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You WILL marry a German woman and you WILL like it
But I don't want to :((
Germans do NOT look like that.
No choice in the matter
Kinda. They are still light years more attractive than the blobthots here.

t. lived in Germany
I saw a lot of chubby (not quite fat) women while I was there. Maybe it was just the area though.
No most are, sadly
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but german girls HATE slav bois
No. Racemixing is bad
That's russian
I am led to believe their of a stoc and strong frame

so yes
Yooo I've met a few in real life and they seemed to really like American guys. How do I meet one online?
uhh why does she look slavic? German angels don't look like that
but I want a German guy instead :(
It's not a choice
Mmmm nibbles
How about a German futa
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You don't say?
That's an egg.
They look Slavic
these are 3/10 in iceland
I don't see it
>That's an egg.
You see her teats
She looks anorexic, needs more plump on that body.
My chance with German women is 0% due to t*rks damaging our reputation irreperably. I can't larp as a kurd either because I'm too white to be a k*rd.
LARP as an eastern european then
should be ezpz
My face looks kinda Slavic but not from close, you can see brownness from closeup. Might larp as a Georgian or something.
You will have to marry a German woman eventually
bruh that's even worse
Just say you're Greek you retard.
They hate Balkan boys unfortunately
I just formed Germany in EUIV (again) would that impress a German woman and persuade her to date me?
Yes. German women love that
I vill not.
Do tall blonde German women with DD-cup like cute 168cm Asian guys?
HRE is a much better formable.
East Germans are brainswashed Wends & Poles intermarried with Germans. Hej Slaveni!
Last time I showed my Germany to a woman I was texting she was confused, had no idea what she was looking at and we stopped chatting soon after.
I only formed HRE once for the achievement. I have no idea how a unified HRE plays now, I only remember all my vassals btfo'ing France and Ottomans in two separate wars all by themselves. It felt like cheating.
Not true i know a bulgar nigga that has dated a dozen german girls.
You should make Germany bigger
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I could singlehandedly save Germany's demographics.
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When? I've been waiting for years.
No, you won't, Phuk from Indonesia, nor would any germanic woman settle with your kind. They find this fetishization of them creepy and disgusting, unlike your own women.
But why? The German language is abhorrent
>sleeping in bed with German woman
>she starts muttering in her sleep about farming simulator
>"Landwirtsschaft milch und poopenfarten"? I-is that a demonic incantation?!? AIEEEE!!!!
>instinctually run away screaming
What is this, the middle ages?
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>oh ja anon fick meine muschi mit deinem dicker schwanz es fühlt so gut
If that doesn't make you feel like pic related you might just be a homosexual
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I'm more into novo-germano girls, thx
Like the other blonde interviewer more
>Like the other blonde interviewer more
That's impossible too. Many Germans would notice how my accent has nothing to do with Greek accent. They might buy Bulgarian or Georgian or something but Greek accent is too distinct.
No, that's disgusting. Speaking the language of your country is one thing, but Germania's is disgusting. I don't care if Berserkers are the coolest melee unit in Rome Total War!
>walk along the main bustling street in Shittenholen, East Germany
>looking for a place to get some lunch that doesn't serve blood sausage or whatever disgusting food the krauts eat here
>At every cafe ask the waitress "No blood sausage?", they look confused and I'm already past 3, I might as well go to the Aldi and buy peanut butter
>Moments before I reach the entrance, the three fraus from earlier line up infront of the door and block me
>"You vill give us ze blood sausage you have und you vill like it"
>One of them pulls out a lasso as the local citizens circle around us and start cheering them on, Olaf Schols turns on his megaphone and shouts "los los los!"
German women love Turkish men though
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It brings tear to mein eyes to see the program working so well. My gut freund Shinzo Abe tried his best to improve ze birth rates of his country, he failed because he does not have Freudian hard work mindset like us great Deutchlanders. Ever since all of world's the men started passing our beautiful women to go screw asians, we show the industrious women of our country the Factorio. We tell her she vill be ze assembly machinenwerfenflagen to make little Olafs, and all she has to do is kidnap a man to marriage and drain him at a efficient rate every day... Germania is saved!
where the black men at
Not that guy but those don't exist, lord knows I wish they did but I've accept that they don't.
Trannies kys
doubt it, I'm 5'7. I don't have a chance with German women.
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I mean I did lose my virginity in Berlin to a girl who heard me sperging out about Prussian history for 2 weeks straight (visited Sanssouci with her and unleashed my full power level of Fredrick lore).
Sometimes dreams really do come true.
if i marry her can i force her to cuck me with a black man?
holy jiggly big naturals BOOBA
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I'll take the Doppelwumms
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I love snow pale bitches like that
+ pastel pink nips and puss
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>You WILL marry a German woman and you WILL like it
Reminds me of this
post the chubby german girl
you know the one
A /lit/ post about Lovecraft getting isekaied into a cyberpunk setting. He creates a clone of Hitler to stop all the recemixing that is going on in the future, but it ends with all the Anglos getting racemixed with German women instead.
my gf is a slav-irish mutt THOUGH
>dfw I will never live in some picturesque village with a german tomboy gf
warum leben uberhaupt
we dont have tomboys
>You WILL marry a German woman and you WILL like it
How much does it pay?
Ewwwe no why
tell him to write tutorial for rest of us
Imagine the arguments
Imagine the aging
Imagine risking half your shit and reputation

It’s all too much and pointless
Hans the groomer cuck
But I'm so fucking ugly bros..

Not all of us were meant to make it.
german, russian, swiss, i don't care as long as shes a blue eyed blonde angel
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Can I marry this one?
it's okay, she just needs to ger raped constantly so she stops being a leftist
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lol wtf
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is that a woman or a femboy?
I unironically have a chance
I will travel to germany right now
dont come here
That's obviously some rural shithole in Slavland. Even when German farms were still that primitive f functionally they were way nicer in aesthetics and architecture.
When I was in uni in Europe I tried to intentionally agitate the two German girls every chance I could. Fuck Germans.
I will
How could you hate this?
The one who taught you Bavarian dialect I think.
Even German men don’t marry German women anymore
Looks Slavic to me, and I mean both the costumes and the facial features

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