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/brit/ edition
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How do you do, my fellow celtic men?
chewsday innit? New day. New chapter in me life starts now.
the scranocalypse
tooka smell clinging to the whole of emily's tight teen body
So lets just ignore the fact Spainonce was samefagging and cuckspamming with US, Belgium and UK flags non stop for the whole that last thread.
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laaaaaaawd jesus LOL
If Labour win fewer than 400 seats I'll poo in my hat and eat it. I'll even livestream it as some Friday night entertainment for the lads.
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who is stamer's policy on american gfs?
why does she have such cold dead black eyes?
Bet her farts absolutely honk.
God I love when OF girls take lewds in cons and parks and especially when they do cum walks or put stuff in their ass and pussy on rides when they have no panties and piss and shit everywhere when they just go on a ride and put their finger in their ass and taste the shit from it and make a little turd lipstick and smear it on their lips and then talk to the vendors and buy stuff and they have to pretend everything's normal while they have cummy faces and shitty lips and there's no recourse they have to smell the shit and look at the cum and they do it while pissing and masturbating and everyone is trying to look away
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Ignore it and filter it
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Proper cretin freak hours these.
Haha yeah *turns to talk to someone else*
this is it
the western civilisation /pol/ is trying to save
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tuesdays are always shite on /brit/
are you incel diaspora
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>God I love when OF girls take lewds in cons and parks and especially when they do cum walks or put stuff in their ass and pussy on rides when they have no panties and piss and shit everywhere when they just go on a ride and put their finger in their ass and taste the shit from it and make a little turd lipstick and smear it on their lips and then talk to the vendors and buy stuff and they have to pretend everything's normal while they have cummy faces and shitty lips and there's no recourse they have to smell the shit and look at the cum and they do it while pissing and masturbating and everyone is trying to look away
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spainnonces carer has a day off so he has uninterrupted time alone with his computer
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>Twenty-two Conservative Cabinet Members are likely to lose their seats.

>Rishi Sunak, Oliver Dowden, Grant Shapps, Penny Mordaunt, Kemi Badenoch, Claire Coutinho, Mel Stride, Richard Holden, Chris Heaton-Harris, David Davies, Victoria Prentis, Esther McVey, Andrew Mitchell (all to Labour)
>Jeremy Hunt, Alex Chalk, Michelle Donelan, Gillian Keegan, John Glen (to Lib Dem)
>Alister Jack (to SNP); Simon Hart (to Plaid Cyrmu), Johnny Mercer (to Reform)
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>Refugees escapegoated by government, claims Rayner
gotta drive mumberg to the airport, silver lining is that i can pick up a load of tacobell sloppa
The fuck? Isn’t he Hindu?
was just saying this down the pub yesterday
any pakis in? might cook a curry
Have fun doing this in 10 years when this place has died, harvesting (You)s from yourself like a derangeed virtual cannibap
>Rishi Sunak
getting the chicken nuggets
he's right

God i wish i had a jeeta mccy ds gf
janny deleted the thread that was created first

cant believe what im witnessing, corruption at its core
Rory has Jewish ancestry
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The Starmer campaign has been genuinely impressive at keeping it quiet that his wife and children are Jewish. They must have literally buried this fact. Imagine if this had been spread very publicly amongst Labour's brown constituencies.
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Once again, is there anything Tories can use as fear mongering against labour these days?

>they’ll strip the police force down and let criminals get away with a slap on the wrist
Already like this in Tory Britain

>Labour will open the borders and let over 100,000 migrants in every year! All the migrants have to do is cross the channel on a boat
Like what Tory border force have been doing for the last 5 years?

>Labour will take all these illegal immigrants and put them into 4 star hotels and countryside manors at the tax payers expense!
Like what you Tories are doing

>labour will import hundreds of migrants and dump them on countryside villages and towns as ethnic enrichment
Like you Tories putting migrant centres next to predominantly white towns the past 2 years?

>Labours going to turn Dr who gay and black!
are supertramp
cannot imagine how anyone gets involved in boring establishment politics unless they are power hungry
Not reading all that shite.
there he is, the everyman
seems bizarre to buy from a restaurant whose main offering is beef
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The UK is a third world country
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you are simply a cuck if you adhere to your wifes religion/culture
Reckon that food was binned by his security instantly after the photo was taken
>uber jeets
mental how there were three different cuck posters going at it for hours and they all just suddenly stopped at the exact same time
brooklyn thugs were pumping in your mum while this joint was thumping on the speakers back in the 90s
It's amazing that so many deaths are because pajeets don't understand that the train is wider than the tracks
>The Starmer campaign has been genuinely impressive at keeping it quiet that his wife and children are Jewish
They've been pretty open about it actually, his wife was all up in the news the other day about the Palestine lot intimidating her at her house
we're in here
they were sliding the other thread, something triggered them
just want to clarify it was another leaf that called that irish poo poster james joyce i just also thought of it and had the opportunity to post it again thanks x
wtf is this glif app meme
Are we yeah?
remember watching this on a stream with /pol/ back in the day
aaaahhhhh goooood times
very shit film though
janny deleting threads but not deleting obvious spam and low quality posts
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Three iPhones
One obese manlet on holiday in Spain

