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Which countries are the best at preserving architecture, and which are the worst? I vote for Italy as the best
>vgh, evil e*ropean colonizers destroyed the wonderful architecture of so many countries, imagine how many great works of art we would have today if it weren't for them!
He is right you know, for Oxford to look like that, countless African and Indian people died and their countries were plundered.
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>rebuild it? WHY WOULD WE DO THAT
he's an argentinian. no history exists for him besides europe's so don't bother
>wypipo destroyed our history!!!
>*does nothing to preserve anything still there*
Why are they like this?
VGH so opulent
idk what these niggers are on about, europe destroyed more of europe than of other countries
I’ve started becoming concerned by how mainstream this sort of sentiment has become. It seems like rabid leftism has become the norm.
If they rebuilt it they wouldn’t be able to bitch about ypipo destroying it or something
>I’ve started becoming concerned by how mainstream this sort of sentiment has become.
+10 years ago this would have been some insane tumblr account or ivory tower university professor saying this that nobody took seriously. Now you have pretty much anyone with power or influence in society mindlessly repeating this gibberish.
Very opulent
xitter is a right wing cesspool. stop acting like you're some persecuted victim, cracker
>what is tenochtitlan?
>what is the old summer palace?
>what is the benin moat?
Pile of mud??? Send it to UNESCO
>Benin Moat
lol it was already mostly in ruins when the bongs showed up and the locals used it for building materials
>the locals used it for building materials
Kek same thing happened to the Rosetta Stone before the bong invasion
We kept most of our historical dites before Napoleon nuked half them it into ruins
>old summer palace
start shit get hit
>benin moat
mud huts, only impressive for the size of the walls
caring about historical artifacts was literally a wypipo only thing for ages. 19th century Egyptians and Chinese thought White people were retarded for paying so much money for old trinkets
>oh no those chink bastards murdered Mosley Pillington Earlshafster!
>let's pillage centuries old cultural heritage, that will put an end to our conflict and keep our men safe!
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Under Mao the chinese destroyed 1000x more of their cultural heritage but they only chimpout at the time the Brits and French did it
they tortured 33 people though, 19 of them killed
Ermies chairman mao heggin destroyed western opulence (ancient temples and Buddha statues) its waaaaaaay differ t chuddy wuddy
changing demographics
expect to be oppressed once a sufficiently small minority
Cute theory, but the first museum in history was made and curated by a PoC woman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ennigaldi-Nanna%27s_museum
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>caring about historical artifacts was literally a wypipo only thing for ages.
chinks are famous for hoarding and trading artifact THOUGH! those a lot of them are just scroll painting or calligraphy
pic related, you can see different seals represent different trading houses.
>a princess opened a small palace room of artifacts in 500BC
Ah yes I'm sure this has cultural continuity to the moden period before the Britishers and Frenchers blew up all the african museums
unironically tumblr banning porn has been a disaster for the rest of us. most of them went to twitter and became the loudmouth minority dictating the terms of society by now having access to people of worth
Coping ancient knowledge and art is different to trying to preserve historic architecture and artifacts.
kek. medieval europeans constantly reused stone from roman buildings for their own
maybe don't torture diplomats to death then you fucking freak bug people?
yeah I admit the Chinese specifically were kinda autistic about keeping old things, and they also liked to reproduce old artifacts centuries later. Nevertheless thougheverbeit they didn't care about a wide range of other artifacts and happily sold them to Europeans/Americans (e.g. the Yixian glazed pottery luohans) but get mad about it now even though it probably saved them from the cultural revolution
Yeah I didn't mean wypipo always cared, it's more from the 18th century onwards. The point is even now a lot of brownoids do not care and still illegally sell their historical artifacts to foreigners and let their historical sites decay
There's no smoke without fire
>the point is even now a lot of brownoids do not care and still illegally sell their historical artifacts to foreigners and let their historical sites decay
yeah, wypipo are pure people and would NEVER do such a thing. shame on anyone who dares say otherwise!
>but get mad about it now even though it probably saved them from the cultural revolution
it was an unorganized mass chimp out by the youth at that time lol. All of the artifacts in the imperial collection were saved.
well, cant say the same for the stuffs in the countryside. I guess you can call that collateral damage lol

