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What year did White-America hit the point of no return?
White-non hispanic wasn't yet a category in the 40s
They considered most hispanics white
Don't know, don't care. TOTAL ANGLO DEATH!
>Boomers saw this happen in front of their eyes and did nothing about it

when WASPs started allowing irish and italians it signalled the start of the end for white america unironically
same for french cucks and allowing millions of italians and other southerners but neither of them will admit this
Irish, Italians and Jews.
It has changed, but honestly not by some apocalyptic amount like people love to claim. All in all it's mainly just a case of having a kid being too expensive, and people caring too much about providing it a good life.
Thank god I have dual citizenship

I don’t know why white people would ruin their countries but anyways it’s not my problem
Not true at all
Kill yourself pedro
Gee America is probably 1/3rd white. I traveled the country numerous times and no way it’s 56% white. I have a good pulse on predictions.
Equating Irish and Italian immigration to the beaner invasion and it's catastrophic effects on the American demographics is pretty much diabolical

Yeah it probably sucked at the time, but I guarantee that if XIX century wasps saw the genetic abominations that would invade America in the last century they would be way more kind to Irish and Italians

the moment america decided to fuck mexicos government was the moment we tacitly accepted that millions of you would just come here instead rather than suffer in a fascist cia country
Get off the internet and see the country. I'm right and you'll see it.
>in the last century
In the next centuries*
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>but honestly not by some apocalyptic amount like people love to claim.
In 1940 the hispanic population for the entire country was 2 million now its fucking 60 million but you rats still continue to lie and say you were just categorized as white
I'm positive it's over 60 million at this point
>Get off the internet and see the country.
I go outside and see fresh border hoppers riding around on mopeds and selling fruit on the street corner
According to chud lore the universally accepted year is 1965, the year the Hart-Cellar immigration reform came into law. i could explain more but just google it
Legal Hispanics alone is 100 million. Latin America in general. I only see island Hispanics here and they probably worse than Mexicans
Yes 60 million was the number for 2010 its probably near 80 million by now
Dear god pull your head out of your ass and stop assuming a person's ethnicity based on a single fucking post.
I said see the country. Not sit around in your shitty home town that's clearly being flooded with spics.
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Hispanics have literally invaded the entire country
my area stayed the same color
thank u for the smooch hose
i shuold point out the color i meant was yellow
Illegals and their kids: 50m
Legal Hispanics: 100m
Blacks: 50m <fastest growing
South Asians: 10m <fastest growing
East Asians; ???

These are conservative numbers
Lol. No.
There was segregation against Mestizos in the southwest back then.
That's how the Chicano and zoot suit movements started.
I actually listen to business new and when bankers talk, I’m all ears. Native blacks are larger than 13%. It was 14 point something. Illegals and kids are way past 50m. Jeets, Africans, ME, other Asians will be the biggest immigrants. I wish the term Hispanic white would disappear, it fudges up the demographics so much. Actually whites as a group have been a minority for a while and i mean more than 10 years.
Im talking about the census data retard.
There was hispanics but they were included in the white label
They've had a hispanic category since 1940 pablo
>What year did White-America hit the point of no return?
Hispanic was added in 1970
If America is to be an economic zone, I propose a solution that a white only region to be cut out for whites only. For all the whites that want to live in a white state. And to relive the good ole days.

It probably be done within our lifetime.
A White American ethnostate would just be a giant trailer park
buenos dias señor
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>A White American ethnostate would just be a giant trailer park
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Who cares
Timmies are invader cockroaches.
They still have their gated white neighborhoods and are the elite of their alien colonies
>Timmies are invader cockroaches.
mexcrements really are too low iq to have self awareness
The west has been on a steady decline since 1517.
you ain't seen nothing yet. wait until the boomers start to die
We just need to further advance feminism and lgbt in BIPOC communities
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Mass shooting to any minority.
South texas and new mexico have been majority hispanic practically their entire history especially after south texas was cleared and many tejanos went there. They were large in arizona too and had prominent minorities in colorado and california.

The Legitimate demographic shifts have almost entirely just gone to california or south florida.

Hispanics overall were 10% of the population. Half of that being mexicans the rest being old settler spanish groups.

You're right but in places like new mexico it was more like south africa and a rift between the anglos vs the criollos, natives, and mestizos
>Hispanics overall were 10% of the population.
X to fucking doubt even old footage of border towns looked majority white
>2 million now its fucking 60 million
Take your fucking meds holy shit. It's 60m at the maximum.

>Blacks are growing
Blacks immigrate to America less than whites and have a lower fertility rate now. Whites are the second most fertile group after hispanics now.

It's true. They put white of Mexican ancestry from the 1800s-1930. In 1930 they introduced a mexican label, but during WWII they revoked that and continued to call them white until the 60s. It also didn't apply to the rural hispanic southwest communities that were older than mexico itself.
>It's true. They put white of Mexican ancestry from the 1800s-1930. In 1930 they introduced a mexican label, but during WWII they revoked that and continued to call them white until the 60s. It also didn't apply to the rural hispanic southwest communities that were older than mexico itself.
Source: your fat brown ass
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>Tiny bumblefuck rural boom towns created by anglo mining companies which then left.

Every single historically relevant border town from nogales to laredo was majority hispanic. New Mexico and southern colorado were majority spanish speaking until WWII as well.

