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Murcia edition
Feetfag paradise subedition
Drank too much alcohol: >>199211428
Looking for /med/ for 3 hours on the catalogue>>>baking
This is exactly the picture I was thinking about when there was this furry picture posted recently.
Hesitated to create the new because of the other med general.
USA out of copa america, top kek!
Good morning /med/.
Just saw the slovenian miss of apparently a 75M player at 115'
portugal is lucky fr fr
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good morning frens
how's your day going ?
and my neighborhood is full of portugese
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me doing a big poo
Murcia, if you are able to understand their accent you receive the Spanish C2 certificate. Underrated region despite all the earned memes.
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The only ancestor I know who wasn't french was a great grandmother born in Murcia.
Feeling proud!
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Why did she move to France? Did she do it willingly?
>get like
>chink 11000km away

She was a republican scum maybe.
Pretty well so far. I'm slacking from my parents house. They're out so I take care of the funnymals
based :)
I have no idea, I'd like to know her story too.
I got one fun story from forebears though.
Some great grandfather from Alsace decided to leave metropolitan France and go live and work in Algeria, bringing his wife and child
He became rich there but got addicted to gambling. He lost everything down to his wife. The wife and kid were just destitute french people blocked in Algeria now. The family stayed there until the Algerian War when my grandma was forced to leave and go back.
vgh... the colonial history of gironde
probably a bunch of slavers too
i kneel
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>chink 11000km away
You know I often think about the shy chink students we had in some of our uni classes and how I was so dumb not to try and fuck them. I could have had a qt asian gf but I was too blind and too obsessed by le turkish goth gf to see the light
kek I suppose my family's history isn't all clean for sure. Even up to my grandpa, he must have done/seen some shit right up to the end but I guess I'll never know. He lived his colonialist fantasies till he died, slacking in malagasy huts with his brown gf.
looked up the gironde results, quite a lot of possibilities for chuds if castors don't mobilize well
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>how's your day going ?
Increased pull weights on all the machines by 5 kilograms and to be hones tI feel like just lying down and dying fr. Currently drinking a coffee that is so delicious it could make me cum doe so I'm skipping the dying part for now. What about you fren, how's your day so far?

>le turkish goth gf
You have to tell us more about that gman.
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No wonder why you love to travel so much, it's in your blood.
Ask her if she's Chinese or Japanese.
Did you know Cleopatra was Italian?
Yeah we got a good basis. Kinda funny how the whole region used to be socialist pink before.
>You have to tell us more about that gman.
I talked about it quite a few times before.
Fell in love in uni with a BPD goth with turkish/iranian origins. She became homeless so we took her in for a few months (I was friendly with her at the time and we talked a bunch, I had already told her I liked her).
We quickly got to the next step sharing the same roof. By the end I even met her parents and spent a week at their place in Alsace. But then I realized she had deep issues, she got panic attacks, was extremely toxic and sometimes violent. She hit me one time and constantly degraded me. Also I was only useful to her and she was flirty with other dudes so I told her it was over. It fucked me up for a few good years, at least until I got interested by women again when I met the first office qt.
Lost quite some years just wanting to be alone.
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>"new" map in cs2
>remember playing that map in 2016 with brehs
I feel old fr fr desu bussin no cap.

Now that you mentioned the iranian part yeah I remember something about that. Didn't remember the story though, sorry to hear that happened to you gman.
Indeed! I have that faustian spirit pushing me to climb the next hill and check what lies behind it, ingrained by decades of colonialist history.
I travelled with my parents all around Europe since I was 2 so that probably helped as well.
I don't regret going through that though, it was a formative experience. It taught me a lot about relationships and myself.
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Massive butterface.
I don't know how many of us haven't turned into turbomisogynists after having lived such experiences with women.
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Alright I guess, it's a nice day at least
VGH... Padania...
Yeap, it's watching the tour de france while moving sporadically the mouse of the work computer time.
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Good morning papa spein
Don't you dare, that's Tuscany
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Isn't it kind of boring too watch? They do the same all the time.
In Spain people joke that everyone falls asleep with it.

Good morning.
yeah i don't really care about it, but it's a mountain stage and they arrive in France today
besides they talk about the scenery and the local culture and sheit
pipo really base their personality about drinking alcohol or tattoes
It's important not to forget the good in people. I know plenty other good women so I didn't lose sight of that.
One female friend had a mysandrist phase because of her ex too and I found that stupid so I would avoid doing the same.
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In Portugal we say
>ela chama-se Raimunda, feia de cara mas boa de bunda
Which means she’s ugly but you’d SEXSEXSEX her anyway, possibly with a bag in her head to hide the ugliness.

