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Even the worst anti-Semites cannot resist a real Jewish sweet-and-sour, which, along with stuffed pike and goose cracknels, forms the glorious triumvirate of Jewish gems.
Imagine the arguments
she has a very syrian face
i dont know why
I have white food between my legs for her
Total jewess worship
why the hell do you have food between your legs
is it kosher
Do you think they make light hearted jokes like when she is taking food out of oven he says "whoops I almost pushed you in hehe"
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If white "supremacist" men are so eternally buttblasted by Jewish superiority then why don't they just join up and shut up? Aren't they exhausted from the mental anguish of constantly obsessing over their inability to eradicate the Jew? Once you join it's forever. You broke the cycle. Your progeny are now free.
Jews made sure of that when they stole my foreskin
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There was this Jewish girl that had a big crush on me in college. She always sat near me (1 or 2 chairs away from me), I always catch her staring at me, and whenever I catch her, she instantly looks down and her face got really red like a tomato.

This went on for 2 years but I never talked to her because I'm an autistic moron when it comes to women.

..................................................................kill me
True, also one of our former ministers raised outrage in some oversea diasporas for calling inter-marriage a quiet holcaust. So if nazis marry a jew in america they can even roleplay
this is your destiny
She legit has a hooknose
is there a way to change my destiny?
Glad to be single
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how do I find a Jewish wife who looks like this?
>Jewish food

There's just something about Jewish broads, you know?
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>tfw no qt goyim hating, shekel hording, yaprak eating, gefilte fish cooking, mincha reciting, menorah lighting, tefillin wearing, peyot growing, zionist supporting, shofar blowing, challah braiding, hanukkah celebrating, suka constructing, tikkun leil shavuot studying, pomegranate harvesting, purim commemorating, hamantash baking, yom kippur fasting, mikvah bathing, yeshiva researching, kashrut dieting, shechitah slaughtering, tahor purifying, teramuh offering, zavah abstaining, zeved habat naming, minyan contributing, hazzan singing, multicultural promoting, morally conniving, salmon curing, keplach frying, dreidel spinning, meat koshering, tzedakah giving, parashah reading, shema davening, maariv beseeching, siddur adhering, kabbalah thinking, matzot preparing, kotel wailing, chametz burning, karpas dipping, teshuva atoning, chesed bestowing, yeast withholding, kiddush sanctifying, hilonim respecting, siyum achieving, netilat yadayim washing, maror grating, bareich blessing, afikoman stealing, omer counting, hol hamoed holidaying, tish attending, kitniyot rejecting, ketubah signing, kiddushin dedicating, badeken covering, chatan encircling, mazel tov shouting, temple mourning, krenzi dancing, zimmun recounting, pidyon haben redeeming, brit milah advocating, shalom bayit reconciling, klezmer playing, khazone intoning, krekht creating, kinnor plucking, tziltzal banging, nusach conducting, paspag browning, haroset grinding, kugel roasting, kasha boiling, knish grilling, cholent stewing, shidduch arranging, shadchan matching, frum heeding, tzitziyot sewing, khumra obeying, kapparot sacrificing, sheitel wrapping, zuzzim acquiring, baal teshuva embracing, onah endearing, pessary using, halakha abiding, chazal following, negiah maintaining, tzniut observing, yichud complying, cheder tutoring, kollel analysing, chevra kadisha cleansing, taharah planning, keriah tearing, chol enjoying, matzevah unveiling, yahrtzeit marking, hashkabóth solemnising, yizkor chanting jew gf
Mogs British "cuisine"
I used to eat fried bologna on egg and onion matzos. Bomb status. And nibbling on latkes and drinking Maneshewitz wine
pfff hahaha
What is Jewish food it’s literally all stolen from Europeans and Lebanese etc lol
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Nigga the entirety of Judaism is just a mix of regional shit including Babylonians.
By proxy that extends to all Abrahamic religions.

Christcucks and muzzies on suicide watch.
Bien dit
Anyone got sauce on her? The account is gone
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>be me
>be kike
>raised jewish with my siblings
>spend plenty of my childhood in hebrew school/ going to temple on shabbat and high holidays
>qt3.14 in my hebrew school class showed interest but i was too autistic to realize it at the time
>never participate in youth group
>never go on any of the youth group field trips
>never tried socializing with my peers outside of hebrew school
>never dated my sisters' cute jewish friends because i "thought of them as sisters"
>finished highschool
>mom thinks we should be more involved with temple since we hadn't been much in the past year or so
>agree to help chaperone a 3 day trip with youth group and some other temple members
>spend the whole trip trying to spend time with a cute girl (not conventionaly attractive but i found her cute)
>the trip goes well and i had fun
>reflecting on the trip i felt like i may have been a total sperg with how i ended up spending so much time with aforementioned cute girl
>later while socializing with family and some friends who were a part of the trip they mentioned how interested in me cute girl seemed
>play it off as i can't tell if they're being sarcastic
>they insist on giving me her number and mention that she's not the type to get attention from or initate anything with guys
>to this day my siblings bring it up whenever that trip is mentioned
>never follow up or contact her in any way
>god made me a kike and an autist

pic unrelated
They say unpopular incels who never got attention suffer, but attractive/autistic guys that always manage to squander opportunities suffer just as much. Just the feeling of throwing away real opportunities is enough to lose sleep at night.
happened to me like 3 times
will the suffering end?
I'm dating a Jewish girl and I can firmly say there is nothing better on this planet
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happy for you, anon.
enjoy pumping her full of little kike offspring.
nothing pisses of the goyim more than knowing good jews have plenty of kids and raise them in the ways of jewery.
pic still unrelated

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