Watch the fucking video retard
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>this one video proves we were always here gringo! Yeah so what my family hopped the border in the 90s that dont mean shit homes
I've heard most of these tejanos were people of Spanish/french descent and a lots of them were quite wealthy Hacienda owners

If the United States didn't see these people as civilized at the very least the United States government wouldn't even have bothered to annex them like they didn't want to annex other Mexican territories because they were full of browns and mestizos
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1. I'm blond and blue eyes as well as 100% white american
2. Here's ancestry.com using a sample Mexican 2nd gen from laredo in 1910
White people need to stop race mixing with brown and black people
You aren't white or american you are just a chicano piece of trash
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From what I've read it's quite bizarre. In some cases, persecution was as bad as African Americans but in other cases they were considered white, allowed to fight in white regiments in the military, and mixed with whites more often making a lot of white southwesterners have some mexican ancestry.

The US also had plans to annex almost all of northern Mexico and Baja California but one guy who was supposed to negotiate the deal threw a wrench in the whole thing so we only got the southwest. They didn't want to annex shit like Mesoamerica, but they had all eyes on northern mexico. Some also wanted Yucatan.
>they were considered white
never happened
My ancestors are almost entirely are pre-revolution German and Irish Pennsylvanians. I'm more american than you'll ever be.
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>My ancestors are almost entirely are pre-revolution German and Irish Pennsylvanians. I'm more american than you'll ever be.
In legal papers they were considered white. It was really similar to Irish, Slavic, and Italian immigrants. And you didn't legitimately refute me, I said it was sometimes worse than blacks. Notice the Spanish in that top one, they meant the white but still at the time discriminated against Spanish settlers of the southwest.
Spaniards arent white
what do you get from being a self hating spic?
do you realize white americans hate you regardless?
Replace the Mexican flag with a US flag, make him a way leaner, his hair dirty blond, add glasses, and this is pretty accurate to what I look like.
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>Spaniards arent white
Says who?
Italians today are considered white as are Portuguese. The southwests hispanics are purer european than uruguayans. Mexican americans are also more euro shifted than regular mexicans being about 66% euro due to this.

I quite like em.
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Says reality
>The southwests hispanics are purer european than uruguayans. Mexican americans are also more euro shifted than regular mexicans being about 66% euro due to this.
These numbers dont matter when all of them look like fat brown midgets
>california used to be whiter than wisconsin
Boggles the mind, really.
I mean if you want to cherrypick I can post some pretty fucked up racial abominations from your country
>I can post some pretty fucked up racial abominations from your country
And they would most likely have origins from your cockroach country
Maybe in the northeast, south, or pacific northwest. The euro shifted ones normally have deep roots in the southwest and dont leave the region. If they're out of the borderlands they tend to be from rural Mesoamerican regions like Oaxaca or Guatemala and therefore more amerindian.
Why do white men waste their genes of smelly black and brown shitskin women and
of course you would like self hating spics, you can literally fuck them over and they would still be submissive slaves
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Yeah, most likely
But considering your country is a melting pot of shit you can never be sure
That said Btw California was the only state that saw legitimate demographic shifts but that's because they also attempted to deport people on many occasions citizens or not and got a massive influx of Midwest immigrants during WWII. It was incredibly short-lived and artificial.
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>Mexican americans are also more euro shifted than regular mexicans being about 66% euro due to this.
You gotta be kidding
I've seen the racial specimens that go see the Mexican national team play at coma america and they are brown as fuck, fat and ugly with some insignificant exceptions
No no no not like that. I actually get flustered and a little angry when they self-hate and try to jerk me. I like Mexicans, especially when they aren't self-hating. I like your country's history (Both Mesoamerica and new Spain) and how it ties into my region because New Spain founded my state.
Being 66% European still makes you look quite brown tho...
I am white and I WILL date and marry a dark woman
The objective answer is as >>199243794
described : in the late 19th century when the majority of American immigrants changed from White Germanic Protestants such as English, Dutch, Scotch-Irish, Germans, and Nordics to random ethnic trash from the garbage bins of Europe like Irish, South Italians, Jews, Poles, and Greeks. This completely destroyed the integrity of the White American identity, and today the US Census unironically classifies North Africans, Middle Easterners, Central Asians, and White Hispanics as “white”. If you brought back 19th century racial standards and applied them today, my guess is only 20-25% of America would be classified as properly White.
The US is 50% north European
The US isn’t even 50% European let alone North European lol
Hit a nerve mutt?
European Americans are a minority of gen alpha
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What do you mean? The Great Bleachening of BBC has just begun. The BWCs (former BBC edition) of the 21st century are currently in R&D stages.
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Did that work out in central and south america or india?
>spent the last 2 centuries bombing/genociding brownskin countries for NOT siding with their jewish banking system
>complains when those brownskins migrate to a safe country
and here i thought white people where smart....
It's hilarious how Spain discovering south america and then getting buttfucked by the English culminated in the rapebabies that Spain created assblasting and buttfucking the English in America
Poetic justice, rock on Panchitos
Glad your country's ethnic unity got destroyed, enjoy your replacement. lol
He's literally a Russian
The United States was founded by a bunch of European colonists who didn't want to pay taxes, so there was no such thing as "Americans" or "white" from the beginning, you fags.

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