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glis glis edish
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This is cute
Nigerian BVLLS
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No I won't be voting for Nigel "poles out pakis in" Farage
word round these ends is that rorke is going to chin your marj
how is america not controlled by israel? are you retarded?
that's crazy

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Homeless spiceheads on the bus at 5pm ramble shit like this while stumbling on the stairs and yelling at the driver to drop him off in the middle of the road
how is anime not controlled by israel? are you retarded?
White meat is being prepared for them
a lot of countries have influence on us. israeal does not control the us like youve suggested
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America is controlled by Israel
just as planned, rorke?
By means of science, we have made some progress towards understanding the world as it is in itself—we can point to ways in which scientific descriptions of the world are improvements on the description based on our bare perceptions, so our aspiration to know the world as it is in itself cannot be dismissed as an incoherent longing. But insofar as this aspiration is coherent, “in itself” cannot mean “without reference to the perceptions of any being.”

We might be led to suppose that perceptions had been successfully eliminated from our account of how the world is if we focus on abstract mathematical models used by scientists, but this is an error. Abstract mathematical models are a necessary part of science, but many such structures exist as models for mathematicians to study. We must be saying something further when we say of one such structure that it is not merely an object of mathematical study, but a true description of the way the world is. This ‘something further’ would include an explanation of how to apply the favored mathematical description, and that would mean matching the abstract mathematical description to perceptions.

Dummett concludes that the single world that underlies the different perceptions of humans and other species can only be understood as being the world as apprehended by a being whose knowledge constitutes the way things are—in other words, the world as apprehended by God. (Dummett, 2006, 103) Dummett thinks that this demonstrates that there exists a Creator who controls and sustains the universe, but he concedes that it is hard to reconcile Biblical statements about God’s goodness with the presence of evil in the world.

heh nothing personal atheists
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Don't see how Poles are preferable at all to be fair
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/sp/ webm wank soon
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This desu
Nigel was right
don’t think an american politician could wear a ccp army uniform at a press conference through lol
How many Pole rape gangs that target English girls exclusively do you know of?
I don't like Indians
Nige clearly seems to like them
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dave's here
torycord on a mad one today
Deport all blacks and browns
beautiful thing about our country is that there are people from all over here. he served in idf and wants to wear his uniform if its not breaking any rules whats the issue?
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spaincunt taking off the belgium vpn to spam inane bollocks? Wonderful
3.2.1. until diego's conversation "partner" brick appears
Don't forget the Q (queer) the nonciest of all the alphabet freaks
Ukraine freak in 2024 too.
kek, least brainwashed american
Jewish power is a real thing over America but Israeli power is not.
Israel itself is just a disneyland American military colony for its evangelical Christians who are in love with the idea of having an American-supported biblical state as part of their global empire, which they can use to vicariously fight the raghead ay-rabs.
bruh imma be butt ass naked so the wind can just be hittin my balls and shit
lol nice bait
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hmm yes america unconditionally supporting israel to the extreme has nothing to do with the jewish power you freely admit exists, israel can be divorced from jews entirely, it’s da whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiites!!!!
Rorke and leftypol. Gog and Magog
How many Indian rape gangs do you know of?
is that it then? no actual argument as to why im wrong just racism and dick riding (from the yank)
>Israel =/= Jews
not sure why people post this midwit drivel
Too many black people everywhere
Fucking everywhere
usual deranged ramblings of a retarded pedophile
no one is falling for your shit bait
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Are the incels crying about Israel again? Oh lovely.
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cry more
India is lion too sir
>gingernonce is a zionist
every single time
peados are attracted to jews like moths to a flame
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I genuinely get sad when I think about incels and the way that they project their past into the future. Now, I'm not going to deny the reality of attractiveness and how it impacts one's quality of life. Yes, you are more likely to have friends and sexual partners and whatnot when you have a good jawline or are tall or have a full head of hair or whatever. However, I see MANY people who are unattractive who simply do not have the lives that incels claim they should have as a result of their physicality. Short fat balding people who have social lives and girlfriends.
This is without going into the point that one's sexual failures shouldn't result in one giving up, and refuse to find meaning in life outside of sex and procreation. To claim procreation is the point of life is inherently absurd, because it posits a reality in which one states that life is about making more lives without once thinking about what LIFE is.
I suspect that many of you are people who find themselves stuck here, because you've been wounded by social and sexual failures. All I'm saying is that you don't have to give up, or accept a certain conception of life.
You are freer than you think.
btw the limp wristed fag whining about blacks has probably never been within 10 feet of one and yet he whines and cries constantly here about it.
Jewish power in America is in banking, Hollywood, media