Also everything is happening at the same time with my projects at work so everything is falling apart and I’m starting to get stressed because I can’t be at every place at the same time.
Murcia looked based until I saw who they vote for
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This is the average Purtugaloñense
Isn't it funny how chuds always jacked chads to portray themselves but the most jacked guy here is the opposite of a chud?
chuds is often posted not jacked though
gentlemen, I'm currently gooning to Disgaea porn.
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not googling that
An interesting observation! These images representing that white fella do seem far from representative of reality. Could we then posit that this depiction be humoristic, mayhaps a "meme"?
It's a video game, you big PUSSY
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una vela
sounds like a mst fr fr
on god its not
might be worst
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Are those aircraft hangars? How fun! What kind of aircraft are there? Which hangars do they occupy exactly? Do they fly often? Where do you think the pilots live? Seen any cctv cameras or guards? Can you photograph what a technician's uniform looks like? Barbed wire thickness?
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>search disgaea on google image
>little anime girl weebshit
Disappointment etched across my face, as if carved by a stonemason.

I thought it was going to be Greek girls in togas.
Not by chuds.

Thing is, chuds are trying to represent themselves in a positive manner to appear more convincing and not with humouristic intents.
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I bet you like wr*stling
you're being delisional here fr
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>but the most jacked guy here is the opposite of a chud?
You're a chud too tho, it's just that you're on the left side of the spectrum and not on the right. Love you breh (no homo)
By the way I saw some guy lift 90 kilograms on the lateral raise machine today in the gym. I assume that's something 99% of the people or so can't do.
Say something bad about catnigga again and I will singlehandedly stop all cartel traffic.
I'm not a chud.
90 kg is a lot but depending on the mechanics of the machine it might be easier, although I guess most people won't be able to do that.
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>I bet you like wr*stling
No, I like MMA fighting, but only when it's between two women and there's genuine animosity and moderate amounts of sexual tension between them.
Btw /med/ I forgot to tell you that someone tried to sell me steroids through Instagram yesterday.
They sent me a message:
>Hi (waving emoji), you won't manage to bulk up or slim down by summer anyway. (sad face emoji)
But with us, at least you'll have a chance (smili face emoji)(rocket emoji)

Testosterone, Anavar , HGH and many other staff[sic], jump in! (biceps emoji)

(contact info)
Not only they are trying to sell me gear, they decided to nag me in the process.
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Do you like Tennis &/r Volleyball
kek, thanks for writing the emoji
well nagging is part of the sale process
Should have bought a super stack of tren dbol and hgh and become the biggest guy in all of Andalucia, only to have your skin turn leathery and full of acne, get a heart attack at 30 and go to prision for attacking a fascist in a fit of rage.
today I will remind them
I want to COOM
whenever I see an italian woman, I feel the urge to COOM in her while leaning next to the tower of Pisa
whenever I see a latinx woman, I want to ride that goblin and fill her with my COOM
whenever I see an arab woman, I want to get her on a carpet and then COOM in her as she moans across the arabian desert
whenever I see a berber woman, I want to grab her by her hands and make her look north across the Mediterranean sea as I COOM inside her
whenever I see spanish woman, I want to let her sit on me on top of the gates of Toledo so I can COOM inside her
whenever I see a greek woman, I want to slap her butt with papers of german loans while filling her deeply with my COOM
whenever I see a turkish woman, I want her to wrap herself around me like a doner kebab before I fill her with my COOM sauce
whenever I see a coptic woman, I want her to hold the cross with her back at the sphinx before I COOM inside her
>go to prision for attacking a fascist in a fit of rage.
Those who attack people just because their targets look like they are fascists but are in fact not fascists, get sent to the EC, not prison.
"An Italian anti-fascist activist has been released from house arrest in Budapest after being elected to the European parliament, which meant she gained immunity from charges relating to an alleged attack on neo-Nazis.

The case of Ilaria Salis, 39, a teacher from Monza, near Milan, sparked diplomatic protests and anger in Italy after she was brought to court in Hungary in chains, her hands cuffed and feet locked together.

She was arrested in Budapest in February last year after a counter-demonstration against a neo-Nazi rally. Salis was charged with three counts of attempted assault and accused of being part of an extreme leftwing organisation. She denied the charges, which carried a jail term of up to 11 years.

