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may your day be terrible and your path full of rusted spikes, i wish you all a horrible morning
may you fail all what you lay your hands on
صباح القلاوي
أول كاكاه
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التريند ده مُضحك ولطيف ولذيذ ..

بس أنت مسلم وعندك حدود ، ومش كل لطيف ولذيذ بتشارك فيه .. بالعكس انت بتقاطع أي شيء فيه حرمانية ، وكمان بتنكره وبتنصح الناس تبعد عنه ..

ومتستهونش بالذنب الصغيرة ، لأن صغير مع صغير هيهلكك .." لا تحقرنَّ صغيرةً * إنَّ الجبالَ من الحصى "

اللي شارك في التريند ده جمع كام ذنب !!

1- سماع الموسيقي " معصية "

2- المجاهرة في سماعها " معصية ثانية " (كل أمتي معافى الا المجاهرون )

3- الترويج لسماعها " معصية ثالثة " ﴿وَلَيَحمِلُنَّ أَثقالَهُم وَأَثقالًا مَعَ أَثقالِهِم وَلَيُسأَلُنَّ يَومَ القِيامَةِ عَمّا كانوا يَفتَرونَ﴾ [العنكبوت: ١٣]

فمتستهونش بالموضوع وخلي عندك كمسلم فلتر بتمرر عليه ايه اللي ينفع تشارك فيه وأيه مينفعش .. والفلتر ده هو ما يرضي ولا يرضي الله.

قال رسول الله ﷺ:
«إيَّاكُم ومحقَّراتِ الذُّنوبِ فإنَّهنَّ يجتمِعنَ على الرَّجلِ حتَّى يُهلِكنَه»
الصلعوم الحشاش
>إنَّ الجبالَ من الحصى
someone skipped geology essons
Pity bump
لك ما تدعوا ولا لغيرك
لك طيز يا صلعومي أطيزت منها الطيوز
هي في بوسطون تُفسِّي و أنت في ديترويت تجوز
I keep a dog in my house so angels can fuck off
كيفية تغيير ذكريات الطفولة
كس أمك
Not actually gonna bother reading that gibberish

للكل طبون امك
لازم الشرمطة يكون ليها عواقب
you read it and got mad lol
you opened my post and got mad lol
البعص فن و إبداع
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That's not even kindergartener shit
Prevent yourself from it to begin with.
from seeing* it
We should have the Iraqis shitpost for a day and the Moroccans for a day, to change things up
It's been a while since I've seen a good iraqistani shitfest. Also been a while since I've seen NAFRI BVLL
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>since I've seen NAFRI BVLL
You miss your bull ?
Maybe quit being cringe for a day. Maybe somebody else should be OP
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I'm not OP, answer my question, do you miss your nafri bull
The fuck you're not. I miss your mother's pussy
But why were you seeing a bull then
Maybe someone with a non-Moroccan flag should be OP

There's lots of other countries, and Algeria can upload pictures now
He was for your mother. He also misses her pussy
you guys need شاذشأ correction for three or four threads
Maybe someone might start a Sharqi thread. ME
i just realized i can't sleep well because my room is painted sky blue
who the fuck had this genius idea ?
بين مطرقة الشواذ و سندان الصلاعمة
also 4chan should remove Yotsuba A for fucking with sleep schedules
>a lot of Moroccan flags are here
That means the diasporas are on vacation.
yeah i noticed some of them have داريجة معكلة
لقيت حليب بالجوافة في البقالة
أخذت كل الموجود (حبتين)
يوم كويس
there were always 4-5 moroccan at any given time posters they just didn't post a lot
هاداك غير حليب زبي مبستر و معلب
Probably dropped the namefag
Moroccans need not apply
>containment thread for foreigners
اغلق الباب وراك
Looked up into Oman humanities and thought the country culture, geography and history was super kino.

