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Argentina wojak edition
26 and never been to a pub or drank alcohol outside of family events, me
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Get the clappers posted
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Portugal on soon lads
the zoomer experience
Euros preditions
The bird they have at RTE2 for the euro panel, the chubby one, is proper fit. Who is she?
need to suck a woman's willy from the back
Barcades dont count millenimong
see you all back in the other thread in a minute
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rorke and his missus
Diego's back from Tenerife and he has pledged to be with us during GE night
think the janny is ok with this one, lad
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dadberg just unleashed some of the most demonic farts that have ever assaulted my nostrils
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Can't wait for his sparkling commentary on the results as they come in.
18 and the only alcoholic beer I've ever drank was half a bottle of budweiser
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Just went bouldering
Only topped 2 routes in like 90 minutes haha
Reading about the Outback
Mental place really, lots of it is just hours from any form of civilisation or signs of human habitation. Two lane roads that go on for a thousand miles.

If you break down you might not be expected to be found for days. Hardly any trees too, just a big orange rocky expanse with some shrubs and snakes.
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Lads, what do we think?
Found her, her name is Lisa Fallon.

Phalus more like. She is a a FIFA technical consultant
full blown alcoholic personally
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Peng ting
back from glasto
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either he hasn't seen it (yet) or he's toying with you
go on, post away
i hope you start a really engrossing conversation, only for it to be ripped out from under you
be my gf
I didn't make this one, lad

Honestly, I don't mind someone else making them
was just saying this down at the boring bastard convention
how was lad
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i don't either, but when they're early then there's a risk of it being deleted halfway through
especially when janny has been tightening up recently
so don't encourage early ones
death by snu snu

I find it funny when they do it and there's a scramble to make the new and like 5 spergs post a new at once
saw a few nude FEMALE bosoms, presumably lesbian ones, at pride
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dire thread
havent been for a poo yet today
just realised
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Mikey going homeless because of this
i think you have a better attitude about this than i do
i'm going to try to take this forum less seriously
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>Le Pen's party would be a disaster for France, says Farage
Farage thinks the French economy is more important than immigration
Reminder that like every other mainstream politician, he doesn't actually give a fuck about mass immigration
He's controlled opposition

it's alright mate, no need, i sorted it
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Because he knows France is unsalvageable and he dont give a fuck

For this is not America
(Sha la la la la, sha la la la la, sha la la la la)
This is not America, no
This is not (Sha la la la)
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same time tomorrow? x
inhaled a large bowl of pasta
going into coma mode
soz pal busy tomorrow, loads on
you'll manage
/Brit/ what moment as an adult cemented your racist beliefs?

Mine was when I was watching one of those nonce hunters videos and they stung a Muslim guy on the street. Instantly all the Muslim neighbours, Muslims walking by etc all ran to his defence blocking the camera, attacking the catchers, helping him get away etc. this included women, men, young and old and just before the clip ends when the nonce hunters confront one of them a Muslim woman says "only English girls" then her friends laughed
Who made these this one is incredible
never been racist in my life and i'm also not the kind of cunt who watched nonce hunting videos
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the lads
friend got murdered
nigga thats nuts
it was great. knackered now though.
and being alone again feels very strange
first time? i want to give it ago myself.
Finding /pol/
I'm a bit of a lefty now but I'm still incredibly racist.
who should i vote for?
not a fan of pakis or posh cunts.
Westminster Voting Intention:

LAB: 39% (+1)
CON: 24% (+3)
RFM: 13% (-1)
LDM: 10% (-1)
GRN: 4% (-2)
SNP: 3% (+1)

Via @Savanta_UK, 28-30 Jun.
Changes w/ 26-28 Jun.
I asasdasasasdsadddddddddddd

my racist beliefs were solidified by the constant propaganda about how the great replacement is a myth. you can look at any stats from any institute ever and see it clear as day, and yet they continue to deny it. that and i also hated israel before it was cool
leftypol stuff actually makes a lot of sense when you take away the idiotic immigration policy and pandering to foreigners
All the posh cunts vote tory
quite enjoy these, they give me a right chuckle
I have literally never seen an anti David Attenborough post before

Rorke continues to amaze me
I'm a foreigner myself though. Well I grew up here but I'm not ethnically British. I'm a slav.
I don't understand Nigel's views on Le Pen or Ukraine. He's anti le pen and pro putin. Completely nonsensical. Needs to be the other way around

Insulting the most comparable political leader of the most comparable and closest European country, while spewing the talking points of a foreign dictator from the most different and distant European country