In a letter to her lawyer, she detailed the conditions she had faced since her arrest: cells infested with rats and bugs, not being allowed to wash for days at a time, and a lack of urgent medical care. In May she was granted house arrest in Budapest."
>chuds are trying to represent themselves in a positive manner
No, you can say what you want about them but chuds are good at self denigration, taking insults thrown at them in stride and rolling with it and coopting it(ie. chud, brandon, timmy etc.)
I'm sure some retards would take gemmies and wojaks seriously but you're seriously misguided or disingenuous if you say buff chudjak is supposed to be some legitimate bragging.
Chudjaks are ugly, bitter losers, a good representation of chuds but it has been welcomed and repurposed in many ways for fun but it's in no way serious.
enough of your gay politics bullshit, go COOM inside a med woman
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I love Lena. Do you love Lena in your cunt?
I still have acne while being natty, I don't want to know how bad it would be if I used steroids.
>Arab baddies
You don't have to use steroids to get the testosterone boost, friend.
already done, I just want to play video games now.
I do love Lena in my cunt. She's the german Victoria Justice, pretty girl with no talent who has no career. :)
Who cares about acne when you can leverage physical violence and mental unbalance against anyone you disagree with? You could have just beat your teachers until they give you a good thesis presentation grade, would have saved you some stress.
>most jacked guy here
How much do you bench?
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Spaindom Musclemania coming soon...
Buff oiled up men wrestling for the titled of most jacked /med/poster!
I jack off a lot
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Report them to instagram.
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>This delicate angel strikes fear in the hearts of Hungarian men
I did already, mainly because they nagged me, if they just offered me steroids without nagging I wouldn't have reported them.
>sorry, nagging doesn't breach our rules
you guys are always so boring
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I hate commies BUT making chuds seethe fuels me
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>my political ideology is whatever makes you angriest at the moment.
The Spanish government want to make it so you need to get a certificate to watch porn online, the absolute state of those retards.
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Honestly I don't like talking politics on /med/ or irl or anywhere else for that matter.
These days it's just used to make people angry and I don't need or want that. I just don't care enough and just "huh-huh, huh-huh, yeah whatever" my way out of any political discussion that my friends start.
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I haven't watched in almost 20 years, but I still find Wrestlers(female) hot
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New gym is kino, I can see a castle while doing OHP
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It feels like every couple of years, some country proposes mandating some form of ID check to view porn, but as far as I'm aware, it has never come to pass.
Tennis bores me, but I appreciate the physique necessary to participate in high-level tournaments, and I enjoy the noises that women make when they hit the ball.
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With how much I drive each day you won't be able to find me
Plebs fight over meaningless parties and people.
Rich people make sure to control all parties so they win regardless of the election's result.
People who dislike the order of things simply opt out by not reproducing.
The rest who hope to be in the place of the rich or the politicians they control keep running in their hamster wheels.
you are boring

My thought that faggot Fagnaldo should shut the fuck up and the media should stop writing about him and the Portugese people should erect a solid gold statue for the keeper.
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we'll keep talking about him just because of how butthurt it makes other nations
also Diogo Costa is pretty popular as a goalie
also you still have to get through Romania to prove your /elite/ status orange
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>end a call past 17h
>"imma call you back later"

We've been playing like absolute garbage this EK, so I wouldn't surprised if we get wrecked by the Romanians. Quarter finales should be a minimum for us though.
She ugly tho. Looking at her is enough to know that she's rotten on the inside.

>I hate commies
Fidesz is a communist party thoughbeitever.
Phone goes on silent mode until the next shift starts.
it's work computer and i don't have shift, i will stay a bit since i did not do shit all day
Does it count as being a sexhaver ?
>Tennis bores me, but I appreciate the physique necessary to participate in high-level tournaments, and I enjoy the noises that women make when they hit the ball.
Also sweaty feet and wet socks are included with this sport.
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what are those?
nevermind I'm a retard, I didn't see the political parties graph right next to it
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hey French anons
what are the chances RN actually wins?
I heard there are actually going to be a lot of three-way races this week, I think that would benefit them
still boring
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Wonder how many stadium attendants have gotten fired for sniffing the dirty laundry of female tennis players after a match. I bet it's more than one.

Also, I have recently discovered a subgenre of Soviet rock music about the war in Afghanistan. Eto poyekhali.
It will be interesting to see what RN do if they get elected. It'll give me some foresight into whether or not to vote for Reform in the next general election.
very boring
>Wonder how many stadium attendants have gotten fired for sniffing the dirty laundry of female tennis players after a match. I bet it's more than one.
Can you blame them? Really hard to contain one's desires in such ambience.
>Also, I have recently discovered a subgenre of Soviet rock music about the war in Afghanistan. Eto poyekhali.
Lol, based? Although I think it's sorta samizdat because it was a sensitive topic back then and the censorship was crazy.
Good day med
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>loose belted
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new schizotheory:
boring canadian is actually maltanon with a VPN
I fucked up my back and I don't even know why.
Swam barely over a kilomeme
did some apnee shit and speed swimming
also eyed teenagers (females)

Define winning
absolute majority was already not really considered, with the alliance between left and center, it's impossible
they might still be the biggest group in the parliament though
>3 days without maltese posts
I wonder what that lad is up to.
would you?

