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Just goes to show how cucked whites are in comparison to everyone else.
Because 10 million of them flooded their country and they saw the effects of it
can someone make the meme "we don't want your kind around here" but for turks and arabs
Arabs are tearing turkish flags in our cities. Arabs are raping turkish kids in our cities. What's there to like about arabs?
turkey flooded syria with arms and they let jihadists from all over the world to move syria. who would guess if you destabilize your neighbor they 'll flood your country. right?
please tell your german brethren about this movement
that turkish geneticist always makes my sides go into orbit
Turkish imams rape Turkish kids in your cities as well but I don't see Turks chimping out because of this.
hes lying btw roach flags teared up in syria because nobody likes invaders.
A lot of countries have millions of refugees but only turks are too barbaric to scout in groups and beat any refugee suspect down
fuck roaches

Based, fuck arabs.
Germans burnt down Turkish immigrants' homes in Germany several times.
they unironically claim syrian refugees live better than them. they also think turkeys economic crisis happened not because of erdo but syrians :D turkish avg iq is 80.
i always see people i know traveling to turkey and i always refuse their invitation cause i dont want to be surrounded by cockroaches
Turks are infamous for being violent, during hajj everybody stays away from them because they’re known to push and stomp others
the whole region is an unsolvable mess that will forever be at war
>t. Ugly short sandniggers
I'm sure the influx of ten million Syrians and Pakistanis Erdo allowed in didn't help their economic situation either
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know your place t*rk
Because the
>intolerance is a consequence of lack of exposure to other cultures
meme is a meme.

Exposure breeds animosity. For all of of recorded history more interaction between tribes has meant more animosity between them. English vs French, English vs Irish, Greeks vs Turks, Japanese vs Koreans, Muslims vs Sikhs, Protestants vs Catholics etc. If two tribes are in close enough proximity to interfere with each other they are much more likely to hate each other than to like each other. On the other hand it's very rare for non-interacting tribes on opposite ends of the world to hate each other.
>Erdo allowed in didn't help

and who voted for him you dumb motherfucker? t*rks righgt?
This country will never be the same way it was before 2011. We recovered from many disasters. We lost our empire and got gangbanged by biggest powers in the world but still managed to rise, survived the missile crisis, recovered from coups and economic recessions and earthquakes but there will be no recovery from this one. The damage has already been done and will countinue to worsen. It's over, es ist vorbei, owari da, bitti
>one minute my brother, I know genetics
average /int/ chad
I want Turkey to become Kurdistan
>Protestants vs Catholics
That's not true. Relations were only getting better
Atheism is all time high in here.
>but I don't see Turks chimping out because of this.
Lurk more.
No one thinks that besides erdo voters or specifically religious right wing boomers.
So we can share one common aspect right :)
I'd remove Turkish too from signs
Diabolical orc language
>Atheism is all time high in here.
Because they realized that Arabs and Salafis are cringe. Same applies to Tajikistan now. Hijab and alien influences are being banned. Arab names like Muhammad - banned.

That's right the West has become a society of servile bitches. We need to be proud and boisterous of our national heritage, not cynical and deluded. If your not nationalist, it means you are a social progressive marxist and part of the problem. Islamism and Marxism must be dealt a swift, brutal death.
Turkish should be a good (in)humane torture method to extort confessions
They just chuddy who jumping to anti-arab/muslim bandwagon that has popularized by (((media))) lately

If we need to enrage on every childrape by foreighers, these white tourists bodies will flood our street
There’s like 15 million illegals in Turkey.


Turkey is poorer than Mexico.

wtf are we supposed to do with these? It’s been 10+ years and they are causing mass civil unrest
A new Atatürk will come and save you inshallah

You be genocided before your people can ever power. We wuz _______
Turks are the #1 traitors to the Ummah. Their wannabe white attitude is purely disgusting.
>poo pretending to be Muslim

Not again
this time he'll be jewish
based did they wipe your ass too?
there's no anti-islam, just anti-arab. Hearing arabic in turkey is annoying. Refugee or tourist, they're fucking annoying.
Arent turks muslims wtf
Yeah i dont get it turks are just basically the same as arabs wtf dude
as persian diaspora this depresses me. Why are turks treating our arab brothers like this when we're all the same?

exactly! arabs and turks are the same so the hostility makes no sense.
Didn’t the USA used to be white? What happened to California and Texas? What are snow bunnies?
I like turks :)
>bzzzz bzz bzzzz
>Do not go gentle into that good night
turks are more MED than arab thoughbeit
Turkey is healing
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Turks are paedos though
Mutt memes coming from the mutt itself

>one minute brother I studied genetics so I know this topic
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>Mutt memes coming from the mutt itself

>Atheism is all time high in here
it's polarization dumbass, more people are either atheist or full on jihadist and middle ground, "fresh water muslims", are in decline
If the Turks were smart, they would have deported them or send them somewhere else. Why are still “refugees” ?
Based Turks fuck Arabs
>post a hapa

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