American support for Israel comes from its military and energy brass, which are in turn tied deeply to America's evangelical Christian regions. Evangelical power is no joke. American Christians are deeply and zealously religious and genuinely believe in end-times, Revelations era prophecies where they believe an "Israel" state in the Middle East plays a big part. Israel exists purely because the millions of wealthy American fundamentalist Christians subsidise its existence, for their own personal faiths. It is a religious fever dream colony, made on a surface level for Jews, but only allowed to continue for the fantasies of American Christians
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campaign idea: female reform candidates offer voters free breastfeedings if they vote for them
shut up and post your pointless AIslop so we can go back to ignoring your pitiful existence
lmao they do be like that
"Improve our society" is an evil racist dogwhistle
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and politics via the israel lobby. what you’ve posted here is just cope. evagelical christians only support israel because they were swindled into it by jewish tricks like the scofield bible in the first place
israeli propaganda
>y-you're limp wristed if you dont want to be replaced by africans
Least brainwashed ameritard
>>As of 2023, the world's core Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15.7 million, which is approximately 0.2% of the 8 billion worldwide population.

if anything the gooks and indians are the problem. but the real problem isnt colored people its how well youre doing in life so you find anything to bitch about.
she need some of dat thug luv, the state of her, LOL
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you are a paedophile that posts pictures of children who were killed in school shootings
in awe at the calories this lass must put away
>judeo christian
delusional schizo ramblings
Woman are emotional voters
Reform need to emphasise emotional language in their campaigning if they expect even a smidgen of their votes
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I am a Communist and I shall be voing for Refrom.
.major depression is funny again
Thanks women
Ho ho ho... manchy kabook noonee Solo...
sincerely hope you choose to end your life soon you freakish kid toucher
literally what do you even stay alive for at this point?
And POTS. But that isn't called something funny
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>eat gorgonzola pasta
>do the cheesiest farts ever, ever since
lol, lmao even
same guy relentlessly arguing politics in /brit/
Just seen those face cameras on the self-service till at Aldi, it's literally 1984 ffs
Can you name me a "Jewish trick"
link to the former brit thread with that girl
why are you shopping at aldi
buy local
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can tell it gets you off talking about this shit. why dont you just admit to everyone itt that youre attracted to children
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waheeeey lads
ive been in fights with blacks and won
ask me anything
>buy local
There are no local shops mate
i did in my post
Enjoy watching Charlie Veitch's videos on occasion, but his Zionism is extremely cringe. Is he Jewish? He cares about it WAY more than a British person should.
say animals and plants can be of good and bad genetic stock and nobody bats an eye
say humans can be of good and bad genetic stock and everyone loses their minds
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>Lucy Letby guilty of trying to kill baby girl
letby chuds on the ropes
when you say a animal not having a certain level of intelligence is the reason it doesn't have human rights it's fine
when you say a human not having a certain level of intelligence...
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>a child died
Winston's 50yo Brixton bedsit special would sort her out
I honestly don't want to be racist, but reality is basically forcing me to. I wish I could be a left liberal, I really do.
looool send her to the gallows
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Lucy sisters....
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Probably already has
A lot of right-wing women are coal burners
It's the taboo
Even the likes of Isabel Oakeshott and Julia Hartley-Brewer have used the "my past bfs were black" excuse when accused of racism
Alex Phillips is a self-proclaimed Afrophile who has had multiple black bfs
are you even capable of basic introspection? genuinely, how the fuck does a person even end up becoming something like you
if that's not spamming/flooding then..... what is?
He's a South American mutt
name 1 british politician that isn't opposed to ethnocentrism
Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do
gonna leave /brit/ open on this old mans computer and see if he starts lurking here
Huh almost as if they're not actually 'right wing' leftypol and they're just old school liberals who've had enough of your shite
mmhmm some of dat oldskool rudeboy attention
gonna eat 4 eggs in a spinach wrap
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I know a woman who has only ever had black boyfriends who is voting reform.
will probably forget about the election lads ngl someone remind me thursday morning please x
Lib Dem supporters seem like the happiest and most balanced people
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She didn du nufin
dem eyes fiending for sum of dat african meat
not a racist, just hate black people purely because of the colour of their skin
cant mate im busy eating my eggs
calling yourself an afrophile doesn't mean you want to mix with people. enoch powell loved india. did he mix with indian women? no. because if you like things, then you want them preserved.
oh noooooo not the likes of israel oakenshott and Jennifer hearty brewer nooooo anyone but them
das it
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just laid an egg
MANY such cases hahaha
Your link agrees with my opinion, that American Zionism is a homegrown Evangelical phenomenon, created and supported by Christians which indirectly help Jews as well
Less a Jewish trick and more Christian judeophile obsession
I've got a set of adjustable dumbbells I use at home and that's basically my only hobby atm
mass migration caused the fall of rome
Found out recently that my gf's grandmother was Jewish. I don't really care in a rorkey way, just find it interesting.
>Giving evidence, Letby said she had never harmed any babies and that she was “not guilty of what I’ve been found guilty of”.
Case closed.
>tfw hasn't read a book his whole life
Doesn't bother me really, if a gyal want some of that dark meat, whatever. Just sick of all the muslims really.
skin colour isn't race. so it's skin colourism not racism.
These are rookie numbers we can surely boost them up to 1/2
the scofield bible was funded by jacob shriff and bernard baruch
Jamal's moisturising his dick in Katie's btec clunge
>Lily Allen launches OnlyFans account dedicated to her feet for just £8 a month
bye niggers
LOL self care innit
racism is when they don't stop everything and listen everytime a black trans queen of colour speaks
>for just £8 a month
what bargain!
She should be shunned for life for that but white men are pussies
I am a patriotic, orthodox christian, heterosexual, homophobic, stalinist, lysenkoist.
And actually I think that light swimming exercise is good. I saw a YouTube video of a doctor that laughed at it. For the lungs and heart
I don't know how you're meant to become confident. Parents? Mine never installed any in me.

