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Fucking tired of muh ussr boomer crying. What they really miss is being young and sexy. Plus they are ungrateful as fuck, perestroyka could be way more bloody, no civil war happened, the country wasn't shredded in pieces as it was localised by chechens and the oligarchy who OMG STOLE EVERYTHING was the only power who protected these lands, surely just caring about their feeding ground but still. The recent Rothschild reveal behind Hodorkovsky was mindblowing. We were THIS close to death. NATO stirring panic in Baltic and Black seas is like jolly hobbytime by comparison. And this entire BRICS smooving puny 30 years after our heels were basically licked by hellfire? I can't believe how ungrateful boomers are, thousands drinking themselves to death right now about muh USSR. Blind and deaf people.
>What they really miss is being young and sexy.
Probably that and actually being a superpower
superpooper could somehow send the first man in space while having toilet paper shortages. I’m not even exaggerating.
it's coming back soon
we're very close to leaving NATO and getting a russian government
I didn’t live in the ussr, but I suspect Russia was better under commies than under democrats. At least we almost didn’t have AIDS back then.
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i think it would have been objectively really cool if perestroyka and glastnost worked out and the USSR saw major international investment like Dengist China

it would have been objectively very kino to see a modern USSR that had the economic power of modern China
>very close to leaving NATO
Do it and you'll be reveared for the ages to come.
we've had 7 failed elections in a row and last one had 30% participation. russian nationalist parties have 20% of the vote. it's only a matter of time
Bulgaria is about to be CIA'd
Cвъpши ce
kino but unfortunately lost to the ages, china is now the great counterbalance to the west that the ussr once was
>He thinks anyone can leave without having nukes
Only economically, China can't project power for shit
Except that France left once already and no one threw a fit.
I guess sometimes that's how things work out, as weird as it may sound
China isn't really on that level yet. They're a rising power, but they don't have nearly as much capacity to project influence across the world. China would never have the balls to do something like planting nukes at USA's doorstep.
a western capitalist Russia would have completely destroyed American hegemony... vast limitless natural resouces, abundant farm land and wood lands, access to unlimited cheap labour from asia, why didn't Russia take the capitalist pill?
China would hate them
We’re le capitalist now.
>a western capitalist Russia would have completely destroyed American hegemony
Like it did during the 90's?
They never had the right conditions. Capitalists don't like having schizophrenic, all-powerful overlords hanging over their heads.
it's the only thing that will prevent it desu. we haven't had a government last more than 9 months in years
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It's the same with boomers here. Everything was apparently better in Yugoslavia.
Check the last three words of my post
>a western capitalist Russia would have completely destroyed American hegemony
retard they literally tried that under Yeltsin and it was fucking disastrous.
A superpower is just an entity that can project power across the globe. Has nothing to do with qol of its people. For instance, when America became a superpower, blacks were still being lynched for no reason without any repercussions for the perpetrators.
boomers here be like
>maybe you had to wait 10 years for a chance of getting the shittiest car imaginable, or save for 2 years to buy a VHS player if you are lucky, but at least everyone had jerbs!
You're actually mentally insane if you think anyone is going to invade Bulgaria over this. NATO isn't the Warsaw Pact.
Why doesn't Russia join the EU and NATO?
What would be the fucking point of NATO by that point?
>"Great powers don't join coalitions, they create coalitions. Russia considers itself a great power" ~ Dmitry Rogozin, Russian envoy to NATO. 2009
Albania left Warsaw Pact just fine, in comparison there are already Euromaidan-like groups being trained to putsch a potential anti-American government in Poland, even though we're the most pro-American country in the world
You mean the country surrounded by Yugoslavia that's neutral at best to the USSR and Greece that's firmly aligned with the west? Yeah, I wonder why they never got invaded.
America should quit Nato and join CIS could you imagine the butthurt?
It is an unacceptable act of aggression to have csto right at our doorstep
Albania actually fought a war with Yugoslavia...
The Americans refused despite Putin's request because they are afraid of losing their hegemony over Europe.
USSR tried to join NATO but it was declined
NATO should have dissolved at the fall of the USSR. It's not too late to disband it, but it wouldn't be possible without overthrowing the current world order.

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