This isnt even a meltdown by his standards
AI spam
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Americans are golden retrievers that scare away the demons of this world with our earnestly and love
gymtoil legtoil looms ffs
Sunak losing his seat to Reform is going to be delicious.
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big boy clappers
no, you are the demons
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deary me
been doing very large poos recently very large indeed
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>first black doctor
>also first gay doctor
Uhhh blacked bros??
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tories just clocked today
they've got a day and a half to milk it
Not allowed
literally gay niggas from outta space
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Americans shouldn't exist you are an aberration
who are you planning to vote for?
>um I dunno labour/lib dem probably

Get the green tea in you.
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>solemn affirmation
>watching literal childrens telly
guess rorke was right, niggers are stupid
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Samefag + mohammed + obsessed
Why are you french
Capaldi is the only one post-reboot that feels like one of the pre-reboot Doctors

Eccleston/Tennant/Smith don't give off the right vibe for cantankerous eccentric gentleman time traveller that he always was before
the king should shut dowsn parliament
I am a black man
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Chudbros...labour is still going to win....
Nu Who is only business as usual because it's been running for yonks now
didn't have a choice
being an atheist is great because I can just swear on the Bible every time I’m lying to someone
my family have never lived anywhere but the British isles
muttland is a satanic entity
Still have PTSD from that time me and leftypol were in the trenches under meter fire and snipers from rorke
Lost my left eye to a shell splinter but leftypol armed with sheer cunning overcame rorke and won the battle
Doctor Who? More like Doctor SHITE
You aren't even Christian
Hilarious that Reform are the only minor party to gain any influence at all during this election campaign, nobody gives a shit about the Lib Dems or the Green aside from the tiny number of people who already did.
Total failure to successfully win people over to their arguments.
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literally picrel
Could have gone with Doctor Poo but no.
So? Nothing will meaningfully change, the Tories have governed like a Labour party since 2010. At least now we'll have a government that's open about being our enemies instead of pretending to be our friends
neither are you, you just have a fetish for the orthodox church. basically a pajeet tier individual
>mfw someone says something mean about minorities
>need a crackdown on immigration, i'm sick of these migrants getting hotels
>i'm labour btw
fuck's sake
pretty sure violent video games and movies cause violence
Why are you here
Oh, America.
>the Tories have governed like a Labour party since 2010
shut the fuck up with your cliched telegraph headline shit
eatingtoil is so grim. Yeah let me just prepare and shove dead animals and leaves in my mouth 3 separate times every fucking day
My presence creates violence
What a refreshing and insightful perspective
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a lot of retards who grew up playing call of duty defending burger restaurants from da ebil russhans will now be in ukraine
the lib dems are set to win the most seats in their history
possibly true for the green party who could in up to 4 mps
sounds pretty cool and cavemanlike when you put it like that
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little nancyboy says what?
delusional post
I live to eat
Zoomers be like
Meanwhile I love me grub, really do, food is a simple pleasure
kino campaign doe ever
force of habit
Mad how I can turn on commercial radio and they're playing Em's new transphobic rap hip hop song
you aren't allowed to post the mice
just spaffed all over the gaff
need a gf to be a productive human being
need to be a productive human being to get a gf
hate fags? the answers yes
would love to give mousey a big wet kiss
Imagine becoming so alienated from your basic instincts by abstraction that you could even think such a thing
BVSED but also hes pozzed
Used to love em but had to quit when they went over a tenner a pack.
so you should, smoking's a terrible habit
But you are french
wish I could just be like a car and pump a bit of gasoline in my stomach every day instead
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Midwit useless freak parties they are.