this MILF
did she say anything special at timer ? i'm not listening to this shit
maybe he got banned
maybe the Italian tinderposts made him quit in anger
maybe he just found that qt he was always looking for and moved on with his life

only time will tell
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>ate two salads for dinner
I can practically feel the cholesterol dissolving inside my arteries. Doctors will bow in fear and reverence before my health. Dieticians will forsake their holy texts and curse their false god Atkins. Fitness instructors will burn their barrels of whey protein in great bonfires in the streets.
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I kneel saladbro (I also made salad)
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hate salad
simple as
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>match with brapzilian cutie
>pic related: slim, cute face, wants serious relationship and trains everyday
>we exchange some lines, she has doubt if i'm fake, we exchange whatsapp and confirm each other identity with a short video, she asks for socials to be sure, also sends her
>she's even cuter, studies pedagogy
>some picture with brats
>read description
>it's her son
You knew what the fuck it was my boy
a salad, or an american salad?
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>(I also made salad)
If the Fates are kind, the seats reserved for us in Paradise will be next to one another.
>greggs sausage rolls are protein bars
This one is true btw.
for me it's cashew nuts and crisps in front of the game (i have money on austrian BVLLS)

and i will not eat the same thing today
chicken slop, pasta, pepper and... pepper bell but not red, green or yellow but ORANGE

stop being boring please
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Missed you motherfucker, how you been doing?
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vomit inducing
do you have any webms of uglies becoming hot instead of this trash?
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No, sorry, only rage bait.
I think he's lurking in the shadows
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>when you don't intend to have a second date and he proposes to pay for you
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Catnigga STOP! That can’t be good for you. It will slim you down, and you’ll never survive the frosty winter if you keep at it. Think of all the adipose tissue abandoned and forgotten by you, poor fatty cells…
Quick, eat five bags of crisps, chug 5L of cola, there’s still time to salvage the situation!
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Tomorrow morning I have my psychiatrist appointment.
Will you finally learn you are neurotypical?
If he's neurotypical I'm a damn socialite
Maybe, there's three possibilities.
>I get told I'm neurotypical
What I expect, it confirms I was right.
>I get told I'm not neurotypical
Unlike, but I'll have something to blame all my problems on.
>I get told I need to be further examined to arrive to a conclusion
Unlike, but it would suck because even if I'm later revealed to not be neurodivergent I'm quite fucked up anyway.
I blame all your problems on your past bully experiences, to be honest with you.
>the two lat pulldown machines are taken
>one is taken by a couple of hot girl, lookalike of the English girl at the football match who was posted yesterday and a Zyzz-like guy
>the other one by two zoomer beardless underage friends
>none of them can't stop talking, taking the machines unnecessarily
>it was above 10pm

I'm considering going back at 2pm like I used to do because this is fucking insane.
Whats your phenotype?
You are neurotypical, just go and talk to them.

100% Andalusian.
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I do not have any chocolate. Death via starvation is a very real possibility tonight.
What will change if you're diagnosed autistic? Will you get any free stuff from the government? Does it make you unfireable from your job?
I am a proud Atlantid.
They updated Cleopatra to be Egyptian in the chess app, but Hadrian remains Italian instead of Spanish.
>What will change if you're diagnosed autistic?
I will have something to blame everything on.
>Will you get any free stuff from the government?
I don't believe so.
>Does it make you unfireable from your job?
I don't know, I'd hope so but I find it unlikely.
>100% Andalusian.
how many cm's of gum do you show when you smile?
Somewhere around baskid and atlanto-mediterranid
Not a lot.
>You are neurotypical, just go and talk to them.
I don't like to talk to random people unless it's extremely necessary and I sometimes find it uncomfortable, which is weird since I'm able to perform as a teacher without major problems regarding talking to others.
Arr rook the same
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big cringe
Atlantic or Atlanto-mediterranid.
She’s north Atlantid it seems.
Something between atlanto-mediterranid and atlantid.
Otro día, otro intento del gobierno español en hacer limitaciones innecesarias.
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White phenotype.
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Mi hermano negro :)
BLACK phenotype
>lots of makeup
>say "she" is trans
Just HOW many troons are there in brapzil per capita?
No gracile niggas in here? I thought Gracile Meds were the majority. How common is the distribution between Atlanto Meds and Gracile Meds there?
Here you can only find trannies in the poorest classes. Unlike the US, it is extremely hard to find trannies who are middle class and up.
Why is that?
No idea, just something I’ve noticed
Tomorrow there is my thesis discussion, I admit I'm a bit nervous now
did you have time to prepare in front fo the mirror?
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/med/ summer of thesis.

How well do you expect to ace it?
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georgianx are the easternmost medpipo
I repeated it once or twice walking around my room
We shall see, I think the discussion has minimal impact on the overall mark at any rate
>BLACK sea
you're people of color...
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I don't know who I am, but one thing for sure, I feel estranged.

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