What do you guys think of it?
You'll see when the Saudi realizes he doesn't need to filter your shit if he's in a comfy FCAP thread
Moorshit women are built for BAC
THE saudi ?
ثورة ظفار هي اللي ادتني الأمل في الأمة العربية
Based now lynch some turks
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لعبت قيم روكت ليغ و في واحد معاي في الفريق في اسمه اسرائيل و حاط علم اسرائيل
سبيت اسرائيل قدامه و جلست امدح اهدافه لول
سائق أجرة جزائري يرفض قبول الأجرة من ركاب فلسطينيين
كام لايك لهذا الرجل؟
أطيب الله ثراك و إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون
ههههههه صلاح الدين الأيوبي عصرنا ههههههههههههه مبروك تحرير فلسطين
>سائق أجرة جزائري يرفض قبول الأجرة من ركاب فلسطينيين
This would unironically happen and not just with Palis but with anyone from a different country.
Algerians love to not get money from foreigners as a show of "hospitality", I see this over and over mentioned in trip reports of foreigners. This is why we'll never have tourism because we don't know how to hustle and rip people off
Who were you rooting for
tourism is detrimental for developing countries
I hate this country so much and its "people"
أكيد مش الإنجليز
>born too late for easy immigration
>born too early to witness the collapse of this shithole
how to cope
الساط سير قرا الالمانية اساط دير الأوسبيلدونگ اساط حلاوة اساط
هدا خبر صحيح طلع لي فالانسطا
>This is why we'll never have tourism
And that's a good thing. Tourism is just whoring out to rich yt pipo
الشيوعية شاذة ومتخلفة، لكنني معجب بالانعزاليين المتشددين مثل كوريا الشمالية وكوبا ومشاركتهم مع "البريكس" و"محور المقاومة" + لقد أظهرت بوليفيا أنه ليس لديك
brics be like let's regroup the most subhuman groups of people all in one conglomerate surely nothing bad will happen
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Your country ballwashed for said subhumans while actual whites are trying to prevent WW3
*plus Bolivia has shown that you dont have to be an authoritarian shithole. sorry
no bigger ballwash than people who actually gaf about politics unironically
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>India to Israel
>blocked by Spain
Let's not forget to thank Yemen
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>in a meeting
>sharing my screen with everyone
>type "title"
>the laptop freezes mid word
>everyone has to stare at "tit" for 10 minutes
Why haven't the somalis Join the fun
I think they did a while back
عمري مانفهم بنادم لي كيتسوق لشي حاجة بيعدة على دربهم و لا مدينتهم ههههههههههه فلسطين و لا اليمن و لا اوكرانيا و لا البردقيز و لا زبي
>inb4 indirect effect
ماعندك ماتبدل فيه، منين كتوصلك الدقة كتوصلك
one of the few W's this country has ever gotten
kek what a subhumans
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>YouTube math
>Golden ratio problem
>Golden ratio problem
>Golden ratio problem
>Golden ratio problem
>Golden ratio problem
Do they never get tired of it?
Welcome to the future.

There are no flying cars and interplanetary exploration, but we have Ben Shapiro Minecraft Skibidi toilet AI-generated Twitter woke Make America Cocomelon trans podcast Patreon content-creation OnlyFans donations prank gone wrong dapping gyatt thirst trap Reddit upvote sigma brainrot fanum tax meme Ohio rizzler coomer Wojak frog, isn't that poggers senpai, or is it doomer seethe-cope?
كس رب الله
كس امي
الموت للخلفي
اللعنة علي أنا
النصر لحارق جثتي
بروح أزق
توصون شي؟
الله ينعل شكلك شو قليل أدب؟
تحكي على الزق شو في اللّا يخرا على روحك
How do you get better at spelling in arabic alphabet?
I keep making typos
This isn't the Arab thread. There's a new Arab thread here >>199254262 if you are interested in Arabic
They don't like Arabic here, they view Arabs as colonizers. They also don't like foreigners here, and the only reason they're not shitposting as usual is they're waiting until FCAP dies to go back to cringe posting
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>no discernible difference between modern filming/photography technology and that of 10 years ago
كسم إنستجرام
>سلفليف يحاول يموه نفسه على انه ملحد دوومر بعد ما هددته الحكومة الكندية بالترحيل
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How can anyone not lik cats?

سلف ليف ما بيحكي عربي يا حمار
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Do they have soap in your country?
I've tried VR porn before, and the one thing I've seen that made me cum the most in it is a POV kiss.
None of the POV sex made me cum as hard as that.

Try it.
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>the other leaf got banned again
Bap bap cats on their fat bellies

>Try it.
something called sex, try it, incel
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crazy how salaleaf can't speak a single language properly/fluently, even his french is bix nood tier
btw all of these for at least 10 pages are the same person
>when the 67iq hits
yeah "va te agréer" is such a 67 iq moment expression
الشرج الأوسخ
I'll make a new thread at any time I please, and you'll be on your best behavior when I do like you did today. Little cocksucker
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Hence why I put it between brackets yn3l taselt babak al hmar
If you could read properly you'd see I was denigrating the khrayri

Yn3l taselt mouk lhmara 67iq klb
Thread off to a terrible start as per, shan't be joining this one or perhaps any /mena/ threads in the future. Consider this my resignation from /mena/, goodbye
>captcha: GAYS
Lads just did some legal work for some rich Saudi guy and he is doing the autistic "have my car" thing and I need him to stop but it seems sincere since he said his garage is full
Is there a way to check if he is being genuine
I don't want my bussy clapped for being rude and stealing his car
فريع الكر
People give vehicles away all the time. It's just material, and to him it's jack
If you really want to know how sincere he is, try rubbing his balls real quick
gulfies are low iq
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@اشكره خبر

شوف الخيط هاد
حان وقت الكاكاه
الجلوبوهومو ينتصر دائماً

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