>yeah I admit the Chinese specifically were kinda autistic about keeping old things,
its an east asia thing so to say. Japs looted a bunch of books,paintings,... during the Imjin War.
>Muslims who ruled India for centuries and Portuguese damaged some stuff
>this is the britishers fault
why are jeets like this?
All invaders are the same in my eyes
Now compare that with the stuff europeans built in their colonies
>widespread outrage
>criminal proceedings
Meanwhile in Mexico or Egypt, this happens all the time lol
>As news emerged that an Anglo-French delegation had been imprisoned and tortured by the Qing government, with 19 delegation members being killed,[6] the British High Commissioner to China, James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin, retaliated by ordering the complete destruction of the palace on 18 October, which was then carried out by troops under his command.[5]
>Earl of Elgin
Why did that family like looting so much?
it is genuinely sad how much was destroyed by war, conquest, and colonialism, but getting mad about it like this is pure mental illness
have at it, duplicitous leaf
Mesopotamians were Aryan
>in 2021 Mexicans are still selling their own artifacts to foreigners illegally
Yes thank you for proving my point
yes and my article is from 2023 in which a PROUD WHITE MAN stole over a 1,000 roman and greek artefacts to sell to the chinese, russians and gulf arabs

No man it's just a coincidence. Italy didn't care that much at preserving architecture, it's just a recent trend because it attracts tourists.
All important places are already sacked by grave robbers
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>I vote for Italy as the best
Italy destroyed most of their architecture during WW2 and the rise of el dooku or whatever, we preserved ours best.
>British guy steals foreign stuff from museum to sell to foreigners
>Mexicans literally rip it out of pristine archaelogical sites in their own country, destroying any chance of studying it properly or understanding it
there's a big difference innit
>torturing delegates
the whole uncivilized country should have been razed
No we didn't you absolute fucking mongoloid. The fascist regime destroyed many homes and shops just to make room for them to VGH at the ancient Rome architecture. I'm no fan of the fascists but to say they went on a conquest to destroy all Italian and Roman history is absurd
It's true tho Italy has like one house and all Italians have to live in it
It's called pizza tower or something like that

Commiefags hate admitting that fascists care more about aesthetics/art than they do. It's literally order and beauty: the ideology.
123k likes, why are they so desperate with those buying likes
No the fascists also had some abysmal fucking taste and did put some of their ugly ass architectural style next to nice looking baroque palaces and whatnot in the north, but they never actively destroyed much of historical note that I'm aware of, moreso they evicted people next to things they wanted to VGH at and build what you'd refer to as section 8 housing on the outskirts of Rome to live in instead.

Read these via translator, it's better than the English article.

https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borgate_ufficiali_di_Roma (for Roman "section 8" housing built during the regime)

https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Razionalismo_italiano (for rationalism, the preferred architectural motif of the fascists)
Didn't ISIS blow up many ancient buildings and historic sites?
We can thank the british for transporting most of it out of there.
No we don't, stop making stuff up in your head retard. Communists care about the people hence why they don't shit up already existing housing or make some dumb inefficient buildings that cost absurd amounts of money for no other purpose than we wuzing like dumbasses.

Why are you proud of wanting to exist just to live in a big ugly cuckbox stacked on top of millions of people getting told what to do every day and eating gruel and commiemunch every night
It’s true THOUGH
Mexico City is built on the ruins of Tenochtitlán
>there's a big difference innit
you might have a point if it wasn't because anglo monkeys such as yourself love to >WE WUZ ROMANS AND SHIETT all the time and you hilariously imply that hwites care about studying things when 99% of things looted in thirdie countries are looted because whites DON'T give a shit about them much as long as they appear old so they have zero scrupules in buying them. not much different from rich arabs buying western art to appear sophisticated
Why not rebuilt that? We did that in Warsaw and Gdańsk
>99% of things looted in thirdie countries are looted because whites DON'T give a shit about them
Hermano??? Whites have been obsessed with Egyptian and Chinese stuff for centuries. How do you think the entire field of archaeology came into being? Even the African art was highly appreciated and not sitting in some kings storehouse like it was in Africa. Nobody in the New World, Africa, Australia, or most of Asia was studying artifacts until wypipo showed up, that's just a fact.
Brits are worst at preserving German architecture.
Maybe the Aztecs shouldn’t have raised, slaved, ritually murdered and wore the skins of the surrounding tribes and tenochitlan would exist today
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maybe if anglos hadn't invaded india you wouldn't be getting swamped by a million pajeets each year speaking your language


Nah, it would still happen. It isn't a result of the colonization, moreso the republican/cosmopolitan system everyone is drowning in in the west.
This. Most white people have no idea what's coming to them.
Imagine the modern architectural soul that'd be in Haida Gwaii had the Brits not inadvertently killed >90% of them.
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South Africa is always the best window. Even then it's imperfect, since there is still some international protection and supervision for the white minority there. If that didn't exist it would be even more vicious.

Whites were never unique in ever abusing minorities. They were unique in being tolerant and protective of them. No one else is like that.
>architectural soul
>literal wood huts, longhouses and totem poles
Feel free to head back to your mudhut in Mokhpal, sir.
lmao you're irrelevant. read a book also
You can go back to Beringia first lol
You're literally a descendant of Spaniards, you cuauhtémoc wannabe
I'm not quite sure how sending me back to an ancient, now-submerged intercontinental region is supposed to insult me, SIR!

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