I literally have a shirt with the man's face on it but he does confuse me. Sir Keir has my heart these days anyway. Even Sir Keir is more pro le pen than farage. It's mad that he's not celebrating the downfall of the anti-british Macron. Fuck sake come on nige what are you doing
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I have roundworms
Does your willy become full of poo after shagging a lass’s bum?
come on slovenia!
feel politically homeless because im racist yet also think working class people shouldn't be forced into the povvo liquifier 3000
>I literally have a shirt with the man's face on it
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Anyone else for the cans tonight, lads?
I hate these Elon Musk type right wingers who pretend that global human depopulation is a risk or even a bad thing.
getting bored of being unemployed
let him cook
I’ve heard that Brits hate Poles as much as they hate pakis.
No, been going regularly for over a year
You should
annoying cunt
the filename though
the only reason it's bad is because the pension system is a ponzi scheme
im drunk and in a very good mood having a drink in the garden
no one likes rapists
It’s Monday
Cum on Slovenia.
I might be
we'll see
still european so who cares
im really just talking about the 3rd worlders who are shamelessly on benefits
Slovenia? I hardly knew her!
that's correct?
don't tell me you pronounced it youkip
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The political parties in America are retarded combinations of different moral arguments designed to pander to as many people as they can, you're better off trying to come up with your own worldview than defining yourself by someone else's
always find it funny when i post something relatively innocuous and someone replies with massively disproportionate seethe. you can tell he's letting off steam from his sad real life onto me, pathetic really
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>no one likes rapists
anon pressing his knee against his date's at the cinema even though it's giving her the ick. she doesn't say anything because she wants i ride home with him afterwards. anon thinks his flirting worked, only to end up dissapointed when they only hug on her front porch.
alright, let's get this out onto a tray
it's pronounced youkip you cock gobbling swine
>united kingdom independence party
i ated too many anchovies
i salty boy
is there any chance that owen jones is a top?
laddy at toil wanted to go to the pub but i told him im off the booze
until saturday haha
This lad pronounces it uh-kip
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how else would you pronounce it retard
>BBC presenter David Aaronovitch calls for the murder of trump in a tweet and when people call him out he calls them far right and deletes it
take care of each other
take care of each other
take care of each other
take care of each other
Mean, lad

Good lad

Been sober since Friday, lad

Get them in you. lad

Good lad
Pints are too expensive
>he says oo-kip
done that mong
Don't be surprised if Farage gets into power in 2029 (he won't) and starts talking about how great immigration is actually and how they need to prioritise economic stability
the bait that filtered /brit/
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fucked up that if you go to prison in america you'll possibly be gangraped to death by blacks over the course of several days, and it's just joked about
rightoid supreme mongs just ruled the president has immunity for "official" acts, so it would be very funny and an act of poetic justice for biden to immediately order a drone strike on trump
can't believe kilroy actually did that
>farage question time audience member deletes facebook account after it emerges they're a BBC produce
lmao the sabotage is so blatant it's unbelievable
having some thoughts, independent ones at that
dc vr
that would actually be funny
the timing is important however, needs to do it ASAP or it won't be funny
been catching up with the olds have you?
why does the establishment hate farage so much when he's part of the establishment himself?
might get a green tea in me
Should’ve joined the skinheads, they would have protected him
bizarre fantasy to justify voting for titchy poonak again
oh wait it's not again the tories just crowbarred him into office
he's a hateful person who says and does horrid things
Using 'based' is cringeworthy.
disconnect;virgin runt
He says what everyone is thinking which must not be allowed
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At 41 years and 126 days, Pepe becomes the oldest player to appear in a knockout stage match in major tournaments (World Cup and EURO), surpassing Peter Shilton's record in the 1990 World Cup v Italy for 3rd place (40y and 292d).
what element of the establishment embraces/accepts him, leftypol?
He would've gotten American History X'ed
Why would a bunch of 1970s British punk subculture types help a 2020s American convict?
My arse is so hot, wish I could shag it myself :/
He's a rich millionaire like all of the others
Portuguese are so woggy looking
I deserve a death in the trenches
When did I say you should vote for the Tories?
>public schooled
>ex banker
>ex MEP
want to play video games but my pc i so shit.
dont know what to get me dad for his 80th
no one is stopping you
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oh my days
Only if he started to become a faggot
I was referring to neo Nazis altogether
emulators and games from before 2010
he's brazillian
play older video games
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Luv JK
Ate trannies
Simple as
about as funny as cancer
Based. The tide is turning against trannoid freaks.
all that bitch had to do was shut the fuck up and she could do evil billionaire shit in private for the rest of her years while being beloved by all for writing mediocre children's books. but nooooo
this what you tell your ai girlfriend when you stop using it?
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>trannies getting testicular cancer
It really isn’t.
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god i fucking hate women
yeah and now she's homeless and living on the streets
taking women's hormones actually reduces your chances of getting testicular cancer
hey gay yank
Wonder why he didn’t play for them, would’ve been a better chance of winning a World Cup