Every time I think my life is progressing, something goes wrong or I make a terrible decision.

Leaving my job of 5.5 years for a new one was a fucking awful mistake. I'm going to have to go back to my old job which would be completely humiliating.
okay. i thought it was like when ethnonationalists call themselves appreciators of other countries.
She appears to be single at 40 years old so perhaps they are
extremely based
your dad buying a peak performance piquet
the cronem call it white gyal buttah
Why the fuck is she telling this story
tell me why they can spam the thread with their fetish all day
because she's dumb
if she had any sense she'd keep quiet about it
this should be a trap to round up freaks to send to the gulag. who the fuck pays to look at someone's feet, you can see boobs and fannies on the internet for FREE
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ublock -> options
black gyals creaming over chad's big pink ting, jamal out robbing folk as his mrs getting her pum pum bleached
Oh, Nigel bonks.
Nigel bonks hard
blog on you boring bastard
good post
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Moved to China lads
Any good evidence for this, so far all I've come across is schizo blogs who talk about the illuminati
Not seeing anything reliable here
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Mad how every single trans man was abused or raped growing up and so they think by removing all outwardly female aspects of themselves their trauma will magically go away.
cronem shmeat sprayout all across emily's plump cheeks and lips
in a just society, every doctor responsible for this would get the death penality
Seems rather impractical to serve all of those dishes at once
Oldskool rastaman slapping his experienced black mambadem up blonde married Katy like he used to back when they were students reliving dem sweet lil memories, while her lil whiteboy husband filling out excel spreadsheets in his lil office LOL
Your biology is “transphobic”.
Natural puberty is “transphobic”.
The word ‘Mother’ is “transphobic”.
Female-only spaces are “transphobic”.
Safeguarding children is “transphobic”.
Knowing males are MEN is “transphobic”.
Defending your privacy is “transphobic”.
Your eyes and ears are “transphobic”.
Female-only sports are “transphobic”.
Your boundaries are “transphobic”.
so true. the people that pay for onlyfans are dysgenic.
cronem sounds like the name of an orc in warhammer
Are you Irish diaspora?
cronem creaming sesh