Cant barrage the Farage.
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Anyone watched any good films lately?
Hop on huel
Dr. Woke is trying to treat me for racism again
0 (+0)
rorke pole-watching at the election
just released a load all over the abode
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feel really bad for the women on facial abuse
you want me to say it, don't you
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A man using a fly swat.
literally wearing socks and also got my cock out
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why would anyone even vote for the Tories at this point, if you’re Rorke you should obviously vote reform if you’re leftypol you should obviously vote labour
Those whores love it
A man selecting songs for a Spotify playlist and then naming the playlist - 'Driving songs' or 'Gym songs'
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How can anyone see these stats and deny the fact we live in a racist society
Corr imagine if they went back to the green room and he just fucked the fuck out of her fucking face with his angry red cock
how many times do you think you’ve said “nigger” on the internet? i would guess maybe 10,000 if i had to put money on it
Based Cody
eating gay porn
never as im not a fucking racist cockwomble
Business idea: Turn the Prisoners' Dilemma into a game show and watch the audience throw fits over the inevitable outcome
>if you’re leftypol you should obviously vote labour
Lol try again
hers is a face in desperate need of a good dicking
Men drinking espressos. There's just something that icks me about the teeny cups
Every time I click Subject on a new thread it autofills my full phone number.
Bit worrisome.
get this
black people = crime
alleviates them from menstrual pain
Why should anyone care what you think
Hahaha thanks (I've spent the last week composing our wedding vows in my head)
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I do take a bit of incelsolace in the knowledge that some whores will overplay their hand and wait too long to find a Timmy to settle down with
Timeless gimmique
Have never once typed the word nigger, not once.
does spam count? If it does, probably 50K
got my straight porn socks on
Feeling exceedingly curious.
launched that fat mutant off a cliff
One of the male lecturers I work with calls our students 'gang'

He's like 'welcome gang, who is ready to get an education today?'

Get fucked Pal
Hang on
How strong are the chances that Labour does win but nowhere near as successfully as the polls have predicted? Like, way off the mark of the 400+ seats / 40% of the vote they're all predicting

After all, Starmer is not Corbyn and does not motivate youthful passionate energy, in fact his party mostly inspires apathy and boredom, if not outright hatred from his own left-wingers for his Blairite positions. There could be a serious danger that polls overestimating them might mean that millions of Labour voters who don't care too much for Starmer might not turn out to vote at all, assuming Labour's going to win easily anyway

I think it's obvious he'll get a majority but this could end up looking like a 2019 or 2015 majority not a 1997 majority
By means of science, we have made some progress towards understanding the world as it is in itself—we can point to ways in which scientific descriptions of the world are improvements on the description based on our bare perceptions, so our aspiration to know the world as it is in itself cannot be dismissed as an incoherent longing. But insofar as this aspiration is coherent, “in itself” cannot mean “without reference to the perceptions of any being.”

We might be led to suppose that perceptions had been successfully eliminated from our account of how the world is if we focus on abstract mathematical models used by scientists, but this is an error. Abstract mathematical models are a necessary part of science, but many such structures exist as models for mathematicians to study. We must be saying something further when we say of one such structure that it is not merely an object of mathematical study, but a true description of the way the world is. This ‘something further’ would include an explanation of how to apply the favored mathematical description, and that would mean matching the abstract mathematical description to perceptions.

Dummett concludes that the single world that underlies the different perceptions of humans and other species can only be understood as being the world as apprehended by a being whose knowledge constitutes the way things are—in other words, the world as apprehended by God. (Dummett, 2006, 103) Dummett thinks that this demonstrates that there exists a Creator who controls and sustains the universe, but he concedes that it is hard to reconcile Biblical statements about God’s goodness with the presence of evil in the world.

