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>"So what do you do for work, Anon?"
>"I work for a company that imports foreign foods. I spend all day using google translate on my phone to translate the ingredients and cooking instructions before making a new label in Danish and sending it to the guys in distribution to print out who then have to put upwards of thirty thousand stickers on packs of noodles or Japanese banana squid candy, by hand, every day"
>"Oh, how interesting."

If it's so interesting why do they never want to hear more.
You have to exaggerate, say that you're a head cheif manager of a multinational trading company
Could've just said you were a drug dealer rapist instead of all that timmy-talk
Have you been diagnosed as autistic, not even trying to be mean
We didn't have autism in the 80's so no.
It does sound like an interesting job. I would rather read about you describing interesting ingredients you have seen than whine about bitches doe because we all know they are like this
ai will never be able to replace this
Retard, phrase it differently
"I work as a customs official, I am in charge of imported goods classification and labelling"
literally this
what a braindead job
you just told them everything retard
just say you translate the ingredients and instructions of imported goods
thats just one API call and some simple code to present the data, unless you are doing some localization which relies too much on cultural context and is still safe from AI for a couple of years.
That sounds like an even more dull way to phrase it.
This, you could use Google Translate or GPT-4 to automate your job in about an hour
I want to hear more. How do you get a job like that? Like where did you apply to? What is the title of the job if I look it up on a job board?


I send emails all day to managers asking them to confirm pdfs and excel files.
Couldn't deepl do the work right now it's not AI but it literally isn't work
Just say you're a translator. You can add some interesting anecdotes like one time you had to translate some weird herb names you've never heard of that are found in some tea from Asia or that Japanese people like to make jelly out of bananas and taro. You phrase it like "I do mind-numbing, unfulfilling and useless work all day for stupid cunts" and then act amazed when people don't reply with "omg how fascinating please tell me more".
They'll write things like, "please send the updated ingredients list to our internal translator". It doesn't have a specific title in the company beyond that I don't think and I've never asked. I didn't start like that but they had a guy who used to do this since back in the 00's who had to sit with physical dictionaries and at first I was in logistics, then he asked for some help and I was moved to his office, which is now my office after he retired.

There's no incentive to make AI do this because they'd still need me to double-check because 90% of times the translation from any non-English language to Danish still comes out wrong, and I have to sit with the packages of food and read the labels no matter how scuffed they are. Sometimes the camera can't even pick up the thai or whatever I'm translating today.

I usually get 20-30 items done in a day, it still takes a long time to translate a the directions, as well as converting measurements to litres, decilitres, millilitres etc.
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I work on cargo ships and as soon as I tell people they start asking more questions meanwhile I am just tired and don't want to think about it

I'm posting from the ship at this very moment
Is it difficult? That's a nice view.
it has good days and bad days but yeah it's hard and not for everyone
OP is just completely tactless.
There are a million ways to sell his job description without being a raving lunatic about it, it makes no sense to help him. He wants to be hostile.
This is unironically interesting. Please tell me about the seaman's life.
(With rizz and fully strectched smille on your face) I'm an intercontinental foodologist
only danish food company I know is Arla
it's a sad life
Still probably better than rotting in your room all year. At least you can see different ports and shores (sometimes).
Arla makes and exports dairy products.
It doesn't import anything.

It's wild that there are people on this board who genuinely seem to think that every country doesn't have a million different companies, and furthermore that these seemingly can't/shouldn't bother to exist if Anon doesn't personally know about them.
Are there Korean seamen songs ?
im not korean, I am just in Korea at this moment
How did you get the job?
I've thought about doing something similar just cause it seems cool, but don't know how to get into it
Autism was invented by John Autism in 1991
the system is different if you're american. I went to a maritime academy, took me a while to get a job, after I did 1 year (two contracts) as a deck cadet, OOW exam and then you're a deck officer

it's a long and tiring process, big investment of your time and money.

it's not something you can just jump in and try
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I got fired two weeks ago
how much money do you make after 6 months at the high seas?
>I'm a translator for a foreign food importation business
That's pretty much all you have to say 2bh, if they're actually interested they'll ask follow up questions
i make 4200usd per month, how many months I am on board depends every time but yeah roughly 5 to 6 every time
I work at the fucking tax office, doesn't get any more boring than that
Hello Alois, please stop beating your child and let him go to the art school
Nein, zee boi must LERN
"I'm in the food import business. Ever had ForeignFoodProduct?" Even if they have never tried ForeignFoodProduct, this allows you to easily shift the conversation to the topic of food or foreign countries or whatever else.
>I work as a customs official
In most countries this is a felony. Customs official is a government official and pretending to be a government official is a felony.
I design and draw infrastructure but there is no way to explain that in a non autistic way and no normie knows what my title means
>I design and draw infrastructure
What is there to explain?
just say you draw for a living
obviously I get no pussy
sounds like a cool job tbqh
what kind of infrastructure?
and what's your degree, civil engineering?
I go to the day hospital and drink in the evenings
as patient or worker?
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>what do you do for work anon?
>oh, i'm an unemployed 27 year old incel, how about you?
Wow anon thats so cool do you like working there? Is it a big ship? Do you travel far? How is it on a ship?
It literally does not matter what you do for work. Adults have this terrible habit of just talking about work, instead of what their work enables them to do. There's a data analyst out there who's writing a joke book. There's a shelf stacker saving up for a whittling kit. You are more than your job.
Mostly harbour but i also do geoconstruction, tunnels and bridges