not funny
crouching poo hidden shart
not funny cos it's ur reality LOL (being the excel monkeyboy)
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Fully supported, endorsed, and celebrated by The Mayor of London.
I don't actually know what's up with the Lucy Letby case and at this point I'm honestly too afraid to ask
it's progress. to where? nobody knows.
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
yardies cornering young emily whos lost in the ghetto and tearing her clothes off to reveal the market meat
you people have lost the fucking plot
just fuck off you annoying cunt
when rastaman bash his big boy meat up katy it still feel di same wey, lil timmy kept her tight for all dese years LOL
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a misogynist paedophillic cult that harms women and children.
yes there is a lot of evidence that scofield had intimate involvement with wealthy zionists. i did a google and i didn’t see anyone talking about the “illuminati”.
, they are mostly christian websites. you are free to read at your leisure, but you clearly have some weird agenda to divorce zionism from jews so you won’t
like hungry hyenas tearing up dat lil gazelle
Me? I'm turning Chinese.
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>ynr "Employed" "Woman"
weird how i wake up early and it's nothing but racebait but later on in the day it's okay
like there is a schedule to this incel spamming shit
watchinf the tour de ponce
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>Maidc Ó Cathail
>Ó Cathail is also the creator and editor of The Passionate Attachment blog, which focuses primarily on the U.S.-Israeli relationship.
Actually that's not very responsible. I'll stop
winston crying after losing FIFA online again, his big mamma shouting at him to clean his bedroom and then massage her feet later, afterwards he logs on to his twitter account and posts about the 'blacked pill' and jerks his little shit clit to white women
>people talking about jews
>thread gets spammed with bbc and posts about trannies

might move to china
You are severely severely severely mentally ill. Did i also mention you are SEVERELY EXTREMELY ABNORMALLY MENTALLY ILL.
meds lad
take them
Machete wielding thugs snatching up tight white meat left and right while lil timmy watch and ragepost on /pol/
Poo. Not just poo though; GIRL poo.
It sounds stupid but if you get a fast heartbeat have you ever tried putting your hand on your heart and breathing
when are you cunts not talking about jews and black cocks
that's how houdini died
heathermong pops in to spam cuck scenarios he's made up in his head and then goes right back to watching cancer patients dying thoughts
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signature st kitts move
babatunde rubbing minoxidil into his little pube beard and praying for it to develop, he applies it for several weeks and starts to notice his breath shortening, a sharp pain in his chest hits him like a train and he collapses on the way to collect his dole
his bredrin see him and steal his phone and shoes and jewellry as he goes into cardiac arrest on the pavement
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Utterly mental how this general has managed to attract not just one but two utter and complete freaks (mousey being the other).
Variety is the spice of life
Kill yourself
you forgot spainnonce
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catyank as well
hugging yourself is a technique they teach to reduce anxiety
Kill yourself Spainmong.

All >>199259534
Those posts are Spainonce samefagging on multiple devices like he has been confirmed to do and is very obviously doing
Devon jr. from Bradford applying some numbing spray on emily's tight slippery wet bald teen minge before permanently stretching her out with his big boy baton
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Tranny spam AND race cuck spam at the same time eh? What a shitshow.
mousey is funny loveable mong, heatherfreak doesn't even engage in conversation just samefags his obsessions over and over again completely unaware of anything else in the thread
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Thats spainonce youre thinking of. Heathermong isnt here right now
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Mrs is making omelette and chips for tea :3
they need to be banned.
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jerome on a big plate with an apple in his mouth and barbeque sauce rubbed all over his body waiting for his big white top to get back and BREAK his zesty lil bussy
you don't get. he HATES trannies very much. that's why he got 2TB of trannies pictures on his pc.
love a good omelette, try it with lamb mate
> funny loveable mong
yeah im sure you will feel that way when he spam furry scat and posts demented threats as he's done before
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BBC pacifiers
How long before we can expect a Labour leadership contest? Only a matter of time till Starmer's affairs become public and he'll have to resign after media scandal
you're letting nappy live rent free in your head if you attribute everything to him, when hm has been janny'd his deleted posts always include the cuck scenarios
not many black people in bradford, yank
Why is Mousenonce so obsessed with Spainnonce recently? Has something happened between those two?
Sir Queer Farter
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>why does mentally ill person do mentally ill things???
Mousenonce isn't loveable or endearing, he's a pest
I say this as someone who despises Spaino.
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just hedonism all around. when will people stop making having sex their identity.
Fair point. But he’s become extremely obsessed with Spainnonce specifically the last few weeks, wondering if something triggered it
gold teeth sittin on the dash she a rockstar
eating a orange
a orange what?
he’s by far the best of the schizo freaks. used to be a pain when he would go on day long meltdowns and spam the thread but now is quite happy to just witter away about toothpaste and stuff
orange you glad i didnt say banana
fair point
When Mousenonce is spamming I say he’s worse than Spaino to make him melt down harder

