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I thought Protestantism is winning in its home country.
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Protestantism in Europe died out because the Proestant heartlands were the first to become wealthy, modern, and with the world's most well educated populations.
The fundietradfags here can cope about it, but there's a direct correlation between education and civilizational development and irreligiosity. Prots were just too successful and basically ascended to the next stage of development. Catholics in Europe are joining them now ofc, since they've also become first worlders. Spain and France are secular societies and northern Italy is historically quite anti-clerical.
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>Protestantism in its home country
we are muslim
>Protestantism in Europe died out because the Proestant heartlands were the first to become wealthy, modern, and with the world's most well educated populations.
now that's a funny way of saying that protestantism isn't christianity but proto atheism
islam will fix this too
Protties are the most religiously devout people in the Americas, actually. Our Catholics are all moribund "I only do it because grandma wants me to" types. Protestants meanwhile actually believe in the supernatural and Divine and unironically fear the fires of Hell.
>Protestants meanwhile actually believe in the supernatural and Divine
by definition they don't otherwise they wouldn't be protestant
This is 99% because of the American Evangelicals and 1% Mennonites and Amish
Wealthiest area of Germany is Catholic, so is Austria, France, Beligum and Northern Italy. Nice cope but there's something intrensecal to Protestantism that induces Atheism as time goes on. Maybe it's the "everything is in the Bible but also think for yourself" thing
Maybe if you think Protestant only applies to Catholics and Lutherans
Haha oops I meant Calvinists silly me
Catholics do believe in these things they just are, ironically, less ritualistic and therefore frequent the church less. The problem with protestant is that they have fanatical ideas that clash with real life, that's why they become atheist when societies evolve
He's evangelical. You see those cults with weird people screaming etc? That's what he does
evengelicals are catholics without theology
Give me your definition of a Protestant right fucking now because early Protestants were literalists who believed the Bible was infallible instead of the Catholics, who said it was all metaphorical. That only changed over time.
They are nothing like each other
>protestantism isn't christianity but proto atheism
Puritans were salafi tier
protestants tried to rationalise the divine basically le hecking science hence the proto atheism
That's why they are proto-atheist. Imagine believing in flat earth and other bronze age hebrew ideas while promoting individual thought at the same time. What could go wrong?
Where the hell did you get this information
Protestants were upset at the Catholic Church for picking and choosing parts of the Bible they liked
>Wealthiest area of Germany is Catholic, so is Austria, France, Beligum and Northern Italy.
Yeah all places that got rich with rising secularism, retard. Do you really think your average Austrian prays to God and attends Sunday mass in this day and age?
Also, Bavaria got rich after WWII when the Soviets scared off all industry from northeastern Germany and Southern Germany was the literal Big Daddy USA occupation zone.
Non-argument, now you're just trying to muddle the waters because the real facts contradict with your Tradcrusader LARPing beliefs kek. It's a fact here, Protestants (in the Americas) are much more religious and likely to actually sincerely believe the shit they preach. Catholicism is a dead or dying political and social force in Latin America.
all nominal
all atheists
There's literally thousands of different protestant congregation and churches you cant give one definition since they all have their own thing going on
>Catholics do believe in these things
Yes I'm sure they really do think about "Hell" and "Damnation" for real, hence why they totally confess regularly and absolutely do not support ""sinful""" policies like gay marriage and yada yada
Except that's not the case at all, Catholics here do not give a fuck and their religiosity is pure ritualism/habit because it's ingrained into our national culture
What made you think I support Evangelicals? I'm an atheist myself, retard. How could you possibly have interpreted my post as being pro-religion kek
My whole village is protestant, thanks america
better than cuck "don't forget to tip your monk" buddhism
Unrelated to commie East Germany but in general Protestants have a higher chance of turning irreligious than Catholics
Ask any catholic if he believes in hell, sin and God. Just because they don't go to mass doesn't mean they don't believe you fundamentalist retard
I severely apologize for my country spreading that cancer.
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>they don't believe you fundamentalist retard
You are an illiterate retard. Notice that I wasn't asking, I am stating a fact. You are obviously incapable of reading. I'm an atheist and I think all religious fanatics are insane.
>Ask any catholic if he believes in hell, sin and God.
Obviously they "believe" when you ask them and bring up the topic, but they don't live like they believe in it and obviously don't actually care or think too hard about these matters.
Evangelisch in Germany is different from the USA. The term Evangelical in Germany has always referred to Protestantism as a whole, and the existing Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland is just a bunch of Lutheran and some Calvinistic groups banded together under a common org. The Pentecostals like the US Americans virtually don't exist there.

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