>Reform events ‘reminiscent’ of Nuremberg, says Tory fighting Farage in Clacton
>Giles Watling says the party’s recent events were ‘chilling’ and a ‘very un-British way of doing things’
the worst part is im not even gay, so i have to do my lovequest on expert difficulty with no respawns while hating every minute of it
Why don't those matresses have sheet on them
Dirty dirty
Absolutely repulsive
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>about as funny as cancer
feel like SHIT
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I got banned on twitter for considerably less, how do these famous people get away with talking so much shit? Her entire profile is just shitting on tranners.
Christ they really are trying every trick in the book to scare the public away from Reform
>very un-British way of doing things’
Good, everything we've done in over a century has been utter shit, and we need to reform our nation
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>so i have to do my lovequest on expert difficulty with no respawns
drank 10 cans of Budweiser and a bottle of wine during and after the football last night.

symptoms today: high heart rate, vomiting, severe headache, discomfort in oesophagus
off the wanking
off the booze
off the 'bis
off the tv
off the video games
all vile muck so they are
mad that
yeah those are places where the elite form out of but he wasn't a part of the elite in those industries.

try again
Mad how most cats loathe getting wet but there's also this subset of cats that love showers and going swimming and that
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>labour expected to get fewer votes than 2017
>will win double the seats
i don't get it
odd that her shirt doesn't mention immigration
this is the Reform candidate who said immigration isn't important

she probably has a black migrant bf tbf considering she's a zoomer
Suckin' a moss ball
elon changed the rules innit
Who arksed
Post more Lisa Phallon
We don't like your kind around here, darkie
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A neoliberal atheist homosexual BAE systems engineer professor and vaccine doctor was teaching a class on Volodymyr Zelenskyy
, known Jew

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Zelensky and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Justin Trudeau!”

At this moment, a brave, anti-zionist, national bolshevik Wagner PMC champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decisions made by Putin stood up and held up a dream catcher.

”What nationality are you, pidor?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Redditly and smugly replied “American, you stupid Russian shill”

”Wrong. It’s been 300 years since you genocided the American peoples. If you were American, as you say, then you would be brown. Like the 10 million Iraqis you murdered”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of A Message From Ukraine. He stormed out of the room crying those Redditor crocodile tears. The same tears Redditors cry for the “Ukranians” as they send them to die for American interests. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Zion Globohomostein, wished he had supported Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church and become more than a homosexual neoliberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, and as an avid /k/ user he took one out and shot himself.

The students applauded and all registered to fight for Russia that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. A double-headed Russian eagle flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and pooed on it. The Red Army Choir singing the national anthem of the USSR played several times, and Stalin himself showed up and liberated the world from fascism again!

Slava Russia
the math actually checks out because covid killed off so many people
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what'll it be lads?
I was banned after that faggot was in charge.
i'll have a pint of stella if you're paying
how do I drink at home if I live with my parents like
average church going trad wife in 2024
i pay 8 quid for a pint in my local so thats not bad 2bh
why would they give a shit
are you 14?
This never happened
lack of vitamin bbc
why not drink with your parents
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Evian Still Mineral Water, please
mental how smoking gives you cancer and is apparently so bad for you, but seems to have little effect on the body and leaves no hangover.