Yes i have civil engineering degree in structural engineering which is the same as a master im pretty sure
90% of city planners are 1 more lane away from solving traffic
2 more lanes
>which is the same as a master
how does your system work there
i work in online banking so i understand you pretty well, at least it's good paying tho
I dont do roads THOUGH so i sadly i cant solve traffic forever
For many of our STEM subjects we have civil engineering programmes (they are called civil engineer no matter what field, there are chemistry and computer science ect). You do 3 years of mostly predetermined courses then 2 years advanced Masters courses for your specialization then you write a masters thesis
>If it's so interesting why do they never want to hear more.
Anon, they were just being polite. That job sounds like one of those where they have to install suicide nets.
engineering colleges here are accredited by ABET and their standard bachelor's will run you 4 years, but master's degrees come in two flavors - either science in engineering or professional. afaik the professional one is a cop out and the MSc is more respected and takes 1.5-2y if full time running it down mid
Not sure how it counts internationally but it says MSc on my diploma
unfortunately its probably in swedish so we will never know what it really says
retarded burger doesn't know about the bologna process
MSc is in English it would be magisterexamen in Swedish
>"i teach english to Chinese kids"
>"i film men fondling balls for hours"
people seem pretty interested in my jobs
*jumps off the ship*
Can you see the stars at night?
what do you do with a drunken sailor early in the morning?
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>do you like working there?
>Is it a big ship?
>Do you travel far?
yea i've been to random places all over except for the American continent. i've been to a ton of places all over Asia

>Can you see the stars at night?
yes in fact it's one of my favorite things, if were far from any land at night you can see thousands and thousands of stars, the entire night sky full of stars my evening watch from 20-00 is my favorite because nobody bothers me and I just sit in the darkness and enjoy the peace and white noise. even better if there is low or no traffic so I can relax. periodically walk out on the bridge wing and look up to the sky or at the empty sea. i am then at peace
you've said a couple of times that it's a sad and miserable job, I'm not sure if you're just exaggerating or not, but what compelled you to get into it? And more so what compels you to stay? Are moments like these when you're alone at night looking at the stars worth it?
Portugalbro's blood yearns for the sea
What you said about the stars is one of the principal reasons I'm thinking about working on something like this
marine merchant
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the work is strenuous and sometimes dangerous, poor sleep, unhinged crewmates and assholes, exposure to unhealthy cargo, low quality of life with the most basic tasks, the food is sometimes bad, isolation, outside of port I almost dont have internet. in the long term relationships are almost impossible. I have seen too many times retards turned into ATMs that send their hard earned money back home to get cheated on.

for example the last 5 months of my life look like this if youre unlucky like I am now the ports you spend your time in are like nothing you imagine. I was 4 times in Indonesia where we are anchored 20 miles off the coast and you're sorrounded by a bunch of indonesians who sleep in hammocks on the deck annoying you everday "saar fresh water saar please" and overall every single person you meet whether its some 3rd worlder peddling bracelets or chinese fuel suppliers is looking to fuck you over and scam you in one way or another.

then you go to China into the seas with a million fishermen which you are responsible for if you slam into some low iq chink retard that intentionally get in your way, after you channel into the Yangtze where nobody gets sleep for several days because the chinks bombard you with poorly written excel spreadsheets and checklists to fuck you over and send reduntant random inspections to your ship to check if you comply with the million bureocratized "international laws". not to mention when any one of them that
holds any sort of power is a rude nigger that only fucks off once you bribe him with cigarettes or money

the one and only good thing this job has going for it is money, I earn as the most junior officer about 4 to 5 times the croatian monthly salary. I can't quit because now my entire family depends upon it and they're all ungrateful anyway because what the fuck do they know how this money is earned. i barely even call home nor does anyone even bother to send a message to me to see how im doing
I had a history teacher in highschool that used to work on those huge commercial fishing boats and he'd say the same thing. We'd all tell him how cool he was but he'd shoot it all down so fast and tell us it was the worst part of his life, echoing a lot of the sentiments you've said, and that there was a reason he was a highschool history teacher and not still doing that lol
I'm sorry to hear that, and I can only imagine how annoying it is having people glorify a lifestyle/job that sounds to be really beating you up. I sincerely hope things turn around with your family life at least, you seem like a cool guy.

Portugalbro is FIENDING for that bacalhau
>I have seen too many times retards turned into ATMs that send their hard earned money back home to get cheated on
>I can't quit because now my entire family depends upon it and they're all ungrateful anyway because what the fuck do they know how this money is earned. i barely even call home nor does anyone even bother to send a message to me to see how im doing
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I suggest that you put all of ‘Your Money and Earnings’ into a separate bank account, and to eventually further cut them off over time. Get a citizenship and work in American ports/companies, as you will be paid far higher. Depending on where you reside, such as Puerto Rico, you will be exempt from taxation in certain cases like investments and cryptocurrency trading. Leave Asia-Pacific and come to the New World.
Stop looking to feel bad about your life circumstances, and fight for a better life and future.
you're digging your own grave, no idea why you faggots both admit you're dumbasses and keep doing that shit
put all the money away and invest it and be free after slaving for a couple of years
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>If it's so interesting why do they never want to hear more.
what citizenship lmao I am Croatian

anyway I wouldn't even mind all the bullshit so much if things back home were better, but since they're not oh well... I can't cut them off otherwise I would have a long time ago

>and fight for a better life and future.
what else do you think I am doing? I am neither the first nor last unhappy man, maybe the next life will be better
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>I can't cut them off
can't and won't are two different things

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