heh nothing personal atheists
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anglophonic women are so incredibly awful compared to any others
it's what the polling shows
A man using Google maps, then goes the wrong way and it has to reroute.
won’t happen, people can be motivated by either love for their candidate or hatred for their opponent, and the latter is sufficient to deliver labour a supermajority
too many words
lmao fucking Sun Tzu over here. stfu
Yeah I think there's a few key factors that could lead to pollsters scratching their heads
That's why I'm putting my money on a small Labour minority, with a flutter on a Labour minority gov
can't say anything anymore these days
woke bullshit
how do you plan on killing yourself when the Tories win <100 seats
leftypol voting for the single-issue gaza candidate so that labour only ends up with a small majority and allowing the tories to form a coalition with reform
She's married with two kids with a husband who's five years older than her
Not exactly hypocritical to be monogamous and criticise Leo DiCaprio's lifestyle
Anyone with a link/code flogging cbd is a massive ick. Get in the bin you bandwagon hopping, snake oil selling, tit for brains bellend.
dogberg suspects his bollocks have been nicked
*small Labour majority
I'm a Labour voter you mong. Stop pretending like you're one of us. Nobody likes you. Just fuck off, fuck off, FUCK OFF.
lychees have gone all moldy now i've got no dessert ffs
>Just fuck off, fuck off, FUCK OFF.
love lychees
rorke buying all the mangosteens and throwing them in the bin
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copped a new juice lads wyt
Kill yourself
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>I'm a Labour voter
don’t think I will
voting is for zogcatle
need to pay someone to beat and shout at me when i waste too much time on the internet
Does it smell of stale piss and goyslop farts
Men going bowling in general.
Men typing in their name on the screen for bowling.
Men taking bowling seriously and are over competitive at it.
Men wearing bowling shoes.
Men selecting a bowling ball and picking up different coloured balls and seeing which one is heaviest.
A man being really good at bowling.
A man being really bad at bowling.
A man who takes a break during bowling.
A man taking his shot during bowling and then walking back to the seating area.
A man celebrating a strike during bowling.
pale young meat on the streets
>This cringe Yank who pretends like he's British
WTF is up with him?
but i am still voting for reform or workers party uk
gone woke have they
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Lads want to see kids get hurt? Haha.
mental how badly I’ve mindraped you
Don't care. Still voting Reform.
Haven't been ten pin bowling for decades
I'm afraid if I did it would be a pale imitation of my memories of youth
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tight, fresh, 18 year old japanese girls being impaled by a BWC
I do this but I'm a leaf
always cringe when I type out arse instead of ass but I do it anyway haha
Men with food intolerances. Men that say they’ve got a sore tummy
Netherlands Belgium USA. The holy shitity
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Imagine being so unlikeable you can't even fit in with the other Yank cunts in /dixie/ and having to come here
it is incredibly pathetic to have a nut allergy lmao
>arguing with guy online
>hurling abuse in his direction
>look at his profile
>it's actually a girl
not sure how i feel about this
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>Hey look guys, I incorrectly use British slang and talk about British politics, am I one of the 'lads' yet? Please please like me
Men with their hair coming out in clumps
My husband is playing this new PlayStation game where he’s a samurai and now he won’t stop bowing and saying Japanese phrases and pretending to swing around a sword. he even greeted my home today from work doing it. I can’t. He is 37. 37!!!! in even worse news, he has a VR
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not voting

don’t even know how or where, pretty sure you have to sign up or something and i didn’t

would probably have to stand in a queue or fill in a form so i’m just not gonna do it
would love to punch a woman right in the jaw ngl
Taco bell order this afternoon
3 Cheesy Double Beef Burrito
3 Chicken Enchilada Burrito
1 Crunchwrap Supreme®
1 Stacker
Large diet dr pepper
Why don't people in Britain value fresh food?
All the supermarkets except Waitrose and Morrissons got rid of their deli counters, their cheese counters, the fishmongers, the butchers, and nobody seems to care.
Just happy to have everything vacuum packed or eat ready meals.
Go to France or Italy and even the tiny express shops have fresh food counters.
you've broken the social contract and should be quarantined
Haha it's chuesday innit? Haha
Waving down a waitress but they don't acknowledge them so they have to keep trying
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>that last thread

Mental how badly I’ve mindraped everyone in this thread lol. Bet you lot even have dreams about me haha
Mhmm x
because britain is a nation of plebs
Alri Big Smoke
my local tescos still has a cheese counter and a fish counter
bbcposting is overpowered, it’s free automatic (you)s from timmy
People don't have a good chat anymore
has your carer ever caught you bbc spamming?
Deja Vu is apparently a sign that you've had a miniature stroke
I don't believe it does.
Yeah lol, mental how easy it is to rile them up.
We're too shy to bother the staff at those deli counters
people need to be taught this shit in schools desu
Well I'm not walking there to post pictures of it
Deja Vu is apparently a sign that you've had a miniature stroke.
Just sipped some herbal tea
Deja Vu is apparently a sign that you've had a miniature stroke
good lad
you can go to a fish monger and get a fresh fish for like £2 but brits will still go to waitrose and spend £12 for a shittier one
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I am a creative genius
Like most things taught in schools no kids would pay any attention and then later they would complain that nobody taught them how to do it.
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Girl feet
Girl tummies
Girl navals
Girl thighs
Girl legs
someone once told me I put the mong in monger. think it was an insult but oh well
She helps me do it as part of my contract with her. After she gives me my sponge bath we sit down and crack out six hours of BBC posts between us, me as UK flag her as Belgium
I am a retard
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Jaykwon's pov tonight
Deja jew I've paid reparations before
These niggas be eating plaice
Mental how shite the Netherlands are lol

Every team England have in front of them before the final is utter dogshit. No excuse whatsoever if we don’t get there.
if you sold people with downsyndrome as slaves you could be a mongmonger
Thailad on Mikey's discord going mental
yeah, katy bored, getting deja vu from that miniature stroke from timmy
but when she get a pump from that thick dark ting, she aint got no memory of that, her mind is altered permanently
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>oi 'arry show me ya wizard dick
wasn’t he arrested for insulting the thai king
England's dogshitter
hahahaha oh my daaaaays LOL

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