When Spaino is spamming I say he’s worse than Mousenonce to make him melt down harder
mmmhmmmmmm yessss jeeesaaassss
Wow that's working
Listening to Human League
Currently listening to Flock of Seagulls

I love him I hope he succeeds in whatever it is he is trying to do
quick run to waitrose lads x
I am a pathetic tranny retard cunt?
dave's not here man
20 minutes to go one mile is a quick run for a fat bastard like you
all this shit won't be there in 200 years
stone henge is still there after 5000 years
remember that dredd film where they took the drugs and it slowed time down and everyone said it was really good? it wasnt that good was it? it was alright
don't think karl urban was right for the role, needed to be someone bigger
feel like SHIT
18 year old Becky excited to go to University and attends a party in her local area a few days before the big move, she notices Olajide in the corner in his grey sweatpants barely disguising his thick ting, he takes her upstairs and permanently resizes her pretty little pink pussy and she limps homw sore and leaking, kissing her dad on the lips as african seeds leaks from her cunt before limping upstairs to dream fevered dreams of bbc, ready to live the rest of her life a slave to it
it will be rewilded (hope to god)
that monged up brick building might be the ugliest building ive ever seen
Mental how badly Spaino has mindraped y’all
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already got a new job lined up
>everything associated with Spainonce is coincidentally also Heathermong/random people who just happen to be here to reply to him
I know youre Spainlard too because eveytime i call this bullshit out youre magically here to tell me im making it all up in my head and "Spaino has you all on the ropes"
KYS obese mong
oh my DAAAAAYS hahahahahaha

daily occurence, that is
the castle yoke?
Its spaino, you can tell because hes never left his childhood bedroom and just knows random incel statistics like "bradford has lots of brown BBC people"
190 writing his mentally ill nonceposts and then replying to himself on his belgian VPN
new low for him
okay so YOU are spainlad, I see now
corr yes yes yes
why are you replying to yourself you sad bastard
>quit drinking and can't have sex without alcohol because she'd never had sex sober before she met him
niggas really be out here not filtering belgium
>t. Spainmong on his third iphone
if you're incapable of filtering a flag you deserve to endure whatever shite he's spamming
David Lammy won't be Foreign Secretary. Surely Keir has better sense than to let a fat lisping nigger waddle around the globe as Great Britain's ambassador in Eastern Europe, in the Gulf States, in South Asia
Everyone is Spaino on /Brit/ apparently :/ bizarre behaviour from the incels here lol
You do this all day mate, do you ever think about what you could be doing instead? You will realise one day the time you wasted here
>everything should be allowed to be posted if it can be filtered
190 plays spainnonce
*stands up*
I am Spaino
Getting advertisements asking me what type of girl I am
So I've got to go watch some manly videos
obviously not but janny's don't do anything about it so why should I put up with it
Janny should deal with it. Same with all other VPN avatarflagging.
oh I thought you meant it was one that looked like bricks
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nah it's based
>yes sir
Hi Spaino, hows your day been... wait... i already know what youve been doing today and i didnt even need to check the thread to know.

Why the fuck do we let commonwealth citizens vote? We're not an empire, they wanted and received their independence, treat them like any other country
I am going to fly to fucking Liege or wherever the fuck you are and spark you out in a minute
Once again, is there anything Tories can use as fear mongering against labour these days?

>they’ll strip the police force down and let criminals get away with a slap on the wrist
Already like this in Tory Britain

>Labour will open the borders and let over 100,000 migrants in every year! All the migrants have to do is cross the channel on a boat
Like what Tory border force have been doing for the last 5 years?

>Labour will take all these illegal immigrants and put them into 4 star hotels and countryside manors at the tax payers expense!
Like what you Tories are doing

>labour will import hundreds of migrants and dump them on countryside villages and towns as ethnic enrichment
Like you Tories putting migrant centres next to predominantly white towns the past 2 years?

>Labours going to turn Dr who gay and black!

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