the falklands argie islanders ordered by brits
>did nothing to preven the anglo french incursiones through the rio de la plata into the parana river
Anglos just got tired of us or something really
this is the existential threat to brazilian sovereignty btw
>The Lobster War (also known as the Lobster Operation; Portuguese: Guerra da Lagosta; French: Conflit de la langouste) was a dispute over spiny lobsters that occurred from 1961 to 1963 between Brazil and France. The Brazilian government refused to allow French fishing vessels to catch spiny lobsters 100 miles (160 km) off Brazil's northeastern coast[5] by arguing that lobsters "crawl along the continental shelf".
>muh falklands
Christ, what is it with Argies and the falklands? You niggas have 0 claim to those islands, you just want them cause they’re there
>God sick of you
Damn, if only we could find out why.
>1806 and 1807 british invasions.
monroe doctrine instuted 1823
>American shelling of the falklands argie islanders ordered by brits
the british ordered no such thing, we did that for our own purposes, mainly for a laugh but also for seal blubber
>>did nothing to preven the anglo french incursiones through the rio de la plata into the parana river
we were busy annexing half of mexico at the time, sorry
I never said that we have a claim t the islands, i said you shelled argie settlers in the islands, learn to read you faggot
the only people that suck to gringos are changs, sea monkeys and eurosissies for not becoming ukraine with the marshall plan

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