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Spare a thought for the poor Pakis betrayed by their Ummah bros
I am proud to be I$RAELU
The world should move on from their retarded desert squabble
Sunnicucks get the rope.

ShiaGODS stay winning.
They look like cousins
your cunts name is like Herostratus jewling, not to be pronounced, like a curse, i wouldn't be proud of that
That sounds unironically based though.
>The name that literally means "One who struggles with G-d" triggers the pisslamist goy koffer thirdie masses so much that they can't even write it properly
Umm yes, I do think I'm proud actually
You didn't understand the post >>199256310
Progressives virtue signal for browns so hard even Arabs think they've lost the plot.
Morocco and Algeria are literally the same ethnically, culturally and linguistically. yet one of them loves Palestine and hates Israel and the other one loves Israel and American money and hates Palestine.
It's not about the money we send, which isn't alot compared to what we send elsewhere. US and Morocco go way back.
we're thirdie obviously but we're entirely self funded and with zero external debt so we dont need to suck anyone's cock morocco is kind of the opposite not with just isreal like in the 2010's they also sent a token force to participate along the uae..etc in the coalition against the houthis in yemen
the Moroccans only recognised Israel because they realised Trump would be stupid enough to recognise their illegitimite claims over Western Sahara in return
you don't have external debt because you don't recieve any investment you're just a gas station
NTA but we receive comparable amounts of foreign investment to you historically, despite pitting it 0 effort and having a pretty hostile business environment.

Also investment =/= external debt because it's not supposed to be repaid, I invest in your country to own something and get my money back from the production that generates, debt is financial institutions giving you money to spend and then return it with interest.
Similar but far from being the same here, there's some significant cultural differences especially in the sociopolitical sense.
>investment =/= external debt because it's not supposed to be repaid
kek wtf most investment does include debt
>debt is financial institutions giving you money
bruh that's a tiny fraction of debt
I was referring to FDI which doesn't involve debt no.
Your external debt comes from shit like IMF loans and other financial institutions, if you wanna define that as "investment" then go ahead.
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Enlighten me, where does your external debt come from?
It's mostly multilateral and bilateral creditors.
>I was referring to FDI
The main financial instrument components of FDI are equity and debt instruments. Equity includes common and preferred shares (exclusive of non-participating
preference shares which should be included under debt), reserves, capital contributions and
reinvestment of earnings. Dividends, distributed branch
earnings, reinvested earnings and undistributed branch earnings are components of FDI
income on equity.
Debt instruments include marketable securities such as bonds, debentures,
commercial paper, promissory notes, non-participating preference shares and other
tradable non-equity securities as well as loans, deposits, trade credit and other accounts
payable/ receivable. All cross-border positions and transactions related to these
instruments, between enterprises covered by an FDI relationship other than between
related financial intermediaries are included in FDI. The interest returns on the above
instruments are included in FDI income on debt.

>Your external debt comes from shit like IMF loans
IMF debt is only $1.34 billion, that's chump change, tunisia has the same amount with a fraction of the economy, total external debt is $90 billion, do the math, most multilateral credit is from development banks but filtered through SARLs to create growth, you must to be high on state propaganda, you know only literal shithole countries don't have debt ?

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