whereas alcohol is advertised and promoted as 'healthy in moderation', yet can leave you debilitated and your body is fucked for the next day. how can it not be worse than smoking?
Don't see how that's a problem.
>whereas alcohol is advertised and promoted as 'healthy in moderation'
is it?
a clue gained
budweiser? holy grim
how old are you?
That was a Simpsons episode
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just feels really grim sneaking a crate of stella up into my smelly childhood bedroom to drink alone
my mum doesn't drink so it's weird ennit
37, why?
have you never heard a smoker coughing and hacking away as before, during, and after their cigarettes?
The vote in 2017 was basically all concentrated between Labour and the Tories
Now the tory vote has been gashed on the right by Reform and on the left by the Lib Dems in their traditional heartland areas. Labour has also lost a chunk of support to the Greens, but the way the maths are working out the Tories have lost a shitton of support in the seats they really need to win.
With FPTP you don't need a lot of support to win a big majority. Blair won in 2005 very comfortably despite losing the popular vote in England because the Lib Dems ate a lot of tory support
>my mum doesn't drink so it's weird ennit
what about your dad?
took him a while innit
Die Vernichtung von Tony Blair.
why do you have to sneak anything? just put some beers in the fridge and have one when you fancy one
me to South Indian guy: I hate you
South Indian guy: bud wei ser!?
Just buy it and drink it. I live with my mum and I buy beer and drink it in the living room (usually get her a bottle of wine if she wants one).
I exclusively date chick's like this
Alcohol just makes you feel worse
That anxiety when you sober up is dreadful
don't drink then
drinking alone is a very bad habit to develop lad trust me
it's impossible for the following groups to be based
number of woodlice i get in my room is fucking mental, no idea where they even come from
He's going to become hostile and call you council estate scum for not being little prannets guilty over drinking beer, guarantee it.
hello r/4chan
mousenonce is the aphex twin of 4chan
rudeboys slapping raw shmeat away into pale women to make them relax after a day's work
tried nightcap tobacco today in my pipe and found it harsh. think I'll have to just sip it in order to get any enjoyment out of it
alright I won't bother then fucking hell
excuse me?
>smoking pipe tobacco
holy fedora
How would you kill yourself if you had to
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prefer not to say
update: the zinc + copper + vit d stack is already making me quite libido'd up
Well rorke?
Spaghetti really is a terrible vehicle for bolognese sauce
who funds them?
any vile slug of a man lad in
Charcoal in enclosed space
did the professional moaners do the moaning
Me lol x
Bro is eating metal
would bore myself to death by spending time with you
It's what people have in their pantry
George Floyd bath bomb
MIght just get a brick phone. I don't ever get any calls anyway
Very good
But it doesn't have to be does it
woke communist billionaires
lol rapenaldo is wank
Mate from work quit today
He was a lazy fucker anyway and a bit weird but I'll miss him
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POV: you are diego approaching a woman in the club
been had by some kind of foul illness likely a cold or flu of some kind or other
can feel this disease coursing through my veins, draining my life force and weakening me just when I need my greatest strength
>He was a lazy fucker anyway and a bit weird but I'll miss him
*distant ktim heard in the distance*
It's called the Fairness Foundation and it's based in Frankfurt.
really need to stop going so hard on the drink at the weekend lads
these 2 day hangovers are brutal, the sunday is just lying in bed sipping water and wanking, the monday is feeling shit and tired while working from home
get ronaldo off the pitch he's utterly useless
really quite happy with the tune i made today
Dry spaghetti lasts for yonks and costs piss-all
Whatever fresh egg pappardelle wank you're thinking of only lasts in the fridge for a week and you have to pay wanker prices
lily livered little gimp
you should stop drinking because you’re embarrassing yourself, can’t even handle a weekend piss up lmao
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Wasn't CR7 a bench boy at the 2022 World Cup?
Why is he a starter now?
foreigners interfering with an election? I thought that was anti-democratic?
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Still the best cup in history
can see her rum johnny
it's normally a 4pm to 4am sesh with little eating beforehand
I seriously don't get how people move between jobs easily.

I left my only real job of 5.5 years and I realise I have made a fucking awful mistake. It is too fucking hard to change. Especially if you don't have good social skills.

I am out of my depth in my current job. As soon as I find. A job where I can work comfortably, I'm staying until retirement.

I'm considering trying to get my old job back, but would that be humiliating?
Once you've been sober for a few months you realise the reason adults feel like shit all the time is because their bodies are constantly dealing with poison.
switch to the non-alcoholic stuff
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Trump is all but guaranteed president, they can't possibly hope to get away with rigging it again. Which means Abby's tits will get bigger, like they did last time under Trump.
sisterberg has a nice arse
alcohol is fucking grim
>kills braincells
>makes you fat
>lowers testosterone
>makes you feel terrible
>causes cancer
>but would that be humiliating?
how can anyone except you answer this?
Good post.
Take the straight edge pill.
Cristiano Ronaldo has attempted 58 shots from direct free-kicks at major tournaments...

He's scored one.
nigga that image is from 2006
Unironically you should be a little over your head at a new job, it's how you learn. Just fake it until you make it. Many people less competent than yourself have faked it through greater difficulties.
Makes you an ugly virgin too. Or maybe that's just you.
you must be retarded
roberto carlos levels of fraudulence
u done me here
wonder what went through the mind of the bitter freak that posted this lol...
Just keep posting, you don't always have to be the one to make the new.
Bunch of children
poo balm
I'm 6 months in and still feeling out of my depth. It's just a hard, hard job.

There's so much to learn (it's pharmaceutical) and every time I think I'm progressing, I get set back because of a bad day.
yanks are a race of frauds
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need a peng trans gf
looks like the sun on super mario 2 that comes to life when you take the key
mousenonce getting a job at Roche and dropping his concoctions into the vats
there's three trans teenagers on top of the NHS building in london
Add an electrolyte powder to a glass of water. One of the main causes of hangovers is electrolyte loss.

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