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Did you know Mohammed wore cum rags?
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The false prophet Muhammad also wiped his dirty ass with pebbles.
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Idk if it's very surprising that Islamic texts are very representative of how muslims act in general tbqh
But I would just expect "holy" texts to be a bit more on the "holy" side and not so degenerate.
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>Idk if it's very surprising that Islamic texts are very representative of how muslims act in general tbqh
>But I would just expect "holy" texts to be a bit more on the "holy" side and not so degenerate.
It's not your character, literally fanfiction
>His clothing was dirty, Islam owned
>He washed after he used the bathroom, Islam owned
>A normal circumstance where a verse was revealed, Islam owned
Grow up and learn to share your toys, faggot
Anyway you worship a Jew
Every prophet you worship pre Mohammed was Jewish
>Every prophet you worship
Are crosscucks so low IQ that they think prophets are worshipped? Why do all of you think that?
>Prophets aren't worshipped!
>Anyways Mohammed was the best and we need to be exactly like him in every respect and do everything he says
Your God is literally Jewish anyway
Interesting how there are soyjaks of islam and the old testament but not soyjaks of jesus. Jesus is un soyable
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Jesus didn't do any retard things like Mohammed
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Abrahamics scared of cum
pagans meanwhile....
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Are you admitting you don't know what "worship" even means?
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It's hilarious how insane the Hadiths are, like we know Muhammad would pee sitting down, scrap semen off clothes by hand, and thought menstrual blood filled water was clean if in large enough quantities all from hadiths. There's a reason they keep converts from reading these initially
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You don't seem to have an issue with the incest, rape, and allusions to bestiality in the bible
>t. butthurt mahometan
None of those were done by a supreme prophet who is the perfect moral example from God, lol this nigga peed sitting down
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>supreme prophet
Let me guess, you also think prophets are worshipped
Honestly you crosscucks aren't worth the time. I consider this charity
Also, David. And David's son that raped then ghosted his own sister btw
Also Lot. Also Noah in your unholy Bible that was caught naked flailing his dick around, according to your shit
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Wow that's really degenerate.
T again their holy city look like Las Vegas
It's actually kinda interesting how Islam is so corrupting
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>following the religious tradition laid down by a illiterate pedophile polygamist warlord who peed sitting down and scrap the semen off his clothes by hand
>makes fun of other religions
Muslims really be like that
>>"Moomad, after being deigned the world's first autist, justly and devoutly taught his followers to strive to be even bigger autists than he."
Goatfuckus 9:11
props to the heathens they couldn't revise and tweak thier folk lore since it was disseminated by the people
meanwhile reformed pagans aka early monotheists could clean that shit up and still had retard bronze age incest rape slavery fantasies
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>>following the religious tradition laid down by a pharisee that convinced his cuck followers that they should worship some incel Jew scapegoat, while he personally lopped guys' foreskins off
>>makes fun of other religions
>Crosscucks really be like that
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>muslim absolutely SEETHING at how retarded his prophet is
>cannot fully insult Jesus because that's also against his religion
The game was rigged from the start Achmed. Speaking of cuck, remember when Muhammad said it's fine if your wife births black kids? Kek you cannot out crazy this nigga!
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Must be tiring to hate Islam day and night, pigskin
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>Did you see Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face. Sahih Muslim 30:5777
>"This white man reclining on his arm." Sahih Bukhari 1:3:63
>Ahmad ibn Abi Sulayman, the companion of Sahnun said, “Anyone who says that the Prophet was black should be killed." Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Qadi ‘Iyad, p.375
Uhh Achmedbro... you just insulted Muhammad, he was WHITE just like me
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>Goatfuckus 9:11
holy KEK
lol (you)plebs
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It's not tiring to hate Islam because it's not hard to find reasons to

Islam is a plague
An actual existential threat to humans (islamists aren't human) and all things civilized

When I see a Muslim I experience the same disgust as when I see a cockroach
Greeks also wiped their asses with pebbles but i guess it only sucks when arabs do it
The prophet Lut didn’t sleep with his daughters in the Quran. That was just Paul’s incest fetish manifesting into the Bible.
That’s exactly how we think about you tranny enabling degenerates.
>Meanwhile Iran has forced troonism and turkey's most popular prostitutes are troons
>Greeks also wiped their asses with pebbles
No they didn’t
And also, the false prophet Muhammad thought that camel piss was medicine(it isn’t medicine).
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>make thread insulting Islam
>euro flags respond
>But the Prophet called on Allah by name and all looked away in shame when he shat brown water after dinner. "Oh forgive me lisan al-gaib, I put too many spices in the dinner!"
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